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The cichlid fishes comprise the largest extant vertebrate family and are the quintessential example of rapid “explosive” adaptive radiations and phenotypic diversification. Despite low genetic divergence, East African cichlids harbor a spectacular intra- and interspecific morphological diversity, including the hyper-variable, neural crest (NC)-derived traits such as coloration and craniofacial skeleton. Although the genetic and developmental basis of these phenotypes has been investigated, understanding of when, and specifically how early, in ontogeny species-specific differences emerge, remains limited. Since adult traits often originate during embryonic development, the processes of embryogenesis could serve as a potential source of species-specific variation. Consequently, we designed a staging system by which we compare the features of embryogenesis between three Malawi cichlid species—Astatotilapia calliptera, Tropheops sp. ‘mauve’ and Rhamphochromis sp. “chilingali”—representing a wide spectrum of variation in pigmentation and craniofacial morphologies. Our results showed fundamental differences in multiple aspects of embryogenesis that could underlie interspecific divergence in adult adaptive traits. First, we identified variation in the somite number and signatures of temporal variation, or heterochrony, in the rates of somite formation. The heterochrony was also evident within and between species throughout ontogeny, up to the juvenile stages. Finally, the identified interspecific differences in the development of pigmentation and craniofacial cartilages, present at the earliest stages of their overt formation, provide compelling evidence that the species-specific trajectories begin divergence during early embryogenesis, potentially during somitogenesis and NC development. Altogether, our results expand our understanding of fundamental cichlid biology and provide new insights into the developmental origins of vertebrate morphological diversity.  相似文献   
Cross neutralization test with antisera to crude haemolysins produced by some Escherichia coli strains indicated that there were no antigenic differences among the haemolysins tested. These crude preparates showed definite cytotoxicity which could also be cross neutralized by "antihaemolysin" sera. Neutralization experiments were performed in mouse lung test with homologous and heterologous anti-haemolysin sera, and with O and OK sera to the wild type strain and its toxic R mutant. The results showed that the immunity in the mouse lung model is antitoxic and antibacterial.  相似文献   
An Escherichia coli serogroup O55 strain produced heat-labile enterotoxin only, which exerted unusual effects on cell cultures; it caused elongation of CHO and HeLa cells but no changes in Y-1 cells. Injection of this substance, designated LT', into mouse foot pad and rabbit skin caused a well-expressed necrotic effect beside the LT-like activity. LT' showed no cytotoxic effect and failed to produce mouse lung oedema. The strain was not haemolytic. According to Sephadex G-100 fractionation, the LT' had a high molecular weight. The LT' and the necrotic activities could not be separated by fractionation. Neutralization experiments suggested an antigenic relationship between LT and LT'. The antigenic deficiency of LT' was closely related to the common antigenic component of LT and choleragen. The necrotic effect caused by crude LT' was neutralized only by the homologous serum.  相似文献   
Culture-independent molecular biological techniques, including 16S rRNA gene and functional gene clone libraries and microarray analyses using pmoA (encoding a key subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase), were applied to investigate the methanotroph community structure in alkaline soil from a Chinese coal mine. This environment contained a high diversity of methanotrophs, including the type II methanotrophs Methylosinus / Methylocystis , type I methanotrophs related to Methylobacter / Methylosoma and Methylococcus , and a number of as yet uncultivated methanotrophs. In order to identify the metabolically active methane-oxidizing bacteria from this alkaline environment, DNA stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) experiments using 13CH4 were carried out. This showed that both type I and type II methanotrophs were active, together with methanotrophs related to Methylocella , which had previously been found only in acidic environments. Methylotrophs, including Methylopila and Hyphomicrobium , were also detected in soil DNA and after DNA-SIP experiments. DNA sequence information on the most abundant, active methanotrophs in this alkaline soil will facilitate the design of oligonucleotide probes to monitor enrichment cultures when isolating key alkaliphilic methanotrophs from such environments.  相似文献   
Peatlands represent an enormous carbon reservoir and have a potential impact on the global climate because of the active methanogenesis and methanotrophy in these soils. Uncultivated methanotrophs from seven European peatlands were studied using a combination of molecular methods. Screening for methanotroph diversity using a particulate methane monooxygenase-based diagnostic gene array revealed that Methylocystis-related species were dominant in six of the seven peatlands studied. The abundance and methane oxidation activity of Methylocystis spp. were further confirmed by DNA stable-isotope probing analysis of a sample taken from the Moor House peatland (England). After ultracentrifugation, (13)C-labelled DNA, containing genomic DNA of these Methylocystis spp., was separated from (12)C DNA and subjected to multiple displacement amplification (MDA) to generate sufficient DNA for the preparation of a fosmid metagenomic library. Potential bias of MDA was detected by fingerprint analysis of 16S rRNA using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for low-template amplification (0.01 ng template). Sufficient template (1-5 ng) was used in MDA to circumvent this bias and chimeric artefacts were minimized by using an enzymatic treatment of MDA-generated DNA with S1 nuclease and DNA polymerase I. Screening of the metagenomic library revealed one fosmid containing methanol dehydrogenase and two fosmids containing 16S rRNA genes from these Methylocystis-related species as well as one fosmid containing a 16S rRNA gene related to that of Methylocella/Methylocapsa. Sequencing of the 14 kb methanol dehydrogenase-containing fosmid allowed the assembly of a gene cluster encoding polypeptides involved in bacterial methanol utilization (mxaFJGIRSAC). This combination of DNA stable-isotope probing, MDA and metagenomics provided access to genomic information of a relatively large DNA fragment of these thus far uncultivated, predominant and active methanotrophs in peatland soil.  相似文献   
Western boundary currents (WBCs) redistribute heat and oligotrophic seawater from the tropics to temperate latitudes, with several displaying substantial climate change‐driven intensification over the last century. Strengthening WBCs have been implicated in the poleward range expansion of marine macroflora and fauna, however, the impacts on the structure and function of temperate microbial communities are largely unknown. Here we show that the major subtropical WBC of the South Pacific Ocean, the East Australian Current (EAC), transports microbial assemblages that maintain tropical and oligotrophic (k‐strategist) signatures, to seasonally displace more copiotrophic (r‐strategist) temperate microbial populations within temperate latitudes of the Tasman Sea. We identified specific characteristics of EAC microbial assemblages compared with non‐EAC assemblages, including strain transitions within the SAR11 clade, enrichment of Prochlorococcus, predicted smaller genome sizes and shifts in the importance of several functional genes, including those associated with cyanobacterial photosynthesis, secondary metabolism and fatty acid and lipid transport. At a temperate time‐series site in the Tasman Sea, we observed significant reductions in standing stocks of total carbon and chlorophyll a, and a shift towards smaller phytoplankton and carnivorous copepods, associated with the seasonal impact of the EAC microbial assemblage. In light of the substantial shifts in microbial assemblage structure and function associated with the EAC, we conclude that climate‐driven expansions of WBCs will expand the range of tropical oligotrophic microbes, and potentially profoundly impact the trophic status of temperate waters.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most diverse environments on the planet and are strongly threatened by human activities. Their restoration and/or mitigation of human impacts, therefore, relies on information that can aid to the management of impacted wetlands so that they return to a (semi-) natural state. We investigate in this study the relationship between dormant stages of zooplankton and clay removal in areas subjected to mining. We evaluate whether a gradual increase in topsoil addition from donor natural wetlands to the sediment of mined wetlands influenced the zooplankton community. Eight wetlands were sampled in the Sinos River floodplain, four natural and four mined. In the laboratory, four field sediment samples were incubated for zooplankton hatching in five treatments comprising sediments from: mined wetlands, natural wetlands, and three treatments containing mined sediments added with low (5%), medium (20%) and high (40%) quantities of sediment from natural wetlands. Hatching consisted of 61 individuals distributed across eight zooplankton taxa. Copepod nauplii were the most abundant (31.1%) followed by Epiphanes sp. (29.5%) and Ovalona glabra (16.4%). While natural wetlands provided 42.6% of the hatched zooplankton, mined wetlands had just 6.5%. Zooplankton richness and abundance were higher in natural wetland sediments compared with mined and added sediment wetlands. To some degree, the sediment soil donation from natural to mined wetlands was considered viable. As long as prior studies are performed to test the size and quality of the dormant banks present in the sediment of candidate donor wetlands, sediment from donor wetlands may aid in the establishment of a more diverse community in disturbed systems.

Biological Trace Element Research - Excessive adipose tissue promotes the manifestation of endocrine disorders such as reduction of the secretion of zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG), an adipokine...  相似文献   
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