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We studied the behavior of the Poeciliid fishGambusia affinis after the introduction of 3 substances into their tank: a homogenization ofGambusia affinis, a homogenization of the Anabantid fishBetta splendens, and a blank made of distilled water. The response of the fish was measured as a change in their spatial distribution in the tank after the introduction of the substance. Two sizes of fish were used, and theGambusia homogenization produced clear alarm reactions in both, the fish fleeing to the bottom of the tank. This is one of a few examples available of recognition of alarm substances in non-ostariophysian fish. In addition, we found that the small fishes that had recently been exposed to the alarm substance stayed in an ‘alert state’, in which they had an increased sensitivity to mechanical and visual fright stimuli.  相似文献   
A cystinuria disease gene (rBAT) has been recently identified, and some mutations causing the disease have been described. The frequency of these mutations has been investigated in a large sample of 51 Italian and Spanish cystinuric patients. In addition, to identify new mutated alleles, genomic DNA has been analyzed by an accurate and sensitive method able to detect nucleotide changes. Because of the lack of information available on the genomic structure of rBAT gene, the study was carried out using the sequence data so far obtained by us. More than 70% of the entire coding sequence and 8 intron-exon boundaries have been analyzed. Four new mutations and seven intragenic polymorphisms have been detected. All mutations so far identified in rBAT belong only to cystinuria type I alleles, accounting for ~44% of all type I cystinuric chromosomes. Mutation M467T is the most common mutated allele in the Italian and Spanish populations. After analysis of 70% of the rBAT coding region, we have detected normal sequences in cystinuria type II and type III chromosomes. The presence of rBAT mutated alleles only in type I chromosomes of homozygous (type I/I) and heterozygous (type I/III) patients provides evidence for genetic heterogeneity where rBAT would be responsible only for type I cystinuria and suggests a complementation mechanism to explain the intermediate type I/type III phenotype.  相似文献   
Dengue virus nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) unwinds double stranded RNA driven by the free energy derived from the hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates. This paper presents the first systematic and quantitative characterization of the steady-state NTPase activity of DENV NS3 and their interaction with ssRNA. Substrate curves for ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP were obtained, and the specificity order for these nucleotides - evaluated as the ratio (kcat/KM)- was GTPATPCTP UTP, which showed that NS3 have poor ability to discriminate between different NTPs. Competition experiments between the four substrates indicated that all of them are hydrolyzed in one and the same catalytic site of the enzyme. The effect of ssRNA on the ATPase activity of NS3 was studied using poly(A) and poly(C). Both RNA molecules produced a 10 fold increase in the turnover rate constant (kcat) and a 100 fold decrease in the apparent affinity (KM) for ATP. When the ratio [RNA bases]/[NS3] was between 0 and 20 the ATPase activity was inhibited by increasing both poly(A) and poly(C). Using the theory of binding of large ligands (NS3) to a one-dimensional homogeneous lattice of infinite length (RNA) we tested the hypothesis that inhibition is the result of crowding of NS3 molecules along the RNA lattices. Finally, we discuss why this hypothesis is consistent with the idea that the ATPase catalytic cycle is tightly coupled to the movement of NS3 helicase along the RNA.  相似文献   
Alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking are assumed to have significant independent and joint effects on oral cancer (OC) development. This assumption is based on consistent reports from observational studies, which, however, overestimated the independent effects of smoking and drinking, because they did not account for the interaction effect in multivariable analyses. This case-control study sought to investigate the independent and the joint effects of smoking and drinking on OC in a homogeneous sample of adults. Case patients (N = 1,144) were affected by invasive oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma confirmed histologically, diagnosed between 1998 and 2008 in four hospitals of São Paulo (Brazil). Control patients (N = 1,661) were not affected by drinking-, smoking-associated diseases, cancers, upper aero-digestive tract diseases. Cumulative tobacco and alcohol consumptions were assessed anamnestically. Patients were categorized into never/ever users and never/level-1/level-2 users, according to the median consumption level in controls. The effects of smoking and drinking on OC adjusted for age, gender, schooling level were assessed using logistic regression analysis; Model-1 did not account for the smoking-drinking interaction; Model-2 accounted for this interaction and included the resultant interaction terms. The models were compared using the likelihood ratio test. According to Model-1, the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for smoking, drinking, smoking-drinking were 3.50 (95% confidence interval –95CI, 2.76–4.44), 3.60 (95CI, 2.86–4.53), 12.60 (95CI, 7.89–20.13), respectively. According to Model-2 these figures were 1.41 (95CI, 1.02–1.96), 0.78 (95CI, 0.48–1.27), 8.16 (95CI, 2.09–31.78). Analogous results were obtained using three levels of exposure to smoking and drinking. Model-2 showed statistically significant better goodness-of-fit statistics than Model-1. Drinking was not independently associated with OC, while the independent effect of smoking was lower than expected, suggesting that observational studies should be revised adequately accounting for the smoking-drinking interaction. OC control policies should focus on addictive behaviours rather than on single lifestyle risk factors.  相似文献   
Species richness and endemicity in the Spanish vascular flora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from an updated and revised checklist of the Spanish flora is analyzed. The Spanish vascular plant flora is composed of 204 families, 1433 genera and 7071 species. Floristic data are analysed by considering three regions: mainland Spain with 5984 species, the Balearic Islands with 1521 species and Canary Islands with 2066 species. Extinct species are included in the analysis, with an extinction rate of 0.35% of the flora. A total of 1488 endemic species are recognized, which account for 21% of the Spanish flora. The rate of endemism in the Canary Islands is 25.9%, considerably higher than for the Balearic Islands (6.9%) and for mainland Spain (13.8%). A list of the 35 strict endemic genera is compiled, of which 65.7% are Canarian, and another list of 27 subendemic genera of which 48.1% are also Canarian. An estimated 12% of the Spanish flora is non‐native, with large variation between the 20.7% of the Canary flora, 10.5% of mainland Spain and 9.7% of the Balearic Islands. Finally, the composition of the Spanish flora for large groups and families is ana lysed. The data show that species richness and endemicity rates have been overestimated by previous authors, and are similar to other Mediterranean countries. It is concluded that a complete revision of the Macaronesian flora is strongly needed to obtain an accurate comparison with the flora of other areas.  相似文献   
Large amount of drilling waste associated with the expansion of the Orinoco Oil Belt (OOB), the biggest proven reserve of extra-heavy crude oil (EHCO) worldwide, is usually impregnated with EHCO and highly salinized water-based drilling fluids. Oxidative exoenzymes (OE) of the lignin-degrading enzyme system (LDS) of fungi catalyse the oxidation of a wide range of toxic pollutants. However, very little evidences on fungal degradation or biotransformation of EHCO have been reported, which contain high amounts of asphaltenes and its biodegradation rate is very limited. The aims of this work were to study the ability of Pestalotiopsis palmarum BM-04 to synthesize OE, its potential to biotransform EHCO and to survive in extreme environmental conditions. Enzymatic studies of the LDS showed the ability of this fungus to overproduce high amounts of laccase (LACp) in presence of wheat bran or lignin peroxidase (LIPp) with EHCO as sole carbon and energy source (1300 U mgP−1 in both cases). FT-IR spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) analysis showed the enzymatic oxidation of carbon and sulfur atoms in both maltenes and asphaltenes fractions of biotreated EHCO catalysed by cell-free laccase-enriched OE using wheat bran as inducer. UV-visible spectrophotometry analysis revealed the oxidation of the petroporphyrins in the asphaltenes fraction of biotreated EHCO. Tolerance assays showed the ability of this fungus to grow up to 50 000 p.p.m. of EHCO and 2000 mM of NaCl. These results suggest that P. palmarum BM-04 is a hopeful alternative to be used in remediation processes in extreme environmental conditions of salinity and EHCO contamination, such as the drilling waste from the OOB.  相似文献   
The coffee berry borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide. In this study, we used headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to sample and identify volatile compounds from Robusta coffee berries, Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner, infested with CBB and with mechanical damage. Furthermore, we evaluated the behavioral responses of the CBB and two of its parasitoids, Prorops nasuta Waterstone and Phymastichus coffea LaSalle, to three selected coffee volatile compounds in a Y-tube olfactometer. We found in the effluvia of red coffee berry compounds not previously reported for this coffee species. Our results show that Robusta coffee berries release induced volatiles either by insect herbivory or by mechanical damage. Small amount of butyl acetate, unknown compound 2, α-longipinene, longiborneol and longiborneol acetate are produced only in infested coffee berries fruits. Quantitatively, nine compounds account for the difference between healthy berries, infested, or mechanically damaged berries. Trans-ocimene, 4,8-dimethyl-3,7-nonadien-2-ol, α-copaene and kaurene increased amount levels in infested berries, while amount of methyl salicylate and linalool increased in mechanically damaged coffee berries. The olfactometric bioassays showed that CBB females and its two parasitoids were attracted to methyl salicylate. In addition, H. hampei and P. nasuta were attracted to linalool, and P. nasuta and P. coffea were attracted to trans-ocimene.  相似文献   
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