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The growth of an individual thallus of the brown alga Laminaria japonica was studied in a laboratory environment. It was found that daily accretion of the Laminaria thallus can remain constant for a long time. The blade grew in length at a distance from 0 to 15–25 cm from the stipe-blade border, which makes up 60% of the blade length. In width, the blade grew both in the central and in the lateral parts of the blade, 0 to 7–10 cm from the stipe-blade border, which makes up 30% of the frond length. The transposition of a perforation hole mark from the stipe-blade border toward the blade tip evidenced the formation of new tissue in the growth zone even when the thallus diminished in size due to destruction of the blade tip. Based on the results of this observation, it was concluded that both restraint of accumulation and even reduction of the algal thallus in biomass and size cannot be taken as an indication of algal growth cessation.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Skriptsova, Leletkin.  相似文献   
This paper discusses experimental data and theoretical concepts characterizing the trophic status of symbiotic zooxanthellae and the mechanisms regulating their density in hermatypic corals. Under natural conditions, the growth of zooxanthellae is not limited by the deficiency of nitrogen. The main factor regulating the density of zooxanthellae is their ingestion by the animal host.  相似文献   
We analyzed the recent data on the distribution of the photosynthetic energy of zooxanthellae in corals and the models of interactions between the plant and animal cells in the course of matter and energy exchange developed based on this information. The models of energy exchange of animals symbiotic with zooxanthellae are characterized by the following features: (1) A flow chart of carbon or energy fluxes is the main form of representation of the energetics in native symbiotic organisms. (2) The relations between the symbionts are relatively adequately revealed and correspond to the modern notions; however, the intensities of the energy fluxes ascribed to these relations are dependent on the experimental and design methods used by the authors. (3) The inputs into the energy budget consist of the autotrophic production of zooxanthellae and the heterotrophy of the polyp. The energy expenditures comprise excretion, respiration, development, and growth of the animal and algae. (4) The differences between the species, genera, and phyla of animals that develop symbiotic relations with zooxanthellae are confined to the absolute values of energy fluxes in the organism.  相似文献   
In this paper, I review data on the magnitude and extent of reef coral bleaching events and consider modern hypotheses on the mechanisms of this natural phenomenon and experimental data lying at their basis. Four possible mechanisms of color loss by hermatypic corals have been confirmed experimentally: bacterial infection, change of zooxanthellae type in the polyps to improve the heat resistance of the photosynthetic function of coral to elevated seawater temperature, intoxication of zooxanthellae by animal metabolic wastes at high temperature and light levels, and thermal and photodestruction of the animal and algal cells. The heating effect of photosynthetic active radiation on the zooxanthellar cells in coral polyps was verified theoretically. The calculations showed that in the natural environment, the additional light-induced heating of zooxanthellae is not above 0.01°C and that it cannot cause disruption of the animal and zooxanthellae symbiosis.  相似文献   
Carotenoid peridinin absorbs ocean light which could penetrate deep into the water. Absolute and relative contents of symbiotic dinoflagellatae zooxanthellae are increased with depth of habitat of germatypic corals. To estimate whether the presence of peridinin in corals is chromatic adaptation or not, the absorbance of solar radiation by different amounts of peridinin and chlorophyll in natice zooxanthellae cells was evaluated. Calculations have shown that at the great depths the peredinin absorbance corresponds to 42% of total cell absorbance and that the increase of light absorbance correlating with changes of its spectral characteristics is entirely determined by presence of this carotenoid. The increase of amount of peridinin in cell is as much important as important the increase of all other pigments taken together. However, at the same time selective and preferential accumulation of peridinin and the change of its native state in the limits naturally occurred in zooxanthellae cells have only low impact on the light absorbance. The presence of peridinin could be considered as manifestation of chromatic adaptation of organism. The comparison of light absorption by zooxanthellae with different content of peridinin (or without peridinin) reveals that this pigment expands the habitat of hermatypic corals in ocean waters at 8-17 meters into the deep.  相似文献   
The change of Stylophora pistillata coral photosynthetic function (oxygen exchange and biomass of symbionts) under starvation and food enrichment was studied to understand the role of heterotrophy in nitrogen supplements of zooxanthellae. The starvation caused the decrease of frequency of zooxanthellae cells division in 7-10 times. The number of degraded algae cells increased in same proportion and, as a result, the density of zooxanthellae in corals decreased about two times during one-two weeks. Under starvation corals kept their photosynthetic capacity at the level of corals in situ by means of enhancing the zooxanthellae gross photosynthesis. The respiration rate of coral had tendency to increase and the dry mass of polyp tissue to decrease. Under artificial feeding which was following starvation the zooxanthellae density increased in 1.5-2 times, and particular food caused more intensive accumulation of zooxanthellae comparing to dissolved inorganic ammonium. The feeding regime did not affect dry mass of polyp tissue and chlorophyll content as well as respiration and gross productivity of the corals. The conclusion about high effectiveness of particular feeding for supplying symbiotic algae with nitrogen was made and trophic status of zooxanthellae in hospite was determined as unlimited by nitrogen.  相似文献   
From August to October 2002, daily measurements of the thallus weight and area were taken in sporophytes and male and female gametophytes of Ulva fenestrata at similar developmental phases. The algae were reared in aquaria at a constant temperature (22 ± 0.5°C); illumination was applied for 12h a day at a photosynthetically active radiation intensity of 400 E/(m2 s). All generations showed a linear increase in the thallus weight and area over time with the same relative daily increment (8 to 15%). Generations differed significantly in time to onset of sporogenesis or gametogenesis. The female gametophyte, sporophyte, and male gametophyte began to release gametes or spores in 7, 10, and 15 days, respectively. A scheme for the distribution of cells among age groups is proposed. The scheme seems to account for the linear pattern of thallus growth.  相似文献   
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