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The fluorescence of the lipophilic prbe N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine (NPN) bound to intact cells of Escherichia coli is quenched by the addition of glucose, succinate, -lactate, pyruvate, formate and glycerol. Partial recovery of fluorescence occurs on anaerobiosis. Use of mutants with defects in the ATP synthase or the respiratory chain show that quenching of fluorescence may be energized either by ATP hydrolysis or by substrate oxidation through the respiratory chain. Permeabilization of the outer membrane by treatment of intact cells with EDTA, or use of a mutant with an outer membrane permeable to lipophilic substances, results in a more rapid binding of NPN and in a decrease in quenching observed on substrate addition. NPN binds rapidly to everted membrane vesicles, but does not respond to membrane energization. It is proposed that inner membrane energization in intact cells alters the binding or environment of NPN in the outer membrane. The fluorescence recovery which occurs on anaerobiosis has two components. One component represents a reversal of the changes which occur on membrane energization. The other component of the fluorescence change is insensitive to the uncoupler CCCP and resembles the behaviour of NPN with everted membrane vesicles. It is suggested that a portion of the fluorescence events seen with NPN involves a response of the probe to changes in the inner membrane.  相似文献   
Potato cells (cv. Norchip) were cultured from tuber parenchymal tissue and subcultured to dissociate and habituate the despecialized cells. After several subculturings on a minimal nutrient media, this line of cells demonstrated repeatable physical growth profiles for dry weight (DW), fresh weight (FW) and protein. Two enzymes of plant lipid metabolism were investigated, lipolytic acyl hydrolase (LAH) and lipoxygenase (LOX), which respectively liberate and peroxidize fatty acids from lipid in cellular membranes. LAH, measured as p-nitrophenyl palmitate hydrolase, was present in this line of cells in easily detectable amounts (317 units g-1 DW) albeit much lower than that found in mother tuber (9878 units g-1 DW). The presence of LAH in this line is significant because LAH isozymes are often described as storage proteins, yet activity per gram fresh weight in these unorganized cells is reasonably constant until culture growth exits the linear phase. However, LOX, the most active free fatty acid metabolizing enzyme in potato tubers (89,800 units g-1 DW), was not detectable in this line of callus or suspension cultured cells. The absence of LOX activity in this line of cells was verified by a number of assay approaches and was confirmed by activity staining of extracted enzymes separated in polyacrylamide gels. The absence of LOX in these cultured cells is especially important in determining the functions of this lipid peroxidation system and how it may be genetically regulated.Mention of company or trade name does not imply endorsement by the United States Department of Agriculture over others not named.A laboratory cooperatively operated by the Midwest Area, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, The Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, the North Dakota Agrcultural Experiment Station, and the Red River Valley Potato Grower's Association.  相似文献   
Comparisons are made of self-reported medical costs from a sample of headache patients who underwent various combinations of relaxation training and biofeedback training. The average costs for the 2 years prior to self-regulatory treatment were $955±480 (3 SEM) for 45 patients; for the 2 years after completing treatment the average costs were $52±28 (3 SEM) for patients. Within the limitations of the study, medical costs do seem to have been markedly reduced.This research was supported by a grant from NINCDS, NS-15235.  相似文献   
An in vitro model of granuloma formation was used to study the cellular immune responses of Schistosoma mansoni-infected patients. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs in recent, well-defined infections and long-term chronic infections, and to determine the role of T cell subsets (OKT3, 4, and 8) defined by monoclonal antibodies in granulomatous hypersensitivity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients with recent S. mansoni infections demonstrated increased granulomatous hypersensitivity responses in vitro when compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of OKT3+ or OKT4+ cells reduced the ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. Positive selection for OKT4+ T cells produced optimal granulomatous hypersensitivity when compared to that produced by the unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cell population. OKT8+ cells demonstrated no ability to form granulomas in vitro. Selective removal of OKT8+ T cells produced variable results in the ability of the remaining peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of investigating granulomatous hypersensitivity and immunoregulatory mechanisms operative in S. mansoni-infected patients by using in vitro technology.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs décriventPseudoscymnus simmondsi, espèce nouvelle deCoccinellidae prédatrice dePinnaspis strachani (Cooley) surFicus palmata au Pakistan occidental. Les autres espèces du genre sont connues seulement de l'Extrême-Orient.

This research has been financed in part by a grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.  相似文献   
Candida albicans was established in large numbers throughout the gut after one oral challenge in the germ-free and in the conventional mouse. Of the strains tested, only the germ-free ND 1 mouse appeared to be susceptible to infection, and this was confined to the stomach mucosa; lesions contained large numbers of hyphal and mycelial forms with blastospores. These forms were also seen in the gut of resistant germ-free ND 4 mice after challenge. Only budding yeast forms were seen in the gut contents from conventional animals. The concentration of sulfhydryl-containing compounds was decreased in the stomach contents from germ-free mice. The stomach tissue of conventional animals seemed to be more acidic than that of germ-free animals, and association of C. albicans with conventional mice neutralized some of this acidity. E(h) values of contents from the gut of unchallenged mice were usually higher in conventional than in germ-free animals; after challenge, the E(h) in both groups decreased. Some reciprocal effects of intestinal microorganisms and host are discussed in relation to intestinal candidiasis.  相似文献   
Synopsis Lake Malawi/Niassa is the second largest rift valley lake in Africa, with an area of 28 800 km2, and an average and maximum depth of 292 m and>700 m, respectively. The lake is well known for the great diversity of fish occurring in the inshore zone. However, the offshore fish community is poorly documented. To rectify this, regular sampling was undertaken over two years, using trawl and gillnets at six offshore locations. This paper reports on the species composition, spatial distribution and breeding biology of the dominant cichlids species from the offshore pelagic zone. Cichlids formed approximately 88% of the offshore fish biomass. Most abundant were two species of zooplanktivores in the genus Diplotaxodon that made up 71% of the offshore fish biomass. An undescribed species, given the cheironym D. bigeye, was mainly found at a depth of 220 m during the day, but moved into near surface waters at night when the moon was full. This species was absent from the shallow regions of the lake. The most abundant offshore species was D. limnothrissa, which was distributed evenly throughout the lake to depths of 220 m. A less common offshore zooplanktivore was Copadichromis quadrimaculatus that formed 5% of the biomass and was confined to the upper 100 m of the water column. The main piscivores were in the genus Rhamphochromis and formed approximately 10% of the offshore fish biomass. The two dominant taxa were R. longiceps and the large Rhamphochromis group, and both were more common in the southern half of the lake. The former occurred mainly in the upper 100 m of the water column and the latter mainly at depths of 100–150 m. The length at maturity and fecundity for the dominant offshore species were estimated and seasonal breeding cycles determined from gonad activity and gonado-somatic indices.  相似文献   
The effects of food concentration and food quality on the growthrate and bioluminescence potential of the heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans were examined. The growth rate of N. scinullansvaried greatly with the phytoplankton food it was provided,and those foods yielding higher growth rates also produced cellsthat were smaller in diameter, but with a greater bioluminescencepotential per unit volume. Small phytoplankton species, includingIsochrysis galbana and an unidentified chrysophyte responsiblefor the Texas brown tide, supported the lowest growth rates.Other small flagellates (Dunaliella tertiolecta) and dinoflagellates(Gyrodinium dorsum, Prorocentrum minimum) supported moderategrowth rates. The highest growth rates were supported by diatomsand prasinophytes. Maximum growth rates (0.5 day-1) were obtainedwith the diatom Thalassiosira sp. at concentrations  相似文献   
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