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Cytoskeleton in preimplantation mouse development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the constituents of the cytoskeleton in the cells of the preimplantation mouse embryo and how they change as the development proceeds. The cytoskeleton can be divided into two distinct groups, that in the cytosplasm and that associated with the membrane. The first and better-known group contains microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments, the second such components of the cell and nuclear membrane as spectrin-like protein and nuclear lamin. The filamentous components of the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton adhere to the nuclear and cell membrane at attachment points where specific proteins such as vinculin may mediate the interaction. Each cell of the early embryo has all of these components, but their morphological organization and molecular constitution alter as the embryo develops. These modifications are especially pronounced when the cleavage-stage embryo compacts and when the blastocysts forms and differentiates. These events represent the most critical stages of morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation in the preimplantation embryo. The cytoskeleton may thus have an important role in the control of the early mammalian development.  相似文献   
The metanephric mesenchyme becomes converted into epithelial tubules if cultured in transfilter contact with an inductor tissue. The expression of intermediate filaments (IFs), used as cell-type-specific markers has been studied in this model system for differentiation and organogenesis. In immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen sections, the undifferentiated cells of isolated metanephric mesenchymes uniformly showed IFs of vimentin type only. Also, when cultured as a monolayer, cells from the uninduced mesenchymes showed only vimentin filaments. In frozen sections of transfilter explants, epithelial tubules apparently negative for vimentin could be seen after 3 days in culture, but expression of cytokeratin could not be demonstrated in the developing tubules until the fourth day of culture. Sections of explants cultured further showed tubule cells with distinct fibrillar cytokeratin positivity. The appearance of cytokeratin in the explants was also demonstrated with immunoblotting experiments, using two different cytokeratin antibodies. Expression of IFs was further examined in monolayer cultures of metanephric mesenchymes which had been initially exposed to a short transfilter induction pulse. In these experiments, cytokeratin-positive cells could be demonstrated after a total of 4 days in culture. Double immunofluorescence experiments showed varying amounts of vimentin in the cytokeratin-positive cells: after 4 days in culture, most cytokeratin-positive cells still showed vimentin-positivity although often in a nonfibrillar form. During further culture, gradual disappearance of vimentin-specific fluorescence was observed in cytokeratin-positive cells. The results suggest that the vimentin-positive metanephric mesenchyme cells lose their fibrillar vimentin organization upon induction that leads to kidney tubule formation. This change may be essential for the transformation from an undifferentiated mesenchymal cell into a specialized epithelial cell. Cytokeratin filaments, regarded as a marker for epithelial cells, seem to appear simultaneously with or soon after the change in vimentin organization. These changes in IF expression also occur in monolayer cultures of mesenchyme cells initially exposed to a short transfilter induction pulse. This suggests that epithelial differentiation, as revealed by the emergence of cytokeratin positivity, may occur even in the absence of a clear morphological differentiation and three-dimensional organization of the cells.  相似文献   
Exogenous fibronectin is not required for organogenesis in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological effect of plasma fibronectin on the differentiation of embryonic mouse kidney and tooth was studied in organ cultures. Transferrin (50 micrograms/ml) was a strong mitogen for kidney cells, whereas the addition of soluble fibronectin (50 to 250 micrograms/ml) had no detectable effect on differentiation or proliferation. The same serum-free, transferrin-containing medium did not support tooth differentiation. However, fibronectin was not a necessary serum component because fibronectin-free serum supported tooth development. It was demonstrated with antibodies specific for human fibronectin that the exogenously added human fibronectin at 50 micrograms/ml did not become incorporated to the cultured organs. Only minimal incorporation to the kidney basement membrane area was observed when fibronectin concentration was 250 micrograms/ml. The mesenchymal stroma and the basement membranes of the kidney and tooth rudiments cultured in fibronectin-free media stained intensely with conventional fibronectin antibodies, indicating endogenous production of fibronectin. Outgrowing epithelial cells from isolated kidney tubules produced fibronectin as well as laminin. The results suggest that the fibronectin found in the stroma and basement membranes is an endogenous product of the developing tissues and that plasma fibronectin is not required for in vitro organogenesis. The results also indicate that it is difficult to study the effect of fibronectin on morphogenetic processes because it may not penetrate the organ explants in vitro.  相似文献   
Phospholipase A2 as a mechanosensor.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Osmotic swelling of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) causes membrane stretching and thus reduces the lateral packing of lipids. This is demonstrated to modulate strongly the catalytic activity of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) toward a fluorescent phospholipid, 1-palmitoyl-2-[(6-pyren-1-yl)]decanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PPDPC) residing in LUVs composed of different unsaturated and saturated phosphatidylcholines. The magnitude of the osmotic pressure gradient delta omega required for maximal PLA2 activity as well as the extent of activation depend on the degree of saturation of the membrane phospholipid acyl chains. More specifically, delta omega needed for maximal hydrolytic activity increases in the sequence DOPC < SOPC < DMPC in accordance with the increment in the intensity of chain-chain van der Waals interactions. Previous studies on the hydrolysis of substrate monolayers by C. adamanteus and N. naja PLA2 revealed maximal hydrolytic rates for these two enzymes to be achieved at lipid packing densities corresponding to surface pressures of 12 and 18 mN m-1, respectively. In keeping with the above the magnitudes of delta omega producing maximal activity of Crotalus adamanteus and Naja naja toward PPDPC/DMPC LUVs were 40 and 20 mOsm/kg, respectively. Our findings suggest a novel possibility of regulating the activity of PLA2 and perhaps also other lipid packing density-dependent enzymes in vivo by osmotic forces applied on cellular membranes. Importantly, our results reveal serendipitously that the responsiveness of membranes to osmotic stress is modulated by the acyl chain composition of the lipids.  相似文献   
NOP1 is an essential nucleolar protein in yeast that is associated with small nucleolar RNA and required for ribosome biogenesis. We have cloned the human nucleolar protein, fibrillarin, from a HeLa cDNA library. Human fibrillarin is 70% identical to yeast NOP1 and is also the functional homologue since either human or Xenopus fibrillarin can complement a yeast nop1- mutant. Human fibrillarin is localized in the yeast nucleolus and associates with yeast small nucleolar RNAs. This shows that the signals within eucaryotic fibrillarin required for nucleolar association and nucleolar function are conserved from yeast to man. However, human fibrillarin only partially complements in yeast resulting in a temperature-sensitive growth, concomitantly altered rRNA processing and aberrant nuclear morphology. A suppressor of the human fibrillarin ts-mutant was isolated and found to map intragenically at a single amino acid position of the human nucleolar protein. The growth rate of yeast nop1- strains expressing Xenopus or human fibrillarin or the human fibrillarin suppressor correlates closely with their ability to efficiently and correctly process pre-rRNA. These findings demonstrate for the first time that vertebrate fibrillarin functions in ribosomal RNA processing in vivo.  相似文献   
The origin and development of mouse kidney vasculature were examined in chorioallantoic grafts of early kidney rudiments and of experimentally induced explants of separated metanephric mesenchymes. Whole kidney rudiments developed into advanced stages, expressed the segment-specific antigenic markers of tubules and the polyanionic coat of the glomeruli. In contrast to development in vitro, these grafts regularly showed glomeruli with an endothelial component and a basement membrane expressing type IV collagen and laminin. The glomerular endothelial cells in these grafts were shown to carry the nuclear structure of the host. This confirms the outside origin of these cells and the true hybrid nature of the glomeruli. When in vitro induced mesenchymes were grafted on chorioallantoic membranes, abundant vascular invasion was regularly found but properly vascularized glomeruli were exceptional. Uninduced, similarly grafted mesenchymal explants remained avascular as did the undifferentiated portions of partially induced mesenchymal blastemas. It is concluded that the stimulation of the host endothelial cells to invade into the differentiating mesenchyme requires the morphogenetic tissue interaction between the ureter bud and the mesenchyme. The induced metanephric cells presumably start to produce chemoattractants for endothelial cells at an early stage of differentiation. Kidney development thus seems to require an orderly, synchronized development of the three cell lineages: the branching ureter, the induced, tubule-forming mesenchyme, and the invading endothelial cells of outside origin.  相似文献   
Female mating preferences are often based on more than one cue.In empirical studies, however, different mate choice cues aretypically treated separately ignoring their possible interactions.In the current work, we studied how male body size and sizeof the male's nest jointly affect mate preferences of femalesand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. The females were givena binary choice between males that differed either in body sizeor size of their nest or both. We found that neither body sizenor size of the nest alone affected male attractiveness, buttogether these 2 cues had a significant effect. Specifically,large males were more popular among females when they had alarge nest than when they occupied a small nest. The resultssuggest that if interaction effects between multiple mate choicecues are not considered, there is a danger of ignoring or underestimatingthe importance of these cues in sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein E plays an important role in neurodegenerative processes in adulthood, whereas its neurodevelopmental role is uncertain. We aimed to study the effect of apolipoprotein E on neurodevelopment in a cohort liable to neurodevelopmental changes. The cohort consisted of very preterm (<32 gestational weeks) and/or very low birth weight (<1500 g) children, and the longitudinal follow‐up protocol included sequential cranial ultrasounds during infancy, brain magnetic resonance imaging at term‐equivalent age, neurological and cognitive assessment (Mental Developmental Index) at the corrected age of 2 years and cognitive and neuropsychological assessments (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment) at the chronological age of 5 years. Apolipoprotein E genotypes were determined from 322 children. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging data were available for 321 (99.7%) and 151 (46.9%) children, respectively. Neurodevelopmental assessment data were available for 138 (42.9%) to 171 (53.1%) children. Abnormal findings in ultrasounds and magnetic resonance imaging were found in 163 (50.8%) and 64 (42.4%) children, respectively. Mild cognitive delay at the corrected age of 2 years and the chronological age of 5 years was suspected in 21 (12.3%) of 171 and 19 (13.8%) of 138 children, respectively. In the Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment, 47 (32.6%) of 144 children had significantly impaired performances in more than one study subtest. No associations between the apolipoprotein E genotypes and imaging findings or measured neurodevelopmental variables were found. Apolipoprotein E genotypes do not appear to have major impact on brain vulnerability or neurodevelopment in children .  相似文献   
Polymorphisms of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) have been reported to be associated to weight, BMI variance and hypertriglyceridemia in adults and adolescents. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association of −116A (SNP: G/A; rs1126680) and 1914G (SNP: A/G; rs3495) variants of BCHE gene with anthropometric and biochemical variables associated with obesity in population sample of 115 individuals, from Southern Brazil. Participants were grouped in two categories: obese (BMI ≥ 30) and non-obese (BMI < 30). The 1914G allele showed significantly higher frequency in the obese group, and carriers of 1914G allele showed lower mean BChE activity when compared to 1914A carriers (p = 0.006). Higher means of BMI (p = 0.02) and triglyceride (TG; p = 0.01) were found in 1914G carriers (BMI = 27.57kg/m2; TG = 150.8 mg/dL) when compared to 1914A homozygotes (BMI = 25.55 kg/m2; TG = 107.9 mg/dL). Carriers of the −116A allele showed lower mean BChE activity than usual homozygotes, and the −116A variant was found in cis with 1914G (p < 0.0001; D′ = 1). The region of BCHE gene that contains the 1914G mutation site is target of microRNAs (miRs) and the response of BChE to glucocorticoids is especially influenced by these miRs. Therefore, it is possible that the 1914G allele can be interfering in gluconeogenesis, hyperglycemia, lipolysis and body fat distribution. This lower activity may cause an imbalance in lipid metabolism, which may lead to an increased predisposition to obesity and to a lower ability to maintain metabolic homeostasis.  相似文献   
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