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Background and Aims

Although monocotyledonous plants comprise one of the two major groups of angiosperms and include >65 000 species, comprehensive genome analysis has been focused mainly on the Poaceae (grass) family. Due to this bias, most of the conclusions that have been drawn for monocot genome evolution are based on grasses. It is not known whether these conclusions apply to many other monocots.


To extend our understanding of genome evolution in the monocots, Asparagales genomic sequence data were acquired and the structural properties of asparagus and onion genomes were analysed. Specifically, several available onion and asparagus bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) with contig sizes >35 kb were annotated and analysed, with a particular focus on the characterization of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons.

Key Results

The results reveal that LTR retrotransposons are the major components of the onion and garden asparagus genomes. These elements are mostly intact (i.e. with two LTRs), have mainly inserted within the past 6 million years and are piled up into nested structures. Analysis of shotgun genomic sequence data and the observation of two copies for some transposable elements (TEs) in annotated BACs indicates that some families have become particularly abundant, as high as 4–5 % (asparagus) or 3–4 % (onion) of the genome for the most abundant families, as also seen in large grass genomes such as wheat and maize.


Although previous annotations of contiguous genomic sequences have suggested that LTR retrotransposons were highly fragmented in these two Asparagales genomes, the results presented here show that this was largely due to the methodology used. In contrast, this current work indicates an ensemble of genomic features similar to those observed in the Poaceae.  相似文献   
In their classic study, Alston and Turner (American Journal of Botany, vol. 50, 159-173, 1963) documented extensive hybridization among four morphologically distinct Baptisia species native to East Texas. While Alston and Turner found putative F1 hybrids in great numbers, they found no evidence of backcrossing. In this study prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers between two of these species, B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa, were investigated and found to be quite weak. Flowering times overlap and bumble bees were observed visiting both species and intermediate hybrids. While pollinator constancy in flights between B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa was moderately strong, significant levels of constancy were not observed in flights involving hybrids and either parental species. Thus, backcrossing was not impeded by pollinator behavior. Further, hybrid pollen was highly stainable (93.5%) and able to effectively set seed in crossing experiments with both parental species. Pollinator behavior was compared in experimental populations with and without hybrid ramets and found to differ between these two treatments. Hybrids were found to facilitate pollinator movement between species. In total, these results suggest that reproductive isolation is not responsible for the rarity of backcrossing in naturally hybridizing B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa populations.  相似文献   
The integrity of biofilms on voice prostheses used to rehabilitate speech in laryngectomized patients causes unwanted increases in airflow resistance, impeding speech. Biofilm integrity is ensured by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study aimed to determine whether synthetic salivary peptides or mucolytics, including N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid, influence the integrity of voice prosthetic biofilms. Biofilms were grown on voice prostheses in an artificial throat model and exposed to synthetic salivary peptides, mucolytics and two different antiseptics (chlorhexidine and Triclosan). Synthetic salivary peptides did not reduce the air flow resistance of voice prostheses after biofilm formation. Although both chlorhexidine and Triclosan reduced microbial numbers on the prostheses, only the Triclosan-containing positive control reduced the air flow resistance. Unlike ascorbic acid, the mucolytic N-acetylcysteine removed most EPS from the biofilms and induced a decrease in air flow resistance.  相似文献   
While there has been strong support for Amborella and Nymphaeales (water lilies) as branching from basal-most nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny, this hypothesis has recently been challenged by phylogenetic analyses of 61 protein-coding genes extracted from the chloroplast genome sequences of Amborella, Nymphaea, and 12 other available land plant chloroplast genomes. These character-rich analyses placed the monocots, represented by three grasses (Poaceae), as sister to all other extant angiosperm lineages. We have extracted protein-coding regions from draft sequences for six additional chloroplast genomes to test whether this surprising result could be an artifact of long-branch attraction due to limited taxon sampling. The added taxa include three monocots (Acorus, Yucca, and Typha), a water lily (Nuphar), a ranunculid (Ranunculus), and a gymnosperm (Ginkgo). Phylogenetic analyses of the expanded DNA and protein data sets together with microstructural characters (indels) provided unambiguous support for Amborella and the Nymphaeales as branching from the basal-most nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny. However, their relative positions proved to be dependent on the method of analysis, with parsimony favoring Amborella as sister to all other angiosperms and maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor-joining methods favoring an Amborella + Nymphaeales clade as sister. The ML phylogeny supported the later hypothesis, but the likelihood for the former hypothesis was not significantly different. Parametric bootstrap analysis, single-gene phylogenies, estimated divergence dates, and conflicting indel characters all help to illuminate the nature of the conflict in resolution of the most basal nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny. Molecular dating analyses provided median age estimates of 161 MYA for the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all extant angiosperms and 145 MYA for the MRCA of monocots, magnoliids, and eudicots. Whereas long sequences reduce variance in branch lengths and molecular dating estimates, the impact of improved taxon sampling on the rooting of the angiosperm phylogeny together with the results of parametric bootstrap analyses demonstrate how long-branch attraction might mislead genome-scale phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   
The neutral theory of molecular evolution predicts that the ratio of polymorphisms to fixed differences should be fairly uniform across a region of DNA sequence. Significant heterogeneity in this ratio can indicate the effects of balancing selection, selective sweeps, mildly deleterious mutations, or background selection. Comparing an observed heterogeneity statistic with simulations of the heterogeneity resulting from random phylogenetic and sampling variation provides a test of the statistical significance of the observed pattern. When simulated data sets containing heterogeneity in the polymorphism-to-divergence ratio are examined, different statistics are most powerful for detecting different patterns of heterogeneity. The number of runs is most powerful for detecting patterns containing several peaks of polymorphism; the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is most powerful for detecting patterns in which one end of the gene has high polymorphism and the other end has low polymorphism; and a newly developed statistic, the mean sliding G statistic, is most powerful for detecting patterns containing one or two peaks of polymorphism with reduced polymorphism on either side. Nine out of 27 genes from the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup exhibit heterogeneity that is significant under at least one of these three tests, with five of the nine remaining significant after a correction for multiple comparisons, suggesting that detectable evidence for the effects of some kind of selection is fairly common.   相似文献   
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