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The internal concentration of isoflavonoids in white lupin (Lupinus albus) cluster roots and the exudation of isoflavonoids by these roots were investigated with respect to the effects of phosphorus (P) supply, root type and cluster-root developmental stage.To identify and quantify the major isoflavonoids exuded by white lupin roots, we used high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI) in mass spectrometry (MS).The major exuded isoflavonoids were identified as genistein and hydroxygenistein and their corresponding mono- and diglucoside conjugates. Exudation of isoflavonoids during the incubation period used was higher in P-deficient than in P-sufficient plants and higher in cluster roots than in noncluster roots. The peak of exudation occurred in juvenile and immature cluster roots, while exudation decreased in mature cluster roots.Cluster-root exudation activity was characterized by a burst of isoflavonoids at the stage preceding the peak of organic acid exudation. The potential involvement of ATP-citrate lyase in controlling citrate and isoflavonoid exudation is discussed, as well as the possible impact of phenolics in repelling rhizosphere microbial citrate consumers.  相似文献   

Key message

SNP genotyping of 114 cultivated sunflower populations showed that the multiplication process and the main traits selected during breeding of sunflower cultivars drove molecular diversity of the populations.


The molecular diversity in a set of 114 cultivated sunflower populations was studied by single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping. These populations were chosen as representative of the 400 entries in the INRA collection received or developed between 1962 and 2011 and made up of land races, open-pollinated varieties, and breeding pools. Mean allele number varied from 1.07 to 1.90. Intra-population variability was slightly reduced according to the number of multiplications since entry but some entries were probably largely homozygous when received. A principal component analysis was used to study inter-population variability. The first 3 axes accounted for 17% of total intra-population variability. The first axis was significantly correlated with seed oil content, more closely than just the distinction between oil and confectionary types. The second axis was related to the presence or absence of restorer genes and the third axis to flowering date and possibly to adaptation to different climates. Our results provide arguments highlighting the effect of the maintenance process on the within population genetic variability as well as on the impact of breeding for major agronomic traits on the between population variability of the collection. Propositions are made to improve sunflower population maintenance procedures to keep maximum genetic variability for future breeding.


Roses have been cultivated for centuries and a number of varieties have been selected based on flower traits such as petal form, color, and number. Wild-type roses have five petals (simple flowers), whereas high numbers of petals (double flowers) are typical attributes of most of the cultivated roses. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms that could have been selected to control petal number in roses.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have analyzed the expression of several candidate genes known to be involved in floral organ identity determination in roses from similar genetic backgrounds but exhibiting contrasting petal numbers per flower. We show that the rose ortholog of AGAMOUS (RhAG) is differentially expressed in double flowers as compared to simple flowers. In situ hybridization experiments confirm the differential expression of RhAG and demonstrate that in the double-flower roses, the expression domain of RhAG is restricted toward the center of the flower. Conversely, in simple-flower roses, RhAG expression domain is wider. We further show that the border of RhAG expression domain is labile, which allows the selection of rose flowers with increased petal number. Double-flower roses were selected independently in the two major regions for domestication, China and the peri-Mediterranean areas. Comparison of RhAG expression in the wild-type ancestors of cultivated roses and their descendants both in the European and Chinese lineages corroborates the correlation between the degree of restriction of RhAG expression domain and the number of petals. Our data suggests that a restriction of RhAG expression domain is the basis for selection of double flowers in both the Chinese and peri-Mediterranean centers of domestication.


We demonstrate that a shift in RhAG expression domain boundary occurred in rose hybrids, causing double-flower phenotype. This molecular event was selected independently during rose domestication in Europe/Middle East and in China.  相似文献   
High water use efficiency (WUE) can be achieved by coordination of biomass accumulation and water consumption. WUE is physiologically and genetically linked to carbon isotope discrimination (CID) in leaves of plants. A population of 148 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sunflower derived from a cross between XRQ and PSC8 lines was studied to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling WUE and CID, and to compare QTL associated with these traits in different drought scenarios. We conducted greenhouse experiments in 2011 and 2012 by using 100 balances which provided a daily measurement of water transpired, and we determined WUE, CID, biomass and cumulative water transpired by plants. Wide phenotypic variability, significant genotypic effects, and significant negative correlations between WUE and CID were observed in both experiments. A total of nine QTL controlling WUE and eight controlling CID were identified across the two experiments. A QTL for phenotypic response controlling WUE and CID was also significantly identified. The QTL for WUE were specific to the drought scenarios, whereas the QTL for CID were independent of the drought scenarios and could be found in all the experiments. Our results showed that the stable genomic regions controlling CID were located on the linkage groups 06 and 13 (LG06 and LG13). Three QTL for CID were co-localized with the QTL for WUE, biomass and cumulative water transpired. We found that CID and WUE are highly correlated and have common genetic control. Interestingly, the genetic control of these traits showed an interaction with the environment (between the two drought scenarios and control conditions). Our results open a way for breeding higher WUE by using CID and marker-assisted approaches and therefore help to maintain the stability of sunflower crop production.  相似文献   
Dinitrogen-fixing organisms in cyanobacterial mats were studied in two shallow coral reef ecosystems: La Reunion Island, southwestern Indian Ocean, Sesoko (Okinawa) Island, and northwestern Pacific Ocean. Rapidly expanding benthic miniblooms, frequently dominated by a single cyanobacterial taxon, were identified by microscopy and molecular tools. In addition, nitrogenase activity by these blooms was measured in situ. Dinitrogen fixation and its contribution to mat primary production were calculated using 15N2 and 13C methods. Dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria from mats in La Reunion and Sesoko showed few differences in taxonomic composition. Anabaena sp. among heterocystous and Hydrocoleum majus and Symploca hydnoides among nonheterocystous cyanobacteria occurred in microbial mats of both sites. Oscillatoria bonnemaisonii and Leptolyngbya spp. occurred only in La Reunion, whereas Hydrocoleum coccineum dominated in Sesoko. Other mats dominated by Hydrocoleum lyngbyaceum, Phormidium laysanense, and Trichocoleus tenerrimus occurred at lower frequencies. The 24-h nitrogenase activity, as measured by acetylene reduction, varied between 11 and 324 nmoles C2H2 reduced μg−1 Chl a. The highest values were achieved by heterocystous Anabaena sp. performed mostly during the day. Highest values for nonheterocystous cyanobacteria were achieved by H. coccineum mostly during the night. Daily nitrogen fixation varied from nine (Leptolyngbya) to 238 nmoles N2 μg−1 Chl day−1 (H. coccineum). Primary production rates ranged from 1,321 (S. hydnoides) to 9,933 nmoles C μg−1 Chl day−1 (H. coccineum). Dinitrogen fixation satisfied between 5% and 21% of the nitrogen required for primary production.  相似文献   
Association mapping and linkage mapping were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and/or causative mutations involved in the control of flowering time in cultivated sunflower Helianthus annuus. A panel of 384 inbred lines was phenotyped through testcrosses with two tester inbred lines across 15 location × year combinations. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population comprising 273 lines was phenotyped both per se and through testcrosses with one or two testers in 16 location × year combinations. In the association mapping approach, kinship estimation using 5,923 single nucleotide polymorphisms was found to be the best covariate to correct for effects of panel structure. Linkage disequilibrium decay ranged from 0.08 to 0.26 cM for a threshold of 0.20, after correcting for structure effects, depending on the linkage group (LG) and the ancestry of inbred lines. A possible hitchhiking effect is hypothesized for LG10 and LG08. A total of 11 regions across 10 LGs were found to be associated with flowering time, and QTLs were mapped on 11 LGs in the RIL population. Whereas eight regions were demonstrated to be common between the two approaches, the linkage disequilibrium approach did not detect a documented QTL that was confirmed using the linkage mapping approach.  相似文献   
Interest in phytosterol contents due to their potential benefits for human health has been largely documented in several crop species. Studies were focused mainly on total sterol content and their concentration or distribution in seed. This study aimed at providing new insight into the genetic control of total and individual sterol contents in sunflower seed through QTL analyses in a RIL population characterized over 2?years showing contrasted rainfall during seed filling. Results indicated that 13 regions on 9 linkage groups were involved in different phytosterol traits. Most of the QTL mapped were stable across years in spite of contrasted growing conditions. Some of them explained up to 30?% of phenotypic variation. Two QTL, located on LG10, near b1, and on LG14, were found to co-localize with QTL for oil content, indicating that likely, a part of the genetic variation for sterol content is only the result of genetic variation for oil content. However, three other QTL, stable over the 2?years, were found on LG1, LG4 and LG7 each associated with a particular class of sterols, suggesting that some enzymes known to be involved in the sterol metabolic pathway may determine the specificity of sterol profiles in sunflower seeds. These results suggest that it may be possible to introduce these traits as criteria in breeding programmes for quality in sunflower. The molecular markers linked to genetic factors controlling phytosterol contents could help selection during breeding programs.  相似文献   
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