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The Caenorhabditis elegans excretory cell extends tubular processes, called canals, along the basolateral surface of the epidermis. Mutations in the exc-5 gene cause tubulocystic defects in this canal. Ultrastructural analysis suggests that exc-5 is required for the proper placement of cytoskeletal elements at the apical epithelial surface. exc-5 encodes a protein homologous to guanine nucleotide exchange factors and contains motif architecture similar to that of FGD1, which is responsible for faciogenital dysplasia. exc-5 interacts genetically with mig-2, which encodes Rho GTPase. These results suggest that EXC-5 controls the structural organization of the excretory canal by regulating Rho family GTPase activities.  相似文献   
Abstract Flagellar antigen of Bacillus cereus H.1 was purified and tested for serodiagnostic antigen by ELISA. The antibody against the flagellar antigen of B. cereus H.1 reacted not only with the homologous specific antigen but also reacted with the flagellar antigens of 23 strains of B. cereus . This common flagellar antigen of B. cereus was found to be due to 61-kDa protein by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot assay. Monoclonal antibody H15A5 against common antigenic epitope of B. cereus also reacted with flagellar antigens of 21 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis by ELISA. This monoclonal antibody reacted with the 61-kDa protein of the flagella of B. cereus H.1 and H.2 and B. thuringiensis Kurstaki HD1, Alesti and Aizawai juroi by immunoblot analysis. These results indicated that the common antigenic epitope of the 61-kDa protein existed in the flagella both of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis .  相似文献   
Plasma membrane H+-translocating ATPase was partially purifiedfrom mung bean (Phaseolus mungo L.) roots and reconstitutedinto soybean phospholipid (asolectin) liposomes by the n-octylglucosidedilution method. The resulting proteoliposomes were mainly unilamellarvesicles ranging in size from 0.05 to 0.2 µm. The existenceof ATP-drived H+-pumping across the proteoliposomes was demonstratedby the quenching of quinacrine fluorescence in the presenceof Mg2+. The quenching could be abolished by an uncoupler, FCCP,and an inhibitor of H+-translocating ATPase, vanadate. The reconstitutedATPase consisted of three major polypeptides of 105 KDa, 67KDa and 57 KDa. Its pH optimum, divalent cation stimulationand vanadate sensitivity were similar to those of partiallypurified ATPase. However, the specificity toward ATP was muchgreater following reconstitution. Also reconstitution reducedthe degree of inhibition by DCCD. Local anesthetics (e.g. dibucaine)had no effect on H+-pumping activity but increased the ATPaseactivity when proteoliposomes were reconstituted in their presence. (Received May 2, 1986; Accepted October 17, 1986)  相似文献   
Filtering rates on [3H]thymidine-labelled natural unattachedbacteria and that on [14C]bicarbonate-labelled natural planktonwhich pass through the 25 µm-mesh-size screen were measuredfor Daphnia longispina and Eodiaptomus japonicus in Lake Biwa.Errors associated with the radioisotope technique, i.e the lossof labels after feeding trials and the self-absorption of thebeta emittance of 3H, were checked and corrected for the calculationof the filtering rates. It was suggested that Daphnia collectsbacteria efficiently, although the efficiency is somewhat variabledepending on food particle composition (i.e. presence and absenceof larger particles) and feeding condition (i.e. animal densityand physical disturbance). By contrast, copepodites of Eodiaptomuswere suggested to be less efficient bacteria feeders. Food resourceexploitation strategies of these two co-existing zooplanktersare discussed.  相似文献   
Tonoplast and plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from chilling-sensitive(CS) and chilling-insensitive (CI) cultured cells of rice (Oryzasativa L.) to examine how they would respond to low temperature.With CS cells, the specific activity of ATPase in tonoplastvesicles was relatively higher than that of plasma membraneATPase. Tonoplast ATPase activity was decreased by low temperaturetreatment, and a slight decrease in plasma membrane ATPase activitywas also observed. The decrease in the specific activity ofthe tonoplast ATPase by low temperature may reflect a decreasein Vmax. However, no change was noted in Km. The break pointof the Arrhenius plots of the tonoplast ATPase was ca. 32?C,this value being ca. 9?C higher than that of the plasma membraneATPase. With CI cells, the specific activity of tonoplast ATPasewas somewhat less than that of the plasma membrane ATPase. TonoplastATPase activity was decreased by low temperature at 5?C, whereasan increase in plasma membrane ATPase activity was observed.The break point of the tonoplast ATPase activity was ca. 22?C,which was 3?C higher than that of the plasma membrane ATPase.Using ATPase solubilized from the plasma membrane or tonoplast,the Arrhenius plots of log ATPase activity against the reciprocalof absolute temperature gave a straight line fit from 5?C to45?C with no obvious break point. The break point appeared onadding a phospholipid mixture (asolectin) to a reaction mixturecontaining solubilized enzyme. The slope of the curve of theArrhenius plot was very different between the CS and CI cells.The plasma membrane and tonoplast ATPases from the CS cellshad a higher Ea above 20?C, whereas that from the CI cells hada lower one. These findings indicate that the tonoplast ATPase in a riceplant is more sensitive to low temperature than the plasma membraneATPase, with this response possibly being due to interactionsbetween the proteins and phospholipids. (Received January 6, 1988; Accepted July 5, 1988)  相似文献   
The CD7 molecule is a differentiation antigen found on the surface of T lymphocytes and also on a very minor fraction of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). To study the genomic structure of the CD7 gene, two clones (SY4 and SY22) were isolated by screening a genomic library with a CD7 cDNA probe. Restriction mapping of these two phage clones showed that both overlapped each other, covering a total length of 23 kilobases (kb). Transfection of mouse L cells demonstrated that SY22 contains the gene expressing the CD7 antigen reactive with monoclonal CD7 antibody (Tp40), while SY4 does not. Subcloning of a 10.5 kb fragment from a 14.4 kb insert of SY22 contained the structural gene for the CD7 antigen. Detailed restriction mapping and partial sequence analysis revealed the CD7 gene to consist of four exons. By RNase protection assay, multiple initiation sites — 122 base pairs (bp) to — 38 bp from ATG translation initiation site were demonstrated. The promoter region had high G+C content and contained two SP1 binding sites (CCGCCC) and an AP2 binding site (CCCCAGGC), but lacked CAAT and TATA motifs.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of maximal arm exercise on the skin blood circulation of the paralyzed lower limbs in persons with spinal cord injury (PSCI). Eight male PSCI with complete lesions located between T3 and L1 performed graded maximal arm-cranking exercise (MACE) to exhaustion. The skin blood flux at the thigh (SBFT) and that at the calf (SBFC) were monitored using laser-Doppler flowmeter at rest and for 15 s immediately after the MACE. The subject's mean peak oxygen uptake and peak heart rate was 1.41 ± 0.22 1·min−1 and 171.6 ± 19.2 beats·min−1, respectively. No PSCI showed any increase in either SBFT or SBFC after the MACE, when compared with the values at rest. These results suggest that the blood circulation of the skin in the paralyzed lower limbs in PSCI is unaffected by the MACE.  相似文献   
ADP-ribosylation reaction, that is the transfer of the ADP-ribose moiety of NAD+ to acceptor protein, is catalyzed by two classes of ADP-ribosyltransferases,i.e., poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase and mono (ADP-ribosyl)transferases. These two types differ not only in the number of transferring ADP-ribose units but also in the acceptor amino acid(s) and protein. Their in hibitors, particularly those of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase, have been successfully employed in studies on biological functions of the enzymes and other related fields of research. Recently, we found many potent and specific inhibitors of poly-(ADP-ribose) synthetase, and broadened their chemical as well as biochemical variety. More recently, we found several potent inhibitors of arginine-specific mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferases and activators of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase.  相似文献   
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