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A mono-oxygenase catalysing the conversion of 2-ethyl-4-thioisonicotinamide (ethionamide) into its sulphoxide was purified from guinea-pig liver homogenates. The enzyme required stoicheiometric amounts of oxygen and NADPH for the sulphoxidation reaction. The purified protein is homogeneous by electrophoretic, antigenic and chromatographic criteria. The enzyme has mol.wt. 85000 and it contains 1g-atom of iron and 1mol of FAD per mol, but not cytochrome P-450. The enzyme shows maximal activity at pH7.4 in a number of different buffer systems and the K(m) values calculated for the substrate and NADPH are 6.5x10(-5)m and 2.8x10(-5)m respectively. The activation energy of the reaction was calculated to be 36kJ/mol. Under optimal conditions, the molecular activity of the enzyme (mol of substrate oxidized/min per mol of enzyme) is calculated to be 2.1. The oxygenase belongs to the class of general drug-metabolizing enzymes and it may act on different compounds which can undergo sulphoxidation. The mechanism of sulphoxidation was shown to be mediated by superoxide anions.  相似文献   
Earlier studies in our laboratory demonstrated the beneficial role of Se inVigna radiata, a Se-deficient legume, during germination, as reflected in growth-related parameters and specific uptake of75Se. Uptake of Na2 75SeO3, added in vitro by mitochondria isolated from seedlings germinated in control (without Se), and Se-supplemented groups (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ppm Se) indicated a proportional increase in the uptake with added Na2 75SeO3, in concentrations up to 25 γM. The uptake of75Se, increased linearly with time up to 15 min and a definite efflux followed at 30 min. The results were indicative of cooperative effects during Se transport. Kinetic analyses of the uptake of75Se during time intervals of 15 and 30 min were carried out both in the whole mitochondria and the mitochondrial protein fractions. Graphical analyses using Lineweaver-Burk plot, Hill plot, log [v] vs log [A] and Scatchard plot confirmed the existence of negative cooperativity during75Se uptake. Hill coefficient (nH) values were estimated to be around 0.7–0.8. Scatchard plots for75Se uptake were biphasic, suggesting the probable presence of two classes of binding sites. The number of high and low affinity binding sites were estimated to be around 4–7 and 26–30 nmol/mg protein, respectively. Studies with mitochondrial respiratory inhibitors indicated about 10–20% of the total75Se uptake to be energy dependent. Inhibition of75Se uptake by about 60–70% by sulfate and sulfite (5–25 γM) implies the involvement of dicarboxylate port in Se transport. A decrease in the uptake of75Se by 40–60% effected by CdCl2, HgCl2, mersalyl, and NEM confirmed the interaction of thiols in the process. Evidence for the regulatory nature of75Se uptake by mitochondria ofV. radiata emerges from the present study.  相似文献   
The metabolic significance of Se in plants is not well documented, though the presence of many selenoenzymes in bacteria and the essentiality of Se in higher animals is established. Since germination is an active process in plant growth and metabolism, the effect of Se was investigated in germinatingVigna radiata L, a nonaccumulating Sedeficient legume. Growth and protein were enhanced in seedlings supplemented with selenium (Se) as sodium selenite in the medium up to 1 μg/mL. The pattern of uptake of75Se in the differentiating tissues and the subcellular distribution were investigated. The percentage of incorporation of75Se was greater in the mitochondria at the lowest level (0.5 μg/mL) of Se supplementation compared to higher levels of Se exposure. Proteins precipitated from the postmitochondrial supernatant fractions, when separated by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), indicated a major selenoprotein in the seedlings germinated at 2.0 μg/mL Se. In seedlings grown with supplemented Se, enhanced respiratory control ratio and succinate dehydrogenase activity were observed in the mitochondria of tissues, indicative of a role for Se in mitochondrial membrane functions.  相似文献   
We have isolated a holoenzyme complex termed BRCC containing BRCA1, BRCA2, and RAD51. BRCC not only displays increased association with p53 following DNA damage but also ubiquitinates p53 in vitro. BRCC36 and BRCC45 are novel components of the complex with sequence homology to a subunit of the signalosome and proteasome complexes. Reconstitution of a recombinant four-subunit complex containing BRCA1/BARD1/BRCC45/BRCC36 revealed an enhanced E3 ligase activity compared to that of BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer. In vivo, depletion of BRCC36 and BRCC45 by the small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) resulted in increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and defects in G2/M checkpoint. BRCC36 shows aberrant expression in sporadic breast tumors. These findings identify BRCC as a ubiquitin E3 ligase complex that enhances cellular survival following DNA damage.  相似文献   
Mice homozygous for an allele encoding the selenocysteine (Sec) tRNA [Ser]Sec gene (Trsp) flanked by loxP sites were generated. Cre recombinase-dependent removal of Trsp in these mice was lethal to embryos. To investigate the role of Trsp in mouse mammary epithelium, we deleted this gene by using transgenic mice carrying the Cre recombinase gene under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) long terminal repeat or the whey acidic protein promoter. While both promoters target Cre gene expression to mammary epithelium, MMTV-Cre is also expressed in spleen and skin. Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec amounts were reduced by more than 70% in mammary tissue with either transgene, while in skin and spleen, levels were reduced only with MMTV-Cre. The selenoprotein population was selectively affected with MMTV-Cre in breast and skin but not in the control tissue, kidney. Moreover, within affected tissues, expression of specific selenoproteins was regulated differently and often in a contrasting manner, with levels of Sep15 and the glutathione peroxidases GPx1 and GPx4 being substantially reduced. Expression of the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and p53 was also altered in a contrasting manner in MMTV-Cre mice, suggesting greater susceptibility to cancer and/or increased cell apoptosis. Thus, the conditional Trsp knockout mouse allows tissue-specific manipulation of Sec tRNA and selenoprotein expression, suggesting that this approach will provide a useful tool for studying the role of selenoproteins in health.  相似文献   
All cultivated Thermotogales are thermophiles or hyperthermophiles. However, optimized 16S rRNA primers successfully amplified Thermotogales sequences from temperate hydrocarbon-impacted sites, mesothermic oil reservoirs, and enrichment cultures incubated at <46°C. We conclude that distinct Thermotogales lineages commonly inhabit low-temperature environments but may be underreported, likely due to “universal” 16S rRNA gene primer bias.Thermotogales, a bacterial group in which all cultivated members are anaerobic thermophiles or hyperthermophiles (5), are rarely detected in anoxic mesothermic environments, yet their presence in corresponding enrichment cultures, bioreactors, and fermentors has been observed using metagenomic methods and 16S rRNA gene amplification (6) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). The most commonly detected lineage is informally designated here “mesotoga M1” (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). PCR experiments indicated that mesotoga M1 sequences amplified inconsistently using “universal” 16S rRNA gene primers, perhaps explaining their poor detection in DNA isolated from environmental samples (see text and Table S2 in the supplemental material). We therefore designed three 16S rRNA PCR primer sets (Table (Table1)1) targeting mesotoga M1 bacteria and their closest cultivated relative, Kosmotoga olearia. Primer set A was the most successful set, detecting a wider diversity of Thermotogales sequences than set B and being more Thermotogales-specific than primer set C (Table (Table22).


Primers targeting mesotoga M1 bacteria constructed and used in this study
PrimerSequence (5′ to 3′)Position in mesotoga 16S rRNA geneNo. of heterogeneity hot spotsaPotential primer match in other Thermotogales lineages
Primer set A1 (helix 17)
    NMes16S.286FCGGCCACAAGGAYACTGAGA286Perfect match in Kosmotoga olearia. The last 7 or 8 nucleotides at the 3′ end are conserved in other Thermotogales lineages.
    NMes16S.786RTGAACATCGTTTAGGGCCAG786One 5′ mismatch in Kosmotoga olearia and Petrotoga mobilis; 2-4 internal and 5′ mismatches in other lineages
Primer set BNone
    BaltD.42FATCACTGGGCGTAAAGGGAG540Perfect match in Kosmotoga olearia; one or two 3′ mismatches in most other Thermotogales lineages
    BaltD.494RGTGGTCGTTCCTCTTTCAAT992No match in other Thermotogaleslineages. The primer is located in heterogeneity hot spot helices 33 and 34. This primer also fails to amplify some mesotoga M1 sequences.
Primer set C9 (all 9 regions)
    TSSU-3FTATGGAGGGTTTGATCCTGG3Perfect match in Thermotoga spp., Kosmotoga olearia, and Petrotoga mobilis; two or three 5′ mismatches in other Thermotogales lineages; one 5′ mismatch to mesotoga M1 16S rRNA genes
    Mes16S.RACCAACTCGGGTGGCTTGAC1390One 5′ mismatch in Kosmotoga olearia; 1-3 internal or 5′ mismatches in other Thermotogales lineages
Open in a separate windowaHeterogeneity hot spots identified in reference 1.


Mesotoga clade sequences detected in environmental samples and enrichment cultures screened in this studya
Site (abbreviation)Temp in situ(°C)WaterfloodedEnvironmental samplesb
Enrichment cultures
Primer set A
Primer set B
Primer set C
Thermotogalesdetected by primer setc:
Lineage(s) detected
No. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageNo. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageNo. of OTUs (no. of clones)LineageABC
Sidney Tar Ponds sediment (TAR)TemperateNA1 (5)M11M1+++M1, M2, M5
Oil sands settling basin tailings (05mlsb)∼12dNA1 (6)M1+M1
Grosmont A produced water (GrosA)20No1 (15)M11 (22)M12 (14)M1+++M1
Foster Creek produced water (FC)14No1 (21)M11 (23)M11 (1)M1+NDM1
Oil field D wellhead water (DWH)e,f52-53gYes1 (14)Kosmotogai1 (6)M1i1 (1)KosmotogaiNANANANA
Oil field D FWKO water (DF)f,h20-30Yes1 (45)Kosmotogai1 (17)M1i++M1, Kosmotoga, Petrotoga
Oil field H FWKO water (HF)j30-32Yes7 (59)M1, M2, M3, M4, Kosmotoga1 (29)M1++M1, Petrotoga
Oil field H satellite water (HSAT)e,j41 and 50gYes1 (8)M12 (16)Kosmotoga, ThermotogaNANANANA
Oil field H wellhead water (HWH)e,j41 and 50gYesNANANANA+++M1, Petrotoga
Open in a separate windowaSee the supplemental material for site and methodological details. NA, not applicable; ND, not determined.bThe number of OTUs observed at a 0.01 distance cutoff is given for each primer set. The numbers of clones with Thermotogales sequences are in parentheses. —, PCR was attempted but no Thermotogales sequences were obtained or the PCR consistently failed.c+, sequence(s) detected; −, not detected. For more information on the enrichments, see the text and Table S3 in the supplemental material.dFrom April to May 2004, the temperature at the depth where the sample was taken was 12°C (7).eThere were no water samples from DWH and HSAT available for enrichment cultures, and no DNA was available from HWH.fThis reservoir has been treated with biocides; moreover, at this site, the water is filtered before being reinjected into the reservoir.gTemperatures of the oil pool where the water sample was obtained. The HSAT facility receives water from two oil pools, one at 41°C and one at 50°C.hWe screened DNA from samples taken in 2006 and 2008 but detected the same sequences in both, so sequences from the two samples were pooled.iThe mesotoga M1 and Kosmotoga sequences from DWH and DF were >99% similar and were assembled into one sequence in Fig. Fig.11.jThis reservoir has been injected with water from a neighboring oil reservoir.Since the putative mesophilic Thermotogales have been overwhelmingly associated with polluted and hydrocarbon-impacted environments and mesothermic oil reservoirs are the only natural environments where mesotoga M1 sequences previously were detected (see Table S1 in the supplemental material), we selected four oil reservoirs with in situ temperatures of 14°C to 53°C and two temperate, chronically hydrocarbon-impacted sites for analysis (Table (Table2).2). Total community DNA was extracted, the 16S rRNA genes were amplified, cloned, and sequenced as described in the supplemental material.  相似文献   
Selenium is essential in mammalian embryonic development. However, in adults, selenoprotein levels in several organs including liver can be substantially reduced by selenium deficiency without any apparent change in phenotype. To address the role of selenoproteins in liver function, mice homozygous for a floxed allele encoding the selenocysteine (Sec) tRNA([Ser]Sec) gene were crossed with transgenic mice carrying the Cre recombinase under the control of the albumin promoter that expresses the recombinase specifically in liver. Recombination was nearly complete in mice 3 weeks of age, whereas liver selenoprotein synthesis was virtually absent, which correlated with the loss of Sec tRNA([Ser]Sec) and activities of major selenoproteins. Total liver selenium was dramatically decreased, whereas levels of low molecular weight selenocompounds were little affected. Plasma selenoprotein P levels were reduced by about 75%, suggesting that selenoprotein P is primarily exported from the liver. Glutathione S-transferase levels were elevated in the selenoprotein-deficient liver, suggesting a compensatory activation of this detoxification program. Mice appeared normal until about 24 h before death. Most animals died between 1 and 3 months of age. Death appeared to be due to severe hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis with concomitant necrosis of peritoneal and retroperitoneal fat. These studies revealed an essential role of selenoproteins in liver function.  相似文献   
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