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The effects of a high-growth genetic background on the growth of mice hemizygous for one of two growth hormone transgenes were examined. Male mice hemizygous for wild-type (W) and dwarf mutant (M) bovine growth hormone (bGH) transgenes were crossed with females of a high-growth selected (S) and control (C) line as follows: W x S, W x C, M x S and M x C. Body weights of progeny were recorded weekly from 2 to 10 weeks of age. F1 progeny were classified as carriers (P) or non-carriers (N) of the transgene by assaying tail DNA for bGH using the polymerase chain reaction and agarose gel electrophoresis. A deficiency in the number of f1 progeny carrying the W (P<0.05) and M (P<0.01) bGH transgene was most likely due to differential prenatal and early postnatal mortality. Bodyweight means of wild-type transgenic mice were larger (P < 0.05) than those of non-transgenic littermates by 3 weeks of age in a C background in contrast to 5 weeks in S. The wild-type bGH transgene increased adult body weights more in the C (155%) than in the S (136%) background, indicating transgene expression by selection background interaction (P < 0.05). However, the growth response to the wild-type transgene in the S background was still large. The dwarf mutant transgene had a greater effect on growth reduction in the S (70%) than in the C (84%) background, thus causing transgene expression by selection background interaction (P < 0.05). Gender by wild-type transgene effect interactions (P < 0.001) for adult body weight were caused by the transgene reducing the gender difference for body weight in C and eliminating it in S. The dwarf mutant caused a larger negative effect on growth in males than in females, resulting in a gender by dwarf mutant transgene interaction (P < 0.001) for adult body weights. Results indicate that the effect of a GH transgene on growth can be affected both by a high-growth genetic background and the gender of progeny.  相似文献   
In this study, proteomic analysis was performed on the skin of C57BL/6J mice with type 2 diabetes and compared to nondiabetic controls. To induce obesity and subsequent diabetes, mice were placed on a high-fat diet for 16 wk. After 16 wk, both diabetic and nondiabetic control mice were sacrificed and their skin removed for analysis. Following 2-DE, proteomic profiles from the skin samples were quantified using PDQuest software. Out of more than 1000 distinct protein spots, 28 were shown to be significantly altered with 6 being decreased and 22 increased in the diabetic state compared to controls. The 28 protein spots were removed from the gels and analyzed by MALDI-TOF and MS/MS analyses. Protein identifications revealed that 17 of the 28 proteins were involved in energy metabolism (60.7% of changes observed). Collectively, none of the significantly altered proteins had been shown previously to be altered in diabetic skin. This study not only helps to identify proteins found in skin samples of obese mice with type 2 diabetes, but also shows that skin biopsies coupled with proteomic analysis may be useful as a noninvasive method for the diagnosis of hyperinsulinemia and diabetes.  相似文献   
Studies in multiple species indicate that reducing growth hormone (GH) action enhances healthy lifespan. In fact, GH receptor knockout (GHRKO) mice hold the Methuselah prize for the world''s longest‐lived laboratory mouse. We previously demonstrated that GHR ablation starting at puberty (1.5 months), improved insulin sensitivity and female lifespan but results in markedly reduced body size. In this study, we investigated the effects of GHR disruption in mature‐adult mice at 6 months old (6mGHRKO). These mice exhibited GH resistance (reduced IGF‐1 and elevated GH serum levels), increased body adiposity, reduced lean mass, and minimal effects on body length. Importantly, 6mGHRKO males have enhanced insulin sensitivity and reduced neoplasms while females exhibited increased median and maximal lifespan. Furthermore, fasting glucose and oxidative damage was reduced in females compared to males irrespective of Ghr deletion. Overall, disrupted GH action in adult mice resulted in sexual dimorphic effects suggesting that GH reduction at older ages may have gerotherapeutic effects.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice overexpressing growth hormone (GH) exhibit alterations in the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and the H-P-adrenal axis. Alterations in the turnover of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, in plasma hormone levels, and in regulation of their release are associated with reproductive deficits, particularly in females. Results reported after publication of our minireview on this subject provided evidence that GH-transgenic mice have increased binding of GH to GH binding proteins in plasma, are hyperinsulinemic and insulin resistant, and have major alterations in energy budgets with increased allocation to growth. Reduced life span and fertility of these animals may be related to insufficient allocation of energy to reproduction and maintenance. Growth hormone resistance induced by transgenic expression of an antagonistic bGH analog or by targeted disruption (knock-out, KO) of the GH receptor (GH-R) gene leads to dramatic suppression of plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and dwarf phenotype due to reduced growth and increased adiposity. In both models of GH resistance, there are marked reproductive deficits in females, decline of breeding performance of males, and alterations in the function of the HPG axis. In GH-R-KO females, puberty is delayed, and litter size is reduced. Fetal weights are reduced whereas placental weights are increased, and the weight of newborn pups is reduced despite an increase in the length of gestation. In GH-R-KO males, copulatory behavior and fertility are reduced, plasma PRL is elevated, and responses to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in vivo and to LH in vitro are suppressed. However, reproductive deficits in GH-R-KO mice are very mild when compared to those described previously in IGF-KO animals. Apparently, the amounts of IGF-1 that may be produced locally in the absence of GH stimulation are sufficient for sexual maturation and fertility in both sexes, whereas quantitative deficits in reproductive function reflect absence of GH-dependent IGF-1 production and other consequences of eliminating GH signaling. The reproduction phenotype of the GH-R-KO mice is also mild when compared to dwarf mice that lack GH, prolactin (PRL), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This is presumably related to the presence of redundant mechanisms in the stimulatory control of the gonads by the pituitary and the ability of animals capable of producing PRL and TSH to compensate partially for the absence of GH signaling.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that dermal fibroblast cell lines derived from young adult mice of the long-lived Snell dwarf mutant stock are resistant, in vitro, to the cytotoxic effects of H(2)O(2), cadmium, UV light, paraquat, and heat. We show here that similar resistance profiles are seen in fibroblast cells derived from a related mutant, the Ames dwarf mouse, and that cells from growth hormone receptor-null mice are resistant to H(2)O(2), paraquat, and UV but not to cadmium. Resistance to UV light, cadmium, and H(2)O(2) are similar in cells derived from 1-wk-old Snell dwarf or normal mice, and thus the resistance of cell lines derived from young adult donors reflects developmental processes, presumably hormone dependent, that take place in the first few months of life. The resistance of cells from Snell dwarf mice to these stresses does not reflect merely antioxidant defenses: dwarf-derived cells are also resistant to the DNA-alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate. Furthermore, inhibitor studies show that fibroblast resistance to UV light is unaffected by the antioxidants ascorbic acid and N-acetyl-L-cysteine. These data suggest that postnatal exposure to altered levels of pituitary hormones leads to development of cellular resistance to oxidative and nonoxidative stressors, which are stable through many rounds of in vitro cell division and could contribute to the remarkable disease resistance of long-lived mutant mice.  相似文献   
To gain insight into the pathways by which caloric restriction (CR) slows aging, gene expression levels were assessed for each of 2,352 genes in the livers of 9-month-old CR and control mice. A total of 352 genes were found to be significantly increased or decreased by CR. The distribution of affected genes among functional classes was similar to the distribution of genes within the test set. Surprisingly, a disruption or knockout of the gene for the GH receptor (GHR-KO), which also produces life extension, had a much smaller effect on gene expression, with no more than 10 genes meeting the selection criterion. There was, however, an interaction between the GHR-KO mutation and the CR diet: the effects of CR on gene expression were significantly lower in GHR-KO mice than in control mice. Of the 352 genes altered significantly by CR, 29 had shown a significant and parallel alteration in expression in a previous study of liver gene expression that compared mice of the long-lived Snell dwarf stock (dw/dw) to controls. These 29 genes, altered both by CR and in dwarf mice, provide a list of biochemical features common to both models of delayed aging, and thus merit confirmation and more detailed study.  相似文献   
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