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1. The mechanism of absorption of phosphatidylcholine was studied in rats by injecting into the intestine phosphatidylcholine specifically labelled either in the fatty acid or in the glycerol moiety or with (32)P, when considerable amounts of 1-acyl-lysophosphatidylcholine were found in the intestinal lumen. 2-([(14)C]Acyl)phosphatidylcholine gave markedly more radioactive unesterified fatty acids in the lumen, compared with the 1-([(14)C]acyl) derivative. Some of the radioactivity from either the fatty acid or the glycerol moiety of the injected phosphatidylcholine appeared in the mucosal triacylglycerols. 2. Injection of (32)P-labelled phosphatidylcholine or (32)P-labelled lysophosphatidylcholine led to the appearance of radioactive glycerylphosphorylcholine, glycerophosphate and P(i) in the mucosa. 3. Rat mucosa was found to contain a highly active glycerylphosphorylcholine diesterase. 4. It was concluded that the dietary phosphatidylcholine is hydrolysed in the intestinal lumen by the pancreatic phospholipase A to 1-acylglycerylphosphorylcholine, which on entering the mucosal cell is partly reacylated to phosphatidylcholine, and the rest is further hydrolysed to glycerylphosphorylcholine, glycerophosphate, glycerol and P(i). The fatty acids and glycerophosphate are then reassembled to give triacylglycerols via the Kennedy (1961) pathway.  相似文献   
Optimally effective lipid-lowering agents should not only restore plasma lipids to normal levels but also correct potentially atherogenic alterations in lipoprotein composition and function often present in hyperlipidemic patients. Lovastatin, a competitive inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis, clearly lowers plasma cholesterol levels. Its effects on lipoprotein composition and cholesteryl ester transfer (CET), a key step in reverse cholesterol transport, however, are not known. Since abnormalities in CET and lipoprotein composition are present in patients with hypercholesterolemia, we studied these parameters of plasma lipoprotein transport in twelve hypercholesterolemic (HC; Type IIa) subjects (six male, six female) before and 2 months after lovastatin treatment (20 mg qd). Before lovastatin, the free cholesterol (FC)/lecithin (L) ratio in plasma, a new index of cardiovascular risk that reflects lipoprotein surface composition, was abnormally increased (1.18 +/- 0.26 vs controls 0.83 +/- 0.14; P less than 0.001) in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high density lipoprotein-3 (HDL3), and remained so after treatment despite significant declines in whole plasma cholesterol (311.7 +/- 68.2 vs 215.6 +/- 27.2 mg/dl; P less than 0.001), low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol (206.3 +/- 47.9 vs 146.8 +/- 29.4; P less than 0.001), and apolipoprotein B (149 +/- 30 vs 110 +/- 17; P less than 0.005).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
C C Subbaiah  D S Bush    M M Sachs 《The Plant cell》1994,6(12):1747-1762
Based on pharmacological evidence, we previously proposed that intracellular Ca2+ mediates the perception of O2 deprivation in maize seedlings. Herein, using fluorescence imaging and photometry of Ca2+ in maize suspension-cultured cells, the proposal was further investigated. Two complementary approaches were taken: (1) real time analysis of anoxia-induced changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca]i) and (2) experimental manipulation of [Ca]i and then assay of the resultant anoxia-specific responses. O2 depletion caused an immediate increase in [Ca2+]i, and this was reversible within a few seconds of reoxygenation. The [Ca]i elevation proceeded independent of extracellular Ca2+. The kinetics of the Ca2+ response showed that it occurred much earlier than any detectable changes in gene expression. Ruthenium red blocked the anoxic [Ca]i elevation and also the induction of adh1 (encoding alcohol dehydrogenase) and sh1 (encoding sucrose synthase) mRNA. Ca2+, when added along with ruthenium red, prevented the effects of the antagonist on the anoxic responses. Verapamil and bepridil failed to block the [Ca]i rise induced by anoxia and were equally ineffective on anoxic gene expression. Caffeine induced an elevation of [Ca]i as well as ADH activity under normoxia. The data provide direct evidence for [Ca]i elevation in maize cells as a result of anoxia-induced mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Furthermore, any manipulation that modified the [Ca]i rise brought about a parallel change in the expression of two anoxia-inducible genes. Thus, these results corroborate our proposal that [Ca]i is a physiological transducer of anoxia signals in plants.  相似文献   
Girish Chandra 《BioControl》1980,25(2):187-192
Three new techniques of rearing dryinids parasitising rice hoppers were developed, namely, laboratory rearing technique for detailed observations, device for transporting and rearing field-collected hoppers to estimate percentage parasitism and a breeding technique.
Résumé Trois nouvelles techniques d’élevage de dryiinides parasites des cicadelles du riz ont été mises au point. L’une pour l’élevage en laboratoire en vue d’observations précises, un système pour le transport et l’élevage de cicadelles récoltées dans la nature afin d’évaluer le pourcentage de parasitisme et une technique d’élevage permanent.
Summary The hydrolytic action of the bee venom phospholipase A2 on phosphatidylcholine bilayers is studied under a variety of conditions that introduce alterations in the packing, such as those induced by sonication, gel to liquid crystalline phase transition, and osmotic shock. Two phases of hydrolysis could be resolved under a wide range of experimental conditions. With the various forms of the bilayers one observes only a partial hydrolysis of the total available substrate during the first phase. However, the fraction of the substrate hydrolyzed in the first phase changes with the form of the available substrate, with the amount of the enzyme added, with the temperature, with the phase transition characteristics of the substrate, and by the sonication of the substrate. The second phase of hydrolysis is generally observed when a certain concentration of the products has been produced during the first phase of hydrolysis. These observations are interpreted to suggest that the bee venom phospholipase A2 preferentially catalyzes hydrolysis of the substrate available at or near the defects in the organization of the substrate in the bilayers.  相似文献   
Fatty acids (FAs) have long been recognized for their nutritional value in the absence of glucose, and as necessary components of cell membranes. However, FAs have other effects on cells that may be less familiar. Polyunsaturated FAs of dietary origin (n–6 andn–3) cannot be synthesized by mammals, and are termed essential because they are required for the optimal biologic function of specialized cells and tissues. However, they do not appear to be necessary for normal growth and metabolism of a variety of cells in culture. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) have received increased attention in recent years due to their presumed involvement in cardiovascular disorders and in cancers of the breast, pancreas, colon and prostate. Manyin vitro systems have emerged which either examine the role of EFAs in human disease directly, or utilize EFAs to mimic thein vivo cellular environment. The effects of EFAs on cells are both direct and indirect. As components of membrane phospholipids, and due to their varying structural and physical properties, EFAs can alter membrane fluidity, at least in the local environment, and affect any process that is mediated via the membrane. EFAs containing 20 carbons and at least three double bonds can be enzymatically converted to eicosanoid hormones, which play important roles in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Alternatively, EFAs released into cells from phospholipids can act as second messengers that activate protein kinase C. Furthermore, susceptibility to oxidative damage increases with the degree of unsaturation, a complication that merits consideration because lipid peroxidation can lead to a variety of substances with toxic and mutagenic properties. The effects of EFAs on cultured cells are illustrated using the responses of normal and tumor human mammary epithelial cells. A thorough evaluation of EFA effects on commercially important cells could be used to advantage in the biotechnology industry by identifying EFA supplements that lead to improved cell growth and/or productivity.Abbreviations AA arachidonic acid (20 carbons: 4 double bonds,n–6) - BHA butylated hydroxyanisole - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CHO Chinese hamster ovary - DAG diacylglycerol - DGLNA dihomo--linolenic acid (203,n–6) - DHA docosahexaenoic acid (226,n–3) - EFA essential fatty acid - EGF epidermal growth factor - EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor - EPA eicosapentaenoic acid (205,n–3) - FA fatty acid - FBS fetal bovine serum - GLNA -linolenic acid (183,n–6) - LA linoleic acid (182,n–6) - LNA -linolenic acid (183,n–3) - LT leukotriene - MDA malondialdehyde - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NDGA nordihydroguaiaretic acid - OA oleic acid (181,n–9) - PG prostaglandin - PKC protein kinase C - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SFM serum-free medium - TX thromboxane  相似文献   
Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) reside under hypoxic conditions in vivo, between 4% and 7% oxygen. Differentiation of MSCs under hypoxic conditions results in inhibited osteogenesis, while chondrogenesis is unaffected. The reasons for these results may be associated with the inherent metabolism of the cells. The present investigation measured the oxygen consumption, glucose consumption and lactate production of MSCs during proliferation and subsequent differentiation towards the osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. MSCs expanded under normoxia had an oxygen consumption rate of ~98 fmol/cell/h, 75% of which was azide-sensitive, suggesting that these cells derive a significant proportion of ATP from oxidative phosphorylation in addition to glycolysis. By contrast, MSCs differentiated towards the chondrogenic lineage using pellet culture had significantly reduced oxygen consumption after 24 h in culture, falling to ~12 fmol/cell/h after 21 days, indicating a shift towards a predominantly glycolytic metabolism. By comparison, MSCs retained an oxygen consumption rate of ~98 fmol/cell/h over 21 days of osteogenic culture conditions, indicating that these cells had a more oxidative energy metabolism than the chondrogenic cultures. In conclusion, osteogenic and chondrogenic MSC cultures appear to adopt the balance of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis reported for the respective mature cell phenotypes. The addition of TGF-β to chondrogenic pellet cultures significantly enhanced glycosaminoglycan accumulation, but caused no significant effect on cellular oxygen consumption. Thus, the differences between the energy metabolism of chondrogenic and osteogenic cultures may be associated with the culture conditions and not necessarily their respective differentiation.  相似文献   
Plant oils containing ω-7 fatty acids (FAs; palmitoleic 16:1Δ(9) and cis-vaccenic 18:1Δ(11)) have potential as sustainable feedstocks for producing industrially important octene via metathesis chemistry. Engineering plants to produce seeds that accumulate high levels of any unusual FA has been an elusive goal. We achieved high levels of ω-7 FA accumulation by systematic metabolic engineering of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). A plastidial 16:0-ACP desaturase has been engineered to convert 16:0 to 16:1Δ(9) with specificity >100-fold than that of naturally occurring paralogs, such as that from cat's claw vine (Doxantha unguis-cati). Expressing this engineered enzyme (Com25) in seeds increased ω-7 FA accumulation from <2% to 14%. Reducing competition for 16:0-ACP by down-regulating the β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II 16:0 elongase further increased accumulation of ω-7 FA to 56%. The level of 16:0 exiting the plastid without desaturation also increased to 21%. Coexpression of a pair of fungal 16:0 desaturases in the cytosol reduced the 16:0 level to 11% and increased ω-7 FA to as much as 71%, equivalent to levels found in Doxantha seeds.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have tested the beneficial effects of forskolin in protecting the mancozeb‐induced reproductive toxicity in rats. Adult male Wistar rats were exposed to either mancozeb (500 mg/kg body weight/day) or forskolin (5 mg/kg body weight/day) or both for 65 days and analyzed for spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis and testicular and epididymal oxidative toxicity. A significant decrease in daily sperm production, epididymal sperm count, motile, viable, and hypo‐osmotic swelling‐tail swelled sperm was observed in mancozeb‐treated rats. The activity levels of testicular 3β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and circulatory testosterone levels were significantly decreased in mancozeb‐treated rats. Exposure to mancozeb resulted in a significant decrease in glutathione levels and superoxide dismutase and catalase activity levels with an increase in lipid peroxidation levels in the testes and epididymis. Coadministration of forskolin mitigated the mancozeb‐induced oxidative toxicity and suppressed steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   


The development of effective treatments for osteoarthritis (OA) has been hampered by a poor understanding of OA at the cellular and molecular levels. Emerging as a disease of the ''whole joint’, the importance of the biochemical contribution of various tissues, including synovium, bone and articular cartilage, has become increasingly significant. Bathing the entire joint structure, the proteomic analysis of synovial fluid (SF) from osteoarthritic shoulders offers a valuable ''snapshot’ of the biologic environment throughout disease progression. The purpose of this study was to identify differentially expressed proteins in early and late shoulder osteoarthritic SF in comparison to healthy SF.


A quantitative 18O labeling proteomic approach was employed to identify the dysregulated SF proteins in early (n = 5) and late (n = 4) OA patients compared to control individuals (n = 5). In addition, ELISA was used to quantify six pro-inflammatory and two anti-inflammatory cytokines.


Key results include a greater relative abundance of proteins related to the complement system and the extracellular matrix in SF from both early and late OA. Pathway analyses suggests dysregulation of the acute phase response, liver x receptor/retinoid x receptor (LXR/RXR), complement system and coagulation pathways in both early and late OA. The network related to lipid metabolism was down-regulated in both early and late OA. Inflammatory cytokines including interleukin (IL) 6, IL 8 and IL 18 were up-regulated in early and late OA.


The results suggest a dysregulation of wound repair pathways in shoulder OA contributing to the presence of a ''chronic wound’ that progresses irreversibly from early to later stages of OA. Protease inhibitors were downregulated in late OA suggesting uncontrolled proteolytic activity occurring in late OA. These results contribute to the theory that protease inhibitors represent promising therapeutic agents which could limit proteolytic activity that ultimately leads to cartilage destruction.  相似文献   
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