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Pertussis toxin treatment of rabbit peritoneal neutrophils causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of granule enzyme secretion induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, C5a, and leukotriene B4. It also inhibits chemotaxis induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. The same toxin treatment, however, has no effect on granule enzyme secretion induced by the calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Moreover, pertussis toxin treatment does not affect either the number or affinity of the formylpeptide receptors on the neutrophil nor does it have any effect on the unstimulated levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) or the transient rise in cAMP induced by chemotactic factor stimulation in these cells. We hypothesize that pertussis toxin, as in other cells, interacts with a GTP binding regulatory protein identical with or analogous to either Ni or transducin which mediates the receptor-induced inhibition or activation of a target protein or proteins required in neutrophil activation. The nature of the target protein is unknown, but it is not the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase. The target protein acts after binding of chemotactic factor to its receptor in the sequence that leads to the receptor-induced rise in intracellular Ca2+. It does not affect the responses elicited by the direct introduction of calcium into the cells or the activity of protein kinase C.  相似文献   
Statistical methods for computing the standard errors of the branching points of an evolutionary tree are developed. These methods are for the unweighted pair-group method-determined (UPGMA) trees reconstructed from molecular data such as amino acid sequences, nucleotide sequences, restriction-sites data, and electrophoretic distances. They were applied to data for the human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon species. Among the four different sets of data used, DNA sequences for an 895-nucleotide segment of mitochondrial DNA (Brown et al. 1982) gave the most reliable tree, whereas electrophoretic data (Bruce and Ayala 1979) gave the least reliable one. The DNA sequence data suggested that the chimpanzee is the closest and that the gorilla is the next closest to the human species. The orangutan and gibbon are more distantly related to man than is the gorilla. This topology of the tree is in agreement with that for the tree obtained from chromosomal studies and DNA-hybridization experiments. However, the difference between the branching point for the human and the chimpanzee species and that for the gorilla species and the human-chimpanzee group is not statistically significant. In addition to this analysis, various factors that affect the accuracy of an estimated tree are discussed.   相似文献   
Drying of seeds, when imposed prematurely, elicits a switch in metabolism; events unique to development, such as synthesis of storage protein, are terminated, whereas syntheses associated with germination and growth are initiated. To determine the role of desiccation in down-regulating the expression of genes for storage proteins, the desiccation responsiveness of the 5[prime] and 3[prime] regulatory regions of the genes encoding the pea storage protein vicilin and the Brassica napus storage protein napin was tested in transgenic tobacco seed. Chimeric genes were introduced into tobacco; these genes consisted of the coding region of the reporter gene for [beta]-glucuronidase (GUS) and 5[prime] and/or 3[prime] regions from the vicilin or napin genes or, as controls, the same regions derived from constitutively expressed genes, presumed to be desiccation insensitive. In transgenic seed expressing the gene constructs containing the vicilin or napin promoters, GUS activities declined during late seed development, and more dramatically, after imbibition of mature dry seed or prematurely dried seed. In contrast, GUS activities increased after seed rehydration when the constitutive viral promoter replaced the storage-protein gene 5[prime] region. Transient expression assays support the hypothesis that premature drying down-regulates the expression of the storage-protein gene promoter. Following desiccation, this region may become insensitive to positive controlling factors; alternatively, changes to trans-acting factors may occur.  相似文献   
Molecular systematists need increased access to nuclear genes. Highly conserved, low copy number protein-encoding nuclear genes have attractive features for phylogenetic inference but have heretofore been applied mostly to very ancient divergences. By virtue of their synonymous substitutions, such genes should contain a wealth of information about lower-level taxonomic relationships as well, with the advantage that amino acid conservatism makes both alignment and primer definition straightforward. We tested this postulate for the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) gene in the noctuid moth subfamily Heliothinae, which has probably diversified since the middle Tertiary. We sequenced 1,240 bp in 18 taxa representing heliothine groupings strongly supported by previous morphological and allozyme studies. The single most parsimonious gene tree and the neighbor-joining tree for all nucleotides show almost complete concordance with the morphological tree. Homoplasy and pairwise divergence levels are low, transition/transversion ratios are high, and phylogenetic information is spread evenly across gene regions. The EF-1 alpha gene and presumably other highly conserved genes hold much promise for phylogenetics of Tertiary age eukaryote groups.   相似文献   
Identification of the signalling molecules involved in mesoderm formation in amphibian embryos still presents problems. None of the original candidates, such as activin, have been definitively ruled out, and the new factors, such as the nodal-related genes, have come on to the scene. Of the original candidates, activin has been definitively shown to act as a morphogen, whereas bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-4 has emerged as a ventral inducer and an inhibitor of neural differentiation. The effects of BMP-4 are antagonized by chordin, a molecule related to the product of the Drosophila gene short gastrulation.  相似文献   
Ants are powerful model systems for the study of cooperation and sociality. In this review, we discuss how recent advances in ant genomics have contributed to our understanding of the evolution and organization of insect societies at the molecular level.  相似文献   
Specific biochemical marker-based techniques were tested for their ability to distinguish between seeds of Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, that were filled or unfilled (aborted) at maturity and those that were damaged or emptied by the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann. A polyclonal antibody raised against salivary gland extracts from L. occidentalis successfully identified residual salivary proteins on Western blots containing proteins from Douglas-fir seeds that had sustained various degrees of seed bug feeding damage. In a single blind experiment, the polyclonal antibody correctly identified 100% of undamaged control, 97% of unfilled control (aborted), and 98% of seed bug damaged seeds. Polyclonal antibodies raised against insoluble alfalfa crystalloid storage protein (11S globulin) detected the depletion of 11S globulin and the subsequent appearance of its hydrolyzed fragments in the soluble protein fraction of Douglas-fir seeds that were fed-upon by the seed bug. Feeding by L. occidentalis nymphs caused ca. 98% depletion of insoluble protein, but only ca. 53% reduction in the amount of soluble protein in seeds that appeared empty on radiographs. By comparison, unfilled (aborted) seeds contained significantly less insoluble and soluble protein than empty seeds that were fed-upon by L. occidentalis; moreover, no crystalloid (11S globulin) breakdown products were generated. The biochemical markers described in this study are reliable tools that can be used to identify conifer seeds that have sustained light to severe damage from L. occidentalis feeding.  相似文献   
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