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Imprint preparations were used in addition to frozen sections in the intraoperative diagnosis of 37 cases of benign and malignant lesions of the thyroid gland, including adenomatous goiter, follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma and papillary carcinoma. In the imprints, the cytologic features specific for carcinoma, as compared with benign lesions, were (1) the folding of the nuclear contour, (2) the increased density of the cytoplasmic matrix and (3) the frequent appearance of cell clusters of larger size. The size and frequency of cell clusters were morphometrically analyzed by a computer image analyzer. There was an increasing number of large clusters, plus the appearance of clusters of more than 300 micron in diameter, in both follicular and papillary carcinoma. In benign lesions, on the contrary, the majority of cells were isolated or in small clusters, the diameter of which never exceeded 300 micron in diameter. These results demonstrate that (1) the imprint cytology of the thyroid gland is useful in making a rapid intraoperative diagnosis and (2) the introduction of computer-assisted quantitative analysis is of practical value in the diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   
The potency of thrombin inhibition by 4-methyl-1-[N2-[(3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-8-quinolinyl)-sulfony l]- L-arginyl]-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid (MQPA) depended on the stereoconformation of the 2-piperidinecarboxylic acid moiety. Ki values for bovine alpha-thrombin were 0.019 microM with (2R,4R)-MQPA, 0.24 microM with (2R,4S)-MQPA, 1.9 microM with (2S,4R)-MQPA, and 280 microM with (2S,4S)-MQPA. (2R,4R)-MQPA of the four stereoisomers of MQPA was also the most potent inhibitor for other trypsin-like serine proteases with Ki values of 5.0 microM for trypsin, 210 microM for factor Xa, 800 microM for plasmin, and 1500 microM for plasma kallikrein. Examination of the potency of thrombin inhibition by arginine derivatives related to MQPA in structure suggested the presence of a specific binding site for the carboxamide portion (C-terminal side). The relative inhibitory potency of the four stereoisomers of MQPA for trypsin was nearly identical with that for thrombin, suggesting that the specific binding site for the carboxamide portion is present in both enzymes. Modification of thrombin by phosphopyridoxylation or the presence of heparin did not significantly alter the binding of MQPA.  相似文献   
Seston was collected from depths of 5 and 60 m in the north basin and a depth of 0 m in the south basin of Lake Biwa in the summer of 1985 and decomposed in the laboratory under aerobic conditions for three months. There was no net release of dissolved inorganic phosphorus from any seston, in contrast with the liberation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. From this result and other available data, it is suggested that almost all phosphorus entering Lake Biwa and remaining within it is finally transformed into particulate phosphorous, transported to the bottom sediments, and fixed there without being recycled. Thus, this mechanism seems to play an important role in the prevention of rapid eutrophication of Lake Biwa, in spite of high external phosphorus loading.  相似文献   
Peracetylated samples of cyclomaltoheptaose (β-cyclodextrin, β-CD) and its methylated derivative were studied by 13C NMR. The acetyl carbonyl carbon signal in peracetylated β-CD was resolved into a triplet, and the three peaks were assigned by long-range C---H COSY and INAPT techniques. The individual carbonyl peak was found to be indicative of the location of the acetyl group on the 2, 3, and 6 position in the glucose residues. An acetylated derivative of a partly methylated β-CD was also subjected to 13C NMR analysis to determine the distribution of acetyl and, subsequently, methyl groups on the glucose residues.  相似文献   
Unrolling due to blue light (B) irradiation of the second leavesdetached from 8-day-old rice (Oryza saliva L.) seedlings wassimilar to that reported previously for nondetached leaves.The effect of B was counteracted by irradiation with red light(R). The counteracting effect of R was reversed by subsequentirradiation with far-red light (FR). When the detached leaf was irradiated with B passed througha 1-mm-wide slit 5, 8, 10, 12 or 15 mm from the leaf tip, irradiation10 mm from the leaf tip was the most effective. The effect of a 1 mm-wide-B irradiation 10 mm from the leaftip was counteracted by a 1 mm-wide-R irradiation at the sameposition, but not by irradiations at the other points. The counteractingeffect of R was reversed by a 1 mm-wide-FR irradiation at thesame position. This suggests that the excitation or the reactionof the B photoreceptor(s) is affected directly by the PFR formof phytochrome. The dose-response curve for the unrolling caused by B showeda simple Bunsen-Roscoe relation without two peaks, which differsfrom that for the phototropism in Avena caused by B. (Received August 21, 1980; Accepted December 20, 1980)  相似文献   
The physiological action of CCC for leaves of Kyoho grapes wasstudied. Leaves from the lower to upper positions of the primaryshoots and (primary) lateral shoots showed uneven photosyntheticactivities with peaks. The photosynthetic activity of each leaffrom both shoots was increased by treatment with CCC, whereasrespiratory activity was not affected with CCC. In the primaryshoots, CCC treatment increased the contents of chlorophylla and b in the leaves, but in the lateral shoots only chlorophyllb contents were increased. Dry weights of the leaves from thelateral shoots increased with CCC, but those of leaves locatedin the vicinity of nodes bearing the fruit clusters varied slightlyor were almost the same as the dry weight of non-treated leaves.Leaf thickness was increased by CCC and paralleled the variationin dry weight. The leaf area was decreased by CCC. (Received April 19, 1980; )  相似文献   
Hybridization between divergent lineages generates new allelic combinations. One mechanism that can hinder the formation of hybrid populations is mitonuclear incompatibility, that is, dysfunctional interactions between proteins encoded in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of diverged lineages. Theoretically, selective pressure due to mitonuclear incompatibility can affect genotypes in a hybrid population in which nuclear genomes and mitogenomes from divergent lineages admix. To directly and thoroughly observe this key process, we de novo sequenced the 747‐Mb genome of the coastal goby, Chaenogobius annularis, and investigated its integrative genomic phylogeographics using RNA‐sequencing, RAD‐sequencing, genome resequencing, whole mitogenome sequencing, amplicon sequencing, and small RNA‐sequencing. Chaenogobius annularis populations have been geographically separated into Pacific Ocean (PO) and Sea of Japan (SJ) lineages by past isolation events around the Japanese archipelago. Despite the divergence history and potential mitonuclear incompatibility between these lineages, the mitogenomes of the PO and SJ lineages have coexisted for generations in a hybrid population on the Sanriku Coast. Our analyses revealed accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in the PO‐lineage mitogenomes, including two convergent substitutions, as well as signals of mitochondrial lineage‐specific selection on mitochondria‐related nuclear genes. Finally, our data implied that a microRNA gene was involved in resolving mitonuclear incompatibility. Our integrative genomic phylogeographic approach revealed that mitonuclear incompatibility can affect genome evolution in a natural hybrid population.  相似文献   
Elongation of pollen tubes in pistils after self-pollination of Lilium longiflorum cv. Hinomoto exhibiting strong gametophytic self-incompatibility was promoted by cAMP and also promoted by some metabolic modulators, namely, activators (forskolin and cholera toxin) of adenylate cyclase and inhibitors (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and pertussis) of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Moreover, the elongation was promoted by acetylcholine (ACh) and other choline derivatives, such as acetylthiocholine, L-α-phosphatidylcholine and chlorocholinechloride [CCC; (2-chloroethyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride]. A potent inhibitor (neostigmine) of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as acetylcholine also promoted the elongation. cAMP enhanced choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and suppressed AChE activity in the pistils, suggesting that the results are closely correlated with self-incompatibility in L. longiflorum. In short, it came to light that cAMP modulates ChAT (acetylcholine-forming enzyme) and AChE (acetylchoine-decomposing enzyme) activities to enhance the level of ACh in the pistils of L. logiflorum after self-incompatible pollination. These results indicate that the self-incompatibility on self-pollination is caused by low levels of ACh and/or cAMP.Key Words: pollen tubes, self-incompatibility, Lilium longiflorum, cAMP, acetylcholie, AChE, ChATCyclic AMP (cAMP) is an essential signaling molecule in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.1 The existence of cAMP in higher plants was questioned by some reviewers24 in the mid 1970''s, so that many workers were discouraged from studying roles in plant biology. However, its presence was confirmed by mass spectrometry5 and infrared spectrometry6 in the early 1980''s and increasing evidence712 now suggests that cAMP makes important contributions in plant cells, as in animals.Lily (Lilium longiflorum) exhibits strong gametophytic self-incompatibility.13,14 Thus, elongation of pollen tubes in the pistil after self-incompatible pollination in L. longiflorum cv. Hinomoto stops halfway, in contrast to the case after cross-compatible pollination (cross with cv. Georgia).14 This self-incompatibility appears to be associated with the stress and self-incompatible pollination on stigmas of lilies results in activation and/or induction of enzymes such as NADH- and NADPH-dependent oxidases, xanthine oxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and ascorbate peroxidase in the pistils.15 The activities of NADH- and NADPH-dependent oxidases (O2-forming enzymes), however, are known to be suppressed by cAMP16 and increase in the level of cAMP in guinea pig neutrophils results in their decreased expression.17 The level of O2 reactions with SOD is also decreased by cAMP.18 In the case of the lily, inhibition of NADH- and NADPH-dependent oxidases by cAMP was found to be noncompetitive with NAD(P)H.16 We hypothesized that decrease in active oxygen species such as O2 and suppression of stress enzyme activities in self-pollinated pistils of lily by cAMP might cause elongation of pollen tubes after self-pollination and this proved to be the case. Namely, elongation of pollen tubes after self-incompatible pollination in lily was promoted by exogenous cAMP at a concentration as low as 10 nM, a conceivable physiological level.13 Moreover, similar elongation could be achieved with adenylate cyclase activators [forskolin(FK) and cholera toxin] and cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors [3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) and pertussis toxin].14,19 These phenomena led us to examine the involvement of endogenous cAMP in pistils after self-incompatible or cross-compatible pollination. As expected, the level of endogenous cAMP in pistils after self-pollination was approximately one half of that after cross-pollination. Furthermore, this was associated with a concomitant decrease in adenylate cyclase and increase in cAMP phosphodiesterase.19Many researchers in the field of plant biology have been unsuccessful in attempts to estimate the quantity of cAMP and to detect activities of adenylate cyclase and cAMP phosphodiesterase. On major difficulty is the presence of proteases and we have overcome this problem by using protease inhibitors, such as aprotinin and leupeptin.19In 1947, acetylcholine (ACh) of higher plants was first reported in a nettle (Urtica urens) found in the Himalaya mountain range.20 In 1983, its existence in plants was confirmed by mass spectrometry of preparations from Vigna seedlings.21 In our preliminary studies, CCC (chlorocholinechloride), a plant growth retardant (specifically an anti-gibberellin), enhanced the elongation of the pollen tubes in pistils after self-incompatible pollination in lilies. This led us to investigate whether other choline derivatives cause similar effects and positive findings were obtained with ACh, acetylthiocholine and L-α-phosphatidlylcholine.22 Moreover, the elongation was also promoted by neostigmine, an inhibitor of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity. In line with these results, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) demonstrated low and AChE high activity in pistils after self-incompatible pollination.The positive influence of cAMP14,19 and ACh22 in pistils of L. longiflorum after self-incompatible pollination encouraged us to examine the involvement of these two molecules in regulation of pollen tube elongation of lily after self-incompatible and cross-compatible pollination. As a result, it was revealed that cAMP promotes ChAT and suppresses AChE activity in pistils after both self- and cross-pollination. In other words, the self-incompatibilty in pistils of L. longiflorum appears to be due to levels of ACh and/or cAMP below certain threshold values.Hitherto, these substances have not been recognized to play important roles in the metabolic systems of higher plants. However, given their conservation through evolution, it is natural that such central metabolic substances make essential contributions, regardless of the organism. We have succeeded in establishing physiological functions of cAMP and ACh in pistils of lily14,19,22 and this points to use of plant reproductive organs such as research materials. The exact responsibilities of the two molecules may depend on differences in tissues or organs of plants and further molecular biological studies in this area are clearly warranted. This issue is currently being investigated.  相似文献   
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