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Summary Phage adsorption tests and transfection by electroporation were carried out to decide whether phage-resistance in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain 4513-5 is based on intracellular or extracellular mechanisms. Using high voltage (12.5 kV/cm) electroporation, untreated phage DNA was introduced into phage-sensitive and phage-resistant cells. Since phages showed low adsorption frequencies on resistant bacteria, resistance is localized in the cell wall preventing phage DNA from entering the cell. This is the only mechanism responsible for the resistance of L. lactis subsp. lactis 4513-5 against its homologous phage P4513-K12 and non-homologous phages P05M-13 and P05M-47, but not against phage P530-7 and phage P530-12. In the case of the latter two phage strains, intracellular resistance mechanisms are involved and discussed.  相似文献   
A test of a model for planktivorous filter feeding by bream Abramis brama   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The planktivorous feeding of bream, Abramis brama on Daphnia hyalina and Bosmina coregoni was analyzed in a stepwise regression analysis with the average size (and standard deviation) of consumed organisms as dependent variable and the size of the fish, the average size (and standard deviation) of the organisms and their density in the environment as independent variables. Three basic predictions on filter feeding were formulated and tested. It was predicted that the (average) prey size should increase with fish size, but that the standard deviation should decline. Secondly the prey size should be strongly correlated with the prey size available and thirdly the prey density should have little effect on the size selection. These hypotheses could not be rejected for bream>10 cm feeding on B. coregoni and for bream>20 cm feeding on D. hyalina. The hypotheses were not valid for smaller bream as these acted as particulate or combined filter- and particulate feeders.  相似文献   
Significance of Ca2+ and K+ for the complex morphogenesis ofMicrasterias, which takes place through multipolar tip growth,was investigated. Studies with different external Ca2+ concentrationsand Ca2+ channel inhibitors LaCl3 and verapamil indicate thatCa2+ and Ca2+ channels are essential in the development, whiletreatments with different K+ concentrations and K+ channel inhibitorTEA demonstrate that potassium or K+ channels are not neededin the process, albeit the existence of K+ channels. K+ is notneeded even for the regulation of turgor pressure, which wasfound to decrease clearly during cell development. The plasmamembrane ATPase inhibitors diethylstilbesterol (DES) and Na-orthovanadatestop morphogenesis and indicate the importance of ion pumpsin the developmental process. Both supraoptimal, external K+and Ca2+ cause abundant Ca2+ precipitate formation in chloroplasts,which shows that chloroplasts are important in regulation ofcytoplasmic Ca2+ metabolism and that K+ activates the uptakeof Ca2+ through Ca2+ channels. (Received June 13, 1995; Accepted September 13, 1996)  相似文献   
Elicitors released from hyphae or cell walls of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull. ex Fries.) Quél. induced in suspension-cultured cells of Picea abies (L.) Karst. a set of fast reactions: (i) an immediate efflux of Cl into the medium, followed by a K+ efflux; (ii) an influx of Ca2+ (measured as accumulation of 45Ca2+ in the cells); (iii) a phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein and dephosphorylation of a 65-kDa protein (detectable by 4 min after elicitor application); (iv) an alkalinization of the medium, and (v) a transient synthesis of H2O2. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ by EGTA delayed the elicitor-induced alkalinization. A further reduction of this response could be achieved by TMB-8 an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Moreover, the inhibition of protein kinase activity by staurosporine prevented the extracellular alkalinization completely. However, the effectiveness of the elicitors in inducing the extracellular alkalinization was strongly impaired by constitutively secreted enzymes of spruce cells which cleaved the elicitors to inactive fragments. It is suggested that in ectomycorrhizae the efficacy of elicitors released from fungal cell walls is controlled by apoplastic enzymes of the host; the plant itself is able to reduce the activity of fungal elicitors on their way through the plant cell wall. But those elicitors which finally reach the plasma membrane of host cells induce reactions that are similar to the early defense reactions in plant-pathogen interactions.Abbreviations DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - TMB-8 3,4,5 trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(diethylamino)-octyl ester We thank Prof. M. Zenk (Universität München, Germany) for providing spruce cell cultures, and Dr. I. Kottke (Universität Tübingen, Germany) for isolates of Hebeloma crustuliniforme Tü 704. We are also thankful to Dr. W. Mayer (Universität Tübingen) for valuble discussions. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. B. Zitterell-Haid was financed by Graduiertenkolleg Interaktion in Waldökosystemen (supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and G. Hebe by a scholarship of the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz.  相似文献   
Meijer  M. L.  van Nes  E. H.  Lammens  E. H. R. R.  Gulati  R. D.  Grimm  M. P.  Backx  J.  Hollebeek  P.  Blaauw  E. M.  Breukelaar  A. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):31-42
In 1990 an experiment started in the large and shallow lake Wolderwijd (2700 ha, mean depth 1.5 m) to improve the water quality. About 75% of the fish stock was removed (425 000 kg fish). The fish was mainly composed of bream and roach. In May 600000 young pikes (3–4 cm) were introduced.In May 1991 the water became very clear (Secchi depth 1.8 m) during a spring bloom of large Daphnia. Then the grazing by zooplankton was eight times higher than the primary production of algae and the total suspended matter concentration became very low. Compared to the situation before the fish reduction, the grazing had increased only slightly, while the primary production had decreased significantly in early spring. The fish stock reduction might have contributed to the reduction in primary production by a reduced internal nutrient load. The clear water period lasted six weeks. Daphnia disappeared in July due to food limitation, the algal biomass increased and the Secchi depth became 50 cm. Daphnia did not recover during summer, due to predation that was not caused by 0 + fish but by the mysid shrimp Neomysis integer. Neomysis could develop abundantly, because of the reduced biomass of the predator perch. The production of young fish had been low because of the cold spring weather. The cold weather was probably also responsible for the slow increase in density of macrophytes. After 1991, perch probably can control Neomysis. Due to lack of spawning places and shelter for 0 + pike, pike was probably not able to control the production of 0 + fish. In a lake of this scale, it will not be easy to get more than 50% coverage of macrophytes, which seems necessary to keep the algal biomass low by nutrient competition. Therefore, we expect also in the future a decrease in transparency in the summer. Locally, especially near Characeae, the water might stay clear.  相似文献   
Summary Fast start-up of thermophilic upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors was achieved at process temperatures of 46, 55 and 64° C, using mesophilic granular sludge as inoculum and fatty acid mixtures as feed. The start-up was brought about by increasing the temperature of mesophilic UASB reactors in a single step, which initially led to a sharp drop in the methane production rate. Thereafter, stable thermophilic methanogenesis was achieved within a period of 1 or 2 weeks depending on the temperature of operation. Mesophilic granules functioned initially as effective carrier material for thermophilic organisms. However, long-term operation led to disintegration of the granules, resulting in wash-out of thermophilic biomass. The temperature optima for acetotrophic methanogenic activity of the sludges cultivated at 46, 55 and 64° C, were similar, but differed significantly from the temperature optimum of the mesophilic inoculum. All the sludges examined were dominated by Methanothrix-like rods. These could be distinguished by antigenic fingerprinting into two subpopulations, one predominant at 36° C and the other predominant at 46° C and above. Offprint requests to: J. B. van Lier  相似文献   
The arabinogalactan protein (AGP) fractions of embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus lines of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex. Klotzsch were analysed over a cultivation period of 9 weeks using the β -glucosyl Yariv reagent and an anti-AGP antibody (LM2). The amount of AGPs detected with the Yariv reagent increased in embryogenic cultures during the development of somatic embryos. The embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus contained different sets of AGPs characterized with the Yariv reagent and the LM2 monoclonal antibody. AGPs recognized by LM2 are localized primarily in the protodermal cells of globular somatic embryos. The development of somatic embryos of E. pulcherrima appears to be associated with the presence of particular AGPs.  相似文献   
Development of fish communities in lakes after biomanipulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biomanipulation measures in the Netherlands are usually a combination of a drastic fish stock reduction and an introduction of pike fingerlings. In three small shallow lakes (Noorddiep, Bleiswijkse Zoom and Zwemlust) these measures resulted in a clear water state and the development of macrophytes. After the measures the fish community developed differently because of the new physical and biological conditions. Results of lake Noorddiep and lake Bleiswijkse Zoom showed that the fish community became more divers. Bream and carp became less dominant and were partly replaced by roach and perch. The importance of the main predator pike-perch was strongly reduced and replaced by pike and perch. The share of piscivorous fish in the total fish stock increased at all sites. The recruitment of young-of-the-year was similar or even higher in the clear overgrown areas than in the turbid water before the measures, but the recruitment of young-of-the-year to older fish differed between the species. Predation by pike and perch could not control the young-of-the-year cyprinids, but their predation may have contributed to the shift from bream to roach, because of selective predation on bream in the open water, while roach was hiding in the vegetation. The macrophytes provide new refugia and feeding conditions that favour roach and perch, but offer relatively poor survival conditions for bream and carp.  相似文献   
For bone repair, transplantation of periosteal progenitor cells (PCs), which had been amplified within supportive scaffolds, is applied clinically. More innovative bone tissue engineering approaches focus on the in situ recruitment of stem and progenitor cells to defective sites and their subsequent use for guided tissue repair. Chemokines are known to induce the directed migration of bone marrow CD34(-) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The aim of our study was to determine the chemokine receptor expression profile of human CD34(-) PCs and to demonstrate that these cells migrate upon stimulation with selected chemokines. PCs were isolated from periosteum of the mastoid bone and displayed a homogenous cell population presenting an MSC-related cell-surface antigen profile (ALCAM(+), SH2(+), SH3(+), CD14(-), CD34(-), CD44(+), CD45(-), CD90(+)). The expression profile of chemokine receptors was determined by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Both methods consistently demonstrated that PCs express receptors of all four chemokine subfamilies CC, CXC, CX(3)C, and C. Migration of PCs and a dose-dependent migratory effect of the chemokines CCL2 (MCP1), CCL25 (TECK), CXCL8 (IL8), CXCL12 (SDF1alpha), and CXCL13 (BCA1), but not CCL22 (MDC) were demonstrated using a 96-multiwell chemotaxis assay. In conclusion, for the first time, here we report that human PCs express chemokine receptors, present their profile, and demonstrate a dose-dependent migratory effect of distinct chemokines on these cells. These results are promising towards in situ bone repair therapies based on guiding PCs to bone defects, and encourage further in vivo studies.  相似文献   
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