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First appearing in 2000, and with 20,000 copies sold as it entered its sixth printing in 2004, Richard Trudgen's Why Warriors Lie down and Die is a minor publishing phenomenon. Although scholarly forums have generally ignored the book, Christian media outlets, the popular press and neo‐conservative political activists have enthusiastically received and promoted it. An examination of the merits of Why Warriors Lie down and Die suggests that its popularity is only partly explained by original observations or insights on the part of the author. The most important explanation, and implication, of the book's remarkable take‐up lies in the opportune way in which it corresponds with now ascendant neo‐conservative political perspectives on indigenous policy.  相似文献   
Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiini) is an invasive wood‐boring beetle with an unusually broad host range and a proven ability to increase its host range as it colonizes new areas and encounters new tree species. The beetle is native to eastern Asia and has become an invasive pest in North America and Europe, stimulating interest in delineating host and non‐host tree species more clearly. When offered a choice among four species of living trees in a greenhouse, adult A. glabripennis fed more on golden‐rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxmann) and river birch (Betula nigra L.) than on London planetree (Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willdenow) or callery pear (Pyrus calleryana Decaisne). Oviposition rate was highest in golden‐rain tree, but larval mortality was also high and larval growth was slowest in this tree species. Oviposition rate was lowest in callery pear, and larvae failed to survive in this tree species, whether they eclosed from eggs laid in the trees or were manually inserted into the trees. Adult beetles feeding on callery pear had a reduced longevity and females feeding only on callery pear failed to develop any eggs. The resistance of golden‐rain tree against the larvae appears to operate primarily through the physical mechanism of abundant sap flow. The resistance of callery pear against both larvae and adults appears to operate through the chemical composition of the tree, which may include compounds that are toxic or which otherwise interfere with normal growth and development of the beetle. Unlike river birch or London planetree, both golden‐rain tree and callery pear are present in the native range of A. glabripennis and may therefore have developed resistance to the beetle by virtue of exposure to attack during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Controlled generation of reactive oxygen species orchestrates numerous physiological signaling events (Finkel, T. (2011) Signal transduction by reactive oxygen species. J. Cell Biol. 194, 7–15). A major cellular target of reactive oxygen species is the thiol side chain (RSH) of Cys, which may assume a wide range of oxidation states (i.e. −2 to +4). Within this context, Cys sulfenic (Cys-SOH) and sulfinic (Cys-SO2H) acids have emerged as important mechanisms for regulation of protein function. Although this area has been under investigation for over a decade, the scope and biological role of sulfenic/sulfinic acid modifications have been recently expanded with the introduction of new tools for monitoring cysteine oxidation in vitro and directly in cells. This minireview discusses selected recent examples of protein sulfenylation and sulfinylation from the literature, highlighting the role of these post-translational modifications in cell signaling.  相似文献   
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), in combination with CRISPR associated (cas) genes, constitute CRISPR-Cas bacterial adaptive immune systems. To generate immunity, these systems acquire short sequences of nucleic acids from foreign invaders and incorporate these into their CRISPR arrays as spacers. This adaptation process is the least characterized step in CRISPR-Cas immunity. Here, we used Pectobacterium atrosepticum to investigate adaptation in Type I-F CRISPR-Cas systems. Pre-existing spacers that matched plasmids stimulated hyperactive primed acquisition and resulted in the incorporation of up to nine new spacers across all three native CRISPR arrays. Endogenous expression of the cas genes was sufficient, yet required, for priming. The new spacers inhibited conjugation and transformation, and interference was enhanced with increasing numbers of new spacers. We analyzed ∼350 new spacers acquired in priming events and identified a 5′-protospacer-GG-3′ protospacer adjacent motif. In contrast to priming in Type I-E systems, new spacers matched either plasmid strand and a biased distribution, including clustering near the primed protospacer, suggested a bi-directional translocation model for the Cas1:Cas2–3 adaptation machinery. Taken together these results indicate priming adaptation occurs in different CRISPR-Cas systems, that it can be highly active in wild-type strains and that the underlying mechanisms vary.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Latitudinal variation in population structure during the winter has been reported in many migratory birds, but has been documented in few species of waterfowl. Variation in environmental and social conditions at wintering sites can potentially influence the population dynamics of differential migrants. We examined latitudinal variation in sex and age classes of wintering Pacific Black Brant ( Branta bernicla nigricans ). Brant are distributed along a wide latitudinal gradient from Alaska to Mexico during the winter. Accordingly, migration distances for brant using different wintering locations are highly variable and winter settlement patterns are likely associated with a spatially variable food resource. We used resightings of brant banded in southwestern Alaska to examine sex and age ratios of birds wintering at Boundary Bay in British Columbia, and at San Quintin Bay, Ojo de Liebre Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California from 1998 to 2000. Sex ratios were similar among wintering locations for adults and were consistent with the mating strategy of geese. The distribution of juveniles varied among wintering areas, with greater proportions of juveniles observed at northern (San Quintin Bay and Ojo de Liebre Lagoon) than at southern (San Ignacio Lagoon) locations in Baja California. We suggest that age-related variation in the winter distribution of Pacific Black Brant is mediated by variation in productivity among individuals at different wintering locations and by social interactions among wintering family groups.  相似文献   
The effects of growing Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 8052 in a chemostat under conditions of glucose, NH(4) (+), PO(4) (3-), Mg(2+), and Fe(2+) limitation were examined. It was noted that limitation of any major nutrient resulted in the same fermentation pattern. Conditions where minor nutrient levels were reduced appeared to stimulate solvent production. Under conditions of Mg(2+) restriction, a productive solventogenic culture was produced, with a yield of total solvents on glucose of 35.5%.  相似文献   
In this study we used Gardella gel analysis of intact DNA, Southern blotting of digested DNA, and fluorescence in situ hybridization to provide complementary and unequivocal information on the state of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome in persistently infected cells. The fluorescence in situ hybridization technique allowed us to directly visualize both integrated and episomal EBV DNA at the single-cell level. We show here that circularization of the EBV genome is rarely detected upon infecting activated normal B cells. The virus can persist upon infection of a different proliferating B-cell target, EBV-negative Burkitt's lymphoma tumor cell lines. Analysis of 16 such lines reveal again, that the virus infrequently persists as covalently closed episomes; rather, the virus preferentially persists by integrating into the host DNA (10 of 16 clones). The integrated virus is linear and usually intact, although 3 of 10 isolates have deletions from the left-hand end including the latent origin of replication. At the level of our analysis, no obvious relationship was seen between the integration sites. These studies provide, for the first time, a reproducible in vitro model system to study integration by EBV.  相似文献   
The individual serovars of the Mycobacterium avium complex, a source of serious and persistent infections in individuals with underlying immune deficiencies, also present an extraordinary set of novel sugar epitopes as part of their type-specific glycopeptidolipid surface antigens. Californium desorption-mass spectrometry has been successfully applied to the holistic glycopeptidolipid antigen of M. avium serovar 12 and its per-O-acetyl derivative, to arrive at the following structure, of molecular mass 1876: (Sequence: see text). The pentasaccharide hapten, released as the tetraglycosyl alditol, was subjected to methylation analysis, absolute configurational analysis, 1H NMR and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry to arrive at the structure: 4-(2'-Hydroxy) propionamido-4,6-dideoxy-3-O-Me-Glcp (beta 1----3)-4-O-Me-L-Rhap (alpha 1----3)-L-Rhap (alpha 1----3)-L-Rhap (alpha 1----2)-6-deoxytalitol. Two-dimensional proton correlation spectroscopy was also applied to determine the configuration of the unique distal segment of the oligosaccharide unit. The significance of this structure in the context of the fully elucidated structures of the antigens from 12 of the 31-member M. avium complex is discussed.  相似文献   
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