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This study was conducted in a secondary broad-leaved forestin northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned on 20–21 April1998. The study plot, set up on 13 July 1998, contained Quercusmongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonicatrees. The latter were more severely damaged by the fire. Size-dependentsurvivorship was observed in both species with larger treesbeing more likely to survive the fire. However, many largeBetulatrees were completely destroyed. Both species developed abundantroot collar sprouts immediately after the fire. The number ofsprouts ranged from 0 to 296 in Betula and from 0 to 34 in Quercus.Trees with no sprouts were not necessarily dead. The frequencydistribution of the sprouting pattern in Betula was bimodal.This was related to damage severity, with the most abundantsprouting manifest in the most severely damaged trees. Thispattern was not observed inQuercus . Stem diameter also appearedto influence the extent of sprouting in Betula, while in Quercusthere was no distinct correlation between basal area and thenumber of sprouts. In Betula, the relationship between the numberof sprouts and the damage severity suggests a trade-off in resourceallocation for sprouting vs. shoot flushing in the crown. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Betula platyphylla var. japonica, fire, fire tolerance, Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata , resource allocation, root collar sprouting, stem diameter size.  相似文献   
Effects of Cl and other anions on the rate of HILL reactionin Euglena chloroplasts were investigated. Cl acceleratedthe reaction rate with ferricyanide as HILL oxidant; Br,F and I were also effective; NO3, PO42–and SO42– were less effective. Divalent cations, Ca2+and Mg2+, were also highly effective. The promoting effectsof these ions were highly dependent on pH and the nature andconcentration of the HILL oxidant used. Accelerating effectsof the ion increased with decreasing concentrations of ferricyanide.Generally, the stimulating effect of Cl was much moremarked at pH 7–7.5, with little effect at pH 5. Thus,the pH-activity relationship in the HILL reaction is more orless markedly modified by addition of ions. Cl, and other anions, accelerated the reaction by affectingonly the dark rate-limiting portion of the HILL reaction; thelight reaction constant remained uninfluenced. We inferred thatsome reaction step, at which ferricyanide receives electronfrom photosystem 2, is accelerated by Cl and other ions.Cl effects were rather small, or undetectable, with DPIPor p-benzoquinone as oxidants. (Received January 8, 1970; )  相似文献   
The genetic differentiation among populations of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata living in wetlands of Japan was studied based on the sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene region (750 bp). Two distinct lineages of mitochondrial haplotypes were found: one (clade A) consisted of 26 haplotypes distributed over the distribution range of C. virgata between north‐east Honshu and Kyushu, whereas the other (clade B) was monotypic and confined to a small region in north‐east Honshu where it coexisted with clade A. Nested clade analysis for these haplotypes suggested that range expansion and following differentiation due to isolation by distance might have resulted in the present distribution pattern of the haplotypes in clade A. We discuss the evolutionary process leading to the occurrence of two distinct haplotype clades in Japan in terms of repeated colonization from the continent and range expansion and contraction during climatic changes.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the release of “native” thin filaments from 13-day old embryonic chick muscle without tryptic digestion or desoxycholate (DOC) solubilization of Z bands. The isolated filaments were 50–60 Å in diameter, of variable length, and formed “arrowhead-like” complexes with heavy meromyosin (HMM). In addition, the filaments interacted with purified myosin to form actomyosin as effectively as action extracted from an acetone powder of muscle. The Mg++-dependent ATPase activity and extent of superprecipitation of the synthetic actomyosin required a low concentration of Ca++, strongly suggesting the presence of troponin and tropomyosin on the thin filaments isolated from muscle at this stage of embryogenesis. The native thin filaments were more sensitive to trypsin than synthetic F-actin prepared from an acetone powder based on measurements of flow birefrengence, viscosity and the ability to activate myosin ATPase.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The life history was compared between mainland and island congeners of Protohermes (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) and also between those of Euphaea (Odonata: Euphaeidae). Larvae of these genera coexisted in stream riffles, and prey availability for them was assessed to examine the effects on their body size at maturation.
2. Body size of P. costalis on the 'mainland'. Taiwan, was larger than that of an insular congener, P . sp., on Iriomotc and Ishigaki Islands about 200 km east from Taiwan. Insular dwarfism also occurred between E. formosa on the mainland and E. yayeyamana on the islands. All species had an annual life cycle.
3. Prey availability was much lower in the island streams than in mainland streams throughout the year. Convergence of insular dwarfism in these phylogenetically distant but ecologically similar taxa (both predatory insects) suggested that prey availability is an important factor affecting their body size determination.
4. Seasonal changes in body size occurred within a population of Euphaea which lacked synchronous emergence. Adults emerging from larvae spending their late instars in the warm season were smaller than those in the cold season. However, the size differences between species always exceeded the range of such intraspecific variation.
5. Dwarfism in E. yayeyamana was probably achieved by decreasing the size of first-instar larvae without changing the number of instars and with the size ratio at each moult constant. The mechanisms producing the dwarf form of Protohermes are also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary. Phosvitin polymorphism in egg yolk of the Japanese quail was found by horizontal polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. Six phenotypes of yolk phosvitin designated A, B, C, AB, AC, and BC were observed in a population of 281 birds. Analysis of family data revealed that the phenotypic variation of quail yolk phosvitins was controlled by an autosomal Pv locus with three codominant alleles, Pva, Pvb and Pvc. The gene frequencies of Pva, Pvb and Pvc were 0.064, 0.824 and 0.112, respectively.  相似文献   
Two modern cultivars [Yangmai16 (Y16) and Yangfumai 2 (Y2)] of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with almost identical phenology were investigated to determine the impacts of elevated ozone concentration (E‐O3) on physiological characters related to photosynthesis under fully open‐air field conditions in China. The plants were exposed from the initiation of tillering to final harvest, with E‐O3 of 127% of the ambient ozone concentration (A‐O3). Measurements of pigments, gas exchange rates, chlorophyll a fluorescence and lipid oxidation were made in three replicated plots throughout flag leaf development. In cultivar Y2, E‐O3 significantly accelerated leaf senescence, as indicated by increased lipid oxidation as well as faster declines in pigment amounts and photosynthetic rates. The lower photosynthetic rates were mainly due to nonstomatal factors, e.g. lower maximum carboxylation capacity, electron transport rates and light energy distribution. In cultivar Y16, by contrast, the effects of E‐O3 were observed only at the very last stage of flag leaf ageing. Since the two cultivars had almost identical phenology and very similar leaf stomatal conductance before senescence, the greater impacts of E‐O3 on cultivars Y2 than Y16 cannot be explained by differential ozone uptake. Our findings will be useful for scientists to select O3‐tolerant wheat cultivars against the rising surface [O3] in East and South Asia.  相似文献   
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