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长江三峡地区上震旦统稳定同位素异常及地层意义   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
三峡地区广泛发育的上震旦统,及下伏的南沱组和古城组冰碛层,有良好的生物地层控制及全球对比意义。新秭归城附近的雾河剖面,自南沱组顶部到水井沱组下部出露有利于化学地层学研究的一系列碳酸盐岩沉积,对这一剖面的碳,氧,锶同位素研究发现:1)碳,锶和氧同位素在陡山沱组顶部到灯影组底部存在明显异常;2)碳同位素在寒武系-前寒武系界线附近有负异常;3)碳同位素和锶同位素在剖面上的演化具有全球对比意义;4)陡山沱组顶部到灯影组底部的碳,锶同位素异常,与可能存在末远古纪的冰期,即所谓的“后Marinoan冰期”有关。  相似文献   
As of 2008, surrogacy is legal and openly practised in various places; Japan, however, has no regulations or laws regarding surrogacy. This paper reports the situation of surrogacy in Japan and in five other regions (the USA, the UK, Taiwan, Korea and France) to clarify the pros and cons of prohibiting surrogacy, along with the problems and issues relating to surrogacy compensation. Not only in a country such as France that completely prohibits surrogacy within the country, but also in a country such as the UK that allows non‐commercial surrogacy, infertile couples travel overseas for the purpose of surrogacy. In addition, some couples might seek underground surrogacy if the government prohibits surrogacy. If an intended parent couple and a surrogate make an agreement among themselves and then a problem occurs, they cannot ask for support from professionals or bring a case to court, as can be observed in South Korea and Taiwan. We also conclude that there is little difference between commercial surrogacy and non‐commercial surrogacy in the absence of a clear definition of ‘reasonable expenses.’ In the UK, the law does not allow surrogates to receive compensation. However, in reality, there may be little difference between the amounts paid to surrogates for profit in the US and those paid to surrogates for reasonable expenses in the UK. We conclude that the issue of surrogacy demands further discussion in Japan.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) measures night length and enters diapause as a last-instar larva. To examine the role of photophase on dark-time measurement, the main LD 7 : 17 h photoperiod is disrupted by various lengths of darkness at 25 °C. When the light phase is not disrupted, the incidence of diapause is 76%. As the dark pulse disrupting a 7-h photophase becomes longer, the incidence of diapause decreases. To detect the dynamic kinetics of the time-measuring process, the main scotophase of 17 h is scanned by a 2-h light pulse. When the dark pulse in a 7-h photophase is fixed at 1 h after dawn and its duration is varied systematically from 1 to 3 h, or when the end of the dark pulse is fixed at 1 h before dusk, diapause is prevented completely by a 2-h light pulse inserted in the middle of 17-h darkness. These results are compared with those of a single night interruption of a 17-h scotophase with a 2-h light pulse but with an intact 7-h photophase. The disruption of a 7-h photophase by a dark pulse shifts the descending and ascending slopes of the response curve to some extent toward dawn and dusk, respectively, indicating that the dark pulse tends to shorten the critical length of dark time for diapause induction. When the main photophase (7 h) is interrupted by a 1-h dark pulse at 3–4 h after dawn, the 2-h scanning light pulse in the main scotophase (17 h) appears to act effectively as a dusk signal in the early scotophase. However, those in the mid- and late scotophase do not define the critical night length from dusk as sharply as for the critical night length from a 2-h light pulse to dawn. The results indicate the importance of photophase in the dark-time measurement.  相似文献   
To increase systemic resistance to herbivory, some clonal plants transmit internal cues among clonal ramets to prevent widespread damage to genets. Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) (Asteraceae) is known to use volatile cues to induce resistance within and between plants (so‐called volatile communication). In the present study, we observed the extent and frequency of clonal growth in a natural sagebrush population in western North America to understand the influence of clonal growth on volatile communication. We used genetic analysis involving microsatellite markers and excavation of the root systems. In addition, we characterized the volatile profiles from the headspace of sagebrush ramets. Excavation of the root system of sagebrush plants revealed that sagebrush propagates clonally below ground and that daughter ramets grow near the mother stem. Volatiles were variable among genetically different ramets, although clonal ramets (genetically identical ramets) released similar volatiles, suggesting a genetic basis for volatile similarity. Sagebrush has been shown to be most responsive to volatiles released from artificially produced clones and suffers less herbivore damage as a result. Therefore, these results, taken into consideration together, imply that volatile communication may occur among genetically identical ramets under natural conditions, and that volatile similarity between the releaser and receiver may be recognized by the receiver and increase resistance against herbivory.  相似文献   
1. Freshly fallen green leaves and flowers of terrestrial plants enter temperate streams in spring and summer, when senescent leaf litter is often scarce. These resources appear to provide good supplementary food for macroinvertebrate shredders, but have some potential shortcomings as food or case material for caddisflies. 2. To compare suitability of green leaves or flowers and senescent leaves for the growth and development of stream shredders, we reared the caddisfly Lepidostoma complicatum in the laboratory with treatments that provided larvae with senescent (oak) and green (oak or maple) leaves separately, and also together, in case the combined use of both types of leaf may benefit the shredder. 3. Larvae supplied with green leaves alone grew at 65% of the rate of those provided with senescent leaves alone, due to their lower consumption rate. No individuals given green leaves alone developed into adults, whereas 70% of the individuals given senescent leaves alone did. Green leaves may inhibit larval consumption due to their high phenol content, or they may be unsuitable for case material because they are less tough than senescent leaves. 4. Larvae supplied with both senescent and green leaves (or flowers) had a higher growth rate and developed faster, than those given senescent leaves alone, whereas the proportions of successfully emerged individuals did not differ. Lepidostoma probably benefits from the higher nitrogen content of the green leaves when used together with senescent leaves. 5. These results suggest that green leaves (or flowers) cannot serve as an alternative food resource to senescent leaves, but that they can enhance the growth and development of a Lepidostoma stream shredder if senescent leaves are also available.  相似文献   
Coat colors of four chimeric pigs produced by the microinjection of dissociated blastomeres of (Landrace × Large White) blastocysts to the blastocyst cavity of (Duroc × Duroc) blastocysts (Kashiwazaki et al., 1992) exhibited characteristic horizontal stripe-patterns. We carried out quantitative analysis of those patterns in order to derive information concerning the genetic regulatory mechanisms of the dominant black-eyed white phenotypes in the pig. In the four chimeras, the theoretical mean widths of the single-clone stripe calculated from the estimated widths of minimal recognizable stripe (MRS) (Tachi, 1988) were 2.1 ± 0.1, 2.23 ± 0.15,1.89 ± 0.06, and 1.93 ± 0.28 cm respectively. The estimated number of single-clone stripes in the thoracico-lumbar region of those animals were 42.3, 40.7, 46.3, 44.2, and about twice the mean number of vertebrae in the same region (Duroc, 20 or 21; Large White, 21 or 22). Furthermore, the mean length of thoracico-lumbar vertebrate in two of the chimeric pigs, as measured on X-ray radiographs, was approximately twice the mean single-clone stripe width. It was concluded that the stripe-patterns of the chimeric pigs probably represented the dermatome patterns of epidermis; and in the pig, a single somite was likely to be derived from the clones of two primordial cells, as originally proposed by Gearhart & Mintz (1972) in the mouse. It was suggested, furthermore, that in the Large White→Duroc chimeric pigs, melanocytes that migrated into the region of skin formed by a Large White dermatome could not survive, thus creating a clearly demarcated white stripe. Possible involvement of KL or c-kit in the dominant black-eyed white phenotype of the pig is discussed.  相似文献   
The acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm, as judged by disappearance of the acrosomal vesicles in Nomarski optics, was induced by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) at concentration above 0.1% in normal artificial sea water. The number of the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa increased in proportion to DMSO concentration. The DMSO-induced acrosome reaction, as well as the jelly water- or A23187-induced one, was inhibited by nifedipine and hardly occurred in Ca2+-free artificial sea water. However, the DMSO-induced acrosome reaction was found in a few number of spermatozoa in the presence of Ca2+at above 0.5 mM, though the jelly water- or A23187-induced acrosome reaction did not occur at external Ca2+levels lower than 1 mM. Dependency of the acrosome reaction by DMSO on external Ca2+is somewhat lower than that of the reaction by jelly water. In Ca2+-free artificial sea water, the acrosomal regions of DMSO-treated spermatozoa attached to their own tails. In some cases, spermatozoa thus treated with DMSO in Ca2+free artificial sea water caused formation of fertilization membrane in a few number of eggs kept in Ca2+-free artificial sea water. Even in the absence of extermal Ca2+, preliminary step of the acrosome reaction seems to be completed probably by DMSO-induced weak Ca2+-mobilization in spermatozoa.  相似文献   
Proton motive force (pmf) across thylakoid membranes is not only for harnessing solar energy for photosynthetic CO2 fixation, but also for triggering feedback regulation of photosystem II antenna. The mechanisms for balancing these two roles of the proton circuit under the long-term environmental stress, such as prolonged drought, have been poorly understood. In this study, we report on the response of wild watermelon thylakoid 'proton circuit' to drought stress using both in vivo spectroscopy and molecular analyses of the representative photosynthetic components. Although drought stress led to enhanced proton flux via a ∼34% increase in cyclic electron flow around photosystem I (PS I), an observed ∼fivefold decrease in proton conductivity, gH+, across thylakoid membranes suggested that decreased ATP synthase activity was the major factor for sustaining elevated qE. Western blotting analyses revealed that ATP synthase content decreased significantly, suggesting that quantitative control of the complex plays a pivotal role in down-regulation of gH+. The expression level of cytochrome b 6 f complex – another key control point in photosynthesis – also declined, probably to prevent excess-reduction of PS I electron acceptors. We conclude that plant acclimation to long-term environmental stress involves global changes in the photosynthetic proton circuit, in which ATP synthase represents the key control point for regulating the relationship between electron transfer and pmf.  相似文献   
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