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Summary A new haptenic compound, a muramyl dipeptide (MDP) derivative (designated as L4-MDP-ONB) cross-reactive with Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) was synthesized. The cross-reactivity of L4-MDP hapten to BCG was demonstrated from the following evidence; (a) lymph node cells from BCG-primed C3H/HeN mice exhibited appreciable L4-MDP-specific proliferative responses to the in vitro stimulation of L4-MDP-modified syngeneic cells (L4-MDP-self); (b) inoculation of L4-MDP-self into footpads of BCG-primed C3H/HeN mice elicited ample delayed type-hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in vivo as measured by footpad swelling; and (c) BCG-primed mice contained L4-MDP-reactive helper T cell activity which functions to augment the generation of effector T cell responses to cell surface antigens. This crossreactivity between L4-MDP hapten and BCG as measured by the helper T cell activity was applied to enhanced induction of tumor-specific immunity. When BCG-primed C3H/HeN mice were immunized with L4-MDP-modified syngeneic X5563 tumor cells, these mice could generate augmented tumor-specific in vivo protective (tumor neutralizing) immunity as well as in vitro cytotoxic T cell responses. These results indicate the effectiveness of L4-MDP hapten in augmenting tumor-specific immunity. The present approach is discussed in the context of potential advantages of this new hapten for its future application to clinical tumor systems.  相似文献   
We documented changes in morphology and gene expression of the renal epithelial cell line A6 derived from Xenopus leavis adult kidney induced by long-term culturing with three dimensional clinostats. An oligo microarray analysis on A6 cells showed that mRNA levels of 52 out of 8091 genes were significantly altered in response to clinorotation. Upregulation or downregulation of gene expression became evident on day 8 and day 10 while there was no significant change on day 5. However, on day 15, expression of 18 out of 52 genes resumed to the levels similar to its original levels while remaining 33 genes maintained altered levels of expression. Quantitative analyses of gene expression by real-time PCR confirmed that changes in mRNA levels of selected genes were found only under clinorotation but not under hypergravity (7 G) and ground control (1 G). Morphological changes including loss of dome-like structures, disassembly of E-cadherin adherence junctions and disassembly of cortical actin were also observed over 10 days of culturing with clinorotation. The results revealed genes which expression was altered specifically in A6 cells cultured under clinorotation.  相似文献   
Summary A previous paper has demonstrated that enhanced tumor-specific immunity could be induced by priming mice with Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) and subsequently immunizing them with syngeneic tumor cells modified with BCG-cross-reactive muramyl dipeptide (MDP) hapten [15]. The present study establishes a tumorspecific immunotherapy protocol for a murine chronic leukemia based on the above T-T cell collaboration between antitumor effector T cells and anti-MDP hapten helper T cells induced by BCG priming. BALB/c mice which had been primed to BCG were injected intravenously (i.v.) with viable, syngeneic BCL1 leukemia cells. One week later, these mice were immunized intraperitoneally (i.p.) with unmodified or MDP hapten-modified, 10,000 R X-irradiated BCL1 cells, followed by 4 booster immunizations at 5-day intervals. The administration of unmodified BCL1 tumor cells into BCG-primed mice failed to prevent them from tumor death due to the persistent growth of preinjected BCL1 cells. In contrast, the immunization of BCG-primed, BCL1 leukemia-cell-bearing mice with MDP-modified BCL1 cells resulted in a high growth inhibition of leukemia cells and protection of these mice from death by leukemia. It was also revealed that potent tumorspecific, T-cell-mediated immunity was generated in mice which survived in this immunotherapy model. Thus, these results indicate that administration of MDP hapten-modified, syngeneic leukemia cells into leukemia-bearing mice which have been primed with BCG results in potent tumor-specific, T-cell-mediated immunity attributable to preventing the growth of disseminated leukemic cells.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for the Special Project Cancer-Bioscience from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan Abbreviations used: TATA, tumor-associated transplantation antigens; MDP, muramyl dipeptide; MTP, muramyl tripeptide; BCG, Bacillus Calmette Guerin  相似文献   
The electrophysiological properties of the membrane of Nicotianatabacum var. Sarnsun cultured cells were determined using amicroelectrode technique in standard medium containing 1 mMKC1, 1 mM NaCl and 1 mu CaCl2 at pH 7. Tobacco callus was derivedfrom the pith (Em=–104.4%16.2 mV). The membrane potentialsof the callus cells did not show a symmetrical Gaussian distributionbut were scattered over a wide range. The percentage of highmembrane potential cells increased as the subculture was continueduntil about 11 months and then decreased. The response of themembrane potential to electric stimulus, ionic composition,metabolic inhibitors, sugars and amino acids was characteristicof high (Em=–{small tilde}–160 220 mV; H-cells)and low (Em=–80{small tilde}–90 mV; L-cells) membranepotential cells. The membrane potential of H-cells was largelydepolarized by addition of CN, carbonium cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone,decyclohexylcarbodiimide, and triphenyltin chloride and transientlydepolarized by addition of glucose, galactose, mannose or sucrose,and D-alanine, L-alanine or Llysine, but the membrane potentialof L-cells was not. (Received December 3, 1982; Accepted March 16, 1983)  相似文献   
Several investigators have described hemopoietic colonies expressing multilineage differentiation in culture. We recently identified a class of murine hemopoletic progenitors which form blast cell colonies with very high replating efficiencies. In order to clarify further the relationship between progenitors for blast cell colonies and progenitors for the multilineage hemopoietic colonies in culture, we carried out analyses of kinetic and differentiation properties of murine blast cell colonies. Serial observations of the development of blast cell colonies into multilineage (and single lineage) colonies in cultures of spleen cells obtained from 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-treated mice confirmed the transitional nature of the murine blast cell colonies. The data also suggested that the early pluripotent progenitors are in G0 for variable periods, and that when triggered into cell cycle, they proliferate at relatively constant doubling rates during the early stages of differentiation. The notion that some of the pluripotent progenitors are in G0 was also supported by long-term thymidine suicide studies in which spleen cells were exposed to 3H-thymidine with high specific activity for 5 days in culture, washed, and assayed for surviving progenitors. Comparison of replating abilities of day-7 and day-16 blast cell colonies from normal as well as 5-FU-treated mice indicated that some of the day-7 blast cell colonies are derived from maturer populations of progenitors which are sensitive to 5-FU. In contrast, progenitors for the day-16 blast cell colonies are dormant in cell cycle and were not affected by 5-FU treatment. Previously we reported that progenitors for day-16 blast cell colonies have a significant capacity for self-renewal. These observations suggest the hypothesis that the capability for self-renewal is accompanied by long periods of G0, and that once commitment to differentiation takes place, then active cell division occurs.  相似文献   
To study the gene products of the HLA complex, we produced two monoclonal antibodies, termed HU-18 and HU-23. They were active in complement-dependent cytotoxicity and detected B-cell alloantigens encoded by a locus (or loci) linked to HLA. When three types of HLA-DR4 homozygous B-cell lines with different HLA-D specificities were tested for reactivity with HU-18 and HU-23, they displayed distinct reaction patterns depending on the HLA-D specificities they possessed: EBV-Wa (HLA-DYT homozygous), negative for both HU-18 and HU-23; KT2 and KOB (HLA-DKT2 homozygous), positive only for HU-18; and ER (HLA-Dw4 homozygous), positive for both. These differential reaction patterns were further confirmed by testing against a panel of 17 HLA-DR4-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes with known HLA-D specificities. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies allow us to identify HLA-DYT, HLA-DKT2, and HLA-Dw4 solely by serologic methods. This is the first clearcut serologic identification of these three HLA-DR4-associated HLA-D specificities, which have been indistinguishable by conventional serology and identified only by cellular techniques. It is hoped that immunochemical investigations using HU-18 and HU-23 will advance our understanding of the HLA-D region on a molecular level.  相似文献   
Procedures for the purification of native phytochrome from etiolatedpea seedlings without the use of immuno-purification techniquesare described. Phytochrome (in the PFR form) was purified bypolyethyleneglycol fractionation, adsorption to pentyl agaroseand batch elution, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, adsorptionto phenyl Toyopearl and batch elution, and chromatography onRed Toyopearl. The resulting phytochrome had specific absorbanceratios (SAR = A666/A280 of PR) that ranged from 0.55 to 0.6.The subsequent chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 yielded verypure phytochrome with a SAR of 0.98. PR and PFR peaks in thedifference spectrum of the phytochrome were centered at 665and 730 nm, respectively. The spectral change ratio (Ar/Afr)of the difference spectrum was unchanged after the chromatographyon phenyl Toyopearl, and the value was 1.05–1.08, indicatingthat the spectral properties of this preparation were intact.The absorption spectra indicated that the peak absorbance ofPFR was at 728–730 nm and that of PR was at 666–667nm. These peak positions were essentially same as those obtainedwith the undegraded oat phytochrome. Incubation of the samplepurified on Sephacryl S-300 at 25?C for 5 h in either the PRor PFR form did not result in degradation of the molecule. Therate of dark reversion of PFR observed with the purified peaphytochrome was similar to that observed in vivo. The additionof dithionite had no effect on the reversion rate. 2Present address: Fuji-Gotenba, Research Lab. of Chugai PharmaceuticalCo. Ltd., Gotenba, Shizuoka, 412 Japan (Received February 22, 1990; Accepted May 28, 1990)  相似文献   
Summary To breed industrially useful strains of a slow-growing, red-pigment-producing strain ofMonascus anka, protoplasts ofM. anka MAK1 (arg) andAspergillus oryzae AOK1 (met, thr) were fused. A mixture of protoplasts prepared from mycelia ofM. anka MAK1 treated with 2% Usukizyme and ofA. oryzae AOK1 treated with 2% Usukizyme and 0.2% NovoZym 234 was incubated with 30% (w/v) polyethylene glycol no. 6000. Heterokaryon fusants complementing the auxotrophies of both mutants were isolated on minimal medium, but segregated into red (MAK1) and white (AOK1) sectors after being cultured on a complete medium. After irradiation with UV light, the fusants gave stable heterozygous diploids that formed long white hyphae. These diploids, which had twice as much DNA in the nucleus as their parents, grew more rapidly than the parent strain YZT1, and produced ethanol earlier than the parents. Production of amylase, protease, and kojic acid by the fusants was intermediate in amount between that of the two parents.  相似文献   
To manipulate the quantity and quality of storage components in Brassica napus seeds, we have constructed an antisense gene for the storage protein napin. The antisense gene was driven by the 5-flanking region of the B. napus napin gene to express antisense RNA in a seed-specific manner. Seeds of transgenic plants with antisense genes often contained reduced amounts of napin. In some transgenic plants, no accumulation of napin was observed. However, the total protein content of transgenic and wild-type seeds did not differ significantly. Seeds lacking napin accumulated 1.4 to 1.5 times more cruciferin than untransformed seeds, although the oleosin content was not affected. Fatty acid content and composition in the seeds of transgenic plants were also analyzed by gas chromatography. Though the total fatty acid content of the transformants was the same as that of non-transformants, there was a reduction in 18:1 contents and a concomitant increase of 18:2 in seeds with reduced napin levels. This observed change in fatty acid composition was inherited in the next generation.  相似文献   
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