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The microdistribution of five butterfly species through their flying season was analyzed in a mosaic-like habitat, brought about by secondary succession In order to explain the patterns observed, activity patterns and the use and distribution of nectar sources were determined Emphasis was laid on the changing allocation of visits to flower species and changing abundances of flowers during the season The use of nectar sources was basically limited to three flower species, Centaurea scabiosa, C bracteata and Serratula tinctoria As a consequence, niche breadth values were generally low and niche overlaps generally high Some butterflies changed their patterns of flower visits during the season and therefore reduced niche overlap with the other butterfly species The microdistribution of Melanargia galathea, Lysandra condon, Ochlodes venatus and Lictoria achilleae was strongly influenced by the distribution of their preferred nectar sources as well as by areas generally rich in flowers Changing flower preferences of Melanargia galathea and Lysandra coridon males during the course of the season were also expressed by changes in the correlations between the distribution of these butterflies and their nectar plants The distribution of nectar sources was not found to be of importance for Coenonympha arcanta, a species which rarely visited flowers  相似文献   
The eyes and aspects of vision of the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis NATTERER 1883: (Sirenia: mammalia) have been examined in five animals, in relation to previous findings for sirenians. This paper presents a review of previous findings confirming those upon gross ocular anatomy, retinal histology and ocular refraction. The confirmation of a primarily rod retina, high receptor: ganglion cell ratio and low refractive error under water were of note. A visual pigment based upon vitamin A1 and a difference spectrum of λ max at 505 nm was in agreement with Dartnalls nomogram. The findings suggest a retina more suited to low light levels and at best, moderate visual acuity, though motion perception appears present and a low degree of binocular vision possible.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue lipogenesis is paradoxically impaired in human obesity, promoting ectopic triglyceride (TG) deposition, lipotoxicity, and insulin resistance. We previously identified mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 (Map4k4), a sterile 20 protein kinase reported to be upstream of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling, as a novel negative regulator of insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes. Using full-genome microarray analysis we uncovered a novel role for Map4k4 as a suppressor of lipid synthesis. We further report here the surprising finding that Map4k4 suppresses adipocyte lipogenesis independently of JNK. Thus, while Map4k4 silencing in adipocytes enhances the expression of lipogenic enzymes, concomitant with increased conversion of 14C-glucose and 14C-acetate into TGs and fatty acids, JNK1 and JNK2 depletion causes the opposite effects. Furthermore, high expression of Map4k4 fails to activate endogenous JNK, while Map4k4 depletion does not attenuate JNK activation by tumor necrosis factor α. Map4k4 silencing in cultured adipocytes elevates both the total protein expression and cleavage of sterol-regulated element binding protein-1 (Srebp-1) in a rapamycin-sensitive manner, consistent with Map4k4 signaling via mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). We show Map4k4 depletion requires Srebp-1 upregulation to increase lipogenesis and further show that Map4k4 promotes AMP-protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and the phosphorylation of mTORC1 binding partner raptor (Ser792) to inhibit mTORC1. Our results indicate that Map4k4 inhibits adipose lipogenesis by suppression of Srebp-1 in an AMPK- and mTOR-dependent but JNK-independent mechanism.  相似文献   
The genus Fragaria (Rosaceae) contains 24 species, including hybrid species such as the garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Natural hybridization between Fragaria species has repeatedly been reported, and studies on the hybridization potential between F. × ananassa and its wild relatives have become increasingly important with the outlook for genetically modified garden strawberries. In Europe, a candidate species for hybridization with garden strawberries is the common woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.). Although a previous field survey indicated that the potential for hybridization between F. vesca and F. × ananassa is low, it is not clear whether the lack of natural hybrids is caused by known pre- and postzygotic barriers, or whether hybrid plants lack the fitness to establish in natural F. vesca populations. We grew different F. vesca and F. vesca × F. × ananassa hybrid clones with and without competition in a greenhouse and assessed biomass production, clonal reproduction, and sexual reproduction of plants. While some hybrid clones exceeded F. vesca in biomass production, general clonal reproduction was much lower and delayed in hybrids. Furthermore, hybrids were sterile. These results demonstrate a mechanism by which the general lack of F. vesca × F. × ananassa hybrids in natural habitats can be explained, in addition to the known low hybridization potential between garden and woodland strawberries. We conclude that hybrids have a competitive disadvantage against co-occurring F. vesca plants due to inferior and delayed clonal reproduction, and that the potential for hybrid establishment under natural conditions is low.  相似文献   
Rockey WM  Laederach A  Reilly PJ 《Proteins》2000,40(2):299-309
The Lamarckian genetic algorithm of AutoDock 3.0 was used to dock alpha-maltotriose, methyl alpha-panoside, methyl alpha-isopanoside, methyl alpha-isomaltotrioside, methyl alpha-(6(1)-alpha-glucopyranosyl)-maltoside, and alpha-maltopentaose into the closed and, except for alpha-maltopentaose, into the open conformation of the soybean beta-amylase active site. In the closed conformation, the hinged flap at the mouth of the active site closes over the substrate. The nonreducing end of alpha-maltotriose docks preferentially to subsites -2 or +1, the latter yielding nonproductive binding. Some ligands dock into less optimal conformations with the nonreducing end at subsite -1. The reducing-end glucosyl residue of nonproductively-bound alpha-maltotriose is close to residue Gln194, which likely contributes to binding to subsite +3. In the open conformation, the substrate hydrogen-bonds with several residues of the open flap. When the flap closes, the substrate productively docks if the nonreducing end is near subsites -2 or -1. Trisaccharides with alpha-(1-->6) bonds do not successfully dock except for methyl alpha-isopanoside, whose first and second glucosyl rings dock exceptionally well into subsites -2 and -1. The alpha-(1-->6) bond between the second and third glucosyl units causes the latter to be improperly positioned into subsite +1; the fact that isopanose is not a substrate of beta-amylase indicates that binding to this subsite is critical for hydrolysis.  相似文献   
The world of regulatory RNAs is fast expanding into mainstream molecular biology as both a subject of intense mechanistic study and as a tool for functional characterization. The RNA world is one of complex structures that carry out catalysis, sense metabolites and synthesize proteins. The dynamic and structural nature of RNAs presents a whole new set of informatics challenges to the computational community. The ability to relate structure and dynamics to function will be key to understanding this complex world. I review several important classes of structured RNAs that present our community with a series of biologically novel informatics challenges. I also review available informatics tools that have been recently developed in the field.  相似文献   
Morphogenesis and remodeling of bone involve synthesis of bone matrix by osteoblasts and coordinate resorption of bone by osteoclasts. Defective bone remodeling caused by altered osteoclast activity underlies a multitude of osteopenic disorders. Receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK) and its ligand RANKL have been identified as essential factors involved in osteoclast development and bone remodeling, but their mechanism and interacting factors have not been fully characterized. Here we report that the molecular adapter Grb-2-associated binder-2 (Gab2) associates with RANK and mediates RANK-induced activation of NF-kappaB, Akt and Jnk. Inactivation of the gene encoding Gab2 in mice results in osteopetrosis and decreased bone resorption as a result of defective osteoclast differentiation. We also show that Gab2 has a crucial role in the differentiation of human progenitor cells into osteoclasts. We have thus identified a new, key regulatory scaffold molecule, Gab2, that controls select RANK signaling pathways and is essential for osteoclastogenesis and bone homeostasis.  相似文献   
Footprinting is a powerful and widely used tool for characterizing the structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics of nucleic acid folding and ligand binding reactions. However, quantitative analysis of the gel images produced by footprinting experiments is tedious and time-consuming, due to the absence of informatics tools specifically designed for footprinting analysis. We have developed SAFA, a semi-automated footprinting analysis software package that achieves accurate gel quantification while reducing the time to analyze a gel from several hours to 15 min or less. The increase in analysis speed is achieved through a graphical user interface that implements a novel methodology for lane and band assignment, called "gel rectification," and an optimized band deconvolution algorithm. The SAFA software yields results that are consistent with published methodologies and reduces the investigator-dependent variability compared to less automated methods. These software developments simplify the analysis procedure for a footprinting gel and can therefore facilitate the use of quantitative footprinting techniques in nucleic acid laboratories that otherwise might not have considered their use. Further, the increased throughput provided by SAFA may allow a more comprehensive understanding of molecular interactions. The software and documentation are freely available for download at http://safa.stanford.edu.  相似文献   
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