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In an effort to identify novel Cancer-Testis genes, we analyzed the sequence in the q26-28 region of human X chromosome by several on-line tools. The candidate sequences were then confirmed by experiments. We have obtained a novel Cancer-Testis gene, BJ-HCC-20. In vivo, it was found to have two isoforms. In samples of liver, colon, gastric and lung cancer tested, the expression frequency of BJ-HCC-20 is 25%, 17%, 21% and 15%, respectively. Full-length cDNAs of both BJ-HCC-20 isoforms were isolated and their gene structures and promoter regions were characterized. BJ-HCC-20 might have implications in theoretical and practical tumor biology.  相似文献   
本文报告了用SephadexG—100柱层析法纯化样品和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定纤溶酶组成成分的分子量的研究结果。经柱层析分离的纤溶酶电泳测定分子量结果为11条带,分别为68,000、49,000、42,000、41,000、36,000、29,000、27,000、26,000、25,000、21,000和12,000。而纤溶酶的主要组分集中在21.000与42.000之间,为其活性组分。  相似文献   
Protein enrichment of sweet potato residue with amylolytic moulds by solid-state fermentation was higher than that obtained with amylolytic yeasts. The optimum initial moisture content for protein enrichment was 66% to 75%. Incrementally added nitrogen sources to the culture at zero time and at 24 h considerably improved the final protein content. During the cultivation, the moisture, ash and ATP contents increased, while the pH value decreased. A 1:1 co-culture of amylolytic mycelial fungi yielded a product with 32.4% crude protein after 4 days incubation at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   
本文主要阐述了一种具有纤溶活性的枯草杆菌(Bacillussubtilis)蛋白激酶产生菌株的筛选与鉴定的研究结果。作者从初筛的12株Bacillussublilis菌中,通过对固体发酵和液体发酵所产生的枯草杆菌蛋白激酶,用琼脂糖-纤维蛋白平板法测其活性,经比较不同菌株的活性,筛选出两株高产酶菌株:B.subtilisHW—12和B.subtilisHW—3。同时对菌体和菌落形态特点、生理生化反应进行了鉴定,认为B.SubtilisHW-12菌株可用来做为发酵生产该酶的菌种。  相似文献   
This work is concerned with statistical methods to estimate yield and maintenance parameters associated with microbial growth. For a given dilution rate, an experimenter typically measures substrate concentration, oxygen utilization rate, the rate of carbon dioxide evolution, and biomass concentration. These correlated response variables each contain information about the maintenance and yield parameters of interest. A maximum likelihood estimator which combines this correlated information for the yield and maintenance parameters is proposed, evaluated, and tested on literature data. Both point and interval estimators are considered.  相似文献   
This paper describes experiments involving the measurement of DNA damage and repair after treatment with 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) or aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) epoxide in a number of mammalian cell cultures primarily associated with defects in the excision repair of UV-induced DNA damage. The results with transformed derivatives of XP cells belonging to different complementation groups showed that the extent of repair of 4NQO adducts at the N2 or C8 of guanosine did not correlate to the extent of repair reported by others after UV-irradiation. An examination of 4NQO repair in rodent UV-sensitive cell lines from different ERCC groups indicated that again there was little correlation between the extent of 4NQO and UV repair. However, regardless of complementation group those mutants that were defective in the repair of pyrimidine dimers and 6,4-photoproducts did exhibit a reduced ability to repair the 4NQO N2 guanosine adduct, whereas those mutants defective in pyrimidine dimer repair alone were able to repair this lesion as normal. In all of these cell lines there was a normal capacity to repair the 4NQO C8 guanosine adduct. Less extensive experiments involving AFB1 epoxide showed an XPC-transformed cell line was able to repair 40% of lesions after 6 h, whereas only 20% of repair is seen after UV. The rodent mutant V-C4 which belongs to the same ionising radiation group as irs2, was partially defective in repairing AFB1-induced damage. These experiments highlight the fact that although there are many commonalities between the repair of UV damages and lesions classed as large DNA adducts differences clearly exist, the most striking example here being the repair of the C8 guanosine 4NQO adduct which rarely correlates with a defect in UV repair.  相似文献   
High concentrations of alpha-chlorohydrin were found to inhibit hyaluronidase, beta-glucuronidase, and aryl sulphatases in bull and rabbit spermatozoa, but not acrosin and neuraminidase. Preincubation of the enzyme and alpha-chlorohydrin was essential to achieve the maximum inhibition which was irreversible.  相似文献   
为了科学、定量地评价污水土地处理生态工程的综合效益,运用层次分析法(AHP),提出了评价指标体系、指标权重和综合效益计算方法.应用此方法对霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益进行了分析与评价.结果表明,霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益值CE=0.64,属于中级生态经济系统,而且具有良好的环境效益和社会效益  相似文献   
Li J  Yang Z  Yu B  Liu J  Chen X 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(16):1501-1507
Small RNAs of 21-25 nucleotides (nt), including small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), act as guide RNAs to silence target-gene expression in a sequence-specific manner. In addition to a Dicer homolog, DCL1, the biogenesis of miRNAs in Arabidopsis requires another protein, HEN1. miRNAs are reduced in abundance and increased in size in hen1 mutants. We found that HEN1 is a miRNA methyltransferase that adds a methyl group to the 3'-most nucleotide of miRNAs, but the role of miRNA methylation was unknown. Here, we show that siRNAs from sense transgenes, hairpin transgenes, and transposons or repeat sequences, as well as a new class of siRNAs known as trans-acting siRNAs, are also methylated in vivo by HEN1. In addition, we show that the size increase of small RNAs in the hen1-1 mutant is due to the addition of one to five U residues to the 3' ends of the small RNAs. Therefore, a novel uridylation activity targets the 3' ends of unmethylated miRNAs and siRNAs in hen1 mutants. We conclude that 3'-end methylation is a common step in miRNA and siRNA metabolism and likely protects the 3' ends of the small RNAs from the uridylation activity.  相似文献   
 cⅠ857基因的体外定位同义突变陈南春,高辉,陈苏民,杨萍,刘新平(西安第四军医大学分子生物学研究所,西安710032)外源基因要在大肠杆菌中获得高表达,需要合适的SD序列和可调控的强启动子[1]。PL启动子在原核启动子中属强启动子,它受cⅠ基因产物...  相似文献   
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