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SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and patterning of the nervous system are relatively poorly understood for lophotrochozoans (like annelids) as compared with ecdysozoans (especially Drosophila ) and deuterostomes (especially vertebrates). Therefore, we have undertaken a candidate gene approach to study aspects of neurogenesis in a polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii . We determined the spatiotemporal expression for Platynereis orthologs of four genes ( SoxB, Churchill, prospero / Prox , and SoxC) known to play key roles in vertebrate neurogenesis. During Platynereis development, SoxB is expressed in the neuroectoderm and its expression switches off when committed neural precursors are formed. Subsequently, Prox is expressed in all differentiating neural precursors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Finally, SoxC and Churchill are transcribed in patterns consistent with their involvement in neural differentiation. The expression patterns of Platynereis SoxB and Prox closely resemble those in Drosophila and vertebrates—this suggests that orthologs of these genes play similar neurogenic roles in all bilaterians. Whereas Platynereis SoxC , like its vertebrate orthologs, plays a role in neural cell differentiation, related genes in Drosophila do not appear to be involved in neurogenesis. Finally, conversely to Churchill in Platynereis , vertebrate orthologs of this gene are expressed during neuroectoderm formation, but not later during nerve cell differentiation; in the insect lineage, homologs of these genes have been secondarily lost. In spite of such instances of functional divergence or loss, the present study shows conspicuous similarities in the genetic control of neurogenesis among bilaterians. These commonalities suggest that key features of the genetic program for neurogenesis are ancestral to bilaterians.  相似文献   
Megasphaera elsdenii and Desulfovibrio vulgaris apoflavodoxins have been reconstituted with riboflavin 3',5'-bisphosphate. Several biochemical and biophysical properties of the complexes have been investigated and the results are compared with the properties of the native proteins. The dissociation constant of the modified complex of M. elsdenii flavodoxin is increased by a factor of about 23 by comparison with that of the native protein. The rate constant for the formation of the complex of M. elsdenii flavodoxin is about 26 times lower than that for the native protein. The redox potential of the transition between the oxidized and semiquinone state is similar to that of the native protein. On the other hand, the redox potential of the semiquinone-hydroquinone transition is about 20 mV more negative than that of the native protein. Absorbance and circular dichroic spectra of the protein-bound artificial prosthetic group and the protein-bound natural prosthetic group are very similar. In both the oxidized and in the fully reduced state only minor differences in interaction between the isoalloxazine ring and the apoprotein for the two flavin derivatives are found by 13C and 15N NMR. 31P-NMR studies show that the 5'-phosphate group of the two flavin derivatives is bound in the same way and that it is dianionic in the complex. In contrast, the 3'-phosphate group in riboflavin 3',5'-bisphosphate is monoanionic or even neutral when bound to the protein. The 3'-phosphate group is also close to or on the surface of the protein. Desulfovibrio vulgaris apoflavodoxin has an affinity for riboflavin 3',5'-bisphosphate which is 10 times higher as compared to Megasphaera elsdenii apoflavodoxin (Ka = 10(8) M-1). Also the association rate constant of Desulfovibrio vulgaris apoprotein and riboflavin 3'5'-bisphosphate is found to be 10 times faster than for the Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin reaction. The dissociation behaviour of native Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin measured under identical conditions as for the riboflavin 3',5'-bisphosphate analog gives a value (Kd approximately equal to 0.2 nM) which is considerably lower than reported earlier [Dubourdieu, M., MacKnight, M. L. & Tollin, G. (1974) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 60, 649-655]. The results are discussed in the light of the existing crystallographic data of flavodoxins and the recently proposed theory on the regulation of the redox potential in flavoproteins [Moonen, C. T. W., Vervoort, J. & Müller, F. (1984) in Flavins and flavoproteins, pp. 493-496, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin].  相似文献   
Summary The 1H, 15N and 13C backbone and 1H and 13C beta resonance assignments of the long-chain flavodoxin from Azotobacter chroococcum (the 20-kDa nifF product, flavodoxin-2) in its oxidized form were made at pH 6.5 and 30°C using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the NOE connectivities, together with amide exchange rates, 3JHnH coupling constants and secondary chemical shifts, provided extensive solution secondary structure information. The secondary structure consists of a five-stranded parallel -sheet and five -helices. One of the outer regions of the -sheet shows no regular extended conformation, whereas the outer strand 4/6 is interrupted by a loop, which is typically observed in long-chain flavodoxins. Two of the five -helices are nonregular at the N-terminus of the helix. Loop regions close to the FMN are identified. Negatively charged amino acid residues are found to be mainly clustered around the FMN, whereas a cluster of positively charged residues is located in one of the -helices. Titration of the flavodoxin with the Fe protein of the A. chroococcum nitrogenase enzyme complex revealed that residues Asn11, Ser68 and Asn72 are involved in complex formation between the flavodoxin and Fe protein. The interaction between the flavodoxin and the Fe protein is influenced by MgADP and is of electrostatic nature.Abbreviations SQ semiquinone - FMN riboflavin 5-monophosphate; nif, nitrogen fixation - TSP 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionate sodium salt - DSS 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium salt Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising a Materials and Methods section for the expression and purification of the A. chroococcum flavodoxin, a Table S1 containing the parameters of the titration of A. chroococcum flavodoxin with the Fe protein, and a Table S2 containing the 15N, HN, 13C, 1H, 13C, 1H and 13CO chemical shifts.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
We present evidence that a 480G-->A transition in the coding region of the beta-glucuronidase gene, which results in an aspartic-acid-to-asparagine substitution at amino acid position 152 (D152N), produces a pseudodeficiency allele (GUSBp) that leads to greatly reduced levels of beta-glucuronidase activity without apparent deleterious consequences. The 480G-->A mutation was found initially in the pseudodeficient mother of a child with mucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPSVII), but it was not on her disease-causing allele, which carried the L176F mutation. The 480G-->A change was also present in an unrelated individual with another MPSVII allele who had unusually low beta-glucuronidase activity, but whose clinical symptoms were probably unrelated to beta-glucuronidase deficiency. This individual also had an R357X mutation, probably on his second allele. We screened 100 unrelated normal individuals for the 480G-->A mutation with a PCR method and detected one carrier. Reduced beta-glucuronidase activity following transfection of COS cells with the D152N cDNA supported the causal relationship between the D152N allele and pseudodeficiency. The mutation reduced the fraction of expressed enzyme that was secreted. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the reduced activity in COS cells was due to accelerated intracellular turnover of the D152N enzyme. They also suggested that a potential glycosylation site created by the mutation is utilized in approximately 50% of the enzyme expressed.  相似文献   
The in vitro and in vivo metabolism of monofluoroanilines was investigated. Special attention was focused on the regioselectivity of the aromatic hydroxylation by cytochromes P-450 and the mechanism by which this reaction might proceed. The results clearly demonstrate that the in vitro and in vivo regioselectivity of the aromatic hydroxylation by cytochromes P-450 is dependent on the fluoro-substituent pattern of the aromatic aniline-ring. Results from experiments with liver microsomes from differently pretreated rats demonstrate that the observed regioselectivity for the aromatic hydroxylation is not predominantly determined by the active site of the cytochromes P-450. To investigate the underlying reason for the observed regioselectivity, semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations were performed. Outcomes of these calculations show that neither the frontier orbital densities of the LUMO/LUMO + 1 (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) of the monofluoroanilines nor the spin-densities in their NH. radicals can explain the observed regioselectivities. The frontier orbital densities of the HOMO/HOMO - 1 (highest occupied molecular orbital) of the monofluoroanilines however, qualitatively correlate with the regioselectivity of the aromatic hydroxylation. Based on these results it is concluded that the cytochrome P-450 dependent aromatic hydroxylation of monofluoroanilines does not proceed by hydrogen or electron abstraction from the aniline substrate to give an aniline-NH. radical. The results rather suggest that cytochrome P-450 catalyzed aromatic hydroxylation of monofluoroanilines proceeds by an electrophilic attack of the (FeO)3+ species of cytochrome P-450 on a specific carbon atom of the aromatic aniline-ring.  相似文献   
The secondary structure of two-electron-reduced Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin has been determined by visual, qualitative inspection of the sequential connectivities involving C alpha H, C beta H and NH protons observed in NOESY (two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy) spectra. Results from an amide proton exchange experiment were used to confirm the secondary structure assignment and to demonstrate the compactness and stability of the protein. After the secondary structure elements were established, the global fold of the protein and the flavin binding site have been determined using nonsequential interresidual NOE connectivities as primary source of information. The secondary structure and the global fold of M. elsdenii and Clostridium MP flavodoxin appeared to be very similar, differences are observed however. M. elsdenii flavodoxin consists of a central parallel beta-sheet including five strands surrounded on both sides by a pair of alpha-helices.  相似文献   
In an attempt to prove the specificity of the crude Taenia saginata antigen for the immunodiagnosis of bovine cysticercosis, a major and highly immunogenic fraction (F10), responsible for the formation of the typical "long band" reaction in immunoelectrophoresis, has been isolated from T. saginata proglottides by immunoaffinity chromatography. The immunoabsorbent was prepared by coupling a specifically raised hyperimmune serum (HIS) anti-F10 to Sepharose 4B. The purity of the isolated F10 was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation reactions. The HIS anti-F10, however, cross-reacted with several larval and adult Taenia spp. Consequently, F10 showed cross-reactions with the sera of animals infected with hydatid cysts or larval T. hydatigena. F10 also reacted with HIS anti-F5 (Echinococcus granulosus) but was shown to be non-identical with the well known F5 of E. granulosus. These data prove that F10 of T. saginata was not species-specific but showed a group specificity for the taeniid family - a situation analogous to F5 of E. granulosus.  相似文献   

Background and Scope

Weight loss success is dependent on the ability to refrain from regaining the lost weight in time. This feature was shown to be largely variable among individuals, and these differences, with their underlying molecular processes, are diverse and not completely elucidated. Altered plasma metabolites concentration could partly explain weight loss maintenance mechanisms. In the present work, a systems biology approach has been applied to investigate the potential mechanisms involved in weight loss maintenance within the Diogenes weight-loss intervention study.

Methods and Results

A genome wide association study identified SNPs associated with plasma glycine levels within the CPS1 (Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthase 1) gene (rs10206976, p-value = 4.709e-11 and rs12613336, p-value = 1.368e-08). Furthermore, gene expression in the adipose tissue showed that CPS1 expression levels were associated with successful weight maintenance and with several SNPs within CPS1 (cis-eQTL). In order to contextualize these results, a gene-metabolite interaction network of CPS1 and glycine has been built and analyzed, showing functional enrichment in genes involved in lipid metabolism and one carbon pool by folate pathways.


CPS1 is the rate-limiting enzyme for the urea cycle, catalyzing carbamoyl phosphate from ammonia and bicarbonate in the mitochondria. Glycine and CPS1 are connected through the one-carbon pool by the folate pathway and the urea cycle. Furthermore, glycine could be linked to metabolic health and insulin sensitivity through the betaine osmolyte. These considerations, and the results from the present study, highlight a possible role of CPS1 and related pathways in weight loss maintenance, suggesting that it might be partly genetically determined in humans.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis thaliana somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase 1 (AtSERK1) gene encodes a receptor-like protein kinase that is transiently expressed during embryogenesis. To determine the intrinsic biochemical properties of the AtSERK1 protein, we have expressed the intracellular catalytic domain as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The AtSERK1-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein mainly autophosphorylates on threonine residues (K(m) for ATP, 4 x 10(-6) m), and the reaction is Mg(2+) dependent and inhibited by Mn(2+). A K330E substitution in the kinase domain of AtSERK1 abolishes all kinase activity. The active AtSERK1(kin) can phosphorylate inactive AtSERK1(K330E) protein, suggesting an intermolecular mechanism of autophosphorylation. The AtSERK1 kinase protein was modeled using the insulin receptor kinase as a template. On the basis of this model, threonine residues in the AtSERK1 activation loop of catalytic subdomain VIII are potential targets for phosphorylation. AtSERK1 phosphorylation on myelin basic protein and casein showed tyrosine, serine, and threonine as targets, demonstrating that AtSERK1 is a dual specificity kinase. Replacing Thr-468 with either alanine or glutamic acid not only obliterated the ability of the AtSERK1 protein to be phosphorylated but also inhibited phosphorylation on myelin basic protein and casein, suggesting that Thr-468 is essential for AtSERK-mediated signaling.  相似文献   
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