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Zusammenfassung Der kohlensaure Kalk der untersuchten Helicideneischalen — Bulimus maximus (Durchmesser der Schale 23,6 x 25,1 mm, Dicke 0,25 mm), nicht näher bestimmte Schneckeneischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil (Durchmesser 22,5 x 16,3 mm, Dicke 0,15 mm) — ist Calcit gemäß Optik (negativ einachsiges Konoskopbild) and Meigenscher Reaktion (in Übereinstimmung mit Kellys Beobachtungen bei Bulimus oblongus). Der Phosphatgehalt der Schale ist äuBerst gering trotz reichlichen Vorkommens der KELLyschen Phosphatkörnehen; diese sind in Wirklichkeit Gaseinschüisse. Erhitzen von Schalenstiicken braunt den Kalk bei Verkohlung der organischen Substanz durch and durch ; these durchsetzt also die Calcitkristalle, in Übereinstimmung mit Kellys Erfahrungen beim Entkalken. Erhitzen his zum Verbrennen der organischen Substanz (Wiederweißwerden der Schalenstücke) hebt die Doppelbrechung auf (Umwandlung des Calciumcarbonats in -oxyd); zugleich erscheint bräunliche Trübung im durchfallenden Licht wohl infolge des Austretens der Kohlensäure.Die Mammillenschicht auf der Innenseite der Schale besteht aus einzelnen Calcitindividuen oder Gruppen von solchen; diese Kristallkörnchen wachsen (zum Teil) zu den annähernd senkrecht stehenden Prismen aus, deren optische Achse rneist gegen die Schalenfläche geneigt ist. Vor allem bei Bulimus maximus lassen die Prismen eine innere grobgeschichtete and eine äußere feinstreifige Lage unterscheiden; die erste enthält die Gaseinschliisse, die sich bei der Schneckeneischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil bis in die Mammillen hinein finden, and von rundlicher Form sind, während she bei Bulimus maximus zum Teil spaltenartig erscheinen. An manchen Stellen der Eischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil tragen die Mamillen an ihrem freien Ende Scheiben aus radial gestellten Kalknadeln oder Rosetten aus größeren Kristallen, die bis zur Berührung benachbarter auswachsen können.  相似文献   
We consider estimation after a group sequential test. An estimator that is unbiased or has small bias may have substantial conditional bias (Troendle and Yu, 1999, Coburger and Wassmer, 2001). In this paper we derive the conditional maximum likelihood estimators of both the primary parameter and a secondary parameter, and investigate their properties within a conditional inference framework. The method applies to both the usual and adaptive group sequential test designs. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Aim Anole lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae) display remarkable morphological and genetic differentiation between island populations. Morphological differences between islands are probably due to both adaptive (e.g. differential resource exploitation and intra‐ or interspecific competition) and non‐adaptive differentiation in allopatry. Anoles are well known for their extreme diversity and rapid adaptive speciation on islands. The main aim of this study was to use tests of morphological and genetic differentiation to investigate the population structure and colonization history of islands of the Islas de Bahia, off the coast of Honduras. Location Five populations of Norops bicaorum and Norops lemurinus were sampled, four from islands of the Islas de Bahia and one from the mainland of Honduras. Methods Body size and weight differentiation were measured in order to test for significant differences between sexes and populations. In addition, individuals were genotyped using the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. Bayesian model‐based and assignment/exclusion methods were used to study genetic differentiation between island and mainland populations and to test colonization hypotheses. Results Assignment tests suggested migration from the mainland to the Cayos Cochinos, and from there independently to both Utila and Roatán, whereas migration between Utila and Roatán was lacking. Migration from the mainland to Utila was inferred, but was much less frequent. Morphologically, individuals from Utila appeared to be significantly different in comparison with all other localities. Significant differentiation between males of Roatán and the mainland was found in body size, whereas no significant difference was detected between the mainland and the Cayos Cochinos. Main conclusions Significant genetic and morphological differentiation was found among populations. A stepping‐stone model for colonization, in combination with an independent migration to Utila and Roatán, was suggested by assignment tests and was compatible with the observed morphological differentiation.  相似文献   
In this paper we report the observation of a rapidly developed vertebrate symbiosis involving ectoparasite cleaning by a native corvid of northern Australia, the Torresian crow Corvus orru , on a recently introduced bovid ungulate, the banteng Bos javanicus . Facultative symbioses benefiting both participants (mutualisms) between birds and mammals appear to be rare, despite the apparent advantages obtained by the participants (ecto-parasite removal from the host and food provision to the cleaner). On three separate dates we observed a total of four C. orru individuals eliciting facilitation behaviours by a total of ten female banteng to assist in the removal of ectoparasites. Our observations document the first-known incidence of facultative cleaning behaviour by a native bird species on a non-native, wild vertebrate that has developed in approximately 150 years since the banteng's introduction to Australia.  相似文献   
Meiosis is the process by which diploid germ cells divide to produce haploid gametes for sexual reproduction. The process is highly conserved in eukaryotes, however the recent availability of mouse models for meiotic recombination has revealed surprising regulatory differences between simple unicellular organisms and those with increasingly complex genomes. Moreover, in these higher eukaryotes, the intervention of physiological and sex-specific factors may also influence how meiotic recombination and progression are monitored and regulated. This review will focus on the recent studies involving mouse mutants for meiosis, and will highlight important differences between traditional model systems for meiosis (such as yeast) and those involving more complex cellular, physiological and genetic criteria.  相似文献   
S Paradis  S T Sweeney  G W Davis 《Neuron》2001,30(3):737-749
Homeostatic mechanisms regulate synaptic function to maintain nerve and muscle excitation within reasonable physiological limits. The mechanisms that initiate homeostasic changes to synaptic function are not known. We specifically impaired cellular depolarization by expressing the Kir2.1 potassium channel in Drosophila muscle. In Kir2.1-expressing muscle there is a persistent outward potassium current ( approximately 10 nA), decreased muscle input resistance (50-fold), and a hyperpolarized resting potential. Despite impaired muscle excitability, synaptic depolarization of muscle achieves wild-type levels. A quantal analysis demonstrates that increased presynaptic release (quantal content), without a change in quantal size (mEPSC amplitude), compensates for altered muscle excitation. Because morphological synaptic growth is normal, we conclude that a homeostatic increase in presynaptic release compensates for impaired muscle excitability. These data demonstrate that a monitor of muscle membrane depolarization is sufficient to initiate synaptic homeostatic compensation.  相似文献   
Leukocytes can be found in substantial numbers within the intrauterine tissues and amniotic fluid of women, and play a central role in the pathophysiology of infection-related preterm labor by their production of proinflammatory mediators. It remains unclear whether these leukocytes represent a fetal immune response, a maternal response, or a combination of the two. The objective of this study was to develop a test in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) suitable for determining the percentage of male fetal cells present in a population of leukocytes recovered from blood or amniotic fluid. We found inadequate specificity for rhesus monkey cells using commercial human Y-chromosome paint kits (fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)). Human-specific primers for the repetitive Y chromosome DYZ-1 locus employed in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produced an unacceptable percentage of false positives. However, we successfully developed a PCR-based test using rhesus-specific primers for the zinc finger Y (ZFY) locus. Densitometry of PCR products from known ratios of male and female adult peripheral leukocytes generated a linear standard curve which provided quantitative results and required only 400 cells per sample. The rhesus beta globin (RBG) gene served as an internal control. The PCR test correctly discriminated the sex of peripheral leukocytes in 20 adult males, 20 adult females, two male fetuses, and one female fetus. Serial samples of amniotic fluid from four chronically catheterized rhesus monkeys bearing male fetuses were used to confirm the utility of this assay for quantifying fetal cells in amniotic fluid. In conclusion, we have developed a PCR test which is suitable for distinguishing male from female cells in adult and fetal blood and in amniotic fluid, which lends itself to a variety of diagnostic and biologic applications in the rhesus monkey and potentially in other nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
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