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SYNOPSIS. A sequence of developmental stages of Plistophora hyphessobryconis Schaperclaus, a microsporidian protozoan parasite of the muscular tissue of several species of freshwater fishes, was studied with the electron microscope. The youngest stages observed, ca. 4 × 2 μ, have a single nucleus and their plasm contains only ergastoplasmic lamellae and ribosomes. They are surrounded by a halo of lysed host tissue. They increase in volume to become large sporonts with a great number of nuclei and a thick, 2-layered membrane. Thru schizogony, a corresponding number of sporoblasts is produced within this pansporoblast membrane. Sporoblasts start to develop a thick spore membrane, and a number of smooth-membraned vesicles appear in the plasm. These vesicles fuse to make the outer membrane of the filament. Later, its inner structures originate—the axial electron-dense substance, filling the hollow lumen of the filament, and a middle, electron-transparent layer. The structure of the filament is discussed in relation to its function and with regard to the findings of other authors. The polaroplast is a laminated structure, originating possibly by transformation of endoplasmic reticulum; the polar cap forms its apical part. The cap is also lamellar; its substance reaches into the lumen of the filament for a certain distance. No micropyle was discovered in the shell; the filament is fastened to the polar cap. These observations on microsporidian development and on the structure of their spores are compared with similar data on myxosporidian species. Such a comparison speaks clearly in favor of the complete taxonomic separation of the Microsporidea from the Myxosporidea, the latter being quite different also from other sporozoa sensu lato.  相似文献   
By the help of this method the morphological -variability ofScenedesmus quadricauda during its ontogenesis was studied.During the life cycle the size and shape of the cells vary simultaneously.Some species described on the bases of these features are onlydifferent states of the same species. Genera of the subfamily Crucigenioideae (Scened-esmaceae) havebeen distinguished by very subjective and indistinct features.Examination of the course of their life cycles in the synchronizedcultures showed that only valuable feature for distinguishingthese genera is the mode of reproduction; the mode of orientationof autocoenobia in the mother coenobium. Two basic modes offormation of daughter coenobia were discovered. Based on thesecriteria it is possible to deduce all other types of this wholetaxonomical group. (Received November 24, 1962; )  相似文献   
The eresid spider genus Eresus is morphologically and ecologically conservative. At least three species occur in Europe. However, deep genetic divergence among geographical samples within two species, E. cinnaberinus and E. sandaliatus , may suggest more cryptic species. In the present study we investigate the genetic cohesion of the third species, Eresus walckenaeri , throughout its eastern Mediterranean distribution range, relative to the E. cinnaberinus–E. sandaliatus species complex. Eresus walckenaeri specimens were monophyletic. Genetic discreteness of E. walckenaeri in a region of sympatry with its sister species in Greece provides evidence for species integrity of E. walckenaeri within the European Eresus species complex. Eresus walckenaeri exhibited high concordance between geographical location and mtDNA genealogy. Two major phylogeographical clades were found in the Greek–Turkish and Syrian–Israel parts of the investigated area, respectively (∼6.5% sequence divergence). Concordance between geography and genetic divergence was further observed between Aegean island samples and their corresponding Greek and Turkish mainland samples, suggesting regional subdivision with gradual but potentially high dispersal propensity. Monophyly and limited regional distribution indicate Mediterranean endemic origin.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 1–9.  相似文献   
We monitored the radioligand-binding characteristics of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptors, functional activity of Gq/11α proteins, and functional status of the whole signaling cascade in HEK293 expressing high levels of TRH receptors and G11α. Our analyses indicated that disruption of plasma membrane microdomains by cholesterol depletion did not markedly influence the binding parameters of TRH receptors, but it altered efficacy of signal transduction. The functional coupling between TRH receptor and Gq/11α was assessed by agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding, and results of these measurements pointed out to significantly lower potency of TRH to mediate G protein activation in the plasma membrane fraction isolated from cholesterol-depleted cells; there was a shift in sensitivity by one order of magnitude to the higher concentrations. A markedly lower sensitivity to stimulation with TRH was also observed in our experiments dealing with determination of hormone-induced Ca2+ response. These data suggest that the intact structure of plasma membranes is an important optimum signal transduction initiated by TRH receptors and mediated by Gq/11α proteins.  相似文献   
A new technique for estimating the cuticular component of epidermalgas exchange by a stomatous leaf side is proposed. It is basedon the process of elimination of stomatal diffusion by mass(viscous) flow of air applying an air pressure gradient acrossthe leaf. This technique was designed to enable a reliable estimationof the cuticular component irrespective of stomatal opening. A model solution of diffusive and mass flow counteraction interms of general substance fluxes is presented. Water vapourloss and CO2 uptake by a model leaf was simulated by varyingboth stomatal diffusion resistance and viscous flow of air throughthe stomatal pores in physiologically and experimentally relevantranges. Depending on stomatal opening, elimination of the stomatalcontribution to epidermal vapour and CO2 exchange by the viscousflow of air ranged from small to practically complete. It supportsthe relevance of the procedure for cuticular vapour loss estimationunder conditions of partially open stomata. Modification of the model CO2-uptake patterns due to expectedchanges in intercellular CO2 concentration, , was evaluated. Net CO2 flux under the diffusive-viscous flowscounteraction is sensitive to the changes mentioned above. Nevertheless,the changes in , evaluated by a simple model, were too small to cause significant departures from the CO2-uptakeelimination curves by constant . The relevance of the method for the determination of cuticular CO2-uptakeis discussed. Key words: Cuticular transpiration, cuticular CO2-uptake, methods, diffusive-viscous flows counteraction, model  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. A new microsporidan, Nosema algerae n. sp., was found in a laboratory colony of Anopheles stephensi. The microsporidan infects a variety of tissues of both larvae and adults and is highly pathogenic for its host. The structure and life cycle of the microsporidan under the light and electron microscope is described and its relationship to other Nosema species infecting mosquitoes is discussed.  相似文献   
Recent immunocytological and molecular data show that heterochromaticnuclear regions, both constitutive and facultative, are modifieddifferently (cytosine hypermethylation and histone hypoacetylation)and late replicating, when compared to euchromatin. Intrusiveand/or additive (supernumerary) DNA sequences are often functionallysilenced; this is accompanied by their heterochromatinization.In this work we present a number of karyological studies onautotetraploid female cells of Silene latifolia (syn. Melandriumalbum). Immunofluorescence analyses do not indicate any globaldifferences in DNA methylation, histone H4 acetylation, andchromosome replication patterns which could arise as a consequenceof the duplication of the whole chromosome set of the originaldiploid genome. Similarly, the number of silver-positive nucleoliroughly correlates to the ploidy level. Early replication andH4 hyperacetylation have been detected at all subterminal chromosomeregions. This, together with cDNA in situ hybridization patterns,indicates the localization of gene-rich regions. DNA methylationand chromosome replication patterns, but not histone H4 acetylation,show differences among the four X chromosomes present: one tothree X chromosomes were observed as hypermethylated and/orlate replicating. Taken together, the data demonstrate thatthere is no overall silencing of the additional two sets ofautosomes in the tetraploid cells, but the X chromosomes couldbe subject to an irregular dosage compensation. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company DNA methylation, histone acetylation, polyploidy, replication patterns, sex chromosomes, Silene latifolia (syn.Melandrium album ).  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Scanning electron microscopy was used to reveal detailed surface structure of 4 septate ( Gregarina cuneata, G. steini, G. rhyparobiae, Pileocephalus blaberae ) and one aseptate species ( Nematocystis elmassiani ) of eugregarines. The epicyte of all these gregarines is differentiated into a system of regular longitudinal folds. In the septate species these folds undulate so that these organisms glide along. The undulatory pattern is absent from Nematocystis , which does not glide. The theories and the mechanism of gregarine gliding are discussed.  相似文献   
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