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W. J. Schmidt 《Zoomorphology》1943,39(3):692-705
Zusammenfassung Der kohlensaure Kalk der untersuchten Helicideneischalen — Bulimus maximus (Durchmesser der Schale 23,6 x 25,1 mm, Dicke 0,25 mm), nicht näher bestimmte Schneckeneischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil (Durchmesser 22,5 x 16,3 mm, Dicke 0,15 mm) — ist Calcit gemäß Optik (negativ einachsiges Konoskopbild) and Meigenscher Reaktion (in Übereinstimmung mit Kellys Beobachtungen bei Bulimus oblongus). Der Phosphatgehalt der Schale ist äuBerst gering trotz reichlichen Vorkommens der KELLyschen Phosphatkörnehen; diese sind in Wirklichkeit Gaseinschüisse. Erhitzen von Schalenstiicken braunt den Kalk bei Verkohlung der organischen Substanz durch and durch ; these durchsetzt also die Calcitkristalle, in Übereinstimmung mit Kellys Erfahrungen beim Entkalken. Erhitzen his zum Verbrennen der organischen Substanz (Wiederweißwerden der Schalenstücke) hebt die Doppelbrechung auf (Umwandlung des Calciumcarbonats in -oxyd); zugleich erscheint bräunliche Trübung im durchfallenden Licht wohl infolge des Austretens der Kohlensäure.Die Mammillenschicht auf der Innenseite der Schale besteht aus einzelnen Calcitindividuen oder Gruppen von solchen; diese Kristallkörnchen wachsen (zum Teil) zu den annähernd senkrecht stehenden Prismen aus, deren optische Achse rneist gegen die Schalenfläche geneigt ist. Vor allem bei Bulimus maximus lassen die Prismen eine innere grobgeschichtete and eine äußere feinstreifige Lage unterscheiden; die erste enthält die Gaseinschliisse, die sich bei der Schneckeneischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil bis in die Mammillen hinein finden, and von rundlicher Form sind, während she bei Bulimus maximus zum Teil spaltenartig erscheinen. An manchen Stellen der Eischale aus Sta. Catharina Brazil tragen die Mamillen an ihrem freien Ende Scheiben aus radial gestellten Kalknadeln oder Rosetten aus größeren Kristallen, die bis zur Berührung benachbarter auswachsen können. 相似文献
ABSTRACT With countless “natural” experiments triggered by the COVID-19-associated physical distancing, one key question comes from chronobiology: “When confined to homes, how does the reduced exposure to natural daylight arising from the interruption of usual outdoor activities plus lost temporal organization ordinarily provided from workplaces and schools affect the circadian timing system (the internal 24 h clock) and, consequently, health of children and adults of all ages?” Herein, we discuss some ethical and scientific facets of exploring such natural experiments by offering a hypothetical case study of circadian biology. 相似文献
There are too many kinds of organisms to be able to study and manage each, yet the loss of a single species can sometimes unravel an ecosystem. Such `fusewire species'– critical in the same sense that an electrical fuse can cut out a whole circuit – would be a rewarding focus for research and management effort. However, this approach can only be effective if these `fusewires' represent but a small proportion of the number of species in the system.
To demonstrate methods for measuring what proportion of the species in a system are critical to ecosystem function.
The prevalence of fusewire species was measured in manipulative experiments on an aquatic microcosm.
No single genus deletion caused changes in key characteristics of the system.
Comparison of these results with other published studies shows that the proportion of critical fusewire species varies amongst different ecosystems. The oxidation pond microcosms were shown to contain no single species indispensable to system function. They appear to be ill-suited to a management strategy which focuses on priority eukaryote species. However, a single study provides no evidence that this result is general or even typical of other kinds of ecosystems; it is presented here as an empirical model. Other methods of investigation are available; they are less experimentally rigorous but more practical. These could provide important guidance in planning an approach to management in a particular ecosystem. 相似文献
To demonstrate methods for measuring what proportion of the species in a system are critical to ecosystem function.
The prevalence of fusewire species was measured in manipulative experiments on an aquatic microcosm.
No single genus deletion caused changes in key characteristics of the system.
Main conclusions
Comparison of these results with other published studies shows that the proportion of critical fusewire species varies amongst different ecosystems. The oxidation pond microcosms were shown to contain no single species indispensable to system function. They appear to be ill-suited to a management strategy which focuses on priority eukaryote species. However, a single study provides no evidence that this result is general or even typical of other kinds of ecosystems; it is presented here as an empirical model. Other methods of investigation are available; they are less experimentally rigorous but more practical. These could provide important guidance in planning an approach to management in a particular ecosystem. 相似文献
Introduction: A glacial acetic acid wash performed retrospectively or prospectively on visibly bloodstained cervical ThinPrep® specimens can reduce the unsatisfactory rate and increase the number of diagnostic epithelial cells. This study was undertaken to determine which specimens are most likely to benefit from a prospective glacial acetic acid wash. Methods: Bloodstained ThinPrep® specimens selected for routine lysing prior to processing were macroscopically assessed and scored based on the level of blood present (+ to +++). Both unlysed and lysed slides were prepared from each specimen and microscopically examined. Results: Fifty‐eight specimens (32 scored +, 12 ++ and 14+++) were assessed. Three unlysed slides prepared from the ++ specimens and 12 from +++ specimens were evaluated as unsatisfactory due to excessive blood and inadequate numbers of squamous cells. In contrast, only one of the unlysed slides from the 32 + specimens was considered to be unsatisfactory. Almost all the lysed slides were satisfactory and generally more cellular than the unlysed slides. Abnormal cells were found in four cases (both unlysed and lysed paired slides). Discussion: Although the acetic acid wash increases cellularity of bloodstained ThinPrep® specimens, prospectively lysing all bloodstained specimens is an unnecessary procedure. Lysing only very heavily bloodstained specimens prior to processing will reduce laboratory workload, costs and the possibility of specimen mix up. Occasionally a retrospective wash may be required but screening staff should be aware that although blood may be present on an unlysed ThinPrep® slide, a lysed slide should not be requested unless there are insufficient numbers of squamous cells present. 相似文献
H. Ben Slimen F. Suchentrunk A. Memmi H. Sert U. Kryger P.C. Alves A. Ben Ammar Elgaaied 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2006,44(1):88-99
Systematics and taxonomy of hares of the genus Lepus (Lagomorpha) are under contentious debate, and phylogenetic relationships among many taxa are not well understood. Here we study genetic differentiation and evolutionary relationships among North African hares, currently considered subspecies of Lepus capensis , cape hares ( L. capensis ) from the Cape province in South Africa, and brown hares ( L. europeaus ) from Europe and Anatolia, using maternally (mtDNA) and biparentally (allozymes) inherited markers. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of a c. 1.8 kb long segment of the mitochondrial control region using eight hexanucleotide-recognizing restriction endonucleases yielded 28 haplotypes, and horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins encoded by 25 structural gene loci revealed 52 alleles at 18 polymorphic loci. Diverse phylogenetic analyses (neighbor joining dendrogram, median joining network, multidimensional scaling of pairwise distances, AMOVA, F -statistics, hierarchical F -statistics) of genetic variants revealed marked substructuring of mtDNA into three phylogeographic groups, namely an African, a central European, and an Anatolian, but a somewhat less pronounced overall differentiation of the nuclear genome, despite a relatively high number of population-specific (private) alleles. However, all our results are not incongruent with Petter's (1959: Mammalia 23 , 41; 1961: Z. f. Säugetierkunde 26 , 30; 1972 : Société Des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 52 , 122) hypothesis that North African hares generally belong to L. capensis and that brown hares should be included in this species as well. 相似文献
J. A. Halford 《Cytopathology》2002,13(6):364-370
A review of negative split-sample cervical cytology cases revealed five cases reported as chronic follicular cervicitis. These cases showed characteristic morphological features in conventional smears with lymphoid cells, plasma cells and tingible body macrophages smeared across the slides. This contrasts with the presentation of ThinPrep samples (Cytic Corporation, Boxburgh, MA, USA), where cells were observed aggregated in clumps. The different presentation noted in liquid-based samples may require careful microscopic evaluation at high-power magnification. 相似文献
Parameters of brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater egg discrimination in warbling vireos Vireo gilvus
We examined which egg parameters warbling vireos Vireo gilvus use to discriminate brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater eggs and, by comparing our results to other studies, tested the prediction that ejecter species with eggs more similar in appearance to cowbird eggs will be less tolerant of foreign eggs. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that egg characteristics influence the cost of ejection and probability of committing ejection errors. Warbling vireos ejected 100% of eggs with a cowbird spot pattern and only spot pattern significantly influenced the probability of ejecting a foreign egg, whereas size and nest stage did not. Foreign eggs that differed in two parameters were not ejected significantly more than those that differed in one parameter. Thus, warbling vireos appear to be less tolerant of foreign eggs than species with eggs more divergent from cowbird eggs. There was no significant difference in the number of vireo eggs that were damaged when foreign eggs of different sizes and spot patterns were ejected, which is counter to the assumptions of the evolutionary equilibrium hypothesis. Similarly, foreign egg characteristics did not significantly influence the probability of ejection errors. Finally, egg discrimination in warbling vireos appears to have evolved directly to counter cowbird parasitism because all conspecific eggs switched into their nests were accepted. 相似文献
In this paper we report the observation of a rapidly developed vertebrate symbiosis involving ectoparasite cleaning by a native corvid of northern Australia, the Torresian crow Corvus orru , on a recently introduced bovid ungulate, the banteng Bos javanicus . Facultative symbioses benefiting both participants (mutualisms) between birds and mammals appear to be rare, despite the apparent advantages obtained by the participants (ecto-parasite removal from the host and food provision to the cleaner). On three separate dates we observed a total of four C. orru individuals eliciting facilitation behaviours by a total of ten female banteng to assist in the removal of ectoparasites. Our observations document the first-known incidence of facultative cleaning behaviour by a native bird species on a non-native, wild vertebrate that has developed in approximately 150 years since the banteng's introduction to Australia. 相似文献