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We reported earlier on the changes in excitability of central respiratory switching mechanisms in the course of a brief inspiratory-inhibiting vagal stimulus (J. Appl. Physiol. 50: 1183-1192, 1981). To further define the dynamics of central processing of such input we studied the changes in the excitability of timing mechanisms in the immediate (less than 1.0 s) and late (1-20 s) periods after stimulus removal. We also examined the changes in respiratory timing in the course of protracted (greater than 20 s) stimulation. Studies were done using pentobarbital-anesthetized cats. For studies involving long-term stimulation or late off responses, cats were paralyzed, vagotomized, carotid denervated, and artificially ventilated. We found that the inspiratory inhibitory influence of a brief stimulus continues, in a declining fashion, for 0.3-10 s after removal of the stimulus. This was followed by a paradoxical response, inspirations were prolonged and expirations were shortened, which was maximal 1-2 s after stimulus removal and which declined gradually over a period of 6-16 s. There was progressive decline in inspiratory-shortening expiratory-prolonging influence in the course of sustained stimuli. These results indicate substantial adaptation in the course of even brief stimuli and provide an explanation for inspiratory-expiratory duration and expiratory-inspiratory duration linkages.  相似文献   
The antimycotic activity of medicagenic acid and of some synthetic derivatives thereof was tested against plant pathogenic fungi. In general they all possess antimycotic activity. Furthermore, in the case of Sclerotium rolfsii, compounds where the hydroxyl functions of the aglycon remained unchanged (medicagenic acid and its dimethyl ester) or could be enzymically released (3-0-β-D-glucoside of medicagenic acid dimethyl ester) were significantly more active than compounds where these functions were modified by acetylation or methylation. Selective 2-0-methylation of medicagenic acid and comparison of the antimycotic activity of the resulting derivative against S. rolfsii to that of other derivatives suggests that a potential free hydroxyl at position 3 is essential to antimycotic activity.  相似文献   
Preparations of broken Aspergillus nidulans hyphae contained both free and wall-bound autolysins. The bound enzymes were not solubilized by 8 M LiCl or neutral or anionic detergents; they were readily detached from walls by a cationic detergent or by autodigestion. Once detached, the enzymes did not reassociate with wall to give salt-resistant complexes. Six enzymes hydrolyzing wall polymers were bound to the envelope, and the same activities were also detected among soluble proteins in the cytoplasmic fraction. It is suggested that cytoplasmic vesicles, containing autolysins, are inserted into or trapped by newly formed wall in the growing hypha; these constitute the wall-bound autolysin fraction. Starvation for a carbon source derepressed the synthesis of five out of the six autolysins, and the amounts of both soluble and wall-bound activities increased by one to two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
A double mutant of Cryptococcus neoformans which lacked the ability to produce melanin (Mel-) on media containing diphenols and failed to grow at 37 degrees C (temperature sensitive, Tem-) was obtained by UV irradiation and subsequent cloning. The mutant showed two lesions in melanogenesis in that it lacked the active transport system for diphenolic compounds and also lacked phenoloxidase. Ultrastructures of the mutant and wild-type cells grown on a medium with or without L-dopa showed that only the wild-type cells grown on L-dopa medium formed a dark cell wall layer, presumably containing melanin. The mutant was crossed with a wild type, and the phenotypes of the progeny were analyzed. The analysis showed no linkage between the mating type and either Mel or Tem loci, but loose linkage was seen between Mel and Tem loci. The progeny, Mel+ Tem+, Mel+ Tem-, Mel- Tem+, and Mel- Tem-, were studied for their virulence in mice. Only Mel+ Tem+ types killed mice with an inoculum of 5 X 10(5) cells within 50 days.  相似文献   
The pathogenic species of Cryptococcus, C. neoformans and C. bacillisporus, utilized creatinine as a source of nitrogen but not of carbon. Chromatographic and autoradiographic studies suggest that creatinine metabolism in both species involves a single step resulting in the production of methylhydantoin and ammonia. The enzyme responsible for this step, creatinine deiminase, was produced by the cells only in the presence of creatinine in both species. The synthesis of creatinine deiminase was repressed by ammonia in C. neoformans, but not in C. bacillisporus. A possible explanation for this variation, based on the ecological differences between the two species, is discussed. A novel method for measuring creatinine deiminase activity is also described.  相似文献   
Adipose progenitor cells (APCs) are widely investigated for soft tissue reconstruction following tumor resection; however, the long-term success of current approaches is still limited. In order to develop clinically relevant therapies, a better understanding of the role of cell-microenvironment interactions in adipose tissue regeneration is essential. In particular, the effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) mechanics on the regenerative capability of APCs remains to be clarified. We have used artificial ECMs based on photocrosslinkable RGD-alginate to investigate the adipogenic and pro-angiogenic potential of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes as a function of matrix stiffness. These hydrogels allowed us to decouple matrix stiffness from changes in adhesion peptide density or extracellular Ca(2+) concentration and provided a physiologically relevant 3D culture context. Our findings suggest that increased matrix rigidity promotes APC self-renewal and angiogenic capacity, whereas, it inhibits adipose differentiation. Collectively, this study advances our understanding of the role of ECM mechanics in adipose tissue formation and vascularization and will aid in the design of efficacious biomaterial scaffolds for adipose tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   
The objective of our studies is the development of a novel formulation of nystatin (NYT) that could be administered systemically and might be used for therapy of invasive mycoses. We developed a formulation of nystatin and intralipid (IL), which is a clinically used food supplement, and this report focuses on the characterization of NYT-IL, assessment of its antifungal activity and in vitro toxicity. We characterized physical properties of the NYT-IL preparation and its stability during storage. Susceptibility of Candida, Aspergillus and Fusarium species was determined using a CLSI technique. In vitro toxicity of NYT-IL was assessed using an assay measuring hemolysis of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and leakage of potassium. It was found that: (1) the particle size in NYT-IL did not differ from that of IL; (2) over 80% of NYT was in association with IL; and (3) these features did not change during storage. All Candida and Aspergillus strains had lower minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for NYT-IL than that for NYT; the MICs of the Fusarium strains were similar for NYT & NYT-IL. Toxicity assays showed that the NYT-IL formulation is less toxic than NYT. In conclusion, we describe a novel, characterized, stable formulation of nystatin, nystatin-intralipid, with in vitro activity against pathogenic Candida and Aspergillus species.  相似文献   
Autoimmune response to the myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic protein (MOBP), a CNS-specific myelin constituent, was recently suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The pathogenic autoimmune response to MOBP and the associated pathology in the CNS have not yet been fully investigated. In this study, we have characterized the clinical manifestations, pathology, T cell epitope-specificity, and TCRs associated with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced in SJL/J mice with recombinant mouse MOBP (long isoform, 170 aa). Analysis of encephalitogenic MOBP-reactive T cells for reactivity to overlapping MOBP peptides defined MOBP15-36 as their major immunodominant epitope. Accordingly, MOBP15-36 was demonstrated to be the major encephalitogenic MOBP epitope for SJL/J mice, inducing severe/chronic clinical EAE associated with intense perivascular and parenchymal infiltrations, widespread demyelination, axonal loss, and remarkable optic neuritis. Molecular modeling of the interaction of I-A(s) with MOBP15-36, together with analysis of the MOBP15-36-specific T cell response to truncated peptides, suggests MOBP20-28 as the core sequence for I-A(s)-restricted recognition of the encephalitogenic region MOBP15-36. Although highly focused in their epitope specificity, the encephalitogenic MOBP-reactive T cells displayed a widespread usage of TCR Vbeta genes. These results would therefore favor epitope-directed, rather than TCR-targeted, approaches to therapy of MOBP-associated pathogenic autoimmunity. Localization by molecular modeling of a potential HLA-DRB1*1501-associated MOBP epitope within the encephalitogenic MOBP15-36 sequence suggests the potential relevance of T cell reactivity against MOBP15-36 to MS. The reactivity to MOBP15-36 detected in MS shown here and in another study further emphasizes the potential significance of this epitope for MS.  相似文献   
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