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ΦX174 lysis protein E-mediated lysis of Escherichia coli is characterized by a protein E-specific fusion of the inner and outer membrane and formation of a transmembrane tunnel structure. In order to understand the fusion process, the topology of protein E within the envelope complex of E. coli was investigated. Proteinase K protection studies showed that, during the time course of protein E-mediated lysis process, more of the fusion protein E-FXa-streptavidin gradually became accessible to the protease at the cell surface. These observations postulate a conformational change in protein E during induction of the lysis process by movement of the C-terminal end of the protein throughout the envelope complex from the inner side to the outer side spanning the entire pore and fusing the inner and outer membranes at distinct areas. The initiation mechanism for such a conformational change could be the cis–trans isomerization of proline residues within α-helical membrane-spanning segments. Conversion of proline 21, presumed to be in the membrane-embedded α-helix of protein E, to alanine, glycine, serine and valine, respectively, resulted in lysis-negative E mutant proteins. Proteinase K accessibility studies using streptavidin as a reporter fused to the P21G mutant protein showed that the C-terminal part of the fusion protein is not translocated to the outer side of the membrane, suggesting that this proline residue is essential for the correct folding of protein E within the cell wall complex of E. coli . Oligomerization of protein P21G-StrpA was not disturbed.  相似文献   
The effect of Leu5-enkephalin on growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) release was studied in vivo in the infant rat and compared to that of morphine. In 10 day-old pups, intracerebroventricular injection of Leu5-enkephalin (50, 75 and 100 μg) resulted in a dose-related increase in plasma GH; morphine was active as GH releaser at the dose of 5 and 10 μg, but not at 2.5 μg. Pretreatment with naloxone (2 mg/kg ip) suppressed the GH-releasing effect of either Leu5-enkephalin (100 μg) or morphine (10 μg). Leu5-enkephalin (75 and 100 μg) induced a rise in plasma PRL which was neither dose-related nor antagonized by naloxone; morphine (5 and 10 μg) was active as PRL releaser and its effect was antagonized by naloxone. These results indicate that: 1) Leu5-enkephalin stimulates both GH and PRL release; 2) the release of GH by Leu5-enkephalin but likely not that of PRL involves specific opiate receptors; 3) morphine releases GH and PRL through specific opiate receptors.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of the lateral-line neuromasts in the ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa is described. The neuromasts rest at the bottom of open grooves and consist of sensory, supporting, basal and mantle cells. Each sensory cell is equipped with sensory hairs consisting of a single kinocilium and several stereocilia. There are several types of sensory hair arrangement, and cells with a particular arrangement form patches within the neuromast. There are two types of afferent synapse. The most common afferent synapse has a presynaptic body and is typically associated with an extensive system of anastomosing tubules on the presynaptic side. When the tubules are absent, vesicles surround the presynaptic body. These synapses are often associated into synaptic fields, containing up to 35 synaptic sites. The second type of afferent synapse does not have a presynaptic body and is not associated with the tubular system. The afferent synapses of the second type do not form synaptic fields and are uncommon. The efferent synapses are either associated with a postsynaptic sac or more commonly with a strongly osmiophilic postsynaptic membrane. The accessory cells are similar to those in the acoustico-lateralis organs of other aquatic vertebrates. A possibility of movement of the presynaptic bodies and of involvement of the tubular system in the turnover of the transmitter is discussed. A comparison of the hair tuft types in the neuromasts of Ch. monstrosa with those in the labyrinth of the goldfish and of the frog is attempted.  相似文献   
Cell lysis of Gram-negative bacteria can be efficiently achieved by expression of the cloned lysis gene E of bacteriophage PhiX174. Gene E expression is tightly controlled by the rightward lambda pR promoter and the temperature-sensitive repressor cI857 on lysis plasmid pAW12. The resulting empty bacterial cell envelopes, called bacterial ghosts, are currently under investigation as candidate vaccines. Expression of gene E is stringently repressed at temperatures up to 30 degrees C, whereas gene E expression, and thus cell lysis, is induced at temperatures higher than 30 degrees C due to thermal inactivation of the cI857 repressor. As a consequence, the production of ghosts requires that bacteria have to be grown at 28 degrees C before the lysis process is induced. In order to reflect the growth temperature of pathogenic bacteria in vivo, it seemed favorable to extend the heat stability of the lambda pR promoter/cI857 repressor system, allowing pathogens to grow at 37 degrees C before induction of lysis. In this study we describe a mutation in the lambda pR promoter, which allows stringent repression of gene E expression at temperatures up to 36 degrees C, but still permits induction of cell lysis at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   
Energetic and permeability properties of Escherichia coli cells were determined prior to and during lysis caused by expression of the cloned gene E of bacteriophage phi X174. Before onset of cell lysis the transmembrane gradients for K+, Na+ or Mg2+/ions, the level of ATP and the membrane potential, were unaffected. All these parameters changed simultaneously at the time of lysis onset, as monitored by measurements of culture turbidity as well as by determining the various specifications over a period of 1 min. During cell lysis chromosomal DNA was fragmented whereas plasmid DNA was liberated in its intact supercoiled form. Cytoplasmic constituents were released almost entirely, as indicated by the activity of beta-galactosidase in the supernatant fraction of protein-E-lysed cells. Periplasmic enzymes were only found in limited amounts in the cell supernatant and most remained associated with the cell ghosts. Such ghosts exhibited no gross cell damage or morphological alterations when compared with intact E. coli by light microscopy. All parameters investigated indicated that protein-E-mediated lysis of E. coli is caused by the formation of a transmembrane tunnel structure through the envelope complex of the bacterium.  相似文献   
The tight electro-mechanical coupling between the voltage-sensing and pore domains of Kv channels lies at the heart of their fundamental roles in electrical signaling. Structural data have identified two voltage sensor pore inter-domain interaction surfaces, thus providing a framework to explain the molecular basis for the tight coupling of these domains. While the contribution of the intra-subunit lower domain interface to the electro-mechanical coupling that underlies channel opening is relatively well understood, the contribution of the inter-subunit upper interface to channel gating is not yet clear. Relying on energy perturbation and thermodynamic coupling analyses of tandem-dimeric Shaker Kv channels, we show that mutation of upper interface residues from both sides of the voltage sensor-pore domain interface stabilizes the closed channel state. These mutations, however, do not affect slow inactivation gating. We, moreover, find that upper interface residues form a network of state-dependent interactions that stabilize the open channel state. Finally, we note that the observed residue interaction network does not change during slow inactivation gating. The upper voltage sensing-pore interaction surface thus only undergoes conformational rearrangements during channel activation gating. We suggest that inter-subunit interactions across the upper domain interface mediate allosteric communication between channel subunits that contributes to the concerted nature of the late pore opening transition of Kv channels.  相似文献   
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