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Ras GTPase Activating Protein SH3 Domain Binding Protein (G3BP) is a potential anti-cancer drug target implicated in several cellular functions. We have used protein crystallography to solve crystal structures of the human G3BP1 NTF2-like domain both alone and in complex with an FxFG Nup repeat peptide. Despite high structural similarity, the FxFG binding site is located between two alpha helices in the G3BP1 NTF2-like domain and not at the dimer interface as observed for nuclear transport factor 2. ITC studies showed specificity towards the FxFG motif but not FG and GLFG motifs. The unliganded form of the G3BP1 NTF2-like domain was solved in two crystal forms to resolutions of 1.6 and 3.3 Å in space groups P212121 and P6322 based on two different constructs, residues 1–139 and 11–139, respectively. Crystal packing of the N-terminal residues against a symmetry related molecule in the P212121 crystal form might indicate a novel ligand binding site that, however, remains to be validated. The crystal structures give insight into the nuclear transportation mechanisms of G3BP and provide a basis for future structure based drug design.  相似文献   
Ever since the inclusion of microbial biocontrol agents (MBCAs) within the regulatory frameworks initially designed for chemical pesticides, there has been awareness that these frameworks are not optimal for assessment and registration of new microbial biocontrol products. It is often claimed that the regulatory situation has contributed to a relatively slow uptake of microbial biocontrol in practice. In contrast to the MBCAs, non-indigenous invertebrate biocontrol agents (IBCAs) are regulated in many countries through quarantine and other biosecurity related legislation for prevention of introduction of alien organisms, whereas use of indigenous IBCAs are generally unregulated. In this study, we investigate what scientific support there is for performing evaluations of these two main groups of biocontrol agents (BCAs) within different frameworks. We compare potential risks of MBCAs and IBCAs, present a retrospective analysis of the development and implementation of the regulatory frameworks, and compare current requirements for MBCAs with those for other applications with microorganisms. One conclusion is that the ecological risks are of similar types between the two groups of BCAs, and that for both groups the environmental safety is most pertinently evaluated according to biological and ecological principles. The main difference between MBCAs and IBCAs with respect to human health is that the former may cause infectious disease. However, we found no evidence that this hazard is more serious for microorganisms for biocontrol than for microbes used in other types of applications, which generally have substantially lower regulatory demands than those for MBCAs. Several international initiatives have produced helpful guidelines and recommendations for simplified assessments and authorisations of BCAs. Still, we conclude that as long as MBCAs are evaluated within systems initially developed for chemicals, the risk for inappropriate emphasis of chemical hazards and therefore unnecessarily complicated assessments will be maintained. Therefore, this study supports the idea that development of new systems for the regulatory oversight of MBCAs, possibly a mutual framework covering all living BCAs, should be considered. Research issues that need to be further explored are to what extent utilisation of MBCAs actually results in increased exposure of non-targets to microorganisms, the biogeography and microbial ecology of representative MBCAs, and finally development of better methodology for determining potential human toxicity and pathogenicity of candidate MBCAs.  相似文献   
Composting is characterized by dramatic changes in microbial community structure, to a high extent driven by changes in temperature and in the composition of the organic substrate. This study focuses on the interrelationships between decomposition of major classes in the organic material and dynamics in microbial populations during thermophilic composting of source-separated organic household waste. Experiments were performed in a 200-L laboratory reactor at 16, 2.5, and 1% O2 in the compost atmosphere. Major classes of carbon constituents were analyzed by chemical methods, and the microbial biomass and community structure determined by fatty acid analyses with phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and total ester-linked fatty acids (EL) methods. At all three O2 levels, the process was characterized by a rapid increase in microbial activity and biomass in the early thermophilic phase, although this period was delayed at the lower O2 concentrations. Starch and fat were the main substrates utilized at all three O2 levels during this period. The depletion of the starch fraction coincided with the beginning of a microbial biomass decrease, suggesting thatstarch is an important carbon substrate for the growth of thermophilic microorganisms during composting. Growth yields in the microbial community based on consumption of major carbon constituent classes in the high-activity period fell between 22 and 28%. Multivariate statistical analysis of changes in fatty acid composition revealed small, but statistically significant differences in the microbial community succession. At 16% O2, 10Me fatty acids from Actinomycetes and cyclopropyl fatty acids (from Gram-negative bacteria) became more important with time, whereas 18:1ω7t was characteristic at 2.5 and 1% O2, indicating a more stressed bacterial community at the lower O2 concentrations. Although adequate composting was achieved at O2 levels as low as 2.5 and 1%, it is not recommended to compost at such low levels in large-scale systems, because the heterogeneous gas transport through the material in these systems might lead to anaerobic conditions and inefficient composting.  相似文献   
The lateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortices have both been implicated in emotion regulation, but their distinct roles in regulation of negative emotion remain poorly understood. To address this issue we enrolled 58 participants in an fMRI study in which participants were instructed to reappraise both negative and neutral stimuli. This design allowed us to separately study activations reflecting cognitive processes associated with reappraisal in general and activations specifically related to reappraisal of negative emotion. Our results confirmed that both the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) contribute to emotion regulation through reappraisal. However, activity in the DLPFC was related to reappraisal independently of whether negative or neutral stimuli were reappraised, whereas the lateral OFC was uniquely related to reappraisal of negative stimuli. We suggest that relative to the lateral OFC, the DLPFC serves a more general role in emotion regulation, perhaps by reflecting the cognitive demand that is inherent to the regulation task.  相似文献   
Globally, malignant melanoma shows a steady increase in the incidence among cancer diseases. Malignant melanoma represents a cancer type where currently no biomarker or diagnostics is available to identify disease stage, progression of disease or personalized medicine treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the tissue expression of alpha-synuclein, a protein implicated in several disease processes, in metastatic tissues from malignant melanoma patients. A targeted Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) assay was developed and utilized together with stable isotope labeling for the relative quantification of two target peptides of alpha-synuclein. Analysis of alpha-synuclein protein was then performed in ten metastatic tissue samples from the Lund Melanoma Biobank. The calibration curve using peak area ratio (heavy/light) versus concentration ratios showed linear regression over three orders of magnitude, for both of the selected target peptide sequences. In support of the measurements of specific protein expression levels, we also observed significant correlation between the protein and mRNA levels of alpha-synuclein in these tissues. Investigating levels of tissue alpha-synuclein may add novel aspect to biomarker development in melanoma, help to understand disease mechanisms and ultimately contribute to discriminate melanoma patients with different prognosis.  相似文献   
Two new species of Caloplaca are described, C. pseudocitrina (in the C. citrina group), which is characterized by rather long spores with a thin septum, and a squamulose thallus and C. akbarica ( C. saxicola-growp ) characterized by rather thick, brightly yellowish pruinose apothecia and a parapiectenchymatous proper exciple. The characters of the new species and their closely allied taxa are compared in tables and illustrated.  相似文献   
Investigating claims that a clothed person's mass loss does not always represent their evaporative heat loss (EVAP), a thermal manikin study was performed measuring heat balance components in more detail than human studies would permit. Using clothing with different levels of vapor permeability and measuring heat losses from skin controlled at 34 degrees C in ambient temperatures of 10, 20, and 34 degrees C with constant vapor pressure (1 kPa), additional heat losses from wet skin compared with dry skin were analyzed. EVAP based on mass loss (E(mass)) measurement and direct measurement of the extra heat loss by the manikin due to wet skin (E(app)) were compared. A clear discrepancy was observed. E(mass) overestimated E(app) in warm environments, and both under and overestimations were observed in cool environments, depending on the clothing vapor permeability. At 34 degrees C, apparent latent heat (lambda(app)) of pure evaporative cooling was lower than the physical value (lambda; 2,430 J/g) and reduced with increasing vapor resistance up to 45%. At lower temperatures, lambda(app) increases due to additional skin heat loss via evaporation of moisture that condenses inside the clothing, analogous to a heat pipe. For impermeable clothing, lambda(app) even exceeds lambda by four times that value at 10 degrees C. These findings demonstrate that the traditional way of calculating evaporative heat loss of a clothed person can lead to substantial errors, especially for clothing with low permeability, which can be positive or negative, depending on the climate and clothing type. The model presented explains human subject data on EVAP that previously seemed contradictive.  相似文献   
Rates of organic matter mineralization in peatlands, and hence production of the greenhouse gases CH4 and CO2, are highly dependent on the distribution of oxygen in the peat. Using laboratory incubations of peat, we investigated the sensitivity of the anoxic production of CH4 and CO2 to a transient oxic period of a few weeks’ duration. Production rates during 3 successive anoxic periods were compared with rates in samples incubated in the presence of oxygen during the second period. In surface peat (5–10‐cm depth), with an initially high level of CH4 production, oxic conditions during period 2 did not result in a lower potential CH4 production rate during period 3, although production was delayed ~1 week. In permanently anoxic, deep peat (50–55‐cm depth) with a comparatively low initial production of CH4, oxic conditions during period 2 resulted in zero production of CH4 during period 3. Thus, the methanogens in surface peal—but not in deep peat—remained viable after several weeks of oxic conditions. In contrast to CH4 production, the oxic period had a negligible effect on anoxic CO2 production during period 3, in surface as well as deep peat. In both surface and deep peat, CO2 production was several times higher under oxic than under anoxic conditions. However, for the first 2 weeks of oxic conditions, CO2 production in the deep peat was very low. Still, deep peat obviously contained facultative microorganisms that, after a relatively short period, were able to maintain a considerably higher rate of organic matter mineralization under oxic than under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   
Structure motif discovery and mining the PDB   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Many of the most interesting functional and evolutionary relationships among proteins are so ancient that they cannot be reliably detected through sequence analysis and are apparent only through a comparison of the tertiary structures. The conserved features can often be described as structural motifs consisting of a few single residues or Secondary Structure (SS) elements. Confidence in such motifs is greatly boosted when they are found in more than a pair of proteins. RESULTS: We describe an algorithm for the automatic discovery of recurring patterns in protein structures. The patterns consist of individual residues having a defined order along the protein's backbone that come close together in the structure and whose spatial conformations are similar. The residues in a pattern need not be close in the protein's sequence. The work described in this paper builds on an earlier reported algorithm for motif discovery. This paper describes a significant improvement of the algorithm which makes it very efficient. The improved efficiency allows us to use it for doing unsupervised learning of patterns occurring in small subsets in a large set of structures, a non-redundant subset of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) database of all known protein structures.  相似文献   
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