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This study examined the presence of antibiotic-resistant commensal bacteria among cattle operations representing areas heavily affected by agriculture, city locations representing areas affected by urban activities and indirectly affected by agriculture, and a national park representing an area not affected by agriculture. A total of 288 soil, fecal floor, and water samples were collected from cattle operations, from the city of Fort Collins, and from Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) in Colorado. In addition, a total of 42 new and unused feed, unused bedding, compost, and manure samples were obtained from the cattle operations. Total, tetracycline-resistant, and ceftiofur-resistant bacterial populations were enumerated by both standard culture plating and real-time PCR methods. Only wastewater samples from the cattle operations demonstrated both higher tetracycline-resistant bacterial counts (enumerated by the culture plating method) and tetracycline resistance gene copies (quantified by real-time PCR) compared to water samples collected from non-farm environments. The ceftiofur resistance gene, blaCMY-2, was not detectable in any of the samples, while the tetracycline resistance genes examined in this study, tet(B), tet(C), tet(W), and tet(O), were detected in all types of tested samples, except soil samples from RMNP. Tetracycline resistance gene pools quantified from the tet(O) and tet(W) genes were bigger than those from the tet(B) and tet(C) genes in fecal and water samples. Although only limited resistance genes, instead of a full set, were selected for real-time PCR quantification in this study, our results point to the need for further studies to determine natural and urban impacts on antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   
In order to have a comprehensive evaluation and classification of the natural biota of Lake Pamvotis, the present study aims at investigating shrimps’ bionomic traits. Information on shrimps’ habitat preferences, abundances, and syntopic species in relation to the physicochemical profile of the lake’s water are investigated for the first time. The study was carried out on a bi-monthly base, at six littoral sites of the lake. Samples’ study from different habitats and seasons revealed that the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra thyamisensis was the most abundant species, accounting for 44.76% of the total taxa catch, while the grass shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius was less abundant (7.54%). Syntopic fish species in the littoral zone of Lake Pamvotis such as Economidichthys pygmaeus, Gambusia holbrooki, Knipowitschia caucasica and Rutillus panosi showed interannual differences with abundances of 24.12%, 19.13%, 4.26% and 0.20%, respectively. Correspondence analysis revealed clear patterns between species and stations. A. thyamisensis was predominant in shallow, well oxygenated water bodies rich with aquatic vegetation, but it was absent from deeper habitats. P. antennarius was found mainly in lentic water bodies, rocky substratum and deeper habitats. Taking into account the high ecological importance of the freshwater shrimps in ecosystems’ energy flow, ecological and biological data of lake’s shrimps are discussed and presented thoroughly. Threats and conservation measures for both shrimp species are debated also in detail.  相似文献   
The spatial variation of soil greenhouse gas fluxes (GHG; carbon dioxide—CO2, methane—CH4 and nitrous oxide—N2O) remains poorly understood in highly complex ecosystems such as tropical forests. We used 240 individual flux measurements of these three GHGs from different soil types, at three topographical positions and in two extreme hydric conditions in the tropical forests of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, South America) to (1) test the effect of topographical positions on GHG fluxes and (2) identify the soil characteristics driving flux variation in these nutrient-poor tropical soils. Surprisingly, none of the three GHG flux rates differed with topographical position. CO2 effluxes covaried with soil pH, soil water content (SWC), available nitrogen and total phosphorus. The CH4 fluxes were best explained by variation in SWC, with soils acting as a sink under drier conditions and as a source under wetter conditions. Unexpectedly, our study areas were generally sinks for N2O and N2O fluxes were partly explained by total phosphorus and available nitrogen concentrations. This first study describing the spatial variation of soil fluxes of the three main GHGs measured simultaneously in forests of the Guiana Shield lays the foundation for specific studies of the processes underlying the observed patterns.  相似文献   
Molecular typing has been used previously to identify and trace dissemination of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria associated with food processing. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a novel DNA fingerprinting technique which is considered highly reproducible and has high discriminatory power. This technique was used to fingerprint 88 Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida strains that were previously isolated from plate counts of carcasses at six processing stages and various equipment surfaces and environmental sources of a poultry abattoir. Clustering of the AFLP patterns revealed a high level of diversity among the strains. Six clusters (clusters I through VI) were delineated at an arbitrary Dice coefficient level of 0.65; clusters III (31 strains) and IV (28 strains) were the largest clusters. More than one-half (52.3%) of the strains obtained from carcass samples, which may have represented the resident carcass population, grouped together in cluster III. By contrast, 43.2% of the strains from most of the equipment surfaces and environmental sources grouped together in cluster IV. In most cases, the clusters in which carcass strains from processing stages grouped corresponded to the clusters in which strains from the associated equipment surfaces and/or environmental sources were found. This provided evidence that there was cross-contamination between carcasses and the abattoir environment at the DNA level. The AFLP data also showed that strains were being disseminated from the beginning to the end of the poultry processing operation, since many strains associated with carcasses at the packaging stage were members of the same clusters as strains obtained from carcasses after the defeathering stage.  相似文献   
The group that includes the lactic acid bacteria is one of the most diverse groups of bacteria known, and these organisms have been characterized extensively by using different techniques. In this study, 180 lactic acid bacterial strains isolated from sorghum powder (44 strains) and from corresponding fermented (93 strains) and cooked fermented (43 strains) porridge samples that were prepared in 15 households were characterized by using biochemical and physiological methods, as well as by analyzing the electrophoretic profiles of total soluble proteins. A total of 58 of the 180 strains were Lactobacillus plantarum strains, 47 were Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains, 25 were Lactobacillus sake-Lactobacillus curvatus strains, 17 were Pediococcus pentosaceus strains, 13 were Pediococcus acidilactici strains, and 7 were Lactococcus lactis strains. L. plantarum and L. mesenteroides strains were the dominant strains during the fermentation process and were recovered from 87 and 73% of the households, respectively. The potential origins of these groups of lactic acid bacteria were assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint analysis.  相似文献   
G.A. DYKES, I. GEORNARAS AND A. VON HOLY. 1995. Some possible advantages of sucrosedependent extracellular polysaccharide production to Lactobacillus L191 from baker's yeast were investigated. A ca log 1 plaque-forming units ml-1decrease in attachment of bacteriophage AB1 to cells of Lactobacillus L191 grown in the presence of sucrose as compared to cells grown in the absence of sucrose was noted. On the other hand, a ca log 1 colony-forming units cm-2increase in attachment of Lactobacillus L191 to stainless steel surfaces when grown in the presence of sucrose compared to the absence of sucrose was observed. It was concluded that sucrose-dependent extracellular polysaccharide may provide a series of individually small but jointly synergistic selective advantages to strains producing it.  相似文献   
The group that includes the lactic acid bacteria is one of the most diverse groups of bacteria known, and these organisms have been characterized extensively by using different techniques. In this study, 180 lactic acid bacterial strains isolated from sorghum powder (44 strains) and from corresponding fermented (93 strains) and cooked fermented (43 strains) porridge samples that were prepared in 15 households were characterized by using biochemical and physiological methods, as well as by analyzing the electrophoretic profiles of total soluble proteins. A total of 58 of the 180 strains were Lactobacillus plantarum strains, 47 were Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains, 25 were Lactobacillus sake-Lactobacillus curvatus strains, 17 were Pediococcus pentosaceus strains, 13 were Pediococcus acidilactici strains, and 7 were Lactococcus lactis strains. L. plantarum and L. mesenteroides strains were the dominant strains during the fermentation process and were recovered from 87 and 73% of the households, respectively. The potential origins of these groups of lactic acid bacteria were assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint analysis.  相似文献   
Plasmid profiling and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis were used to genotype 50 Escherichia coli strains from poultry carcasses. Thirty different plasmid profiles were evident, and clustering of the AFLP data showed that they were a distinctly heterogeneous group of strains. Susceptibility testing against five antimicrobial agents used in the South African poultry industry showed all strains to be susceptible to danofloxacin and colistin, while the majority (96%) were resistant to two tetracyclines.  相似文献   
Studies on shallow lakes from the north temperate zone show that they alternate between clear and turbid water states in response to control factors. However, the ecology of semi-arid to arid shallow Mediterranean lakes is less explored. Hydrological effects (e.g. water level fluctuations, water residence time) on major ions and nutrient dynamics and processes, and ecology of submerged macrophytes appear to have a crucial role for food webs in shallow Mediterranean lakes. Nutrient control may be of greater priority in eutrophicated warm shallow lakes than in similar lakes at higher latitudes. This will be relevant for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, and conservation and management of these ecosystems. Strong trophic cascading effects of fish resulting from dominance of omnivorous and benthivorous fish species, whose diversity is usually high, together with frequent spawning and absence of efficient piscivores, seem to be the reason for the lack of large-bodied grazers that could control phytoplankton. However, such effects may vary within the region depending on fish distribution and community. These factors need elaboration in order to allow shallow lake ecologists and managers to develop better restoration strategies for eutrophicated shallow Mediterranean lakes. Consequently, modifications for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive for determining ecological status in shallow Mediterranean lakes appear to be necessary. Furthermore, the implications of climate warming may be even more challenging than in high latitude lakes since shallow lakes in the Mediterranean region are among the most sensitive to extreme climate changes. There is an urgent need for data on the ecology of shallow lakes in the region. An appeal is made for international cooperation, development of large-scale research and information exchange to facilitate this and a web-based discussion list has been implemented.  相似文献   
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