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PECAM-1, a cell adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin gene (Ig) superfamily, has been implicated in white cell transmigration, integrin activation on lymphocytes, and cell-cell adhesion. The purpose of this investigation was to identify specific regions of the PECAM-1 extracellular domain mediating these functions by identifying the location of epitopes of bioactive anti-PECAM-1 monoclonal antibodies. The binding regions of mAbs important in PECAM-1-mediated leukocyte transmigration (Hec 7.2 and 3D2) were mapped to N-terminal Ig-like domains. The epitopes of monoclonal antibodies that activated integrin function on lymphocytes were dispersed over the entire extracellular region, but those that had the strongest activating effect were preferentially localized to the N-terminus of the molecule. The binding regions of mAbs that blocked PECAM-1-mediated heterophilic L-cell aggregation were located either in Ig-like domain 2 (NIH31.4) or Ig-like domain 6 (4G6 and 1.2). Site-directed mutagenesis further pinpointed the epitope of the 4G6 mAb to a hexapeptide, CAVNEG, within Ig-like domain 6.

These results demonstrate that PECAM-1 contains multiple functional domains. Regions within N-terminal Ig-like domains appear to be required for transmigration. In contrast, two distinct regions were implicated in L-cell mediated heterophilic aggregation.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, is important in wound healing, inflammation, tumorigenesis and metastases. During this process, it is a critical step of the loosening of cellular interactions between endothelial cells, which are dependent on the architecture of adherens junction constructed by homophilic interactions of cell surface cadherins. Several studies suggested that the dynamic changes of cadherins are necessary during angiogenesis. However, the mechanism of cadherins regulation on endothelial cells requires further delineation. Here, we showed that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), a pivotal pro-angiogenic factor, can downregulate typical cadherins (E-, N-, P- and VE-cadherin) expression on the surface of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) via FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) signaling. The bFGF-mediated surface cadherin downregulation was significantly reversed only when the HUVECs were treated with JNK inhibitor (SP600125), but not ERK (PD98059) or p38 inhibitor (SB203580). Infecting HUVECs with a dominant negative H-Ras mutant (Ras(S17N)) interferes bFGF-mediated cadherin downregulation, and the result suggests that bFGF attenuates surface cadherin expression on HUVECs via FGFR1 and intracellular Ras-JNK signaling. However, after growth factors withdrawal, FGFR1 blockade or JNK inhibition for 16 h, cadherins were re-expressed on cell surface of HUVECs. But the mRNA or total protein of cadherins had no significant change, suggesting that the effect of bFGF on cadherin expression may work through a post-translational control. Our data first suggest that JNK participates in bFGF-mediated surface cadherin downregulation. Loss of surface cadherins may affect the cell-cell interaction between endothelial cells and facilitate angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Chiang, Chi-Huei, Kang Hsu, Horng-Chin Yan, Horng-Jyh Harn,and Deh-Ming Chang.PGE1, dexamethasone,U-74389G, or Bt2-cAMP as anadditive to promote protection by UW solution in I/R injury. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 583-590, 1997.A method to reduce ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury can be animportant criterion to improve the preservation solution. AlthoughUniversity of Wisconsin solution (UW) works as a lung preservationsolution, its attenuation effect on I/R injury has not beeninvestigated. We attempted to determine whether, by adding variousprotective agents, modified UW solutions will enhance the I/Rattenuation by UW. We examined the I/R injury in an isolated rat lungmodel. Various solutions, e.g., physiological salt solution (PSS), UW,and modified UW solutions containing various protective agents such asprostaglandin E1, dexamethasone, U-74389G, or dibutyryl adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphatewere perfused individually to evaluate the I/R injury. Isolated rat lung experiments, with ischemia for 45 min, then reperfusion for 60 min, were conducted in a closed circulating system.Hemodynamic changes, lung weight gain (LWG), capillary filtrationcoefficient (Kfc), proteincontent of lavage fluid, concentration of cytokines, and lunghistopathology were analyzed. Results showed that the acute I/R lunginjury with immediate permeability pulmonary edema was associated withan increase in tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) production. A significant correlation existed betweenTNF- and Kfc(r = 0.8, P < 0.0001) and TNF- and LWG(r = 0.9, P < 0.0001), indicatingthat TNF- is an important cytokine modulating early I/R injury.Significantly lower levels ofKfc, LWG,TNF-, and protein concentration of lung lavage(P < 0.05) were found in theUW-perfused group than in the control group perfused with PSS. ModifiedUW promoted the protective effect of UW to further decreaseKfc, LWG, andTNF- (P < 0.05).Histopathological observations also substantiated this evidence. In theUW+U-74389G group, bronchial alveolar lavage fluid contained lowestprotein concentration. We conclude that the UW solution attenuates I/Rinjury of rat lung and that the modified UW solutions further enhancethe effect of UW in reducing I/R injury. Among modified solutions,UW+U-74389G is the best. Further investigation of the improved effectsof the modified UW solutions would be beneficial in lungtransplantation.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-MgCl2 attenuates ischemia-reperfusion (I-R)-induced lung injury in rats. A previous study indirectly suggests that Mg2+-dependent ecto-ATPases on the surface of leukocytes are responsible for the hydrolysis of ATP-MgCl2 to adenosine, which then contributes to the protective effect of ATP-MgCl2. This study investigated the role of leukocytes in I-R injury and the protective effect of ATP-MgCl2 in our buffer-perfused isolated rat lung model. After isolating the lung blood flow of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, the lungs were perfused through the pulmonary artery cannula with a physiologic salt solution containing human serum albumin. The protective effect of ATP-MgCl2 pretreatment with or without leukocytes was investigated. Capillary permeability (Kfc), lung weight gain (LWG), lung wet weight/body weight ratio (LW/BW), lung lavage protein concentration (LPC) and pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) were measured. I-R produced a significant increase in Kfc, LWG, LW/BW, LPC, and PAP. The increases in these indices were significantly attenuated by pretreatment with ATP-MgCl2 (1×10–6 M) together with leukocytes (2.9×106/ml in the perfusate) but not with ATP-MgCl2 alone. Our data suggest that I-R-induced acute lung injury is not dependent on circulating leukocytes. Pretreatment with ATP-MgCl2 plus leukocytes but not ATP-MgCl2 alone had protective effects against I-R lung injury. Whether these findings occur in vivo could not be determined in this study. In our isolated lung red blood cell-free perfusate system, the protective effect of ATP-MgCl2 requires the presence of leukocytes.  相似文献   
A simple and low-cost method to fabricate poly-silicon nanowire field effect transistor (poly-Si NW FET) for biosensing application was demonstrated. The poly-silicon nanowire (poly-Si NW) channel was fabricated by employing the poly-silicon (poly-Si) sidewall spacer technique, which approach was comparable with current commercial semiconductor process and forsaken expensive E-beam lithography tools. The electronic properties of the poly-Si NW FET in aqueous solution were found to be similar to those of single-crystal silicon nanowire field effect transistors reported in the literature. A model biotin and avidin/streptavidin sensing system was used to demonstrate the biosensing capacity of poly-Si NW FET. The changes of I(D)-V(G) curves were consistent with an n-type FET affected by a nearby negatively (streptavidin) and positively (avidin) charged molecules, respectively. Specific electric changes were observed for streptavidin and avidin sensing when nanowire surface of poly-Si NW FET was modified with biotin and streptavidin at sub pM to nM range could be distinguished. With its excellent electric properties and the potential for mass commercial production, poly-Si NW FET can be a very useful transducer for a variety of biosensing applications.  相似文献   
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