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Migrations are characterized by periods of movement that typically rely on orientation towards directional cues. Anadromous fish undergo several different forms of oriented movement during their spawning migration and provide some of the most well‐studied examples of migratory behaviour. During the freshwater phase of the migration, fish locate their spawning grounds via olfactory cues. In this review, we synthesize research that explores the role of olfaction during the spawning migration of anadromous fish, most of which focuses on two families: Salmonidae (salmonids) and Petromyzontidae (lampreys). We draw attention to limitations in this research, and highlight potential areas of investigation that will help fill in current knowledge gaps. We also use the information assembled from our review to formulate a new hypothesis for natal homing in salmonids. Our hypothesis posits that migrating adults rely on three types of cues in a hierarchical fashion: imprinted cues (primary), conspecific cues (secondary), and non‐olfactory environmental cues (tertiary). We provide evidence from previous studies that support this hypothesis. We also discuss future directions of research that can test the hypothesis and further our understanding of the spawning migration.  相似文献   
The Peranakan Chinese are culturally unique descendants of immigrants from China who settled in the Malay Archipelago ∼300–500 years ago. Today, among large communities in Southeast Asia, the Peranakans have preserved Chinese traditions with strong influence from the local indigenous Malays. Yet, whether or to what extent genetic admixture co-occurred with the cultural mixture has been a topic of ongoing debate. We performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on 177 Singapore (SG) Peranakans and analyzed the data jointly with WGS data of Asian and European populations. We estimated that Peranakan Chinese inherited ∼5.62% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.76–6.49%) Malay ancestry, much higher than that in SG Chinese (1.08%, 0.65–1.51%), southern Chinese (0.86%, 0.50–1.23%), and northern Chinese (0.25%, 0.18–0.32%). A sex-biased admixture history, in which the Malay ancestry was contributed primarily by females, was supported by X chromosomal variants, and mitochondrial (MT) and Y haplogroups. Finally, we identified an ancient admixture event shared by Peranakan Chinese and SG Chinese ∼1,612 (95% CI: 1,345–1,923) years ago, coinciding with the settlement history of Han Chinese in southern China, apart from the recent admixture event with Malays unique to Peranakan Chinese ∼190 (159–213) years ago. These findings greatly advance our understanding of the dispersal history of Chinese and their interaction with indigenous populations in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Uxmal and Tulum are two important Mayan sites in the Yucatan peninsula. The buildings are mainly composed of limestone and grey/black discoloration is seen on exposed walls and copious greenish biofilms on inner walls. The principal microorganisms detected on interior walls at both Uxmal and Tulum were cyanobacteria; heterotrophic bacteria and filamentous fungi were also present. A dark‐pigmented mitosporic fungus and Bacillus cereus, both isolated from Uxmal, were shown to be acidogenic in laboratory cultures. Cyanobacteria belonging to rock‐degrading genera Synechocystis and Gloeocapsa were identified at both sites. Surface analysis previously showed that calcium ions were present in the biofilms on buildings at Uxmal and Tulum, suggesting the deposition of biosolubilized stone. Apart from their potential to degrade the substrate, the coccoid cyanobacteria supply organic nutrients for bacteria and fungi, which can produce organic acids, further increasing stone degradation.  相似文献   
DNA/RNA methylation plays an important role in lung cancer initiation and progression. Liquid biopsy makes use of cells, nucleotides and proteins released from tumor cells into body fluids to help with cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Methylation of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has gained increasing attention as biomarkers for lung cancer. Here we briefly introduce the biological basis and detection method of ctDNA methylation, and review various applications of methylated DNA in body fluids in lung cancer screening, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring and treatment prediction. We also discuss the emerging role of RNA methylation as biomarkers for cancer.  相似文献   
Biotelemetry: a mechanistic approach to ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote measurement of the physiology, behaviour and energetic status of free-living animals is made possible by a variety of techniques that we refer to collectively as 'biotelemetry'. This set of tools ranges from transmitters that send their signals to receivers up to a few kilometers away to those that send data to orbiting satellites and, more frequently, to devices that log data. They enable researchers to document, for long uninterrupted periods, how undisturbed organisms interact with each other and their environment in real time. In spite of advances enabling the monitoring of many physiological and behavioural variables across a range of taxa of various sizes, these devices have yet to be embraced widely by the ecological community. Our review suggests that this technology has immense potential for research in basic and applied animal ecology. Efforts to incorporate biotelemetry into broader ecological research programs should yield novel information that has been challenging to collect historically from free-ranging animals in their natural environments. Examples of research that would benefit from biotelemetry include the assessment of animal responses to different anthropogenic perturbations and the development of life-time energy budgets.  相似文献   
Many cardiac diseases are caused by the abnormal propagation of electrical waves. Previous experimental and modelling work is reviewed, then a detailed study of the mathematics of cardiac propagation is presented. Pathologies are examined in the context of the models by varying parameters in the models to mimic different pathological states. Ionic models of cells are simplified to form analytically tractable models of the propagation of electrical cardiac waves. The roles that sodium channel activation and inactivation play in determining the conduction velocity are studied in detail, and the roles of resting potential currents in conduction block are calculated. The effect of curvature on the conduction velocity is examined, and the conditions in which curvature leads to conduction block and fibrillation are discussed. Hyperkalaemia (important during ischaemia) is modelled, and the model correctly describes the bi-phasic relation between propagation velocity and extracellular potassium.  相似文献   
Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) is one of the most iconic and valued species of Pacific salmon. Various studies have examined the potential effects of future climate change on sockeye salmon, but there is currently no synthesis of the documented effects of climate on this species. In this paper, we present a synthesis of 80 peer-reviewed publications in the English language evaluating the effects of climate on sockeye salmon growth, phenology, and survival. The great majority of studies examined have been conducted with stocks from North America (90?% of studies). Survival (55?%) has been the most frequently studied aspect of the sockeye salmon life history in relation to climate, followed by growth (45?%) and phenology (30?%), with temperature (83.4?%) being the climate-related variable most frequently examined in such studies. Across life stages, the effects of climate-related variables have been most frequently studied on fry (36.3?%) and least studied on spawners (7.5?%). Our synthesis revealed that associations between temperature and growth, phenology, or survival have been uncovered for all the life stages of sockeye salmon, whereas relationships with other climate-related variables have been sparse. There is substantial evidence that sockeye salmon are influenced by thermal conditions experienced at regional, rather than ocean- or continental-wide scales, and that responses to temperature vary among and within stocks. The mechanisms by which climate affect sockeye salmon during the early stages in freshwater and while at sea are still poorly understood and warrant future research. More research on the effects of non-temperature, climate-related variables (e.g. stream flow, ocean pH), inter-generational and carry-over effects of climate, interaction between climate and non-climate stressors, and adaptation to climate change are also needed. Such information will be critical to advance our understanding of how sockeye salmon stocks will fare with future climate change.  相似文献   
Evolutionary adaptation affects demographic resilience to climate change but few studies have attempted to project changes in selective pressures or quantify impacts of trait responses on population dynamics and extinction risk. We used a novel individual-based model to explore potential evolutionary changes in migration timing and the consequences for population persistence in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in the Fraser River, Canada, under scenarios of future climate warming. Adult sockeye salmon are highly sensitive to increases in water temperature during their arduous upriver migration, raising concerns about the fate of these ecologically, culturally, and commercially important fish in a warmer future. Our results suggest that evolution of upriver migration timing could allow these salmon to avoid increasingly frequent stressful temperatures, with the odds of population persistence increasing in proportion to the trait heritability and phenotypic variance. With a simulated 2°C increase in average summer river temperatures by 2100, adult migration timing from the ocean to the river advanced by ~10 days when the heritability was 0.5, while the risk of quasi-extinction was only 17% of that faced by populations with zero evolutionary potential (i.e., heritability fixed at zero). The rates of evolution required to maintain persistence under simulated scenarios of moderate to rapid warming are plausible based on estimated heritabilities and rates of microevolution of timing traits in salmon and related species, although further empirical work is required to assess potential genetic and ecophysiological constraints on phenological adaptation. These results highlight the benefits to salmon management of maintaining evolutionary potential within populations, in addition to conserving key habitats and minimizing additional stressors where possible, as a means to build resilience to ongoing climate change. More generally, they demonstrate the importance and feasibility of considering evolutionary processes, in addition to ecology and demography, when projecting population responses to environmental change.  相似文献   
We present the first data on the differences in routine and active metabolic rates for sexually maturing migratory adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) that were intercepted in the ocean and then held in either seawater or freshwater. Routine and active oxygen uptake rates (MO2) were significantly higher (27%-72%) in seawater than in freshwater at all swimming speeds except those approaching critical swimming speed. During a 45-min recovery period, the declining postexercise oxygen uptake remained 58%-73% higher in seawater than in freshwater. When fish performed a second swim test, active metabolic rates again remained 28%-81% higher for fish in seawater except at the critical swimming speed. Despite their differences in metabolic rates, fish in both seawater and freshwater could repeat the swim test and reach a similar maximum oxygen uptake and critical swimming speed as in the first swim test, even without restoring routine metabolic rate between swim tests. Thus, elevated MO2 related to either being in seawater as opposed to freshwater or not being fully recovered from previous exhaustive exercise did not present itself as a metabolic loading that limited either critical swimming performance or maximum MO2. The basis for the difference in metabolic rates of migratory sockeye salmon held in seawater and freshwater is uncertain, but it could include differences in states of nutrition, reproduction, and restlessness, as well as ionic differences. Regardless, this study elucidates some of the metabolic costs involved during the migration of adult salmon from seawater to freshwater, which may have applications for fisheries conservation and management models of energy use.  相似文献   
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