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Four fallow deer, Cervus dama, became infected with Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) sp. by oral application of triturated guts from tabanids collected in an area with deer but without any cattle; four control calves remained negative. Upon challenge with triturated guts from tabanids from an area with pastured cattle, the four calves became infected with Trypanosoma (M.) theileri. The prepatent period in deer was five days or less. Haematopota spp. and Tabanus spp. were identified as vectors of the deer trypanosomes. It is concluded that the trypanosomes of C. dama belong to a Megatrypanum species that is not identical with T. theileri.  相似文献   
Microsatellites are ubiquitously present in eukaryotic genomes and are implicated as positive factors in evolution. At the nucleotide level, microsatellites undergo slippage events that alter allele length and base changes that interrupt the repetitive tract. We examined DNA polymerase errors within a [T]11 microsatellite using an in vitro assay that preferentially detects mutations other than unit changes. We observed that human DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ) inserts dGMP and dCMP within the [T]11 mononucleotide repeat, producing an interrupted 12-bp allele. Polymerase β produced such interruptions at a lower frequency. These data demonstrate that DNA polymerases are capable of directly producing base interruptions within microsatellites. At the molecular level, expanded microsatellites have been implicated in DNA replication fork stalling. Using an in vitro primer extension assay, we observed sequence-specific synthesis termination by DNA polymerases within mononucleotides. Quantitatively, intense, polar pausing was observed for both pol κ and polymerase α-primase within a [T]11 allele. A mechanism is proposed in which pausing results from DNA bending within the duplex stem of the nascent DNA. Our data support the concept of a microsatellite life-cycle, and are consistent with the models in which DNA sequence or secondary structures contributes to non-uniform rates of replication fork progression.  相似文献   
Elucidating the sources of genetic variation within microsatellite alleles has important implications for understanding the etiology of human diseases. Mismatch repair is a well described pathway for the suppression of microsatellite instability. However, the cellular polymerases responsible for generating microsatellite errors have not been fully described. We address this gap in knowledge by measuring the fidelity of recombinant yeast polymerase δ (Pol δ) and ? (Pol ?) holoenzymes during synthesis of a [GT/CA] microsatellite. The in vitro HSV-tk forward assay was used to measure DNA polymerase errors generated during gap-filling of complementary GT(10) and CA(10)-containing substrates and ~90 nucleotides of HSV-tk coding sequence surrounding the microsatellites. The observed mutant frequencies within the microsatellites were 4 to 30-fold higher than the observed mutant frequencies within the coding sequence. More specifically, the rate of Pol δ and Pol ? misalignment-based insertion/deletion errors within the microsatellites was ~1000-fold higher than the rate of insertion/deletion errors within the HSV-tk gene. Although the most common microsatellite error was the deletion of a single repeat unit, ~ 20% of errors were deletions of two or more units for both polymerases. The differences in fidelity for wild type enzymes and their exonuclease-deficient derivatives were ~2-fold for unit-based microsatellite insertion/deletion errors. Interestingly, the exonucleases preferentially removed potentially stabilizing interruption errors within the microsatellites. Since Pol δ and Pol ? perform not only the bulk of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells but also are implicated in performing DNA synthesis associated with repair and recombination, these results indicate that microsatellite errors may be introduced into the genome during multiple DNA metabolic pathways.  相似文献   
Microsatellite DNA synthesis represents a significant component of human genome replication that must occur faithfully. However, yeast replicative DNA polymerases do not possess high fidelity for microsatellite synthesis. We hypothesized that the structural features of Y-family polymerases that facilitate accurate translesion synthesis may promote accurate microsatellite synthesis. We compared human polymerases κ (Pol κ) and η (Pol η) fidelities to that of replicative human polymerase δ holoenzyme (Pol δ4), using the in vitro HSV-tk assay. Relative polymerase accuracy for insertion/deletion (indel) errors within 2-3 unit repeats internal to the HSV-tk gene concurred with the literature: Pol δ4 > Pol κ or Pol η. In contrast, relative polymerase accuracy for unit-based indel errors within [GT](10) and [TC](11) microsatellites was: Pol κ ≥ Pol δ4 > Pol η. The magnitude of difference was greatest between Pols κ and δ4 with the [GT] template. Biochemically, Pol κ displayed less synthesis termination within the [GT] allele than did Pol δ4. In dual polymerase reactions, Pol κ competed with either a stalled or moving Pol δ4, thereby reducing termination. Our results challenge the ideology that pol κ is error prone, and suggest that DNA polymerases with complementary biochemical properties can function cooperatively at repetitive sequences.  相似文献   
Approximately 30% of human tumors sequenced to date harbor mutations in the POLB gene that are not present in matched normal tissue. Many mutations give rise to enzymes that contain non-synonymous single amino acid substitutions, several of which have been found to have aberrant activity or fidelity and transform cells when expressed. The DNA Polymerase β (Pol β) variant Asp160Asn (D160N) was first identified in a gastric tumor. Expression of D160N in cells induces cellular transformation as measured by hyperproliferation, focus formation, anchorage-independent growth and invasion. Here, we show that D160N is an active mutator polymerase that induces complex mutations. Our data support the interpretation that complex mutagenesis is the underlying mechanism of the observed cellular phenotypes, all of which are linked to tumorigenesis or tumor progression.  相似文献   
Clark's nutcrackers ( Nucifraga columbiana ) hide thousands of seeds in subterranean caches that they later recover using spatial information about cache location. In two experiments, we tested whether nutcrackers also remember another type of information regarding their caches – the size of the seeds in each cache. We videotaped birds during cache recovery and then measured their bill gape during probing behaviour as captured on the videotape. In experiment one, six birds each experienced two treatments: one that allowed them to cache and then recover large seeds, and the other, an identical treatment using small seeds. During this experiment, all six birds used a wider gape when attempting to recover seeds during the large-seed treatment than during the small-seed treatment, and gape width was significantly correlated with seed size. During experiment two, we presented birds with both large and small seeds within the same caching session. We also increased the retention interval between caching and recovery. These modifications increased the difficulty of the task. Six of the seven birds used a wider gape during seed recovery when digging for caches that contained large seeds than they did when searching for small seeds. The ability to remember the size of seeds placed within caches may serve to increase the likelihood of speedy and successful recovery. It also allows the birds another level of organization of their food supply. These are the first experiments to suggest that Clark's nutcrackers remember more about their caches than location alone.  相似文献   
We examined the formation of motile, chemotactically active, anucleate fragments from human blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN, granulocytes), induced by the brief application of heat. These granule-poor fragments are former protopods (leading fronts, lamellipodia) that become uncoupled from the main body of the cell and leave it, at first with a connecting filament that breaks and seals itself. The usual random orientation of such filaments can be controlled by preorientation of cells in a gradient of the chemotactic peptide, N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (F-Met-Leu-Phe) (2x10(-9) M- 1x10(-8)). Cytochalsin B, 2.5-5 μg/ml, prevents fragment formation; colchicine, 10(-5) M, does not. In scanning electron micrographs, fragments are ruffled and the cell body rounded up and rather smooth. In transmission electron micrographs, fragments contain microfilaments but lack centrioles and microtubules. Like intact cells, both bound and free fragments can respond chemotactically to an erythrocyte destroyed by laser microirradiation (necrotaxis); the free, anucleate fragments may do so repeatedly, even after having been held overnight at ambient temperatures. We propse the name cytokineplast for the result of this self-purification of motile apparatus. The exodus of the motile machinery from the granulocyte requires anchoring of the bulk of the cell to glass and uncoupling, which may involve heat-induced dysfunction of the centrosome. In ultrastructural studies of the centrosomal region after heat, centriolar structure remains intact, but pericentriolar osmiophilic material appears condensed, and microtubules are sparse. These changes are found in all three blood cell types examined: PMN, eosinophil, and monocyte. Of these, the first two make fragments under our conditions; the more sluggish monocyte does not. Uncoupling is further linked to centrosomal dysfunction by the observation that colchicines-treated granulocytes (10(-5)M, to destroy the centrosome’s efferent arm) make fragments after less heat than controls. If motive force and orientation are specified mainly from the organelle-excluding leading front, then endoplasmic streaming in PMN is a catch-up phenomenon, and microtubules do not provide the vector of locomotion but rather stabilize and orient the “baggage” (nucleus, granuloplasm)—i.e., they prevent fishtailing. Moreover, constraints emanating from the centrosome may now be extended to include, maintenance of the motile machinery as an integral part of the cell.  相似文献   
The control of Spodoptera frugiperda is based on synthetic insecticides, so some alternatives are the use of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) and neem extract. The objective of the study was to evaluate in vitro effectiveness of native EF and neem extracts on S. frugiperda larvae. Six EF were identified by DNA sequencing of ITS regions from three EF (Fusarium solani, Metarrhizium robertsii, Nigrospora spherica and Penicillium citrinum). They were evaluated in concentrations of 1 × 10⁸ spores/ mL. In addition, a second bioassay was carried out evaluating only F. solani, M. robertsii and N. sphaerica and the addition of vegetable oil. On the other hand, extraction of secondary metabolites from neem seed (Azadirachta indica) was carried out by performing, mass (g) and solvent volume (mL ethanol and water) combinations, which were subjected to microwaves and ultrasound. Subsequently, these extracts were evaluated in concentrations of 3%, 4% and 5%. A survival analysis was performed for each of the bioassays. With respect to the results of the first bioassay, F. solani obtained a probability of survival of 0.476 on the seventh day, while in the second bioassay, M. robertsii obtained 0.488 survival probability. This suggests that the expected percentage of larvae that stay alive on the sixth day is 48.8%. However, in the evaluation of the neem extract the combination 1:12/70% to 4% caused 84% mortality of larvae. The use of native HE and neem extracts has potential for the control of S. frugiperda.  相似文献   
The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) is a promising model species for the study of adult vocal learning. To date, several studies have confirmed the existence of vocal plasticity and, more importantly, rapid imitation of contact calls by adult male budgerigars. Vocal learning has not been investigated in female budgerigars, however. Since one likely function of the contact call is to denote group affiliation, we tested the hypothesis that female budgerigars, when placed into groups, would develop a shared contact call. We recorded the contact call repertoires of eight adult female budgerigars that were unfamiliar with one another, then placed them into two groups. Each group was deprived of visual contact with other birds. Recording sessions continued for the subsequent 8 wks, and behavioral observations were also conducted during this time. Within 4–7 wks, females in both groups converged on a common call type. This rate of convergence is slower than that observed in prior experiments limited to male birds, and much slower than vocal imitation by male budgerigars paired with females. Therefore, while our study documents vocal plasticity in adult female budgerigars, it also suggests that female budgerigars learn new vocalizations more slowly than males do.  相似文献   
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