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Three recently isolated wild-type strains of the ascomycete Podospora anserina were analyzed for the presence of linear mitochondrial plasmids. In one of these strains, designated Wa6, at least 12 distinct plasmid-like elements were identified. From molecular analyses a minimum number of 78 individual linear molecules with proteins bound to their 5′ ends was estimated. In addition, the different members of this family of typical linear plasmids were shown to possess a common central region and terminal sequences which differ from one plasmid to another due to the presence of different numbers of a 2.4 kb sequence module. Finally, the pWa6 plasmids share a high degree of sequence similarity with pAL2-1, a linear plasmid previously identified in mitochondria of a long-lived mutant of P.anserina. A mechanism is proposed which explains the generation of these distinct, closely related extrachromosomal genetic traits.  相似文献   
The linear mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 of the long-lived mutant AL2 of Podospora anserina was demonstrated to be able to integrate into the high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Hybridization analysis and densitometric evaluation of the mitochondrial genome isolated from cultures of different ages revealed that the mtDNA is highly stable during the whole life span of the mutant. In addition, and in sharp contrast to the situation in certain senescence-prone Neurospora strains, the mutated P. anserina mtDNA molecules containing integrated plasmid copies are not suppressive to wild-type genomes. As demonstrated by hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, the proportion of mtDNA molecules affected by the integration of pAL2-1 fluctuates between 10% and 50%. Comparative sequence analysis of free and integrated plasmid copies revealed four differences within the terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). These point mutations are not caused by the integration event since they occur subsequent to integration and at various ages. Interestingly, both repeats contain identical sequences indicating that the mechanism involved in the maintenance of perfect TIRs is active on both free and integrated plasmid copies. Finally, in reciprocal crosses between AL2 and the wild-type strain A, some abnormal progeny were obtained. One group of strains did not contain detectable amounts of plasmid pAL2-1, although the mtDNA was clearly of the type found in the long-lived mutant AL2. These strains exhibited a short-lived phenotype. In contrast, one strain was selected that was found to contain wild-type A-specific mitochondrial genomes and traces of pAL2-1. This strain was characterized by an increased life span. Altogether these data suggest that the linear plasmid pAL2-1 is involved in the expression of longevity in mutant AL2.  相似文献   
To characterize long-term actions and interactions of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) on postnatal body and organ growth, hemizygous phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)-human IGF-II transgenic mice were crossed with hemizygous PEPCK-bovine GH transgenic mice. The latter are characterized by two-fold increased serum levels of IGF-I and exhibit markedly increased body, skeletal and organ growth. Four different genetic groups were obtained: mice harbouring the IGF-II transgene (I), the bGH transgene (B), or both transgenes (IB), and non- transgenic controls (C). These groups of mice have previously been studied for circulating IGF-I levels (Wolf et al., 1995a), whereas the present study deals with body and organ growth. Growth curves (week 3 to 12) were estimated by regression with linear and quadratic components of age on body weight and exhibited significantly (p < 0.001) greater linear coefficients in B and IB than in I and C mice. The linear coefficients of male I and C mice were significantly (p < 0.001) greater than those of their female counterparts, whereas this sex-related difference was absent in the bGH transgenic groups. The weights of internal organs as well as the weights of abdominal fat, skin and carcass were recorded from 3.5- to 8- month-old mice. In addition, organ weight-to-body weight-ratios (relative organ weights) were calculated. Except for the weight of abdominal fat, absolute organ weights were as a rule significantly greater in B and IB than in I and C mice. IGF-II overproduction as a tendency increased the weights of kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas and uterus both in the absence and presence of the bGH transgene. Analysis of relative organ weights demonstrated significant (p < 0.05) effects of elevated IGF- II on the relative growth of kidneys (males and females) and adrenal glands (females), confirming our previous report on organ growth of PEPCK-IGF-II transgenic mice. In females, IGF-II and GH overproduction were additive in stimulating the growth of spleen and uterus, providing evidence for tissue-specific postnatal growth promoting effects by IGF-II in the presence of elevated IGF-I  相似文献   
Summary A method is presented for the immunohistochemical demonstration of antigens in whole undecalcified joints of small laboratory animals. With this method of tissue preparation, involving embedding in a medium mainly based on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, preservation of antigenicity is satisfactory. Antigens can be demonstrated in 2 m sections by either immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase and an indirect technique. Therefore in addition to the morphological analysis of joint alterations in experimental polyarthritis, there is now an opportunity to trace the inciting antigen and to study in parallel the enzymatic equipment of the cells involved, using consecutive sections from a single block of tissue.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 54, C2  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate long-term platinum retention in patients treated with cisplatin and oxaliplatin.  相似文献   


In orthodontic treatment, anchorage control is a fundamental aspect. Usually conventional mechanism for orthodontic anchorage control can be either extraoral or intraoral that is headgear or intermaxillary elastics. Their use are combined with various side effects such as tipping of occlusal plane or undesirable movements of teeth. Especially in cases, where key-teeth are missing, conventional anchorage defined as tooth-borne anchorage will meet limitations. Therefore, the use of endosseous implants for anchorage purposes are increasingly used to achieve positional stability and maximum anchorage.


The intended study is designed as a prospective, multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT), comparing and contrasting the effect of early loading of palatal implant therapy versus implant loading after 12 weeks post implantation using the new ortho-implant type II anchor system device (Orthosystem Straumann, Basel, Switzerland). 124 participants, mainly adult males or females, whose diagnoses require temporary stationary implant-based anchorage treatment will be randomized 1:1 to one of two treatment groups: group 1 will receive a loading of implant standard therapy after a healing period of 12 week (gold standard), whereas group 2 will receive an early loading of orthodontic implants within 1 week after implant insertion. Participants will be at least followed for 12 months after implant placement. The primary endpoint is to investigate the behavior of early loaded palatal implants in order to find out if shorter healing periods might be justified to accelerate active orthodontic treatment. Secondary outcomes will focus e.g. on achievement of orthodontic treatment goals and quantity of direct implant-bone interface of removed bone specimens. As tertiary objective, a histologic and microtomography evaluation of all retrieved implants will be performed to obtain data on the performance of the SLA surface in human bone evaluation of all retrieved implants. Additionally, resonance frequency analysis (RFA, Osstell? mentor) will be used at different times for clinically monitoring the implant stability and for histological comparison in order to measure the reliability of the resonance frequency measuring device.

Trial registration

Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN97142521.  相似文献   
The glycoprotein 130 (gp130) is the common signal transducing receptor chain of the interleukin-6 family of cytokines. Here we investigated the requirements for transfer of the information given by ligand binding to the cytoplasmic domain of gp130. It is demonstrated that the box 1/2 region has to be located membrane-proximally in order to bind and activate Janus kinases. To test the possible requirement of an alpha-helical orientation, we inserted 1-4 alanine residues into this juxtamembrane intracellular region. The insertion of one alanine results in a strongly reduced activation of STAT1 and STAT3, whereas insertion of three alanine residues leads to a stronger STAT activation. These results suggest that gp130-mediated activation of STATs is sensitive to rotational changes around the receptor axis perpendicular to the membrane. Surprisingly, insertion of 1, 2, 3, or 4 alanine residues into this juxtamembrane region leads to successive impairment but not abolishment of Janus kinase and receptor phosphorylation, supporting the finding of sensitivity of Janus kinases toward changes in distance of box 1/2 from the plasma membrane. We suggest a new model concerning the gp130 activation mode in which the relative orientation of the cytoplasmic regions seems to be critical for further signal transduction.  相似文献   


Apoptosis is an essential cell death process throughout the entire life span of all metazoans and its deregulation in humans has been implicated in many proliferative and degenerative diseases. Mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation (MOMP) and activation of effector caspases are key processes during apoptosis signalling. MOMP can be subject to spatial coordination in human cancer cells, resulting in intracellular waves of cytochrome-c release. To investigate the consequences of these spatial anisotropies in mitochondrial permeabilisation on subsequent effector caspase activation, we devised a mathematical reaction-diffusion model building on a set of partial differential equations.  相似文献   
In mice, avirulent strains (e.g. types II and III) of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii are restricted by the immunity‐related GTPase (IRG) resistance system. Loading of IRG proteins onto the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM) is required for vacuolar rupture resulting in parasite clearance. In virulent strain (e.g. type I) infections, polymorphic effector proteins ROP5 and ROP18 cooperate to phosphorylate and thereby inactivate mouse IRG proteins to preserve PVM integrity. In this study, we confirmed the dense granule protein GRA7 as an additional component of the ROP5/ROP18 kinase complex and identified GRA7 association with the PVM by direct binding to ROP5. The absence of GRA7 results in reduced phosphorylation of Irga6 correlated with increased vacuolar IRG protein amounts and attenuated virulence. Earlier work identified additional IRG proteins as targets of T. gondii ROP18 kinase. We show that the only specific target of ROP18 among IRG proteins is in fact Irga6. Similarly, we demonstrate that GRA7 is strictly an Irga6‐specific virulence effector. This identifies T. gondii GRA7 as a regulator for ROP18‐specific inactivation of Irga6. The structural diversity of the IRG proteins implies that certain family members constitute additional specific targets for other yet unknown T. gondii virulence effectors.  相似文献   
We have recently found that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are targets for T-cell and B-cell reactivity in experimental arthritis. In the present article, we investigate whether modulation of MMP-specific T-cell responses could influence the course of adjuvant arthritis (AA). Lewis rats were treated nasally with MMP peptides prior to or after AA induction. Administration of the MMP-10 or the MMP-16 peptide prior to AA induction reduced the arthritic symptoms. In contrast, administration of the MMP-10 peptide after AA induction aggravated the arthritic symptoms. The present study shows the possible usefulness of MMP peptides for immunotherapy. However, a clear understanding of proper timing of peptide administration is crucial for the development of such therapies.  相似文献   
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