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Introns are generally believed to evolve too rapidly and too erratically to be of much use in phylogenetic reconstructions. Few phylogenetically informative intron sequences are available, however, to ascertain the validity of this supposition. In the present study the supposition was tested on the example of the mammalian class II major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes of the DRB family. Since the Mhc genes evolve under balancing selection and are believed to recombine or rearrange frequently, the evolution of their introns could be expected to be particularly rapid and subject to scrambling. Sequences of intron 4 and 5 DRB genes were obtained from polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genomic DNA from representatives of six eutherian orders—Primates, Scandentia, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Lagomorpha, and Insectivora. Although short stretches of the introns have indeed proved to be unalignable, the bulk of the intron sequences from all six orders, spanning >85 million years (my) of evolution, could be aligned and used in a study of the tempo and mode of intron evolution. The analysis has revealed the Mhc introns to evolve at a rate similar to that of other genes and of synonymous sites of non-Mhc genes. No evidence of homogenization or large-scale scrambling of the intron sequences could be found. The Mhc introns apparently evolve largely by point mutations and insertions/deletions. The phylogenetic signals contained in the intron sequences could be used to identify Scandentia as the sister group of Primates, to support the existence of the Archonta superorder, and to confirm the monophyly of the Chiroptera. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   
We studied the variation of small-scale swimming behaviour in eight Bosmina cornuta and ten B. pellucida clones in response to key environmental factors to test whether swimming behaviour and genotypes are linked in non-Daphnia cladocerans. We quantified (1) the short-term responses to changes in temperature, light intensity and pH, (2) the response to long-term temperature acclimation, and (3) the pH-related survival rates. Vertical swimming activity S was quantified in cuvette experiments as crossings of a line at 2 cm height per individual an hour. S differed significantly among species and conspecific clones. At any temperature, light intensity and pH tested, B. cornuta (clone variation: 40-58 crossings/ind.- h) showed a higher vertical swimming activity than B. pellucida (clone variation: 25-48 crossings/ind.- h). A short-term change of water temperature (range tested: 10-25C) only affected S of B. cornuta, whereas that of B. pellucida remained unaltered. In contrast, S increased with rising temperature following long-term temperature acclimation (range tested: 10-20C) in both species. Swimming activity was inversely related to the light intensity (range tested: 60-60,000 lux), but decrease of activity was stronger in B. pellucida (44′ 12 crossings/ind - h) than in B. cornuta (50′ 40 crossings/ind.- h). Short-term changes of pH (range tested: 4-6) did not influence swimming activity in any species, although a prolonged exposure (24 h) to pH 4 was lethal. Thus, Bosmina showed behavioural responses which permit to distinguish between the species and which are related to their seasonal succession and distribution pattern.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and septicaemia. This human pathogen is protected by a capsule composed of alpha2,9-linked polysialic acid that represents an important virulence factor. In the majority of strains, the capsular polysaccharide is modified by O-acetylation at C-7 or C-8 of the sialic acid residues. The gene encoding the capsule modifying O-acetyltransferase is part of the capsule gene complex and shares no sequence similarities with other proteins. Here, we describe the purification and biochemical characterization of recombinant OatC. The enzyme was found as a homodimer, with the first 34 amino acids forming an efficient oligomerization domain that worked even in a different protein context. Using acetyl-CoA as donor substrate, OatC transferred acetyl groups exclusively onto polysialic acid joined by alpha2,9-linkages and did not act on free or CMP-activated sialic acid. Motif scanning revealed a nucleophile elbow motif (GXS286XGG), which is a hallmark of alpha/beta-hydrolase fold enzymes. In a comprehensive site-directed mutagenesis study, we identified a catalytic triad composed of Ser-286, Asp-376, and His-399. Consistent with a double-displacement mechanism common to alpha/beta-hydrolase fold enzymes, a covalent acetylenzyme intermediate was found. Together with secondary structure prediction highlighting an alpha/beta-hydrolase fold topology, our data provide strong evidence that OatC belongs to the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold family. This clearly distinguishes OatC from all other bacterial sialate O-acetyltransferases known so far because these are members of the hexapeptide repeat family, a class of acyltransferases that adopt a left-handed beta-helix fold and assemble into catalytic trimers.  相似文献   
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; n-20:5ω3) was found to be a constituent of phospholipids in three mesophilic strains of Gammaproteobacteria, which were isolated from anoxic most probable number series prepared with sediments from an intertidal flat of the German North Sea coast. Their partial 16S rRNA gene sequences identified the isolates as close relatives of Shewanella colwelliana, Vibrio splendidus, and Photobacterium lipolyticum. So far, eicosapentaenoic acid has mainly been reported to occur in eukaryotes and some piezophilic or psychrophilic bacteria. With decreasing temperature, relative contents of EPA (up to 14% of total fatty acids) increased in all strains. Additionally, Shewanella and Vibrio spp. showed a significant increase in monounsaturated fatty acids with lower growth temperature. Analysis of the phospholipid compositions revealed that EPA was present in all three major phospholipid types, namely, phosphatidyl glycerol (PG), cardiolipin and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE). However, EPA was enriched in PG and cardiolipin relative to PE. In the tidal flat sediments from which the isolates were obtained, substantial amounts of EPA-containing PG were detected, whereas other typical microeukaryotic phospholipids—being also a possible source of EPA—were abundant at the sediment surface but were present in clearly lower amounts in the anoxic layers beneath 5 cm depth. Therefore, the EPA-containing PG species in the deeper layers in these sediments may indicate the presence of Gammaproteobacteria closely related to the isolates. These bacteria appear to be an important source of EPA in buried, anoxic sediments beneath the layers harboring significant populations of benthic eukaryotes.  相似文献   
DNA methylation-based biomarkers have been discovered that could potentially be used for the diagnosis of cancer by detection of circulating, tumor-derived DNA in bodily fluids. Any methylation detection assay that would be applied to these samples must be capable of detecting small amounts of tumor DNA in the presence of background normal DNA. We have developed a real-time PCR assay, called HeavyMethyl, that is well suited for this application. HeavyMethyl uses methylation-specific oligonucleotide blockers and a methylation-specific probe to achieve methylation-specific amplification and detection. We tested the assays on unmethylated and artificially methylated DNA in order to determine the limit of detection. After careful optimization, our glutathione-S-transferase pi1 and Calcitonin assays can amplify as little as 30 and 60 pg of methylated DNA, respectively, and neither assay amplifies unmethylated DNA. The Calcitonin assay showed a highly significant methylation difference between normal colon and colon adenocarcinomas, and methylation was also detected in serum DNA from colon cancer patients. These assays show that HeavyMethyl technology can be successfully employed for the analysis of very low concentrations of methylated DNA, e.g. in serum of patients with tumors.  相似文献   
Coronatine-inducible tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT), which catalyses the transamination from tyrosine to p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, is the first enzyme of a pathway leading via homogentisic acid to plastoquinone and tocopherols, the latter of which are known to be radical scavengers in plants. TAT can be also induced by the octadecanoids methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and methyl-12-oxophytodienoic acid (MeOPDA), as well as by wounding, high light, UV light and the herbicide oxyfluorfen. In order to elucidate the role of octadecanoids in the process of TAT induction in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the jasmonate-deficient mutant delayed dehiscence (dde1) was used, in which the gene for 12-oxophytodienoic acid reductase 3 is disrupted. The amount of immunodetectable TAT was low. The enzyme was still fully induced by coronatine as well as by MeJA although induction by the latter was to a lesser extent and later than in the wild type. Treatment with MeOPDA, wounding and UV light, however, had hardly any effects. Tocopherol levels that showed considerable increases in the wild type after some treatments were much less affected in the mutant. However, starting levels of tocopherol were higher in non-induced dde1 than in the wild type. We conclude that jasmonate plays an important role in the signal transduction pathway regulating TAT activity and the biosynthesis of its product tocopherol.  相似文献   
Human male recombination maps for individual chromosomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Meiotic recombination is essential for the segregation of chromosomes and the formation of normal haploid gametes, yet we know very little about the meiotic process in humans. We present the first (to our knowledge) recombination maps for every autosome in the human male obtained by new immunofluorescence techniques followed by centromere-specific multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization in human spermatocytes. The mean frequency of autosomal recombination foci was 49.8+/-4.3, corresponding to a genetic length of 2,490 cM. All autosomal bivalents had at least one recombination focus. In contrast, the XY bivalent had a recombination focus in 73% of nuclei, suggesting that a relatively large proportion of spermatocytes may be at risk for nondisjunction of the XY bivalent or elimination by meiotic arrest. There was a very strong correlation between mean length of the synaptonemal complex (SC) and the number of recombination foci per SC. Each bivalent presented a distinct distribution of recombination foci, but in general, foci were near the distal parts of the chromosome, with repression of foci near the centromere. The position of recombination foci demonstrated positive interference, but, in rare instances, foci were very close to one another.  相似文献   
How the ability of plants to move towards newly favourable habitats (dispersal limitation) impacts the change of biome distribution and transition under fast climate warming is still debated. Analysing vegetation change in the past may help to clarify the relative importance of underlying ecological processes such as climate, biotic interactions, and dispersal. In this study, we investigated how dispersal limitation affected the distribution of European forests in the last 18,000 years.  相似文献   
The denatured state of several proteins has been shown to display transient structures that are relevant for folding, stability, and aggregation. To detect them by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the denatured state must be stabilized by chemical agents or changes in temperature. This makes the environment different from that experienced in biologically relevant processes. Using high-resolution heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, we have characterized several denatured states of a monomeric variant of HIV-1 protease, which is natively structured in water, induced by different concentrations of urea, guanidinium chloride, and acetic acid. We have extrapolated the chemical shifts and the relaxation parameters to the denaturant-free denatured state at native conditions, showing that they converge to the same values. Subsequently, we characterized the conformational properties of this biologically relevant denatured state under native conditions by advanced molecular dynamics simulations and validated the results by comparison to experimental data. We show that the denatured state of HIV-1 protease under native conditions displays rich patterns of transient native and non-native structures, which could be of relevance to its guidance through a complex folding process.  相似文献   
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