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The identification of molecular motors that modulate the neuronal cytoskeleton has been elusive. Here, we show that a molecular motor protein, myosin Va, is present in high proportions in the cytoskeleton of mouse CNS and peripheral nerves. Immunoelectron microscopy, coimmunoprecipitation, and blot overlay analyses demonstrate that myosin Va in axons associates with neurofilaments, and that the NF-L subunit is its major ligand. A physiological association is indicated by observations that the level of myosin Va is reduced in axons of NF-L-null mice lacking neurofilaments and increased in mice overexpressing NF-L, but unchanged in NF-H-null mice. In vivo pulse-labeled myosin Va advances along axons at slow transport rates overlapping with those of neurofilament proteins and actin, both of which coimmunoprecipitate with myosin Va. Eliminating neurofilaments from mice selectively accelerates myosin Va translocation and redistributes myosin Va to the actin-rich subaxolemma and membranous organelles. Finally, peripheral axons of dilute-lethal mice, lacking functional myosin Va, display selectively increased neurofilament number and levels of neurofilament proteins without altering axon caliber. These results identify myosin Va as a neurofilament-associated protein, and show that this association is essential to establish the normal distribution, axonal transport, and content of myosin Va, and the proper numbers of neurofilaments in axons.  相似文献   
A wide-ranging examination of plastid (pt)DNA sequence homologies within higher plant nuclear genomes (promiscuous DNA) was undertaken. Digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and Southern analysis was used to distinguish plastid and nuclear DNA in order to assess the extent of variability of promiscuous sequences within and between plant species. Some species, such as Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), and Chenopodium quinoa, showed homogenity of these sequences, while intraspecific sequence variation was observed among different cultivars of Pisum sativum (pea), Hordeum vulgare (barley), and Triticum aestivum (wheat). Hypervariability of plastid sequence homologies was identified in the nuclear genomes of Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Beta vulgaris (beet), in which individual plants were shown to possess a unique spectrum of nuclear sequences with ptDNA homology. This hypervariability apparently extended to somatic variation in B. vulgaris. No sequences with ptDNA homology were identified by this method in the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   相似文献   
Understanding how interspecific interactions mould the molecular basis of adaptations in coevolving species is a long‐sought goal of evolutionary biology. Venom in predators and venom resistance proteins in prey are coevolving molecular phenotypes, and while venoms are highly complex mixtures it is unclear if prey respond with equally complex resistance traits. Here, we use a novel molecular methodology based on protein affinity columns to capture and identify candidate blood serum resistance proteins (“venom interactive proteins” [VIPs]) in California Ground Squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) that interact with venom proteins from their main predator, Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus o. oreganus). This assay showed that serum‐based resistance is both population‐ and species‐specific, with serum proteins from ground squirrels showing higher binding affinities for venom proteins of local snakes compared to allopatric individuals. Venom protein specificity assays identified numerous and diverse candidate prey resistance VIPs but also potential targets of venom in prey tissues. Many specific VIPs bind to multiple snake venom proteins and, conversely, single venom proteins bind multiple VIPs, demonstrating that a portion of the squirrel blood serum “resistome” involves broad‐based inhibition of nonself proteins and suggests that resistance involves a toxin scavenging mechanism. Analyses of rates of evolution of VIP protein homologues in related mammals show that most of these proteins evolve under purifying selection possibly due to molecular constraints that limit the evolutionary responses of prey to rapidly evolving snake venom proteins. Our method represents a general approach to identify specific proteins involved in co‐evolutionary interactions between species at the molecular level.  相似文献   
The phylogeny of Greya Busck (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) was inferred from nucleotide sequence variation across a 765-bp region in the cytochrome oxidase I and II genes of the mitochondrial genome. Most parsimonious relationships of 25 haplotypes from 16 Greya species and two outgroup genera (Tetragma and Prodoxus) showed substantial congruence with the species relationships indicated by morphological variation. Differences between mitochondrial and morphological trees were found primarily in the positions of two species, G. variabilis and G. pectinifera, and in the branching order of the three major species groups in the genus. Conflicts between the data sets were examined by comparing levels of homoplasy in characters supporting alternative hypotheses. The phylogeny of Greya species suggests that host-plant association at the family level and larval feeding mode are conservative characters. Transition/transversion ratios estimated by reconstruction of nucleotide substitutions on the phylogeny had a range of 2.0-9.3, when different subsets of the phylogeny were used. The decline of this ratio with the increase in maximum sequence divergence among taxa indicates that transitions are masked by transversions along deeper internodes or long branches of the phylogeny. Among transitions, substitutions of A-->G and T-->C outnumbered their reciprocal substitutions by 2-6 times, presumably because of the approximately 4:1 (77%) A+T-bias in nucleotide base composition. Of all transversions, 73%-80% were A<-->T substitutions, 85% of which occurred at third positions of codons; these estimates did not decrease with an increase in maximum sequence divergence of taxa included in the analysis. The high frequency of A<-->T substitutions is either a reflection or an explanation of the 92% A+T bias at third codon positions.   相似文献   
Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are promising transporters for intracellular delivery of antisense morpholino oligomers (PMO). Here, we determined the effect of L-arginine, D-arginine and non-alpha amino acids on cellular uptake, splice-correction activity, cellular toxicity and serum binding for 24 CPP-PMOs. Insertion of 6-aminohexanoic acid (X) or beta-alanine (B) residues into oligoarginine R8 decreased the cellular uptake but increased the splice-correction activity of the resulting compound, with a greater increase for the sequences containing more X residues. Cellular toxicity was not observed for any of the conjugates up to 10 microM. Up to 60 microM, only the conjugates with > or = 5 Xs exhibited time- and concentration-dependent toxicity. Substitution of L-arginine with D-arginine did not increase uptake or splice-correction activity. High concentration of serum significantly decreased the uptake and splice-correction activity of oligoarginine conjugates, but had much less effect on the conjugates containing X or B. In summary, incorporation of X/B into oligoarginine enhanced the antisense activity and serum-binding profile of CPP-PMO. Toxicity of X/B-containing conjugates was affected by the number of Xs, treatment time and concentration. More active, stable and less toxic CPPs can be designed by optimizing the position and number of R, D-R, X and B residues.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Conjugation of arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) to phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMO) has been shown to enhance cytosolic and nuclear delivery of PMO. However, the in vivo disposition of CPP-PMO is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, stability, and safety profile of an anti-c-myc PMO conjugated to the CPP, (RXR)4 (X = 6-aminohexanoic acid) in rats. METHODS: The PMO and CPP-PMO were administrated intravenously into rats. The concentrations of the PMO and the CPP-PMO in plasma and tissues were monitored by HPLC. The stability of the CPP portion of the CPP-PMO conjugate in rat plasma and tissue lysates was determined by mass spectrometry. The safety profile of the CPP-PMO was assessed by body weight changes, serum chemistry, and animal behavior. RESULTS: CPP conjugation improved the kinetic behavior of PMO with a 2-fold increase in the estimated elimination half-life, a 4-fold increase in volume of distribution, and increased area under the plasma concentration vs time curve. Consistent with the improved pharmacokinetic profile, conjugation to CPP increased the uptake of PMO in all tissues except brain, varied between organ type with greater uptake enhancement occurring in liver, spleen, and lungs. The CPP-PMO conjugate had greater tissue retention than the corresponding PMO. Mass spectrometry data indicated no observable degradation of the PMO portion, while there was identifiable degradation of the CPP portion. Time-dependent CPP degradation was observed in plasma and tissue lysates, with the degradation in plasma being more rapid. The pattern of degraded products differed between the plasma and lysates. Safety evaluation data showed that the CPP-PMO was well-tolerated at the dose of 15 mg/kg with no apparent signs of toxicity. In contrast, at the dose of 150 mg/kg, adverse events such as lethargy, weight loss, and elevated BUN (p < 0.01) and serum creatinine (p < 0.001) levels were recorded. Supplementation with free L-arginine ad libitum showed improved clearance of serum creatinine (p < 0.05) and BUN (p < 0.01) at the toxicological dose, suggesting that the CPP caused toxicity in kidney. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that conjugation of CPP to PMO enhances the PMO pharmacokinetic profile, tissue uptake, and subsequent retention. Therefore, when dosed at < or = 15 mg/kg, CPP is a promising transporter for enhancing PMO delivery in therapeutic settings.  相似文献   
In field and laboratory studies, mortality of African black beetle, Heteronychus arator, in the winter-rainfall, Mediterranean-type climate region of south-western Australia was higher in the late immature stages during summer than in the early immature stages that occur during spring, a contrast to summer-rainfall climatic regions. Greatest mortality occurred around the pupal stage in contrasting soil types, despite drying differences in summer and supplementary watering in some plots. Sampling of natural populations confirmed experimental results that mortality in late immature stages is the major factor limiting H. arator populations under a Mediterranean-type climate. Inter-generation increase in H. arator abundance was uncommon, explaining the consistent abundance typically observed between years in south-western Australia. Random dispersal of newly emerged adults in autumn was inferred to restore uniformity in adult abundance between areas of varying favourability for immature survival.  相似文献   
Communication from astrocytes to neurons has recently been reported by two laboratories, but different mechanisms were thought to underlie glial calcium wave activation of associated neurons. Neuronal calcium elevation by glia observed in the present report is similar to that reported previously, where an increase in neuronal calcium was demonstrated in response to glial stimulation. In the present study hippocampal neurons plated on a confluent glial monolayer displayed a transient increase in intracellular calcium following a short delay after the passage of a wave of increased calcium in underlying glia. Activated cells displayed action potentials in response to glial waves and showed antineurofilament immunoreactivity. Finally, the N-methyl-D -aspartate glutamate receptor antagonist DL -2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid and the non-NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione significantly reduced the responsiveness of neurons to glial calcium waves. Our results indicate that hippocampal neurons growing on hippocampal or cortical astrocytes respond to glial calcium waves with elevations in calcium and increased electrical activity. Furthermore, we show that in most cases this communication appears to be mediated by ionotropic glutamate receptor channels. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domains are integral signaling modules in the DNA damage response (DDR). Aside from their established roles as phospho-peptide binding modules, BRCT domains have been implicated in phosphorylation-independent protein interactions, DNA binding and poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding. These numerous functions can be attributed to the diversity in BRCT domain structure and architecture, where domains can exist as isolated single domains or assemble into higher order homo- or hetero-domain complexes. In this review, we incorporate recent structural and biochemical studies to demonstrate how structural features allow single and tandem BRCT domains to attain a high degree of functional diversity.Key words: BRCT domain, DNA repair, phosphorylation, phospho-peptide interaction, protein interaction, DNA binding, DNA damage response  相似文献   
Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) have been shown to enhance the cellular uptake of antisense oligonucleotides (AOs). However, the effectiveness of the CPPs for cytoplasmic or nuclear delivery of therapeutic AOs must take into account the possible entrapment of the CPP-AO conjugates in endosomes/lysosomes and the overall stability of the CPP-AO conjugates to enzymes. This includes the stabilities of the CPPs and AOs themselves as well as the linkage between them. In this study, we investigated the effects of several structural features of arginine-rich CPPs on the metabolic stability of CPP conjugated to phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMOs) in human serum and in cells. Those structural features include amino acid configurations (d or l), incorporation of non-alpha-amino acids, peptide sequences, and types of linkages between CPPs and PMOs. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, we found that the stability of the CPP portion was varied although the PMO portion of the conjugate was completely stable both in cells and in human serum. d-Configuration CPPs were completely stable, while l-CPPs were degraded in both serum and HeLa cells. Insertions of 6-aminohexanoic acid residues (X) into an R8 peptide increased the corresponding CPP's serum stability with the degree of stability being dependent upon the positions of X. However, X-containing CPPs were degraded rapidly intracellularly. Insertions of beta-alanines (B) into the R8 peptide increased its serum stability and intracellular stability. An amide or a maleimide linkage was stable in both serum and cells; however, an unhindered disulfide linkage was not stable in either. By using fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry, and an antisense splice correction assay, the cellular uptakes of an X-containing conjugate and its fragments were compared to their antisense activities. We found that a large fraction of the conjugate was trapped within vesicles and the degraded fragments cannot escape from the vesicles. This study indicates that the incorporation of non-alpha-amino acids into l-CPPs can increase the metabolic stability of CPP-PMOs without using costly d-CPPs. However, the position and type of non-alpha-amino acids affect the degree of stability extracellularly and intracellularly. In addition, this study reveals that the degradation of an X-containing CPP-PMO conjugate is a more rapid process than degradation of a B-containing conjugate. Last, the endosomal/lysosomal trapping limits the effectiveness of a CPP-PMO conjugate, and the stability of the CPP is one of the factors affecting the ability of the conjugate to escape the endosomes/lysosomes.  相似文献   
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