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The seasonal dynamics of the diatom genus Chaetoceros Ehrenbergwere investigated in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Whole watersamples were collected weekly from July 1981 to October 1982at four locations in the lower Bay and were preserved, concentratedby settling and enumerated. Chaetoceros were most abundant inlate winter–early spring; a second peak occurred in thefall. As in many other temperate neritic areas, C. debilis,C. compressus and C. didymus were major components of die Chaetocerospopulation and could be found throughout the year. Species compositionand dynamics were quite similar at the Jerusalem, GSO Pier andWickford Harbor stations, but were markedly different in PettaquamscuttRiver, a reduced salinity tidal estuary.  相似文献   
Hargraves  P.E.  Zhang  J.  Wang  R.  Shimizu  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):207-212
Interest in the biology of planktonic, chain-forming Pseudonitzschia species has grown recently after the discovery of toxin production in Pseudonitzschia pungens and related taxa, following the outbreak of shellfish toxicity in Canada in 1987. As part of a broader study on the effects of enhanced ultraviolet light on the growth of bloom-forming phytoplankton, we have examined the growth rates and production of the toxin domoic acid and two additional chemicals [bacillariolides I and II] by Pseudonitzschia pungens varieties and Pseudonitzschia fraudulenta from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Growth of P. fraudulenta is significantly inhibited by enhanced UV, P. pungens var. pungens shows slight inhibition, and P. pungens var. multiseries is unaffected. Production of bacillariolides I and II by P. pungens var. multiseries is similar in enhanced and deleted UV light. Tolerance of UV light by P. pungens var. multiseries appears to be acquired, and persistent. If ambient UV light continues to increase as a result of global ozone depletion, one may expect UV-resistant taxa such as P. pungens var. multiseries to become more prominent in coastal phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   
Observations of a marked cessation of feeding in filter feeding animals maintained in flowing Narragansett Bay seawater in June 1985 drew our attention to a bloom of a golden alga 2 μm in diameter at unprecedented populations of 109 cells. L?1. This picoplankter lacked morphological features useful in discriminating it from other similar sized forms with either phase contrast or epifluorescence light microscopy. Natural populations of picoplankton, obtained from the height of the bloom until its decline, were examined in thin section with transmission electron microscopy. A cell with a single chloroplast, nucleus, and mitochondrion and an unusual exocellular polysaccharide-like layer was apparently the bloom alga. The ultrastructure of this alga is consistent with that of the Chrysophyceae, and a new genus and species, Aureococcus anophagefferens is described. Attempts to grow this previously unrecognized picoplanktonic alga as an obligate phototroph failed and only yielded cultures of other previously described picoalgae. Facultative and obligate phagotrophic protists with ingested cells of Aureococcus were only observed as the bloom waned and minute diatoms became common. Cells of A. anophagefferens with virus particles typical for picoalgae occurred throughout the bloom. Populations of the usually dominant photosynthetic picoplankter, the cyanobacterium Synechococcus Nägeli, were depressed during the bloom. This could be due in part to selective grazing on Synechococcus rather than Aureococcus by elevated populations of Calycomonas ovalis Wulff which accompanied the algal bloom.  相似文献   
The structure-activity relationships for semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) inhibitors based on arylpropynylamines was investigated using solution-phase combinatorial Sonogashira coupling. The results suggest that binding to the active site occurs by coordination of the amine to the proximal copper(II) and formation of a pi-complex between topaquinone and the electron-rich aryl group of the inhibitor.  相似文献   
Protein secretion by the human endometrium was studied in vitro in medium after incubation of tissue minces (n = 10) or glands isolated by collagenase digestion (n = 4) from tissues obtained at the time of curettage from normal women. Samples were incubated in a serum-free medium for 24 h at 38 degrees C in the presence of radiolabeled methionine. Dialyzed medium from each sample was subjected to two-dimensional gel separation, and detected by protein staining. Although 5 of the 27 proteins were considered to be present in the labeling experiments by only one of the three observers, there was agreement about the presence of the 22 others. In addition, the observers categorized the proteins into three groups for purposes of analysis: a) those associated with the follicular phase of the cycle; b) those associated with the luteal phase; and c) those not cycle-related. One protein triplet, labeled #27, showed a significant relation to the luteal phase (p less than 0.01). A complete lack of similarity between the pattern of labeled proteins obtained from the medium and labeled proteins obtained from lysates of cells incubated in the same experiments makes it unlikely that cellular lysis, as opposed to secretion, contributed to the pattern of proteins studied in these experiments.  相似文献   
R Hargraves  W J Freed 《Life sciences》1987,40(10):959-966
This study examined the effects of continuously supplied dopamine delivered directly into the dopamine-deficient striatum. Rats received unilateral lesions of the substantia nigra by stereotaxic administration of 6-hydroxydopamine and were tested for apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and general activity. Osmotic mini-pumps were filled with dopamine in various concentrations, implanted subcutaneously and connected to a cannula implanted directly into the striatum. The system delivered solution at a rate of .5 microliter/hr for two weeks. Dopamine in a dosage of 0.5 microgram/per hour reduced apomorphine-induced rotational behavior by a mean of 52 +/- 5.8% (mean +/- SEM, n = 20) with a maximal individual decrease of 99%. There was no change in general activity or increase in stereotyped behavior. Infusions of vehicle solutions did not decrease rotational behavior. Spread of the infused dopamine and its metabolites was estimated by adding 3H-dopamine to the pumps in tracer quantities. Radioactivity was highly concentrated at the infusion site and decreased rapidly within a few mm from the infusion site. Continuous infusion methods may eventually prove to be effective in the treatment of nigro-striatal degenerative disease.  相似文献   
Radiolabeled arene oxide was recovered from incubations containing [3H]-2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (3H-TCB), unlabeled 2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl-3,4-oxide (TCBAO), 3,3,3-trichloropropene-1,2-oxide (TCPO), NADPH, and liver microsomes from phenobarbital-induced rats. No labeled arene oxide was generated in the absence of NADPH, nor during the metabolism of unlabeled TCB in the presence of [3H]-H2O. The recovered oxide (radiolabeled and carrier) was characterized by mobility on silica gel and by conversion to 3- and 4-hydroxy-TCB. Formation of a dihydrodiol metabolite was apparently blocked by inhibition of epoxide hydrase. These data provide the first direct evidence that arene oxides are intermediates of halogenated biphenyl metabolism.  相似文献   
Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve emend. Zingone et Sarno and S. grevillei Sarno et Zingone were known only from the type material collected from Hong Kong waters more than a century ago. Both species have now been collected as live material, and their morphology and phylogenetic position are investigated in this study. Eight Skeletonema strains isolated from Florida, USA; Uruguay; and Brazil are attributed to S. costatum, while one strain from Oman is ascribed to S. grevillei based on morphological similarity to the type material of these species. In addition, a new Skeletonema species, S. ardens Sarno et Zingone, is described for a strain from Singapore and two from northern Australian waters. Skeletonema ardens has terminal fultoportula processes ending in a tapered, undulate protrusion and long intercalary fultoportulae with 1:1 junctions. The rimoportula of terminal valves is located at the margin of the valve face. No major morphological variations were observed within S. grevillei and S. ardens along a salinity gradient, whereas in S. costatum, the processes shortened and the valves came into close contact at low salinities, as already described for S. subsalsum (Cleve) Bethge. Consistent with their morphology, Skeletonema costatum and Skeletonema subsalsum also had similar rDNA sequences. Skeletonema grevillei and S. ardens were distinct in the large subunit (LSU) phylogeny. Skeletonema ardens exhibited consistent intraspecific genetic differences in both the LSU and small subunit (SSU) rDNA.  相似文献   
A field study to assess resting spore importance in long-and short-term population dynamics of Leptocylindrus danicus ( Ehr.) Gran was carried out, based on the observation that germinating spores produce only vegelative cells of maximum diameter. From May through November 1978 . L. danicus was present in lower Narragansett Bay, but resting spores were not found. May and June bioassays suggest that Bay water could not support sexuality (hence spore formation) in L. danicus during this period. Mean valve diameter decreased abruptly in early June. as did cell number. When mean valve diameter increased abruptly in August, with no resting spores seen, 70 additional clonal isolates showed that one clone had the "normal" sexual and spore-forming life cycle while 69 clones had an "alternate" life cycle lacking sperm and spore formation. Valvar fine structure of the two types differed with respect to the presence or absence of a subcentral valvar pore, and a new subspecific taxon is here distinguished: variety apora. Examination of the early June data indicates the replacement of one population by another. Populations of L. danicus may be sporadically introduced into Narragansett Bay from Gulf Stream rings .  相似文献   
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