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Interaction of site specific hirudin variants with alpha-thrombin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Dodt  S K?hler  A Baici 《FEBS letters》1988,229(1):87-90
The kinetics of complex formation between recombinant hirudin or recombinant hirudin mutants with thrombin were analyzed. In order to elucidate the inhibitor's reactive site peptide bond predetermined amino acid substitutions were introduced at positions of basic amino acid residues by means of site-directed mutagenesis of a hirudin gene. In comparison to recombinant hirudin (Ki = 19 pM) only those mutant inhibitors which were modified at amino acid position Lys47 showed a higher Ki value for their complexes with thrombin. The observed effects are mainly due to increased koff rate constants.  相似文献   
Lysosomes from normal rat liver were isolated by affinity chromatography using Sepharose-bound Ricinus communis agglutinins I + II. Characterization of the lysosomal fraction by marker enzymes showed--compared with the homogenate--an enrichment in: acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase about 30- to 60-fold, the tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase about 95-fold, whereas beta-D-glucosidase, beta-D-galactosidase and sphingomyelinase showed a much higher enrichment of 170- to 260-fold. Marker enzymes for other cell organelles were not detectable. The phospholipid pattern and optical control with electron microscopy gave further indications that the isolated fractions were very rich in lysosomes. A comparison of the phospholipid compositions of plasma membranes isolated from normal rat liver and membranes from the isolated fractions of lysosomes, showed that they were quite different; in particular bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate, which we found to be a typical lysosomal phospholipid, was absent in plasma membranes.  相似文献   
Dynamics of the cytoskeleton in Amoeba proteus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fluorescein-labeled muscle actin was microinjected into Amoeba proteus and followed during intracellular redistribution by means of the image-intensification technique. The fully polymerization-competent protein becomes part of the endogenous actomyosin system undergoing dynamic changes over time periods of several hours. Single-frame analysis of long-term sequences enabled the direct demonstration of both the contractile activities and morphological transformations of microfilaments in normally locomoting, immobilized and phagocytozing specimens. In normally locomoting cells the filament layer undergoes continuous changes in spatial distribution depending on the actual pattern of cytoplasmic streaming and cell shape. The highest degree of differentiation is always maintained in the intermediate region between the front and the uroid, thus indicating this segment of the cortex to be the most important site in generating motive force for pseudopodium formation and ameboid movement. In immobilized cells contracted by the application of ruthenium red or relaxed by different anesthetics, the filament layer forms a continuous thick sheath beneath the cell surface or becomes completely disintegrated. In phagocytozing cells the local polymerization of actin at the tip of pseudopodia forming the food-cup and around the nascent phagosome points to a significant participation of the actomyosin system in the process of capturing and constricting prey organisms. Although our results provide clear evidence for the overall importance of motive force generation according to the hydraulic pressure theory, some motile phenomena exist in Amoeba proteus that cannot exclusively be explained by this mechanism.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Chilonycteris rubiginosa erzeugt in allen Orientierungsituationen dreiteilige Ortungslaute. Im Anfangsteil steigt die Frequenz um etwa 1–2 kHz an. Der folgende Mittelteil hat eine konstante Frequenz von etwa 57 bis 57,6 kHz. Im Endteil fällt die Frequenz um etwa 8 kHz ab. Die Laute werden in Folgen von Lautgruppen ausgesendet.CR erzeugt pro Flügelschlag eine Lautgruppe. Im freien Flug zeigt CR Gruppen mit 2 Lauten von etwa 17–23 msec Dauer. Landende Fledermäuse senden in der Annäherungsphase Gruppen mit einer zunehmenden Zahl immer kürzerer Laute und in der Schlußphase eine längere Gruppe mit vielen kurzen Lauten.Fliegende Tiere senken die Frequenz des konstantfrequenten Mittelteils immer um etwa den Betrag der durch die Fluggeschwindigkeit bedingten Dopplereffekte ab, so daß die von den Tieren gehörte Echofrequenz nahezu konstant in Höhe der vor dem Flug ausgesendeten Frequenz gehalten wird.CR zeigt Kopf- und Ohrbewegungen. Die Ohrbewegungen stehen in Beziehung zur Lautaussendung.
Echolocation by the bat Chilonycteris rubiginosa
Summary Chilonycteris rubiginosa (CR) produces tripartite ultrasonic sounds in all orientation situations. During the first part the frequency rises by 1–2 kHz. The following middle part has a constant frequency of about 57–57,6 kHz. In the terminal part the frequency decreases by about 8 kHz. The sounds are emitted as a sequence of groups of sounds.In flight they produce per wingbeat one group of sounds at a repetition rate of 10–11 Hz. In free flight CR emits groups of 2 sounds of about 17–23 msec duration. During the approach landing bats emit groups consisting of an increasing number of sounds of decreasing duration. During the terminal phase the group is longer in duration and consists of many short sounds.Flying CR lower the frequency of the middle part by an amount which compensates for Doppler shifts caused by the flight velocity. The frequency heard by the bats is, thus, always kept constant and equal to a frequency which is about 100–150 Hz above the medium frequency emitted before the flight. CR shows head and ear movements. The ear movements are correlated to the sound emission.
Cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, derived from vanadium free agar slants, respond with great sensitivity to microamounts of vanadium, added as NH4VO3 to autotrophic liquid cultures. Between 0.01 and 1 g V per litre nutrient medium (2·10-10-2·10-8g-at/l), the algae respond with a continuous increase in dry weight. At higher V-concentrations, further enhancement in biomass is accompanied by a additional increase in chlorophyll content. Maximum V-effect on both parameters was found to be at 500g V/l (10-5 g-at/l). Dry weight as well as chlorophyll content of Chlorella are decreased by concentrations above 25 mg V/l; 100 mg V/l (2·10-3 g-at/l) stop growth and cause death of the cells. The toxic threshold for the V-content in the algae was determined to be at 150–200 g V/g (3–4·10-6 g-at/g) dry weight.Two different pH-optima for a positive vanadium action on dry weight and chlorophyll biosynthesis were established, the first at pH 7, the other in the range pH 7.5–8. Two sites of vanadium action in green algae are discussed.Part I: Arch. Microbiol. 105, 77–82 (1975)  相似文献   
Hirudisins. Hirudin-derived thrombin inhibitors with disintegrin activity.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recombinant hirudin variants have been designed which inhibit alpha-thrombin by the hirudin mechanism and which in addition exhibit disintegrin activity. These proteins, called "hirudisins," have been engineered by replacing the Ser-Asp-Gly-Glu sequence at the tip of hirudin's finger-like structure (residues 32-35) by Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) to yield hirudisin and Lys-Gly-Asp-Ser (KGDS) to obtain hirudisin-1. Comparison of thrombin inhibition activities showed that hirudisin is 2-fold more potent (K(i) = 160 +/- 70 fM) than hirudisin-1 (K(i) = 370 +/- 44 fM) and recombinant (r)-hirudin (K(i) = 270 +/- 50 fM). alpha-Thrombin-stimulated platelet aggregation was effectively inhibited by r-hirudin, hirudisin, and hirudisin-1 with IC50 of 5.7 to 6.8 nM. Unlike r-hirudin, hirudisin inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation (IC50 = 65 microM) 3- to 5-fold stronger than the linear GRGDS- and RGDS-peptide. Direct interaction of hirudisin with purified glycoprotein IIb-IIIa demonstrated that antiplatelet aggregation activity is due to the integrin-directed RGD motif. Disintegrin activity of hirudisin relative to that of reduced and carboxymethylated hirudisin suggests that the conformational strain favors binding to integrins. On the basis of these results, hirudisins appear to be interesting molecules for the design of potential antithrombotic agents with antithrombin as well as antiplatelet aggregation activities.  相似文献   
Accurate and sensitive online detection tools would benefit both fundamental research and practical applications in aquatic microbiology. Here, we describe the development and testing of an online flow cytometer (FCM), with a specific use foreseen in the field of drinking water microbiology. The system incorporated fully automated sampling and fluorescent labeling of bacterial nucleic acids with analysis at 5-min intervals for periods in excess of 24 h. The laboratory scale testing showed sensitive detection (< 5% error) of bacteria over a broad concentration range (1 × 10(3) -1 × 10(6) cells mL(-1) ) and particularly the ability to track both gradual changes and dramatic events in water samples. The system was tested with bacterial pure cultures as well as indigenous microbial communities from natural water samples. Moreover, we demonstrated the possibility of using either a single fluorescent dye (e.g., SYBR Green I) or a combination of two dyes (SYBR Green I and Propidium Iodide), thus broadening the application possibilities of the system. The online FCM approach described herein has considerable potential for routine and continuous monitoring of drinking water, optimization of specific drinking water processes such as biofiltration or disinfection, as well as aquatic microbiology research in general.  相似文献   
Dipeptidyl peptidase 4/CD26 (DP4) is a multifunctional serine protease liberating dipeptide from the N-terminus of (oligo)peptides which can modulate the activity of these peptides. The enzyme is involved in physiological processes such as blood glucose homeostasis and immune response. DP4 substrate specificity is characterized in detail using synthetic dipeptide derivatives. The specificity constant k(cat)/K(m) strongly depends on the amino acid in P?-position for proline, alanine, glycine and serine with 5.0 x 10? M?1 s?1, 1.8 x 10? M?1 s?1, 3.6 x 102 M?1 s?1, 1.1 x 102 M?1 s?1, respectively. By contrast, kinetic investigation of larger peptide substrates yields a different pattern. The specific activity of DP4 for neuropeptide Y (NPY) cleavage comprising a proline in P?-position is the same range as the k(cat)/K(m) values of NPY derivatives containing alanine or serine in P?-position with 4 x 10? M?1 s?1, 9.5 x 10? M?1 s?1 and 2.1 x 10? M?1 s?1, respectively. The proposed existence of an additional binding region outside the catalytic center is supported by measurements of peptide substrates with extended chain length. This 'secondary' binding site interaction depends on the amino acid sequence in P?'-P?'-position. Interactions with this binding site could be specifically blocked for substrates of the GRF/glucagon peptide family. By contrast, substrates not belonging to this peptide family and dipeptide derivative substrates that only bind to the catalytic center of DP4 were not inhibited. This more selective inhibition approach allows, for the first time, to distinguish between substrate families by substrate-discriminating inhibitors.  相似文献   
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