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Sec1/Mun18-like (SM) proteins and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) play central roles in intracellular membrane fusion. Diverse modes of interaction between SM proteins and SNAREs from the syntaxin family have been described. However, the observation that the N-terminal domains of Sly1 and Vps45, the SM proteins involved in traffic at the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi, the trans-Golgi network and the endosomes, bind to similar N-terminal sequences of their cognate syntaxins suggested a unifying theme for SM protein/SNARE interactions in most internal membrane compartments. To further understand this mechanism of SM protein/SNARE coupling, we have elucidated the structure in solution of the isolated N-terminal domain of rat Sly1 (rSly1N) and analyzed its complex with an N-terminal peptide of rat syntaxin 5 by NMR spectroscopy. Comparison with the crystal structure of a complex between Sly1p and Sed5p, their yeast homologues, shows that syntaxin 5 binding requires a striking conformational change involving a two-residue shift in the register of the C-terminal beta-strand of rSly1N. This conformational change is likely to induce a significant alteration in the overall shape of full-length rSly1 and may be critical for its function. Sequence analyses indicate that this conformational change is conserved in the Sly1 family but not in other SM proteins, and that the four families represented by the four SM proteins found in yeast (Sec1p, Sly1p, Vps45p and Vps33p) diverged early in evolution. These results suggest that there are marked distinctions between the mechanisms of action of each of the four families of SM proteins, which may have arisen from different regulatory requirements of traffic in their corresponding membrane compartments.  相似文献   
Upright posture, standing up from a chair, and gait were analyzed in patients after one-sided total hip replacement and in healthy subjects (control). It was found that the patients predominantly loaded the unoperated leg when they stood quietly or rose from a chair. Subjects’ walking on a 10-m podograph treadmill showed that their walking speed was slower than that of healthy subjects and the swing phase on the side of hip replacement was longer than on the unoperated side. It was assumed that the unequal load on legs during walking, standing, and sit-to-stand performance in patients with total hip replacement was related to the sensory deficit of the artificial joint, leading to the overstrain of the unoperated leg and coxarthrosis in it.  相似文献   
Nicotinamide/nicotinate mononucleotide (NMN/ NaMN)adenylyltransferase (NMNAT) is an indispensable enzyme in the biosynthesis of NAD(+) and NADP(+). Human NMNAT displays unique dual substrate specificity toward both NMN and NaMN, thus flexible in participating in both de novo and salvage pathways of NAD synthesis. Human NMNAT also catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the metabolic conversion of the anticancer agent tiazofurin to its active form tiazofurin adenine dinucleotide (TAD). The tiazofurin resistance is mainly associated with the low NMNAT activity in the cell. We have solved the crystal structures of human NMNAT in complex with NAD, deamido-NAD, and a non-hydrolyzable TAD analogue beta-CH(2)-TAD. These complex structures delineate the broad substrate specificity of the enzyme toward both NMN and NaMN and reveal the structural mechanism for adenylation of tiazofurin nucleotide. The crystal structure of human NMNAT also shows that it forms a barrel-like hexamer with the predicted nuclear localization signal sequence located on the outside surface of the barrel, supporting its functional role of interacting with the nuclear transporting proteins. The results from the analytical ultracentrifugation studies are consistent with the formation of a hexamer in solution under certain conditions.  相似文献   
The overlapping fragments of the chromosomal DNA from black widow spider Latrodectus mactans carrying genes for high-molecular-mass protein neurotoxins, alpha- and delta-latroinsectotoxins (alpha-LIT and delta-LIT) and alpha-latrotoxin (alpha-LTX), were PCR-amplified and cloned. Restriction analysis of the PCR products showed that the distribution and sizes of the restriction fragments coincided with those deduced from the earlier sequencing of cDNAs of the corresponding genes. It thus followed that the alpha-LIT and delta-LIT genes are intronless. Along with our data on the structure of the alpha-latrocrustotoxin (alpha-LCT), this implies that the lack of introns is a common feature of the black widow spider genes encoding high molecular mass neurotoxins.  相似文献   
The primary structure of the crusta gene encoding alpha-latrocrustoxin (alpha-LCT), a high molecular mass neurotoxin specific to crustaceans, was determined in the black widow spider Latrodectus mactans tredicimguttatus genome. The total length of the sequenced DNA was 4693 bp. The structural part of the black widow spider chromosome gene encoding alpha-LCT does not contain introns. The sequenced DNA contains a single extended open reading frame (4185 bp) and encodes a protein precursor of alpha-LCT, comprising 1395 aa. We assume the Met residue at position -10 relative to the N-terminal residue of Glu1 of the mature toxin to be the first one in the protein precursor. The calculated molecular mass of the precursor (156147 Da) exceeds that of the mature toxin by approximately 30 kDa. These data are in agreement with the notion that over the course of maturation the protein precursor undergoes double processing--cleavage of a decapeptide from the N-terminal part and of a approximately 200-aa fragment from the C-terminal part. alpha-LCT displayed a number of imperfect ankyrin-like repeats and areas of structural homology with earlier studied latrotoxins; the highest homology degree (62%) was revealed with alpha-latroinsectotoxin (alpha-LIT).  相似文献   
Pyridine dinucleotides (NAD and NADP) are ubiquitous cofactors involved in hundreds of redox reactions essential for the energy transduction and metabolism in all living cells. In addition, NAD also serves as a substrate for ADP-ribosylation of a number of nuclear proteins, for silent information regulator 2 (Sir2)-like histone deacetylase that is involved in gene silencing regulation, and for cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling. Pyridine nucleotide adenylyltransferase (PNAT) is an indispensable central enzyme in the NAD biosynthesis pathways catalyzing the condensation of pyridine mononucleotide (NMN or NaMN) with the AMP moiety of ATP to form NAD (or NaAD). Here we report the identification and structural characterization of a novel human PNAT (hsPNAT-3) that is located in the cytoplasm and mitochondria. Its subcellular localization and tissue distribution are distinct from the previously identified human nuclear PNAT-1 and PNAT-2. Detailed structural analysis of PNAT-3 in its apo form and in complex with its substrate(s) or product revealed the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. The characterization of the cytosolic human PNAT-3 provided compelling evidence that the final steps of NAD biosynthesis pathways may exist in mammalian cytoplasm and mitochondria, potentially contributing to their NAD/NADP pool.  相似文献   
A novel procedure of alpha-latrotoxin (alpha LTX) purification has been developed. Pure alpha LTX has been demonstrated to exist as a very stable homodimer. Such dimers further assemble into tetramers, and Ca(2+), Mg(2+) or higher toxin concentrations facilitate this process. However, when the venom is treated with EDTA, purified alpha LTX loses the ability to tetramerise spontaneously; the addition of Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) restores this ability. This suggests that alphaLTX has some intrinsically bound divalent cation(s) that normally support its tetramerisation. Single-particle cryoelectron microscopy and statistical image analysis have shown that: 1) the toxin has a non-compact, branching structure; 2) the alpha LTX dimers are asymmetric; and 3) the tetramers are symmetric and have a 25 A-diameter channel in the centre. Both alpha LTX oligomers bind to the same receptors in synaptosomes and rat brain sections. To study the effects of the dimers and tetramers on norepinephrine release from rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes, we used the EDTA-treated and untreated toxin preparations. The number of tetramers present in a preparation correlates with alpha LTX pore formation, suggesting that the tetramers are the pore-forming species of alpha LTX. The toxin actions mediated by the pore include: 1) Ca(2+) entry from the extracellular milieu; and 2) passive efflux of neurotransmitters via the pore that occurs independently of Ca(2+). The Ca(2+)-dependent alpha LTX-stimulated secretion conforms to all criteria of vesicular exocytosis but also depends upon intact intracellular Ca(2+) stores and functional phospholipase C (PLC). The Ca(2+)-dependent effect of the toxin is stronger when dimeric alpha LTX is used, indicating that higher receptor occupancy leads to its stronger activation, which contributes to stimulation of neuroexocytosis. In contrast, the Ca(2+)-independent release measured biochemically represents leakage of neurotransmitters through the toxin pore. These results are discussed in relation to the previously published observations.  相似文献   
The crude venom of spider Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus was fractionated by the combination of anion exchange and hydrophobic chromatography. The biological activity of fraction was tested by means of: 1) estimation of toxicity for housefly larva; 2) intracellular recording of miniature excitatory potentials (MEPSPs) in blowfly larvae muscle fibres. As a result of sequential procedures of chromatography separation a homogeneous protein of 120 kilodalton molecular weight was obtained. This protein referred to alpha-latroinsectotoxin produced: 1) a great increase of the frequency of MEPSPs in the dose of 4.2.10(-10) M and its paralytic dose for fly larva was approximately 20 ng/species; 2) no influence of the MEPSPs after application in the dose of 1.2.10(-7) M to the neuromuscular junction of the frog.  相似文献   
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