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The at-sea distribution of seabirds and marine mammals in the eastern Barents Sea was determined using standardized transect counts during three cruises of RV“Dalnie Zelentsy” (Murmansk) in late summer 1991, 1992 and 1993. Totals of 32,268 seabirds, 485 pinnipeds, 25 cetaceans and 4 polar bears were counted during 554 half-hour counts. Numbers were converted into densities, total biomass and calculated daily food intake. Mean total food intake in kg fresh weight/km2.day was 3.1 for the entire zone and all years; fish eaters dominated the whole region, with an intake of 1.3 (mainly Brünnich’s guillemot, Uria lomvia, and harp seal, Phoca groenlandica), followed by zooplankton eaters (0.85, mainly fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis) and mixed zooplankton and fish feeders (0.75, mainly minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, and kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla). Year-to-year variations were of little importance, while geographic differences were obvious between Norwegian coastal, Atlantic and Barents Sea water masses, both quantitatively and qualitatively (relative importance of main diets). Within each zone, a strong geographic heterogeneity was noted, with high local concentrations at fronts between water masses and at ice edges.  相似文献   


Uremic toxins are emerging as important, non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in chronic kidney disease (CKD). P-cresol has been defined as a prototype protein-bound uremic toxin. Conjugation of p-cresol creates p-cresylsulfate (PCS) as the main metabolite and p-cresylglucuronide (PCG), at a markedly lower concentration. The objective of the present study was to evaluate serum PCG levels, determine the latter’s association with mortality and establish whether the various protein-bound uremic toxins (i.e. PCS, PCG and indoxylsulfate (IS)) differed in their ability to predict mortality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied 139 patients (mean ± SD age: 67±12; males: 60%) at different CKD stages (34.5% at CKD stages 2–3, 33.5% at stage 4–5 and 32% at stage 5D). A recently developed high-performance liquid chromatography method was used to assay PCG concentrations. Total and free PCG levels increased with the severity of CKD. During the study period (mean duration: 779±185 days), 38 patients died. High free and total PCG levels were correlated with overall and cardiovascular mortality independently of well-known predictors of survival, such as age, vascular calcification, anemia, inflammation and (in predialysis patients) the estimated glomerular filtration rate. In the same cohort, free PCS levels and free IS levels were both correlated with mortality. Furthermore, the respective predictive powers of three Cox multivariate models (free PCS+other risk factors, free IS+other risk factors and free PCS+other risk factors) were quite similar - suggesting that an elevated PCG concentration has much the same impact on mortality as other uremic toxins (such as PCS or IS) do.


Although PCG is the minor metabolite of p-cresol, our study is the first to reveal its association with mortality. Furthermore, the free fraction of PCG appears to have much the same predictive power for mortality as PCS and IS do.  相似文献   
We report the use of chemical derivatization with MALDI-MS/MS analysis for de novo sequence analysis. Using three frequently used homology-based search algorithms, we were able to identify more than 40 proteins from banana, a nonmodel plant with unsequenced genome. Furthermore, this approach allowed the identification of different isoforms. We also observed that the identification score obtained varied according to the position of the peptide sequences in the query using the MS-Blast algorithm.  相似文献   
The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) plays an important role in the regulation of the fibrinolytic activity in blood. In plasma, PAI-1 circulates mainly in the active conformation. However, PAI-1 spontaneously converts to a latent conformation. This conversion comprises drastic conformational changes in both the distal and the proximal hinge region of the reactive center loop. To study the functional and conformational rearrangements associated solely with the mobility of the proximal hinge, disulfide bonds were introduced to immobilize the distal hinge region. These mutants exhibited specific activities comparable with that of PAI-1-wt. However, the engineered disulfide bond had a major effect on the conformational and associated functional transitions. Strikingly, in contrast to PAI-1-wt, inactivation of these mutants yielded a virtually complete conversion to a substrate-like conformation. Comparison of the digestion pattern (with trypsin and elastase) of the mutants and PAI-1-wt revealed that the inactivated mutants have a conformation differing from that of latent and active PAI-1-wt. Unique trypsin-susceptible cleavage sites arose upon inactivation of these mutants. The localization of these exposed residues provides evidence that a displacement of alphahF has occurred, indicating that the proximal hinge is partly inserted between s3A and s5A. In conclusion, immobilization of the distal hinge region in PAI-1 allowed the identification of an "intermediate" conformation characterized by a partial insertion of the proximal hinge region. We hypothesize that locking PAI-1 in this transition state between active and latent conformations is associated with a displacement of alphahF, subsequently resulting in substrate behavior.  相似文献   
Helicobacter suis (H. suis) is a widespread porcine gastric pathogen, which is also of zoonotic importance. The first goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of several vaccine adjuvants (CpG-DNA, Curdlan, Freund’s Complete and Incomplete, Cholera toxin), administered either subcutaneously or intranasally along with H. suis whole-cell lysate, to protect against subsequent H. suis challenge in a BALB/c infection model. Subcutaneous immunization with Freund’s complete (FC)/lysate and intranasal immunization with Cholera toxin (CT)/lysate were shown to be the best options for vaccination against H. suis, as determined by the amount of colonizing H. suis bacteria in the stomach, although adverse effects such as post-immunization gastritis/pseudo-pyloric metaplasia and increased mortality were observed, respectively. Therefore, we decided to test alternative strategies, including sublingual vaccine administration, to reduce the unwanted side-effects. A CCR4 antagonist that transiently inhibits the migration of regulatory T cells was also included as a new adjuvant in this second study. Results confirmed that immunization with CT (intranasally or sublingually) is among the most effective vaccination protocols, but increased mortality was still observed. In the groups immunized subcutaneously with FC/lysate and CCR4 antagonist/lysate, a significant protection was observed. Compared to the FC/lysate immunized group, gastric pseudo-pyloric metaplasia was less severe or even absent in the CCR4 antagonist/lysate immunized group. In general, an inverse correlation was observed between IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-17, KC, MIP-2 and LIX mRNA expression and H. suis colonization density, whereas lower IL-10 expression levels were observed in partially protected animals.  相似文献   
Very high ethanol tolerance is a distinctive trait of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with notable ecological and industrial importance. Although many genes have been shown to be required for moderate ethanol tolerance (i.e., 6 to 12%) in laboratory strains, little is known of the much higher ethanol tolerance (i.e., 16 to 20%) in natural and industrial strains. We have analyzed the genetic basis of very high ethanol tolerance in a Brazilian bioethanol production strain by genetic mapping with laboratory strains containing artificially inserted oligonucleotide markers. The first locus contained the ura3Δ0 mutation of the laboratory strain as the causative mutation. Analysis of other auxotrophies also revealed significant linkage for LYS2, LEU2, HIS3, and MET15. Tolerance to only very high ethanol concentrations was reduced by auxotrophies, while the effect was reversed at lower concentrations. Evaluation of other stress conditions showed that the link with auxotrophy is dependent on the type of stress and the type of auxotrophy. When the concentration of the auxotrophic nutrient is close to that limiting growth, more stress factors can inhibit growth of an auxotrophic strain. We show that very high ethanol concentrations inhibit the uptake of leucine more than that of uracil, but the 500-fold-lower uracil uptake activity may explain the strong linkage between uracil auxotrophy and ethanol sensitivity compared to leucine auxotrophy. Since very high concentrations of ethanol inhibit the uptake of auxotrophic nutrients, the active uptake of scarce nutrients may be a major limiting factor for growth under conditions of ethanol stress.  相似文献   
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