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Three major glycan fractions of 580 kDa (g580), 150 kDa (g150), and 2 kDa (g2) were isolated and purified from Lytechinus pictus sea urchin embryos at the mesenchyme blastula stage by gel filtration and high pressure liquid chromatography. Chemical analysis, by gas chromatography, revealed that g580 is highly sulfated and rich in N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, glucuronic acid, and fucose. The g150 fraction is less acidic than g580 and contains high amounts of amino sugars, xylose, and mannose. The g2 fraction is neutral, rich in N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, and galactose. The g580 and g150 fractions are resistant to glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes, indicating that they are distinct from the glycosaminoglycans. The g580 fraction resembles, with respect to chemical composition, a previously characterized 200 kDa sponge adhesion glycan (g200). The binding of the monoclonal antibody Block 2, which recognizes a repetitive epitope on g200, as well as of the anti-g580 polyclonal antibodies to both g580 and g200 indicated that these two glycans share similar antigenic determinants. The Fab fragments of the Block 2 antibody, which previously have been shown to inhibit cell adhesion in sponges, also blocked the reaggregation of dissociated sea urchin mesenchyme blastula cells. These results indicate that g580 carries a carbohydrate epitope, similar to the sponge adhesion epitope of g200, which is involved in sea urchin embryonal cell adhesion.  相似文献   
Single cell genomics performed on individual human subjects' tumors, neural tissues, and sperm samples revealed the existence of genetic heterogeneity arising through either mutations in exomes, deletions, recombinations, and duplications of DNA sequences, as well as aneuploidy. These genetic changes happen during cell cycles followed by cell division. The aim of this review is to strictly focus on single cell human genomics and intends to deliver information that can help to refine fundamental knowledge relating to genetic causes of cellular heterogeneity origins in both healthy and disease states. Allogenic heterogeneity as well as heterogeneity origins of cells possessing the same genome with different gene expression patterns is not the subject of this review. Future research still requires: a) improvement for complete and errorless DNA acquisition and sequencing of not only selected parts of the genome, and b) analyses of more samples that contain millions of cells. These data will deliver a more precise comparative representation of genetic diversity among single cells in an individual human subject. Consequently, we will be able to better distinguish between the role of genetic, versus epigenetic, and stochastic factors in the cellular diversity of over 30 trillion cells present in a human body.  相似文献   
Glyconectins (GNs) represent a new class of proteoglycan-like cell adhesion and recognition molecules found in several Porifera species. Physico-chemical properties of GN carbohydrate moieties, such as size, composition, and resistance to most glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes, distinguish them from any other type of known glycoproteins. The molecular mechanism of GN-mediated self/non-self discrimination function is based on highly species-specific and Ca(2+)-dependent GN to GN associations that approach the selectivity of the evolutionarily advanced immunoglobulin superfamily. Carbohydrates of glyconectins 1, 2, and 3 are essential for species-specific auto-aggregation properties in three respective Porifera species. To obtain a structural insight into the molecular mechanisms, we performed carbohydrate structural analyses of glyconectins isolated from the three sponge model systems, Microciona prolifera (GN1), Halichondria panicea (GN2), and Cliona celata (GN3). The glycan content of all three GNs ranged between 40 and 60% of their total mass. Our approach using sequential and selective chemical degradation of GN glycans and subsequent mass spectrometric and NMR analyses revealed that each glyconectin presents novel and highly species-specific carbohydrate sequences. All three GNs include distinct acid-resistant and acid-labile carbohydrate domains, the latter composed of novel repetitive units. We have sequenced four short sulfated and one pyruvilated unit in GN1, eight larger and branched pyruvilated oligosaccharides in GN2, which represent a heterogeneous but related family of structures, and four sulfated units in GN3.  相似文献   
Sulfate is an important component relating to normal proteoglycan secretion and normal motility in the marine sponge, Microciona prolifera. The following alterations were observed in sponge cells when sulfate free artificial sea water was used as the suspension medium: (1) impairment of aggregation, (2) loss of cell movements, (3) a marked reduction in the secretion of the adhesion proteoglycan (AP). Reversal of this effect occurred if sulfate depleted cells were again rotated in sulfate containing artificial sea water. Motility and reaggregation of sulfate deprived cells could be completely restored by purified AP, but only if cells were first pre-conditioned in normal sea water. Comparisons of 35SO42? uptake between normal and sulfate deprived cells which had been treated to reduce preformed secretions showed a marked increase in 35SO42? uptake and incorporation which could be greatly augmented in the presence of Ca2+/Mg2+. Excessive retention of AP in sulfate starved cells demonstrated by immunostaining suggested that AP secretion and cellular motility may be controlled by a sulfate dependent secretogogue or that undersulfated AP itself had developed a secretory defect. SDS-PAGE of Triton treated cellular extracts demonstrated a 116 kDa 35SO42? sulfated band which co-migrated with AP, but only in extracts derived from sulfate starved cells. Western blots prepared from such extracts incubated in the presence of a monoclonal anti-band 3 antibody demonstrated labelling of a single 97 kDa band only in material from sulfate deprived cells. The absence of this component in normal cell extracts indicated that this protein may be involved in facilitated sulfate transport. This study lends support to a heretofore unrecognized role for sulfate in cell motility and secretion.  相似文献   
The appearance of multicellular forms of life has been tightly coupled to the ability of an organism to retain its own anatomical integrity and to distinguish self from non-self. Large glycoconjugates, which make up the outermost cell surface layer of all Metazoans, are the primary candidates for the primordial adhesion and recognition functions in biological self-assembly systems. Atomic force microscopy experiments demonstrated that the binding strength between a single pair of Porifera cell surface glyconectin 1 glycoconjugates from Microciona prolifera can hold the weight of 1600 cells, proving their adhesion functions. Here, measurement of molecular self-recognition of glyconectins (GNs) purified from three Porifera species was used as an experimental model for primordial xenogeneic self/non-self discrimination. Physicochemical and biochemical characterization of the three glyconectins, their glycans, and peptides using gel electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, NMR, mass spectrometry, glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzyme treatment, amino acid and carbohydrate analyses, and peptide mapping showed that GNs define a new family of proteoglycan-like molecules exhibiting species-specific structures with complex and repetitive acidic carbohydrate motives different from the classical proteoglycans and mucins. In functional self-assembly color-coded bead, cell, and blotting assays, glyconectins displayed species-specific recognition and adhesion. Affinity-purified monospecific polyclonal antibodies prepared against GN1, -2, and -3 glycans selectively inhibited cell adhesion of the respective sponge species. These results together with species-specific coaggregation of GN carbohydrate-coated beads with cells showed that GN glycans are functional in cell recognition and adhesion. The specificity of carbohydrate-mediated homophilic GN interactions in Porifera approaches the binding selectivity of the evolutionarily advanced immunoglobulin superfamily. Xenoselectivity of primordial glyconectin to glyconectin recognition may be a new paradigm in the self-assembly and non-self discrimination pathway of cellular adhesion leading to multicellularity.  相似文献   
The ABO blood group system in humans has three different carbohydrate antigens named A, B, and O. The A antigen sequence is terminal trisaccharide N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)α1-3[Fucα1-2]Galβ-, B is terminal trisaccharide Galα1-3[Fucα1-2]Galβ-, and O is terminal disaccharide Fucα1-2Galβ-. The single ABO gene locus has three alleles types A, B and O. The A and B genes code A and B glycosyltransferases respectively and O encodes an inactive enzyme. A large allelic diversity has been found for A and B transferases resulting in the genetic subgrouping of each ABO blood type. Genes for both transferases have been cloned and the 3D structure of enzymes with and without substrate has been revealed by NMR and X ray crystallography. The ABO blood group system plays a vital role in transfusion, organ and tissue transplantation, as well as in cellular or molecular therapies.  相似文献   
The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), which is caused by BCR/ABL chimeric oncogene formation in a pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), increases with age and exposure to ionizing radiation. CML is a comparatively well-characterized neoplasm, important for its own sake and useful for insights into other neoplasms. Here, Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) CML data are analyzed after considering possible misclassification of chronic myelo-monocytic leukemia as CML. For people older than 25 years, plots of male and female CML log incidences versus age at diagnosis are approximately parallel straight lines with males either above or to the left of females. This is consistent with males having a higher risk of developing CML or a shorter latency from initiation to diagnosis of CML. These distinct mechanisms cannot be distinguished using SEER data alone. Therefore, CML risks among male and female Japanese A-bomb survivors are also analyzed. The present analyses suggest that sex differences in CML incidence more likely result from differences in risk than in latency. The simplest but not the sole interpretation of this is that males have more target cells at risk to develop CML. Comprehensive mathematical models of CML could lead to a better understanding of the role of HSCs in CML and other preleukemias that can progress to acute leukemia.  相似文献   
Blood group analysis techniques are some of the most in demand immunological applications in clinical transfusion praxis and organ transplantation. In order to aid the advance towards higher throughput and increased sensitivity, analytical solutions dealing with a minimal amount of blood samples and the miniaturization of diagnostic equipment using microchip technologies have been evolving into an optimal solution. Here we review fabrication technologies for various types of microstructure on microchips, related operating procedures, and characterization approaches. Our focus is on examples of microchip technology and instrumentation used for blood group analysis ranging from classical serological methods of glycoprotein detection and solid phase assays, to nucleic acid amplification techniques. Molecular typing using microchip-based techniques is emerging as a supplement to standard serological methods. Microchip technology will play its key role to support blood group analysis at the molecular scale by using microliters of blood samples for extremely sensitive, quantitative, and high throughput analyses.  相似文献   
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