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Chromatin reconstitution on small DNA rings. I   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chromatin was reconstituted using the four core histones on 359 base-pair nicked and closed rings by salt dialysis and/or at physiological ionic strength by means of polyglutamic acid. The products, which consisted of mono- and dinucleosomes, were characterized by gel electrophoresis, sedimentation in sucrose gradients and high-resolution electron microscopy. The results were as follows. (1) The efficiency of the reconstitution was found first to increase with the negative linking difference of the closed rings relative to their relaxed configuration to reach a maximum for -2 turns, and then to decrease for the largest difference of -3 turns. Discrepancies between topoisomers were also observed with regard to differential formation of mono- and dinucleosomes. Topoisomer -1 reconstituted monomers easily but reconstituted dimers with difficulty, whilst this discrimination was virtually absent in the case of topoisomers -2 and -3. Moreover, mononucleosomes on the nicked ring were, with respect to their electrophoretic mobility, similar to mononucleosomes formed on topoisomer -1 but not to those on the other topoisomers, whose mobilities were greater. These features were interpreted in terms of the linking number change associated with the formation of a nucleosome monomer and dimer, approximately -1 and -2 turns, respectively. (2) Two dinucleosome subtypes were found to form in a sequential manner. Their different electrophoretic mobilities and sedimentation coefficients suggested that the early subtype is lighter, probably because of an incomplete histone complement in the second nucleosome of that subtype as a result of an impaired co-operativity in octamer assembly due to the small ring size. (3) An electron microscopic examination of the chromatin reconstituted on topoisomer -2 revealed that both mono- and dinucleosomes adopt two different, salt-dependent, morphologies each: in type I, entering and exiting DNAs do not cross, whilst they do in type II. Type I configuration is favoured in lower salt, whereas type II is favoured in higher salt. Such behaviour explains why nucleosomes in dimers were found to be always diametrically opposed on the rings rather than sometimes apposed, as would have been expected from a random deposition of the histone cores.  相似文献   
Fluorescence studies on aged and young erythrocyte populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structural changes in red blood cell (RBC) membrane are investigated by fluorescence techniques. Results obtained with three probes (DPH, 3-PM and fluorescamine) indicate a significant increase in membrane rigidity associated with aging of RBCs. Discrepancies between our observations and published data could arise from utilization of experimental conditions closer to physiological conditions in our study. Use of intact RBCs continuously manipulated in a 37 degrees C environment could represent experimental conditions favourable to the identification of rheologic membrane changes in senescent RBCs.  相似文献   
Optimization efforts on the anthranilic acid-based Thumb Pocket 2 HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitors 1 and 2 resulted in the identification of multiple structural elements that contributed to improved cell culture potency. The additive effect of these elements resulted in compound 46, an inhibitor with enzymatic (IC50) and cell culture (EC50) potencies of less than 100 nanomolar.  相似文献   
Across a range of taxa, individuals within a species differ in suites of correlated traits. These trait complexes, known as syndromes, can have dramatic evolutionary consequences as they do not evolve independently but rather as a unit. Current research focuses primarily on syndromes relating to aspects of behavior and life history. What is less clear is whether physiological traits also form a syndrome. We measured 10 thermal traits in the delicate skink, Lampropholis delicata, to test this idea. Repeatability was calculated and their across‐context correlations evaluated. Our results were in alignment with our predictions in that individual thermal traits varied consistently and were structured into a physiological syndrome, which we are referring to as the thermal behavior syndrome (TBS). Within this syndrome, lizards exhibited a “thermal type” with each being ranked along a cold–hot continuum. Hot types had faster sprint speeds and higher preferred body temperatures, whereas the opposite was true for cold types. We conclude that physiological traits may evolve as a single unit driven by the need to maintain optimal temperatures that enable fitness‐related behaviors to be maximized.  相似文献   
The cryotolerance in frozen doughs and in water suspensions of bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) previously grown under various industrial conditions was evaluated on a laboratory scale. Fed-batch cultures were very superior to batch cultures, and strong aeration enhanced cryoresistance in both cases for freezing rates of 1 to 56°C min−1. Loss of cell viability in frozen dough or water was related to the duration of the dissolved-oxygen deficit during fed-batch growth. Strongly aerobic fed-batch cultures grown at a reduced average specific rate (μ = 0.088 h−1 compared with 0.117 h−1) also showed greater trehalose synthesis and improved frozen-dough stability. Insufficient aeration (dissolved-oxygen deficit) and lower growth temperature (20°C instead of 30°C) decreased both fed-batch-grown yeast cryoresistance and trehalose content. Although trehalose had a cryoprotective effect in S. cerevisiae, its effect was neutralized by even a momentary lack of excess dissolved oxygen in the fed-batch growth medium.  相似文献   
Extremely low frequency (ELF, <300 Hz) magnetic fields (MF) have been reported to modulate cognitive performance in humans. However, little research exists with MF exposures comparable to the highest levels experienced in occupations like power line workers and industrial welders. This research aims to evaluate the impact of a 60 Hz, 3 mT MF on human cognitive performance. Ninety‐nine participants completed the double‐blind protocol, performing a selection of psychometric tests under two consecutive MF exposure conditions dictated by assignment to one of three groups (sham/sham, MF exposure/sham, or sham/MF exposure). Data were analyzed using a 3 × 2 mixed model analysis of variance. Performance between repetitions improved in 11 of 15 psychometric parameters (practice effect). A significant interaction effect on the digit span forward test (F = 5.21, P < 0.05) revealed an absence of practice effects for both exposure groups but not the control group. This memory test indicates MF‐induced abolition of the improvement associated with practice. Overall, this study does not establish any clear MF effect on human cognition. It is speculated that an ELF MF may interfere with the neuropsychological processes responsible for this short‐term learning effect supported by brain synaptic plasticity. Bioelectromagnetics. Bioelectromagnetics 32:620–633, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The RIG-I/Mda5 sensors recognize viral intracellular RNA and trigger host antiviral responses. RIG-I signals through the adaptor protein MAVS, which engages various TRAF family members and results in type I interferon (IFNs) and proinflammatory cytokine production via activation of IRFs and NF-κB, respectively. Both the IRF and NF-κB pathways also require the adaptor protein NEMO. We determined that the RIG-I pathway is differentially regulated by the linear ubiquitin assembly complex (LUBAC), which consists of the E3 ligases HOIL-1L, HOIP, and the accessory protein SHARPIN. LUBAC downregulated virus-mediated IFN induction by targeting NEMO for linear ubiquitination. Linear ubiquitinated NEMO associated with TRAF3 and disrupted the MAVS-TRAF3 complex, which inhibited IFN activation while stimulating NF-κB-dependent signaling. In SHARPIN-deficient MEFs, vesicular stomatitis virus replication was decreased due to increased IFN production. Linear ubiquitination thus switches NEMO from a positive to a negative regulator of RIG-I signaling, resulting in an attenuated IFN response.  相似文献   
A 3-yr study using different sampling and trapping techniques showed that the arthropod pest fauna in two commercial vineyards in southwestern Quebec was qualitatively and quantitatively different than that of Ontario, Canada, and New York state. We hypothesize that a colder winter climate in addition to the agronomic activity of earthing up around the vines in autumn to protect the roots from freezing in winter contributed to low numbers of pests, such as the grape berry moth, Endopiza viteana Clemens (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Once in 3 yr, the density of this pest approached, in one of the vineyards, the action threshold recommended for New York. Therefore, it should be monitored on an annual basis. Another phytophagous arthropod that has the potential to cause sporadic economic damage is the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). The Asiatic garden beetle, Maladera (= Autoserica) castanea (Arrow), was reported for the first time in Canada. The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), was also captured by sampling. However, its status as a pest has yet to be clarified.  相似文献   
The kidney plays a central role in long-term regulation of arterial blood pressure and salt and water homeostasis. This is achieved in part by the local actions of paracrine and autacoid mediators such as the arachidonic acid-prostanoid system. The present study tested the role of specific PGE(2) E-prostanoid (EP) receptors in the regulation of renal hemodynamics and vascular reactivity to PGE(2). Specifically, we determined the extent to which the EP(2) and EP(3) receptor subtypes mediate the actions of PGE(2) on renal vascular tone. Renal blood flow (RBF) was measured by ultrasonic flowmetry, whereas vasoactive agents were injected directly into the renal artery of male mice. Studies were performed on two independent mouse lines lacking either EP(2) or EP(3) (-/-) receptors and the results were compared with wild-type controls (+/+). Our results do not support a unique role of the EP(2) receptor in regulating overall renal hemodynamics. Baseline renal hemodynamics in EP(2)-/- mice [RBF EP(2)-/-: 5.3 +/- 0.8 ml. min(-1). 100 g kidney wt(-1); renal vascular resistance (RVR) 19.7 +/- 3.6 mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt] did not differ statistically from control mice (RBF +/+: 4.0 +/- 0.5 ml. min(-1). 100 g kidney wt(-1); RVR +/+: 25.4 +/- 4.9 mmHg. ml(-1). min. 100 g kidney wt(-1)). This was also the case for the peak RBF increase after local PGE(2) (500 ng) injection into the renal artery (EP(2)-/-: 116 +/- 4 vs. +/+: 112 +/- 2% baseline RBF). In contrast, we found that the absence of EP(3) receptors in EP(3)-/- mice caused a significant increase (43%) in basal RBF (7.9 +/- 0.8 ml. min(-1). g kidney wt(-1), P < 0.05 vs. +/+) and a significant decrease (41%) in resting RVR (11.6 +/- 1.4 mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt(-1), P < 0.05 vs. +/+). Local administration of 500 ng of PGE(2) into the renal artery caused more pronounced renal vasodilation in EP(3)-/- mice (128 +/- 2% of basal RBF, P < 0.05 vs. +/+). We conclude that EP(3 )receptors mediate vasoconstriction in the kidney of male mice and its actions are tonically active in the basal state. Furthermore, EP(3) receptors are capable of buffering PGE(2)-mediated renal vasodilation.  相似文献   
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