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Summary Euryhaline Crustacea living in dilute media, counterbalance the salt loss by active absorption of NaCl across the gill epithelium. To investigate the mechanisms involved in salt absorption, transeptithelial potential difference (PDte) was measured in isolated, perfused gills of the fiddler crab,Uca tangeri. The influence of some specific inhibitors of epithelial ion transport on the PDte was tested.With symmetrical conditions on both sides of the epithelium, the posterior gills ofUca tangeri showed a spontaneous PDte of +5 to +10 mV, that is an active transport potential which was positive on the bath side as referred to the hemolymph side. This potential decreased considerably after application of KCN or 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) to the perfusion saline.Omission of K+ from the perfusion saline or addition of ouabain led to a reversible drop of the PDte, suggesting that the absorption of Na+ and also of Cl is driven by the (Na++K+)ATPase located in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells.Perfusion of the hemolymph space with saline containing diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) or the loop diuretic furosemide resulted in a decrease of the PDte.After application of amiloride to the bath saline the PDte increased. Half-maximum response to amiloride was reached at a concentration of about 10–5 mol·l–1. This suggests that one of the Na+ pathways across the apical membrane may consist of Na+ channels.Abbreviations PD te transepithelial potential difference - DPC diphenylamine-2-carboxylate - R ps resistance of perfusate shunt - R te transepithelial resistance - R in input resistance - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol Parts of this study have been reported at the 1st Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Liège 1984, and at the Vth European Colloquium on Renal Physiology, Frankfurt, 1985  相似文献   
A novel Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. developmental mutant,waldmeister (wam), is described. This mutant was found in theprogeny arising from an Ac-Ds tagging experiment, but does notappear to be tagged by an introduced transposon. This recessivenuclear mutation maps between GAPB and ap1 on chromosome 1 andshows extreme morphological and physiological changes in bothfloral and vegetative tissues. Changes to the vegetative phenotypeinclude altered leaf morphology, multiple rosettes, stem fasciation,retarded senescence and disturbed geotropic growth. Changesto the floral phenotype include delayed flowering, increasednumber of inflorescences, determinate inflorescences, alterednumber and morphology of floral organs, chimeric floral organs,and ectopic ovules . wam was crossed to a number of previouslydescribed floral mutants: apetela 2, apetela 3, pistillata,agamous, and leafy. The phenotype of the double mutant was ineach case additive. In the case of agamous, however, the indeterminaterepetitive floral structure of agamous was lacking, emphasizingthe determinate inflorescence growth of wam. The extreme phenotypeof the wam mutant is suggestive of a disturbance to a gene ofglobal importance in the regulation of plant growth and development. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, waldmeister, developmental mutant, flower mutant  相似文献   
Abstract. Normal (non-transformed) human mammary epithelial cell lines derived from reduction mammoplasties were analyzed by immunocytochemistry with more than 80 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other specific reagents to tissue-specific and developmentally regulated antigens at different passage levels. A subpopulation of poorly differentiated, proliferating epithelial cells, corresponding to the 'selected' cell type of late passages, is shown to be characterized by a new marker, the histo-blood group antigen H type 2, probably carried on a membrane-bound glycolipid. These cells also express a number of other onco-developmental carbohydrate antigens [Ley, Lex, sialosyl-Lea, precursor of Thomsen Friedenreich antigen (Tn), but not Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen and sialosyl-Tn]. Their cytokeratin (CK) phenotype, as assessed by reactivity with monospecific mAbs and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, is CK 5, 6, 14 and 17, with CK 19 being consistently absent, and varying minor amounts of CK 7, 8 and 18, as well as 15 and 16. The reactivity of these cells with a panel of 11 mAbs specific for CK 18 varies considerably even after cloning, indicating heterogeneity of epitope expression or accessibility. Our data strongly suggest that the H type 2+ cells develop from the basal cell layer of the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Hemocytes are circulating blood cells that play a crucial function in amphipods and other crustacean immune systems. The hemocytes of the marine tropical amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis have been used for the evaluation of DNA damage and micronuclei, but they have not been characterized in the scientific literature. The aim of this study was to describe the hemolymph cells of P. hawaiensis and study their phagocytotic activity. Basic dyes were used to differentiate the cell types and the presence of lipids. The total hemocyte counts (THCs) and the proportion and sizes of the hemocyte types were determined. Hemolymph was exposed to Escherichia coli for verification of the presence of phagocytosis. Three cell types, all containing lipids, were identified in P. hawaiensis: granulocytes (oval shape, 13.4 × 7.6 μm), semi-granulocytes (oval shape, 14.1 × 7.2 μm), and hyalinocytes (round shape, 9.6 × 7.2 μm). Those three cell types were found in different percentages in males (64.8%, 31.1%, and 4.2%) and females (70.1%, 28.2%, and 1.7%). THCs for males were 9007 ± 3800 cells per individual and 4695 ± 1892 cells per individual for females. The cells of E. coli were phagocytized by the hemocytes. Our findings increased the knowledge of hemocytes in P. hawaiensis and is a step forward in using hemocyte-based immune responses as an endpoint in ecotoxicology.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Massenlysaten und Einzelwürfen vonT 4-Kreuzungen steigt der Prozentsatz der Rekombinanten mit steigender Infektionsmultiplizität an, und zwar sowohl zwischen gekoppelten als auch zwischen ungekoppelten Genen. Dieser Befund stimmt mitTrautners (1960) Ergebnissen beiT 1-Kreuzungen überein. Der scheinbarte Widerspruch zuEpsteins (1958) früheren Resultaten beiT 4-Kreuzungen läßt sich erklären, da verschiedene Wirtsbakterien verwendet wurden.Es wird diskutiert, ob dieser Effekt durch die Annahme erklärt werden kann, daß die infizierenden Phagegenome bei der Rekombination brechen und daß die Bruchstellen zufallsgemäß über die Genome einer Phagenpopulation verteilt sind. Die beschriebenen Versuche schließen jedochTrautners Interpretation nicht aus, daß in der infizierten Bakterienzelle eine Topographie existiert, d. h., daß die verschiedenen Genotypen während der Vermehrung nach Einzelinfektion nicht so vollständig durchmischt werden wie nach Mehrfachinfektion.

With 2 Figures in the Text  相似文献   
Affinity chromatography has been used to isolate and compare the peanut agglutinin receptors from neuraminidase-treated human, bovine and porcine erythrocyte membranes. Passage of Triton X-100-solubilised membrane material through either Sepharose- or acrylamide-based affinity columns resulted in the reversible binding of receptor molecules to the immobilised lectin. Elution with 0.2M galactose released specifically bound glycoprotein fractions, the composition and molecular weights of which were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate.Carbohydrate analysis by gas chromatography identified these bound glycoprotein fractions as the major sources of the O-glycosidic-linked disaccharide galactosyl-β-(1 → 3)-N-acetylgalactosamine in these membranes. It is suggested that these isolated fractions represent a discrete population of glycoproteins within the membranes studied, which possess both O-glycosidic- and N-glycosidic-linked carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Regularly arrayed surface (glyco)proteins—often referred to as S layers—are a common feature of the cell envelopes of almost all archaebacteria. We have selected some examples (Halobacterium, Sulfolobus, Thermoproteus, Pyrobaculum, Staphylothermus), and we describe the structure of their surface layers as revealed primarily by electron crystallography. In spite of a considerable diversity in shapes and dimensions, some common structural features emerge from the comparison. The glycoprotein arrays are composed of oligomeric units which are anchored in the plasma membrane; extended spacer or linker domains maintain the bulk of the more or less porous surface layers at a constant distance above the membrane surface, thus creating a quasi-periplasmic compartment. Functions ascribed to surface layers, such as compartmentalization, shape maintenance and determination, and adhesion are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Hagfish hemoglobin has three main components, one of which is Hb III. It is monomeric and consists of 148 amino acid residues (M = 17 350). Its complete primary structure, previously published, is discussed here. The proximal amino acid (F8) of the heme linkage is histidine as always in the hemoglobins, but the regularly expected distal histidine E7 is substituted by glutamine. This substitution, leading to a new kind of heme linkage, has hitherto only been demonstrated in opossum hemoglobin. It is suggested that E7, Gln, is directed out of the heme pocket, and that the adjacent Ell, Ile, is directed toward the inside of the pocket, giving the distal heme contact instead of histidine.Myxine Hb III has an additional tail of 9 amino acid residues at its N-terminal end, as has the hemoglobin ofLampetra fluviatilis. The genetic codes ofMyxine andLampetra hemoglobins show 117 differences, in spite of many morphological resemblances between hagfish and lamprey. Their primary hemoglobin structures show differences substantial enough to bo compatible with the divergence of the two families some 400–500 million years ago.  相似文献   
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