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A longitudinal, epidemiological study was carried out in a rural area of Kenya with a population of about 28,000 between 1974 and 1980. Population registration during this time showed that population growth was very high between 1974 and 1978 (4.4%/year) and much lower in 1979 and 1980 (1.1%). Natural increase was nearly as high as in Kenya as a whole (3.7%) in this period. Fertility was somewhat lower than in all Kenya (the crude birth rate was 46/1000) while mortality was substantially lower (7/1000). These rates are believed to be genuine and not due to under reporting of infant deaths. The most likely reason for these low infant mortality levels is the existence of favorable economic, social and hygienic conditions in the area compared to other parts of Kenya. The adult mortality rates are low too, in particular for the population aged 65 and over. The main reason is the overestimation of ages, in particular of women in the older age brackets, which has led to too large a denominator of the age specific rates in these age groups. Levels of temporary and permanent migration are high and probably characteristic for many parts of Kenya. Of the 19% of the registered population absent when visited by the fieldworkers, there were more males (23%) than females (14%). The % of absenteeism is higher for males between 20-59 years old, and also for females between 15 and 30. About 3% of the population is away for a short time, visiting relatives, attending weddings and funerals or occupied as traders. The large majority of absentees (14%) consists of temporary labor migrants and family members accompanying them. Many are gainfully employed in Nairobi and other towns in Kenya; some are farmers who seasonally move to another farm which they own outside the area. Others are wives and children who temporarily join their husbands, or polygamous men who are temporarily staying with another wife outside the area. All permanent movements to and from the study area, as well as within it, show that on average migration inwards and outwards balanced each other in the 7-year period. The gross migration rate is substantially higher for females than for males. This is due to family related reasons: marriage, divorce, separation. Other categories of migrants are those families who establish a new business or farm elsewhere, teachers and pastors who are transferred, and farm laborers, housemaids and servants. Poor economic conditions of 1979/80, due to a drop in coffee prices and poor harvests of coffee, maize and beans, led to more emigration and less immigration.  相似文献   
We used the Luo and Rudy (LR) mathematical model of the guinea pig ventricular cell coupled to experimentally recorded guinea pig ventricular cells to investigate the effects of geometrical asymmetry on action potential propagation. The overall correspondence of the LR cell model with the recorded real cell action potentials was quite good, and the strength-duration curves for the real cells and for the LR model cell were in general correspondence. The experimental protocol allowed us to modify the effective size of either the simulation model or the real cell. 1) When we normalized real cell size to LR model cell size, required conductance for propagation between model cell and real cell was greater than that found for conduction between two LR model cells (5.4 nS), with a greater disparity when we stimulated the LR model cell (8.3 +/- 0.6 nS) than when we stimulated the real cell (7.0 +/- 0.2 nS). 2) Electrical loading of the action potential waveform was greater for real cell than for LR model cell even when real cell size was normalized to be equal to that of LR model cell. 3) When the size of the follower cell was doubled, required conductance for propagation was dramatically increased; but this increase was greatest for conduction from real cell to LR model cell, less for conduction from LR model cell to real cell, and least for conduction from LR model cell to LR model cell. The introduction of this "model clamp" technique allows testing of proposed membrane models of cardiac cells in terms of their source-sink behavior under conditions of extreme coupling by examining the symmetry of conduction of a cell pair composed of a model cell and a real cardiac cell. We have focused our experimental work with this technique on situations of extreme uncoupling that can lead to conduction block. In addition, the analysis of the geometrical factors that determine success or failure of conduction is important in the understanding of the process of discontinuous conduction, which occurs in myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
In the past decade, three mathematical models describing the pacemaker activity of the rabbit sinoatrial node have been developed: the Bristow-Clark model, the Irisawa-Noma model, and the Noble-Noble model. In a comparative study it is demonstrated that these models, as well as subsequent modifications, all have several drawbacks. A more accurate model, describing the pacemaker activity of a single pacemaker cell isolated from the rabbit sinoatrial node, was constructed. Model equations, including equations for the T-type calcium current, are based on experimental data from voltage clamp experiments on single cells that were published during the last few years. In contrast to the other models, only a small amount of background current contributes to the overall electrical charge flow. The action potential parameters of the model cell, its responses to voltage clamp steps and its current-voltage relationships have been computed. The model is used to discuss the relative contribution of membrane current components to the slow diastolic depolarization phase of the action potential.  相似文献   
Specific binding of [125I]-(−)-cyanopindolol to human tracheal smooth muscle membranes was saturable, stereo-selective and of high affinity (Kd=5.3±0.9 pmol/l and RT=78±7fmol/g tissue). The β1-selective antagonists atenolol and LK 203-030 inhibited specific [125I]-(−)-cyanopindolol binding according to a one binding site model with low affinity in nearly all subjects, pointing to a homogeneous β2-adrenoceptor population. In one subject using LK 203-030 a small β-adrenoceptor subpopulation could be demonstrated. The beta-mimetics isoprenaline, fenoterol, salbutamol and terbutaline recognized high and low affinity agonist binding sites. Isoprenaline's pKH- and pKL- values for the high and low affinity sites were 8.0±0.2 and 5.9±0.3 respectively. In functional experiments isoprenaline relaxed tracheal smooth muscle strips having intrinsic tone with a pD2-value of 6.63±0.19.  相似文献   
The receptor occupancy-biological effect relationship for muscarinic receptors in guinea pig ileal smooth muscle has been studied by comparison of radioligand binding and contractile response. Muscarinic receptors in homogenates of ileal smooth muscle were labeled with [3H]-1-Quinuclidinyl benzilate. Treatment with propylbenzilylcholine mustard (PrBCM), to inactivate irreversibly muscarinic receptors, caused a large dose dependent rightward shift of the dose-response curve to three agonistic furtrethonium derivatives with a concomitant decrease in maximal response. Using those data, the fraction of receptors remaining unoccupied (q-values) and "true affinity constants" (-log KA-values) were calculated. Exposure to 20 or 60 nM PrBCM for 15 minutes resulted in a 39% and a 61% reduction in specific [3H]-1-Quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites respectively to be compared with a 62% and a 85% decrease expected from calculated q-values. KA-values for the methyl and ethyl derivative agreed well with the dissociation constants for the high affinity agonist sites determined from displacement of [3H-]-1-Quinuclidinyl benzilate. The KA-value for the propylfurtrethonium corresponds to the low affinity agonist dissociation constant. The fraction of receptors in the high affinity agonist state differs considerably for the three furtrethonium derivatives investigated. Neither the fraction of receptors in the high affinity agonist state, nor the ratio of dissociation constants for these states is affected by the alkylation of 85% of the functional muscarinic receptors. The inactivation of components of the effector system by PrBCM seems unlikely.  相似文献   
A metabolomic approach was applied to a mouse model of starvation-induced hepatic steatosis. After 24 h of fasting it appears that starvation reduced the phospholipids (PL), free cholesterol (FC), and cholesterol esters (CE) content of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). In liver lipid profiles major changes were observed using different techniques. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)-measurements of liver-homogenates indicated a significant rise of FC with 192%, triacylglycerols (TG) with 456% and cholesterol esters (CE) with 268% after 24 h of starvation in comparison with the control group. Reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry measurements (LC-MS) of liver homogenate indicated that the intensity of Phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the 24-h starvation group dropped to 90% of the value in the control group while the intensity of CE and TG increased to 157% and 331%, respectively, of the control group. Interestingly, a 49:4-TG with an odd number of C atoms appeared during starvation. This unique triacylglycerol has all characteristics of a biomarker for detection of hepatic steatosis. These observations indicate that in mammals liver lipid profiles are a dynamic system which are readily modulated by environmental factors like starvation.  相似文献   
As in vivo 31P-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy is currently the state of the art method to measure continuously intracellular pH (pH(i)) and energy status of muscle tissue, we used this method to study the recovery from exhaustive exercise. The biochemical changes during recovery are not well understood and it was suggested that post-exercise mortality could be caused by low pH(i); other studies however indicate that energy depletion might be more important. To analyse the mechanism of post-exercise recovery pH(i), ATP, P(i), and PCr must be measured at the same time, which is possible using in vivo 31P-NMR. Common carp and rainbow trout of about 100 g were exercised to exhaustion in a swim tunnel. After swimming 10 h at 1.5 body lengths (BL)/s (aerobic control), 50% of the fish were forced to swim at 6 BL/s until exhaustion. Recovery of energy rich phosphates was found to be faster in carp (1.2-1.9 h) than in trout (1.5-2.3 h). The same applied for the recovery from acidosis, which took 1.75 h in carp and 5.75 h in trout. In parallel experiments the energy phosphates and lactate levels were measured in liver, red muscle, and white muscle. Exhaustion caused a significant drop in the energy status of red and white muscle tissue of trout and carp (corroborates NMR data), while no change at all was observed in liver tissue. The lactate levels were increased in the muscle but not in liver and blood. While all experimental animals looked healthy after exhaustion, 40-50% of the carp as well as trout died during the recovery phase. The energy status of those individuals measured by 31P-NMR was much lower than that of the survivors, while in contrast there was no difference in pH(i). Thus, it appears that not acidosis but depletion of high energy phosphates disabled muscle function and therefore may have been the cause of death of the non-survivors.  相似文献   
Radiotelemetry provides an alternative means of obtaining physiological measurements from conscious and freely moving animals, without introducing stress artefacts. A surgical procedure is described for implanting radiotelemetry transmitters to monitor the electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate (HR) and body temperature (BT) in small goldfish (Carassius auratus; 50-100 g) and Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio; 100 g). This type of transmitter is commonly implanted in freely moving mice. After surgery and a recovery period of 24 h, the ECG, HR and BT were recorded in freely swimming fish within the limitations of the aquarium.  相似文献   
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