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Prey intake by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was measured across different riparian vegetation types: grassland, open canopy deciduous and closed canopy deciduous, in upland streams in County Mayo, Western Ireland. Fishes were collected by electrofishing while invertebrates were sampled from the benthos using a Surber sampler and drifting invertebrates collected in drift traps. Aquatic invertebrates dominated prey numbers in the diets of 0+ year Atlantic salmon and brown trout and 1+ year Atlantic salmon, whereas terrestrial invertebrates were of greater importance for diets of 1+ and 2+ year brown trout. Terrestrial prey biomass was generally greater than aquatic prey for 1+ and 2+ year brown trout across seasons and riparian types. Prey intake was greatest in spring and summer and least in autumn apart from 2+ year brown trout that sustained feeding into autumn. Total prey numbers captured tended to be greater for all age classes in streams with deciduous riparian canopy. Atlantic salmon consumed more aquatic prey and brown trout more terrestrial prey with an ontogenetic increase in prey species richness and diversity. Atlantic salmon and brown trout diets were most similar in summer. Terrestrial invertebrates provided an important energy subsidy particularly for brown trout. In grassland streams, each fish age class was strongly associated with aquatic, mainly benthic invertebrates. In streams with deciduous riparian canopy cover, diet composition partitioned between conspecifics with older brown trout associated with surface drifting terrestrial invertebrates and older Atlantic salmon associated with aquatic invertebrates with a high drift propensity in the water column and 0+ year fish feeding on benthic aquatic invertebrates. Deciduous riparian canopy cover may therefore facilitate vertical partitioning of feeding position within the water column between sympatric Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Implications for riparian management are discussed.  相似文献   
长非编码RNA(long non-coding RNAs, lncRNAs)在肿瘤发生、发展进程中承担重要角色,是近年来的研究热点之一。大量研究表明,浆细胞瘤变异易位基因1(plasmacytoma variant translocation 1, PVT1)可通过多种分子机制参与调控消化系统肿瘤的增殖凋亡、迁移侵袭、细胞自噬、血管生成、多药耐药及肿瘤代谢等过程,从而发挥致癌作用。本文主要就PVT1在消化系统肿瘤中的表达水平变化,及其与临床病理特征和预后的关系,以及PVT1对消化系统肿瘤的致癌作用机制和多药耐药机制等研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
大鼠肝癌模型CBRH—3的建立及其生物学特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
强家模  叶红 《动物学报》1996,42(2):166-171
用DENA诱发近交系Wistar大鼠,经三个月后得原发性肝癌,移植于同品系幼鼠,从而建立了 一株染色体众数正常,AEP阳性的大鼠移植性肝癌模型,命名为CBRH-3,病理鉴定为肝细胞型肝 癌。至今已传至60余代,目前生长稳定。  相似文献   
Summary This paper reviews the evidence for impacts of metals on the growth of selected plants and on the effects of metals on soil microbial activity and soil fertility in the long-term. Less is known about adverse long-term effects of metals on soil microorganisms than on crop yields and metal uptake. This is not surprising, since the effects of metals added to soils in sewage sludge are difficult to assess, and few long-term experiments exist. Controlled field experiments with sewage sludges exist in the UK, Sweden, Germany and the USA and the data presented here are from these long-term field experiments only. Microbial activity and populations of cyanobacteria,Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii, mycorrhizae and the total microbial biomass have been adversely affected by metal concentrations which, in some cases, are below the European Community's maximum allowable concentration limits for metals in sludge-treated soils. For example, N2-fixation by free living heterotrophic bacteria was found to be inhibited at soil metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 127 Zn, 37 Cu, 21 Ni, 3.4 Cd, 52 Cr and 71 Pb. N2-fixation by free-living cyanobacteria was reduced by 50% at metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 114 Zn, 33 Cu, 17 Ni, 2.9 Cd, 80 Cr and 40 Pb.Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii numbers decreased by several orders of magnitude at soil metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 130–200 Zn, 27–48 Cu, 11–15 Ni, and 0.8–1.0 Cd. Soil texture and pH were found to influence the concentrations at which toxicity occurred to both microorganisms and plants. Higher pH, and increased contents of clay and organic carbon reduced metal toxicity considerably. The evidence suggests that adverse effects on soil microbial parameters were generally found at surpringly modest concentrations of metals in soils. It is concluded that prevention of adverse effects on soil microbial processes and ultimately soil fertility, should be a factor which influences soil protection legislation.  相似文献   
近50年青藏高原的气候变化速率是全球平均值的2倍,对高原有蹄类的种群分布和多样性维持带来严重影响。本研究以西藏类乌齐马鹿国家级自然保护区的马鹿种群为例,通过2013年和2021年对马鹿和牦牛种群数量、分布的调查,并整合了物种分布模型和种群动态模型,评估了当前和未来气候变化及人类活动(放牧、道路、居民点等)对马鹿种群适应性分布的影响。研究表明,马鹿种群在2013—2021年由890头增加到1 400头,根据种群增长模型预计在2050年马鹿种群数量将达到1 735头,但其适宜栖息地在2050年代下降43.4%,2070年代下降5.1%,表明马鹿种群增长与适宜栖息地缩小之间的冲突将不利于马鹿种群的可持续发展。同时,当前马鹿与牦牛栖息地重合率为19%,2050年代为60%,2070年代为37%,且牦牛与马鹿存在食物竞争,这在一定程度上减少了马鹿原有的适宜栖息地。为保护马鹿,建议减少牦牛的饲养量1 000~1 500头。本研究将种群增长模型、种间竞争关系与物种分布模型整合,把气候变化对物种的影响延伸到种群层面,对其他物种的保护具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
在有氧条件下,脓青素可以缓解强光对菠菜叶绿体电子传递的抑制作用。加入解联剂尼日利亚菌素消除跨膜质子梯度会加剧叶绿体的光抑制,但脓青素的保护作用并不消失。脓青素对光系统Ⅰ与光系统Ⅱ均表现出保护作用,但对PSⅡ的保护在光抑制初期较明显;在厌氧条件下,脓青素加剧叶绿体的光抑制,引起DCIP光还原与水到p-BQ电子传递活力的降低。推测脓青素可能通过促进细胞色素b559介导的PSⅡ循环电子传递,减轻了叶绿体的光抑制。  相似文献   
【目的】克隆源于海鲍内脏中一株不动杆菌Acinetobacter sp.的酯酶基因estA,并对其进行重组表达和性质研究。【方法】利用分子生物学技术克隆出酯酶基因estA并构建pPICZα-C-estA重组表达载体,并通过电转化方法将重组质粒转入毕赤酵母X33中;通过甲醇诱导培养重组菌获得重组酯酶,并对重组酯酶进行生化表征。【结果】克隆得到的estA基因序列全长912 bp,编码304个氨基酸;重组X33发酵上清液中酯酶酶活力达到1 200 U/L,重组酯酶的分子量约为33.7 kD;酶学性质研究表明重组酯酶催化底物对硝基苯乙酸乙酯水解反应的最适pH和温度为8.0和40?C,在pH 8.0-10.0温度及小于60?C时具有较好的稳定性。【结论】成功克隆了海洋来源的不动杆菌酯酶基因并在Pichia pastoris中实现了高效表达。  相似文献   
于2009年7月至2010年11月,对浙江千岛湖两个岛屿上的社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)种群进行标志重捕,并采用8个高多态性的微卫星位点,对两个岛屿的社鼠种群进行家群分析和亲权鉴定,探讨了社鼠家群的亲缘关系特征。结果显示,8个微卫星位点能可靠地对两个岛屿社鼠种群进行亲权鉴定,A岛已确定亲缘关系的71只社鼠分为12个家群,家群中的个体数最多达到19个,B岛已确定的49只社鼠个体共分为11个家群,家群中的个体数最多达到14个。家群内部成员之间的亲缘关系表现为配对繁殖的个体对间亲缘系数最小,揭示了社鼠倾向于选择亲缘关系较远的异性作为配偶。家群中雄性后代个体之间与雌性个体之间的亲缘关系相比,两岛表现情况相反,该结果暗示两岛屿上社鼠扩散行为可能有所不同。通过计算与同一雄性(或同一雌性)交配的个体间的亲缘系数,发现两个岛屿上的社鼠在与不同异性交配时也存在选择性,即避免选择亲缘关系较近的异性作为混交的对象。  相似文献   
从活性污泥中筛选出一株高效的微生物絮凝剂产生菌,鉴定为鲍曼不动杆菌.蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验未显示该菌株所产絮凝剂具有遗传毒性.该菌产絮凝剂的最佳碳源和氮源分别为葡萄糖和酵母浸出汁,培养时间为24 h.在絮凝体系中加入Ca2 能明显提高发酵液的絮凝率.在pH为8.0时对高岭土悬浊液和污水具有良好的絮凝效果.  相似文献   
云南主要有害实蝇种类及区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈旭  刘晓飞  叶辉 《生态学报》2010,30(3):717-725
采用诱剂诱捕辅以受害瓜果调查的方法,系统梳理了云南有害实蝇类群,确定主要有害种类25种。基于云南自然地理特征,采用聚类分析法深入探讨了云南实蝇区系,提出云南实蝇地理区划可分为德宏、版纳盆谷区,南部边缘中低山宽谷区,滇西南山原峡谷区,中东部高原、岩溶山原区以及北部高原山地区等5大区域。研究发现,受热量条件制约,云南主要有害实蝇类群呈南北向梯度递减;受纵向岭谷区"通道-阻隔"综合作用影响,云南西南部河谷地区是实蝇危害较为严重的区域。首次系统揭示了云南主要有害实蝇的地理分布规律。  相似文献   
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