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Autophagy is an important cellular process that controls cells in a normal homeostatic state by recycling nutrients to maintain cellular energy levels for cell survival via the turnover of proteins and damaged organelles. However, persistent activation of autophagy can lead to excessive depletion of cellular organelles and essential proteins, leading to caspase-independent autophagic cell death. As such, inducing cell death through this autophagic mechanism could be an alternative approach to the treatment of cancers. Recently, we have identified a novel autophagic inducer, saikosaponin-d (Ssd), from a medicinal plant that induces autophagy in various types of cancer cells through the formation of autophagosomes as measured by GFP-LC3 puncta formation. By computational virtual docking analysis, biochemical assays and advanced live-cell imaging techniques, Ssd was shown to increase cytosolic calcium level via direct inhibition of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase pump, leading to autophagy induction through the activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase–AMP-activated protein kinase–mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. In addition, Ssd treatment causes the disruption of calcium homeostasis, which induces endoplasmic reticulum stress as well as the unfolded protein responses pathway. Ssd also proved to be a potent cytotoxic agent in apoptosis-defective or apoptosis-resistant mouse embryonic fibroblast cells, which either lack caspases 3, 7 or 8 or had the Bax-Bak double knockout. These results provide a detailed understanding of the mechanism of action of Ssd, as a novel autophagic inducer, which has the potential of being developed into an anti-cancer agent for targeting apoptosis-resistant cancer cells.  相似文献   


We have previously set up an in vitro mesenchymal-epithelial cell co-culture model which mimics the intestinal crypt villus axis biology in terms of epithelial cell differentiation. In this model the fibroblast-induced epithelial cell differentiation from secretory crypt cells to absorptive enterocytes is mediated via transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), the major inhibitory regulator of epithelial cell proliferation known to induce differentiation in intestinal epithelial cells. The aim of this study was to identify novel genes whose products would play a role in this TGF-β-induced differentiation.  相似文献   


Deacetylation of histones plays a fundamental role in gene silencing, and this is mediated by a corepressor complex containing Sin3 as an essential scaffold protein. In this report we examine the evolution of two proteins in this complex, the Sin3-associated proteins SAP30L and SAP30, by using an archive of protein sequences from 62 species.  相似文献   


The post-genomic era has brought new challenges regarding the understanding of the organization and function of the human genome. Many of these challenges are centered on the meaning of differential gene regulation under distinct biological conditions and can be performed by analyzing the Multiple Differential Expression (MDE) of genes associated with normal and abnormal biological processes. Currently MDE analyses are limited to usual methods of differential expression initially designed for paired analysis.  相似文献   


Many protein interactions, especially those involved in signaling, involve short linear motifs consisting of 5-10 amino acid residues that interact with modular protein domains such as the SH3 binding domains and the kinase catalytic domains. One straightforward way of identifying these interactions is by scanning for matches to the motif against all the sequences in a target proteome. However, predicting domain targets by motif sequence alone without considering other genomic and structural information has been shown to be lacking in accuracy.  相似文献   
In order to identify pathogenic correlates of refractory rheumatoid arthritis (RA), antibodies against anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (ACPAs) were investigated in RA patients in whom the dysregulated immune system had been ablated by high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Six patients with refractory RA were extensively characterized in terms of levels of total immunoglobulins, RA-specific autoantibodies (ACPAs and rheumatoid factor) and antibodies against rubella, tetanus toxoid (TT) and phosphorylcholine before and after HDC plus HSCT. Additionally, the avidity of ACPAs was measured before and after treatment and compared with the avidity of TT antibodies following repeated immunizations. Synovial biopsies were obtained by arthroscopy before HDC plus HSCT, and analyzed by immunohistochemistry. In the three patients with clinically long-lasting responses to HDC plus HSCT (median 423 days), significant reductions in ACPA-IgG levels after therapy were observed (median level dropped from 215 to 34 arbitrary units/ml; P = 0.05). In contrast, stable ACPA-IgG levels were observed in three patients who relapsed shortly after HDC plus HSCT (median of 67 days). Clinical responders had ACPA-IgG of lower avidity (r = 0.75; P = 0.08) and higher degree of inflammation histologically (r = 0.73; P = 0.09). Relapse (after 38 to 530 days) in all patients was preceded by rising levels of low avidity ACPA-IgG (after 30 to 388 days), in contrast to the stable titres of high avidity TT antibodies. In conclusion, humoral autoimmune responses were differentially modulated by immunoablative therapy in patients with synovial inflammation and low avidity ACPA-IgG autoantibodies as compared with patients with high levels of high avidity ACPA-IgG. The distinct clinical disease course after immunoablative therapy based on levels and avidity of ACPA-IgG indicates that refractory RA is not a single disease entity.  相似文献   


B-cell depletion has become a common treatment strategy in anti-TNF-refractory rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although the exact mechanism of how B-cell depletion leads to clinical amelioration in RA remains to be elucidated, repetitive treatment with B-cell-depleting agents leading to long-term B-cell depletion has been reported to be beneficial. The latter has led to the hypothesis that the beneficial effects of B-cell depletion might act through their influence on pathogenic autoreactive plasma cells.


In this study, we investigated the effects of a fixed retreatment regimen with anti-CD20 mAbs on the humoral (auto)immune system in a cohort of therapy-refractory RA patients.


Fixed retreatment led to long-term B-cell depletion in peripheral blood, bone marrow and, to a lesser extent, synovium. Also, pathologic autoantibody secretion (that is, anticitrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPAs)) was more profoundly affected by long-term depletion than by physiological protective antibody secretion (that is, against measles, mumps and rubella). This was further illustrated by a significantly shorter estimated life span of ACPA-IgG secretion compared to total IgG secretion as well as protective antibody secretion.


By studying plasma cell function during an extensive 2-year period of B-cell depletion, autoantibody secretion was significantly shorter-lived than physiologically protective antibody secretion. This suggests that the longevity of autoreactive plasma cells is different from protective long-lived plasma cells and might indicate a therapeutic window for therapies that target plasma cells.  相似文献   
RCL is a c-Myc target with tumorigenic potential. Genome annotation predicted that RCL belonged to the N-deoxyribosyltransferase family. However, its putative relationship to this class of enzymes did not lead to its precise biochemical function. The purified native or N-terminal His-tagged recombinant rat RCL protein expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits the same enzyme activity, deoxynucleoside 5'-monophosphate N-glycosidase, never before described. dGMP appears to be the best substrate. RCL opens a new route in the nucleotide catabolic pathways by cleaving the N-glycosidic bond of deoxynucleoside 5'-monophosphates to yield two reaction products, deoxyribose 5-phosphate and purine or pyrimidine base. Biochemical studies show marked differences in the terms of the structure and catalytic mechanism between RCL and of its closest enzyme family neighbor, N-deoxyribosyltransferase. The reaction products of this novel enzyme activity have been implicated in purine or pyrimidine salvage, glycolysis, and angiogenesis, and hence are all highly relevant for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
Cho  YK; Farbman  AI; Smith  DV 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):735-742
The G protein subunit alpha-gustducin is expressed in a subset of light (Type II) but not in dark (Type I) cells in rat vallate taste buds. The thymidine analogue 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) is incorporated into DNA during the S-phase of the cell cycle and can be used to determine the time of origin of a cell. In this study, 31 rats were injected with BrdU (50 mg/kg i.p.) and perfused at various times, from 2.5 to 10.5 days, following BrdU administration. Vallate papillae were embedded in polyester wax, cut into 4 microm transverse sections, and characterized with antibodies to BrdU and alpha-gustducin. Sections were processed for indirect immunofluorescence or with an immunoperoxidase procedure. From immunoperoxidase material on 21 rats, counts of alpha-gustducin- and BrdU-labeled cells were obtained from 300-800 taste bud profiles at each survival time; a total of 4122 taste bud profiles were examined. Cells with nuclei immunoreactive for BrdU occurred within the taste buds at 2.5 days and double-labeled cells were clearly evident at 3.5 days; a small number of double-labeled cells were seen as early as 2.5 days. Double-labeled cells reached a peak at 6.5 days and did not decline significantly by 10.5 days. Cells labeled for BrdU but not alpha-gustducin peaked at 5.5 days and showed a significant decline by 8.5 days. These latter cells included light cells not expressing alpha- gustducin and dark cells, which have previously been shown to have a shorter life span than light cells. These data suggest that expression of alpha-gustducin appears very early in a cell's life span and that these cells are longer lived than many of the cells that do not express this G protein.   相似文献   
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