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A 200-fold purification of the maturation-promoting factor or MPF from unfertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis is reported for the first time. Purification was achieved by three successive column chromatographies on hydroxyapatite, trisacryl blue and L-arginine-agarose. The presence of MPF was assessed by the usual maturation criteria after injections of test material into immature stage VI unstimulated X. laevis oocytes: the precocious appearance of the maturation spot (within 45-120 min), the germinal vesicle breakdown, the presence of the first polar body and the second metaphase spindle. Purification was monitored by the decrease of the minimal amount of protein injected in a constant volume (50 nl) required to induce 50% frequency of germinal vesicle breakdown. This amount decreased from 500 ng in the crude extract to 2.5 ng in the 200-fold purified material. Analysis by SDS-PAGE of the crude extract showed about 40 Coomassie-blue-stained polypeptides with molecular masses ranging from 300 kDa to 20 kDa, whereas in the 200-fold purified MPF only 5 stained polypeptides were revealed, with molecular masses of 62, 53, 49, 39 and 37 kDa. In vitro phosphorylations for the detection of kinase activities for endogenous and exogenous substrates were monitored by analysis of autoradiograms of SDS-PAGE, after treatment of fractions with [gamma-32P]ATP. Only inactive fractions eluted from columns ahead of MPF, and fractions containing MPF activity were tested. Phosphorylation of numerous stained polypeptides was demonstrated in the crude MPF extract and exogenous substrates such as phosvitin, casein and histone type II-AS were also strongly phosphorylated. In the MPF fraction, purified on hydroxyapatite, a polypeptide of 53 kDa was more highly and specifically phosphorylated and the presence of kinase activities was observed for the above three exogenous substrates. In the 100-fold and 200-fold purified MPF, phosphorylation of endogenous substrates could not be shown and kinase activities for the above three substrates were drastically decreased as compared with the crude and purified MPF obtained after hydroxyapatite column chromatography. However, neither endogenous phosphorylations nor kinase activities with the above exogenous substrates could be shown in inactive fractions eluted ahead of MPF at the different purification steps. Some characteristics of the purified material are also described in this paper.  相似文献   
Top predators from the northern sub-polar and polar areas exhibit high cadmium concentrations in their tissues. In the aim to reveal possible adverse effects, samples of five Atlantic white-sided dolphins Lagenorhyncusacutus have been collected on the occasion of the drive fishery in the Faroe Islands, for ultrastructural investigations and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyses. Cadmium concentrations were less than the limit of detection in both immature individuals and ranged from 22.7 to 31.1 μg g?1 wet weight in the mature individuals. Two individuals with the highest cadmium concentrations exhibited electron dense mineral concretions in the basal membranes of the proximal tubules. They are spherocrystals made up of numerous strata mineral deposit of calcium and phosphorus together with cadmium. Cadmium has been detected with a molar ratio of Ca:Cd of 10:1 in the middle of these concretions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such granules in a wild vertebrate. The role of these granules in the detoxification of the metal and the possible pathological effects are considered.  相似文献   
Sulfate reduction and S-oxidation in a moorland pool sediment   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In an oligotrophic moorland pool in The Netherlands, S cycling near the sediment/water boundary was investigated by measuring (1) SO4 2– reduction rates in the sediment, (2) depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water column and (3) release of35S from the sediment into the water column. Two locations differing in sediment type (highly organic and sandy) were compared, with respect to reduction rates and depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments of an oligotrophic moorland pool were estimated by diagenetic modelling and whole core35SO4 2– injection. Rates of SO4 2– consumption in the overlying water were estimated by changes in SO4 2– concentration over time in in situ enclosures. Reduction rates ranged from 0.27–11.2 mmol m–2 d–1. Rates of SO4 2– uptake from the enclosed water column varied from –0.5, –0.3 mmol m–2 d–1 (November) to 0.43–1.81 mmol m–2 d–1 (July, August and April). Maximum rates of oxidation to SO4 2– in July 1990 estimated by combination of SO4 2– reduction rates and rates of in situ SO4 2– uptake in the enclosed water column were 10.3 and 10.5 mmol m–2 d–1 at an organic rich and at a sandy site respectively.Experiments with35S2– and35SO4 2– tracer suggested (1) a rapid formation of organically bound S from dissimilatory reduced SO4 2– and (2) the presence of mainly non SO4 2–-S derived from reduced S transported from the sediment into the overlying water. A35S2– tracer experiment showed that about 7% of35S2– injected at 1 cm depth in a sediment core was recovered in the overlying water column.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments with higher volumetric mass fraction of organic matter did not significantly differ from those in sediments with a lower mass fraction of organic matter.Corresponding author  相似文献   
Changes both in the ATPase myofibrillar profile and in the electrophoretic pattern of myosin isoforms were examined in the mouse dorsal skeletal muscle (longissimus) during postnatal development. In the newborn, only type II C and a few type I fibers were present; differentiation into type II A and II B fibers took place during the 3 weeks following birth. During the same period, a transition from three neonatal isomyosins to four adult isoforms was observed. The two phenomena were related to a marked increase in the serum thyroid hormones levels. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism experiments were performed. Hypothyroidism produced by propylthiouracil treatment of pregnant females and thiourea injections of the litters was shown to induce a complete inhibition of postnatal muscular differentiation. Hyperthyroidism produced by triiodothyronine treatment of the neonate mice significantly accelerated the myosin transition and the switch in the myofibrillar pattern. Our results suggest a primordial role for thyroid hormones in directly regulating the appearance of myosin and fiber adult types and in modulating directly or indirectly the disappearance of the neonatal types.  相似文献   
While there is currently intense effort to examine the 13C signal of CO2 evolved in the dark, less is known on the isotope composition of day‐respired CO2. This lack of knowledge stems from technical difficulties to measure the pure respiratory isotopic signal: day respiration is mixed up with photorespiration, and there is no obvious way to separate photosynthetic fractionation (pure ci/ca effect) from respiratory effect (production of CO2 with a different δ13C value from that of net‐fixed CO2) at the ecosystem level. Here, we took advantage of new simple equations, and applied them to sunflower canopies grown under low and high [CO2]. We show that whole mesocosm‐respired CO2 is slightly 13C depleted in the light at the mesocosm level (by 0.2–0.8‰), while it is slightly 13C enriched in darkness (by 1.5–3.2‰). The turnover of the respiratory carbon pool after labelling appears similar in the light and in the dark, and accordingly, a hierarchical clustering analysis shows a close correlation between the 13C abundance in day‐ and night‐evolved CO2. We conclude that the carbon source for respiration is similar in the dark and in the light, but the metabolic pathways associated with CO2 production may change, thereby explaining the different 12C/13C respiratory fractionations in the light and in the dark.  相似文献   
The advances in high-resolution mass spectrometry instrumentation, capable of accurate mass measurement and fast acquisition, have enabled new approaches for targeted quantitative proteomics. More specifically, analyses performed on quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometers operated in parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mode leverage the intrinsic high resolving power and trapping capabilities. The PRM technique offers unmatched degrees of selectivity and analytical sensitivity, typically required to analyze peptides in complex samples, such as those encountered in biomedical research or clinical studies. The features of PRM have provoked a paradigm change in targeted experiments, by decoupling acquisition and data processing. It has resulted in a new analytical workflow comprising distinct methods for each step, thus enabling much larger flexibility. The PRM technique was further enhanced by a new data acquisition scheme, allowing dynamic parameter settings. The potential of the technique may radically impact future quantitative proteomics studies.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of surface waters of two Dutch moorland pools and of incident precipitation, was monitored from 1982 to 1990. For this period, sulfur and water budgets were calculated using a hydrochemical model developed for well-mixed non-stratifying lakes. Total atmospheric deposition of S decreased significantly after 1986 at both locations. A model describing the sulfur budget in terms of input, output and reduction/oxidation processes predicted a fast decrease of pool water SO4 2− concentrations after a decrease of atmospheric input. However, SO4 2− concentrations in the surface water was lowered only slightly or remained constant. Apparently a source within the lake caused the unexpectedly high SO4 2− concentrations. The possible supply of SO4 2− from the sediment through regulation by (K-)Al-SO4 containing minerals or desorption of SO4 2− from positively charged surfaces in the sediment was evaluated. Solubility calculations of pore water with respect to alunite, basaluminite and jurbanite indicated that SO4 2− concentration was not regulated by these minerals. It is suggested here (1) that desorption of SO4 2− from peaty sediments may account for the estimated SO4 2− supply provided that the adsorption complex is periodically recharged by partial oxidation of the upper bottom sediments and (2) that because of exposure of a part of the pool bottom to the atmosphere during dry summers and subsequent oxidation of reduced S, the amount of SO4 2− may be provided which complements the decreasing depositional SO4 2− input. In future research these two mechanisms need to be investigated.  相似文献   
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