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Umbonuloid frontal shields arc described in the type species of Lepraliella, Drepanophora, Frurionella, Tessaradoma, Hincksipora, Stephanopora , and Pseudolepralia. Consequences to classification include the following: the family group names Lepralielloidea and Lepralicllidae have subjective priority over Umbonuloidea and Celleporariidae, respectively; Cylindroporeh is excluded from the Tessaradomidae and included in the Gigantoporidae; Tessarudoma bifax Cheetham is included in Srnithsonius (Bifaxariidae); Hincksiporidae is confirmed as a family of Lepralielloidea; Stephanoporu , with newly discovered dimorphic orifices, comprises two species which are the basis for a new exechonellid subfamily Stephanoporinae; and a new umbonulomorph superfamily, Pseudolepralioidea, is established for Pseudolepraliu (Pseudolepraliidae). Kladapheles gen.n., is established for an erect branching species of Lepraliellidae from New Zealand.  相似文献   
Using museum specimens, we studied recent changes in skull size of the American marten Martes americana , in continental Alaska. In Alaska, global warming has resulted in milder winters that may contribute to an improved food supply in the wild. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that body size of the marten had increased during the second half of the 20th century, in response to global warming. We found that skull size, and by implication body size, increased significantly during the second half of the 20th century, possibly due to an improved food supply and/or lower metabolic demands in winter. Improved food availability in winter may result from the improved nutritional conditions for prey, and/or from increased access to prey resulting from a longer snow-free season. Longitude had a significant positive effect on skull size and a significant negative effect on teeth size. In Alaska, the climate is milder along the western coast and becomes harsher inland. Hence, the milder climate was associated with larger body size providing further support for our prediction that body size of the American marten was influenced by food availability and reduced energy expenditure. The negative relationship between longitude and teeth size may indicate a trend towards a larger prey in inland marten populations, but we have no data to support or refute this hypothesis.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 701–707.  相似文献   
The effects of repeated annual application of methiocarb-based slug pellets, broadcast on the soil surface and drilled into the seed bed, on carabid beetle activity were investigated over a four year period on a winter-sown cereal field using pitfall traps in barriered plots. Following applications in late autumn all winter-active carabid populations were severely depressed; total carabid activity falling to less than 5% and 10–15% following broadcast and drilled applications, respectively, compared with untreated plots. Spring and summer-active species, not active at the time of application, were largely unaffected by applications and were responsible for a gradual recovery of total activity from early spring onwards. Activity of all affected winter species remained demonstrably depressed on treated areas for the remainder of their seasonal incidence. However, all except one species, Bembidion obtusum, recovered to normal activity levels in the following season prior to reapplication. Recovery patterns are discussed in terms of the known biology of the species involved. Evidence that a minority of summer-active species were also affected by treatments, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively, were attributed to indirect effects possibly involving prey availability and foraging behaviour. The long-term ecological and short-term agronomic implications of methiocarb effects on carabid populations in winter-sown cereals are discussed.  相似文献   
Microborings in the primary shell layer of Recent brachiopods are clearly seen to avoid endopunctamicroscopic canals pervading the shell fabric and housing papillose extcnlions of the mantle (the caeca). This avoidance confirms the suggestion that the caecal contents inhibit boring organisms (Owen & Williams 1969; Proc. R. Soc. Loud. B, 172 ), and as such the caecum can be considered as an important instrument in protecting the brachiopod shell. A comparison of the relative fecundity of co-habitating impunctate and cndopunctate New Zealand brachiopods provides indirect evidence that the caecum may indeed also function in a nutrient storage capacity. Brachiopods, microborings, primary shell layer, endopuncta, defence, storage.  相似文献   
A hypothesis has been developed to relate stringent control in bacteria to a set of interactions involved in the regulation of growth of transformed and untransformed mammalian cells.  相似文献   
After a photoperiod of 8.25 h during which the youngest fullyexpanded leaf of uniculm barley plants was allowed to assimilate14CO2 for 30 min, groups of plants were transfered either tocontinuous light or to continuous dark. Plants were harvestedover a 72 h period to examine the effect of the treatments (comparedwith control plants growing in normal light/dark cycles) onthe transport of 14C from the exposed leaf, the distributionof 14C assimilates to the rest of the plant, and the chemicalfate of assimilated 14C. In continuous light a substantial quantity (22% at 72 h) ofthe 14C assimilated by the leaf remained in that leaf in theform of starch and neutral sugars compared with only 4% in thecontrol fed leaf. Also the total amount of 14C respired fromplants maintained in continuous light was significantly less(c. 18% of the total originally fixed by 24 h) than that respiredfrom control plants (c. 36%). The result was that approximatelyequal amounts of 14C were accumulated in the growing leavesand roots of plants given continuous light or normal light/darkcycles. In continuous dark the fate of 14C was similar to that of controlplants. This is probably because the two treatments shared acommon light/dark environment for the first 22 h, during whichtime almost complete distribution and utilization of 14C occurred.  相似文献   
Analysis of growth during geotropic curvature in seedling hypocotyls   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract. The patterns of growth in organs curving under the influence of gravity were analysed by time-lapse photography of cress and cucumber hypocotyls which were delimited into 1 mm zones by ion-exchange beads. Geotropic curvature resulted from changes in growth rate on both sides of the organ. Growth inhibition of varying degrees of intensity occurred in all the previously growing zones of the upper (concave) side. An absolute reduction in length due to compression frequently occurred in some zones. Also, in both species growth stimulation was observed on the lower (convex) side. The disparity in growth rate between the upper and lower surfaces varied with time, being more apparent in the subapical region in the first hour of curvature. A later promotion of growth rate on the lower surface subsequently increased the curvature of the more basal zones. Autotropic straightening occurred as a consequence of growth changes, both inhibitory and stimulatory, in the apical zones. These events indicate a polarity of response in which apical zones have precedence over basal zones.  相似文献   
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