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Increasing agricultural intensification has put farmland bird populations under great stress. Although organically managed farms tend to have higher densities of farmland birds than conventionally managed holdings, differences in crop management may also lead to differences in breeding success. With the use of agrochemicals prohibited on organic farms, weeds are controlled using mechanical methods that may pose a threat to ground-nesting birds. This study compares the territory densities and nesting success of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus on organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. Territory densities were generally higher on organic farms, although in one year nesting success was lower on organic than on conventional farms. This was caused by higher nest loss resulting from farming activities on organic farms. There were no differences in predation rates. The results of this study show that breeding Lapwings may face potential threats on organic farms. To sustain or enhance Lapwing populations on these farms, additional conservation measures should be implemented.  相似文献   
Vitellogenin is the serum precursor of the yolk proteins -lipovitellin,rß-lipovitellin, and phosvitin. The precursor canbe dissociated to produce the yolk proteins only by proteolyticenzymatic action, to which it is very susceptible. Denaturationin sodium dodecyl sulfate, combined with reduction of disulfidebridges and blocking of thiols, yields a complex with a molecularweight of 200,000 to 250,000. -Lipovitellin contains three polypeptides,with molecular weights of about 135,000, 105,000, and 40,000,and rß-lipovitellin is composed of two polypeptidechains with molecular weights of 135,000 and 30,000. The 40,000subunit of -lipovitellin and both rß-lipovitellinsubunits are phosphopeptides We tested RNA isolated from the liver of estrogen-treated roostersfor mRNA activity in a cell-free reticulocyte system. The vitellogeninmRNA has a sedimentation coefficient greater than 28S and thuscontains enough information to code for a long polypeptide chain.Estrogen administration to roosters induces the appearance ofvitellogenin and a lowdensity lipoprotein, the syntheses ofwhich are not coordinated. The course of vitellogenin synthesiswas calculated from accumulation and turnover data, and it wasfound that from about 25 hr after estradiol-17rß administrationthe rate of vitellogenin synthesis increases linearly for severaldays, paralleling an increase in vitellogenin-synthesizing polysomes.Thus, we estimate a constant translation rate of about 8 aminoacids per ribosome per sec. A "memory" effect is observed when a second hormone dose isgiven some time after the vitellogenin induced by the firstdose has disappeared from the blood. After the second dose vitellogeninsynthesis is detected sooner, and its initial increase is morerapid, than after the first dose. Although the synthesis ofvitellogenin starts 3 to 4 hr after the second as well as afterthe first injection, the rate of synthesis after the first injectionincreases much more slowly during the first 15 hr than duringthe subsequent period of linear accumulation, whereas afterthe second injection the linear increase in the rate of synthesisbegins immediately after the lag period of 3 to 4 hr. The "memory"effect is undiminished even 50 days after the first hormonedose; thus, the causative factor either is very stable or issynthesized in great excess during the first stimulation. Whenthe second injection is given during the descending part ofthe turnover curve, an increase in vitellogenin synthesis isobserved within 3.5 hr. There are thus at least three different effects of estradiol;(i) the "memory" effect, which probably is due to commitmentor differentiation of vitellogenin-synthesizing cells; (ii)the effect that causes the committed cells to give full responseafter the 3- to 4-hr lag period; and (iii) the effect that causesthe immediate response. To explain these results we suggestthat committed cells can synthesize vitellogenin mRNA only duringa certain period of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
As part of a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, the conservation of Sri Lanka's endemic biodiversity warrants special attention. With 51 species (50 of them endemic) occurring in the island, the biodiversity of freshwater crabs is unusually high for such a small area (65 600 km2). Freshwater crabs have successfully colonized most moist habitats and all climatic and elevational zones in Sri Lanka. We assessed the biodiversity of these crabs in relation to the different elevational zones (lowland, upland and highland) based on both species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Three different lineages appear to have radiated simultaneously, each within a specific elevational zone, with little interchange thereafter. The lowland and upland zones show a higher species richness than the highland zone while – unexpectedly – phylogenetic diversity is highest in the lowland zone, illustrating the importance of considering both these measures in conservation planning. The diversity indices for the species in the various IUCN Red List categories in each of the three zones suggest that risk of extinction may be related to elevational zone. Our results also show that overall more than 50% of Sri Lanka's freshwater crab species (including several as yet undescribed ones), or approximately 72 million years of evolutionary history, are threatened with extinction.  相似文献   
Clutches of ground‐nesting farmland birds are often destroyed by farming operations, resulting in insufficient reproductive success and subsequently declining populations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether volunteer nest protection can enhance nest success of ground‐nesting birds. The study compared nest success of protected and unprotected Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests over 2 years on arable farms in the Netherlands. Because of different crop management, nest success of ground‐breeding birds might differ between organic and conventional arable farms. The effectiveness of volunteer nest protection was therefore investigated on both farm types. Although nest protection significantly reduced nest loss due to farming operations, there were no significant differences in total clutch survival of protected and unprotected nests. However, sample sizes of unprotected nests, and protected nests on organic farms, were relatively small, which may have reduced statistical power. There were indications that protected nests were predated or deserted more often. We recommend exploring different ways to improve the effectiveness of volunteer nest protection through a further reduction of nest loss due to farming operations and predation.  相似文献   
1. Many insects are expanding their distribution range polewards as a result of climate change, which has been shown to be associated with founder effects leading to a reduction in genetic diversity and an increase in genetic differentiation. These spatial genetic patterns may arise from colonisation from a broad expansion front or a limited neighbourhood after a stepping stone model of dispersal. The temporal persistence of such founder effects are poorly understood, mainly because studies looking at the fine‐scale initial temporal dynamics of the genetic signature of a range expansion are rare. 2. Using microsatellite markers, we performed a detailed spatiotemporal genetic analysis of the range expanding damselfly Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur) along a coastal axis during the first years after colonisation. 3. A decrease was in (private) allelic richness when going northwards along the coastline, which is consistent with a scenario of cumulative founder events. In spite of the spatiotemporal dynamics in the observation records of the species along the coastline, the spatial genetic data indicated a major contribution from the broad expansion front during the colonisation of the coastline rather than a stepping‐stone colonisation process. 4. The fine‐scale temporal dynamics of the range expansion indicated the absence of persistent founder effects and instead showed considerable temporal instability in genetic indices at the more northern edge populations. This may be explained by genetic immigration and admixture from the broad expansion front in this active disperser.  相似文献   
The floodplains of the West‐African Sahel region have experienced extensive habitat transformation during the past four decades, coinciding with an impoverishment of raptor populations. We investigated foraging patterns of Palaearctic migratory Eurasian Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus, Pallid Harriers C. macrourus and Montagu’s Harriers C. pygargus on a floodplain system in northern Cameroon to assess species, sex‐ and age‐related habitat preferences. Sex and age have rarely been incorporated into general studies of raptor habitat associations, despite clear evidence of intrasexual and age‐related differences in foraging strategies and diet composition, potentially carrying strong conservation implications. We found evidence of sexual differences in foraging preference related to land use, particularly in the most sexually dimorphic Pallid Harrier, and evidence that juveniles used different habitats to adults. This constitutes the first quantitative documentation of such differentiation by Palaearctic raptors on African wintering grounds, indicating that general patterns of habitat use in wintering raptors may obscure sex‐ and age‐specific preferences. Contrary to expectations, we found limited evidence for interspecific foraging segregation. Food partitioning by prey mass was related to harrier body mass and facilitated by a diverse availability of prey on human‐transformed floodplains. Anticipated further large‐scale conversion of floodplain habitat into predominantly desiccated grasslands raises concerns about the survival of wintering harriers.  相似文献   
Exposure of plants to mild chronic stress can cause induction of specific, stress-induced morphogenic responses (SIMRs). These responses are characterized by a blockage of cell division in the main meristematic tissues, an inhibition of elongation and a redirected outgrowth of lateral organs. Key elements in the ontogenesis of this phenotype appear to be stress-affected gradients of reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidants, auxin and ethylene. These gradients are present at the the organismal level, but are integrated on the cellular level, affecting cell division, cell elongation and/or cell differentiation. Our analysis of the literature indicates that stress-induced modulation of plant growth is mediated by a plethora of molecular interactions, whereby different environmental signals can trigger similar morphogenic responses. At least some of the molecular interactions that underlie morphogenic responses appear to be interchangeable. We speculate that this complexity can be viewed in terms of a thermodynamic model, in which not the specific pathway, but the achieved metabolic state is biologically conserved.  相似文献   
The cell wall, a strong extraprotoplasmic layer surrounding plant cells that mainly consists of a variety of polysaccharides, constitutes a major barrier for potential parasites. Plant-parasitic nematodes are well equipped to overcome this barrier as they produce and secrete cell-wall-degrading enzymes. Expression profiling of various life stages of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis revealed a novel pectate lyase gene ( Gr-pel2 , 759 bp). The Gr-PEL2 protein showed highest similarity to pectate lyases from the facultative plant-parasitic nematodes Bursaphelenchus mucronatus and B. xylophilus and the soil-inhabiting saprophytic Streptomyces and Frankia species (i.e. 40–42% identity and 58–60% similarity), whereas only a remote relatedness to the previously identified Gr-PEL1 was observed (i.e. 28% identity and 43% similarity). Transient expression of Gr-pel2 in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana resulted in severe malformations of the infiltrated tissues, not relating to maceration and soft rot symptoms. Ca2+ is known to be essential for pectate lyase activity, and the most likely calcium-binding site was identified in the Gr-PEL2 protein by combining homology modelling of the three-dimensional structure, site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression in leaves. A highly charged cleft in Gr-PEL2, which is likely to be involved in substrate binding and which is also significantly more hydrophobic in Gr-PEL1, was shown to be essential for protein activity. Our results underline the broad spectrum of pectate lyases and cell-wall-degrading enzymes necessary for successful parasitism by cyst nematodes.  相似文献   
Dormant and after-ripened seeds of Agrostemma githago (corn-cockle)were pretreated in polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG) solutions attemperatures which would have allowed germination if the seedshad been imbibed in water, viz. 4?C or 20?C for after-ripenedseeds, and 4?C for dormant seeds. Pretreated seeds germinatedfaster than untreated seeds. The maximum decrease of the T50(time to 50% germination) was 66%. Furthermore, pretreated seedswere capable of germination at supra-optimal temperatures whichotherwise had inhibited germination completely (20?C for dormantseeds and 30?C for after-ripened seeds). The percentage germinationat a supra-optimal temperature was considerably higher whenthe seeds had been primed at a temperature at which they developedmore extension power. The advantageous effects of the osmotic pretreatment were lessthan might be expected when the osmoticum had inhibited onlycell elongation. This was largely, if not fully, due to a generaldetrimental effect of osmotic stress and not to a selectiveinhibition of the processes which occur during the pregerminativephase in preparation for growth. Thus, during priming seedscomplete all or almost all processes which occur in water-imbibedseeds prior to radicle emergence. Key words: Agroatemma githago, dormancy, germination, germination performance, osmotic stress, priming  相似文献   
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