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Several leaf photosynthesis models were developed from wellcontrolled experiments in growth chambers. However, only a fewhave been validated under greenhouse conditions for their quantitativeand qualitative adequacy. In this paper, rates of net photosynthesisfor a tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) were measuredin a semi-commercial greenhouse (615 m3) for a significant timeperiod. Concomitant measurements of climatic conditions andLAI were used for simulation of net photosynthesis using theTOMGRO model which integrates Acock's model for photosynthesiscalculations. From simulations and from sensitivity analysis,the prediction of net photosynthesis appeared to be very sensitiveto the quantum use efficiency. The Acock model with originalparameters underestimated the net photosynthesis rate, but anincrease in the quantum use efficiency by 10% gave a good fit.In an effort to generalize the validity of the model, a residualanalysis was performed and showed a systematic bias relatedto light intensity intercepted by the canopy. The Marquardtalgorithm was used to adjust our data to the model but did noteliminate residual heterogeneity of variance with new parametervalues. On the basis of collected data, the criteria of goodnessof fit used showed that the photosynthesis model is inadequatein describing the CO2-balance of the greenhouse agrosystem.However, it was determined that it could be used as a submodelwithin a more complex model for predicting growth and development.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Greenhouse, CO2-balance, photosynthesis, TOMGRO model, Acock's model, residuals, tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.  相似文献   
  • 1 Benthic microflora (bacteria and algae) and macro invertebrates on two types of introduced substrates, unglazed clay tiles and sterilized rocks, were compared quantitatively with natural rocks in a third-order stream. Big Sulphur Creek, California, U.S.A.
  • 2 Exposure periods ranging from 28 to 153 days for introduced substrates indicated that tiles accurately represented bacterial density, chlorophyll a, and macro invertebrate density and species composition of natural rocks within 28 days; phaeophytin and total organic material (as ash-free dry weight) were accurately represented within 63 days. In contrast. sterilized rocks required a 63 day exposure to simulate most of the above natural-rock features.
  • 3 Tiles reduced sampling variability (i.e. increased precision) when compared with either natural or sterilized rocks, especially the variability associated with algal measurements. In benthic studies where a sufficiently long exposure period is possible (1-2 months), introduced substrates can reduce the effort and cost of benthic sampling while minimizing habitat disruption.
The geographical and bathymetric distribution of southern African octocorals is analysed. Of the over 200 estimated species of regional octocorals, 81 confirmed and adequately described species are studied using a radial sector method. Two primary faunal components are recognized–endemic (53.3% of the fauna by numbers of species) and Indo-Pacific (39.4%). An Atlantic component contributes only minimally (about 1.7%), while the remaining fauna is made up of cosmopolites (2.8%) and scattered species (2.8%). A subantarctic component is not evident for the present-day, although evidence for previous contact is presented. A sister-group analysis using genera as a guide to sister species, shows the biogeographic affinities for the present-day fauna as a whole to be 45% Indo-Pacific, 31% cosmopolitan, 10% endemic, 10% Atlantic and 4% southern oceans (subantarctic). Applying the same method to only those genera with endemic species shows the affinities of the present-day endemic fauna to be 27.5% Indo-Pacific, 27.5% endemic, 24% cosmopolitan, 14% Atlantic and 7% subantarctic. Clearly defined boundaries for west, south, and east coast faunas (as recognized by previous authors in describing various intertidal faunas) are found not be present with regard to the octocoral fauna (largely due to its overwhelmingly subtidal nature). Instead two primary zoogeographic provinces are recognized–the Cape Endemic Province (extending from Liideritz to Inhaca Island) and the south-western fringe of the Indo-Pacific Province from East London north-eastwards. An overlap zone between these two is recognized between East London and Inhaca Island, with the region in the vicinity of Richards Bay having an essentially evenly mixed fauna (roughly 50% Cape Endemic Province and 50% Indo-Pacific). Of the 84 octocoral genera recorded for the region, seven (or 8.3%) are endemic, and of these, five are monotypic while two are ditypic. The fauna is shown to be predominantly sublittoral (about 95% by numbers of species), the shallow sublittoral (< 100 m in depth) being the region with highest species richness. Pennatulaceans are eurybathic (intertidal to 4756 m) and clearly show a high proportion of cosmopolites (20% of presently identified species). Soft corals are stenobathic and restricted to the intertidal, continental shelf and uppermost portion of the continental slope (<500m), while gorgonians are intermediate in depth distributon (intertidal to 1200 m). No cosmopolitan alcyonaceans are presently recorded. The centre of the Cape Endemic Province is the Agulhas Bank–an extensive region of shallow continential shelf (< 200 m in depth) between Cape Town and East London. Two regions of octocoral radiation for southern Africa are postulated–the Agulhas Bank and the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. A method is described whereby ephippia (sexual eggs plus protective membranes) are experimentally induced at low food levels (≤ 0.05 mg spinach D. magna -1), high female culture-densities (≤ 0.4 D. magna ml-1) and in short-day photoperiods (L:D < 12:12, 12°C). The density-dependent ephippial response was related to an increased encounter rate between females at the higher densities. External metabolites had no significant effect on ephippia production. Ephippia were formed in the second generation after exposure to short day-lengths. Five clones from the same population exhibited genetic variation in their critical photoperiods for induction of sexual reproduction (≥= 10% ephippia). There was evidence of a genetic difference in photoresponse between two populations of D. magna. The evolution of timing mechanisms for ephippia production are discussed in relation to the predictability of environmental change.  相似文献   
Based on analyses of variation in plumage, morphometrics, vocalizations, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we document the occurrence of interspecific hybridization between a Chestnut-naped Antpitta Grallaria nuchalis and a Chestnut-crowned Antpitta G. ruficapilla in a high-elevation forest fragment in the Cordillera Central of the Andes of Colombia. One hybrid individual was collected and at least two were recorded singing. The hybrid specimen exhibits a combination of phenotypic traits that exclude other species of antpittas as potential parents, and its vocalizations combine elements of songs of both of its parental species. Genetic analyses demonstrate that the hybrid has G. nuchalis mitochondrial DNA and mixed nuclear DNA with copies corresponding to G. nuchalis and G. ruficapilla alleles, demonstrating that the female parent was G. nuchalis. Hybridization is considered extremely rare in most groups of suboscine passerines, but it may be facilitated when populations are decimated as a consequence of deforestation and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   
In arid Australia, changes to historic fire regimes may now produce more large‐scale wildfire events. The impacts of these fires on fauna communities are poorly known. We sought to test the impacts of fire on the occurrence of two arid‐zone snake species, the desert death adder (Acanthophis pyrrhus) and monk snake (Parasuta monachus), specialist inhabitants of hummock grassland and mulga shrubland, respectively. We also examined the influence of fire on the occurrence of a habitat generalist, the sympatric Stimson's python (Antaresia stimsoni). Under an Information‐Theoretic framework we modelled the occurrence of each species with a range of habitat variables, including fire history, using logistic regression. As predicted, the two habitat specialists were more likely to be encountered at locations that had a lower percentage of surrounding area burnt in the most recent wildfires (2002), while fire variables failed to predict the occurrence of the habitat generalist. Acanthophis pyrrhus, already predisposed to endangerment through a suite of life‐history characteristics, may be at increased risk through accidental and deliberate burning and fragmentation of old‐growth hummock grasslands. We stress the importance of prescribed burning and natural fire breaks in maintaining areas of old‐growth hummock grassland across the landscape.  相似文献   
The lack of availability of sources of resistance against Alternaria brassicicola within the family Brassicaceae has made oilseed mustard plants a target for one of the most damaging and widespread fungal diseases, Alternaria black spot. Of the other non‐host‐resistant/tolerant plants, Sinapis alba, white mustard, is considered to be the most important apart from Arabidopsis. To understand the defence response of S. alba upon incompatible interaction with this pathogen, a functional genomic approach using cDNA amplified fragment length polymorphism was performed. The highly reproducible bands, found to be either more amplified or uniquely present in infected S. alba plants compared with non‐infected plants, were further subjected to comparative reverse Northern analysis in the incompatible white mustard (S. alba) and compatible India mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. The suppression of 46% of the genes in the compatible background indicates the possibility of effective and specific recognition of Alternaria in S. alba. Analysis of the 118 genes up‐regulated specifically in infected S. alba compared with B. juncea showed that 98 genes have similarity to proteins such as receptor‐like protein kinase genes, genes involved with calcium‐mediated signalling and salicylic acid‐dependent genes as well as other genes of known function in Arabidopsis. The apparent expression profile data were further confirmed for selected genes by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Classification of these genes on the basis of their induction pattern in Arabidopsis indicates that the expression profile of several of these genes was distinct in S. alba compared with B. juncea.  相似文献   
An antitropical distribution represents an intriguing disjunction, in which a given species or sister lineages occupy regions north and south of the tropics but are absent from the intervening areas. Solenogyne mikadoi endemic to the Ryukyu Archipelago is regarded as an Australian element. Testing the phylogenetic relationship with Australian congeners and discussing the onset timing and causes of the disjunction would potentially enhance the understanding of antitropical distribution. A nuclear ribosomal DNA phylogeny was reconstructed using Bayesian and most parsimonious criteria with allied genera. Solenogyne was monophyletic and clustered with Lagenophora huegelii endemic to Australia, indicating the antitropical distribution and Australian origin of Solenogyne. Multispecies coalescent analysis based on nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA indicated the divergence of S. mikadoi and Australian congeners in the Plio‐Pleistocene. Phylogenetic network analyses suggested that the ancestral lineage of S. mikadoi first colonized the southernmost island in the archipelago and then dispersed northward. The migration to the archipelago likely followed the flourishing of Solenogyne in open vegetation communities that radiated in south‐eastern Australia during the late Pliocene. This disjunction might arise through long‐distance dispersal across the tropics or, alternatively, through extinction in the tropics as a result of unsuitably high temperatures during climate oscillation and/or competitions from diverse tropical flora surviving since the early Tertiary. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 197–217.  相似文献   
Wetlands evapotranspire more water than other ecosystems, including agricultural, forest and grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (Ca) on wetland evapotranspiration (ET) are largely unknown. Here, we present data on 12 years of measurements of ET, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), and ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE, i.e. NEE/ET) at 13:00–15:00 hours in July and August for a Scirpus olneyi (C3 sedge) community and a Spartina patens (C4 grass) community exposed to ambient and elevated (ambient+340 μmol mol?1) Ca in a Chesapeake Bay wetland. Although a decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community was counteracted by an increase in leaf area index (LAI) to some extend, ET was still reduced by 19% on average over 12 years. In the S. patens community, LAI was not affected by elevated Ca and the reduction of ET was 34%, larger than in the S. olneyi community. For both communities, the relative reduction in ET by elevated Ca was directly proportional to precipitation due to a larger reduction in stomatal conductance in the control plants as precipitation decreased. NEE was stimulated about 36% at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community but was not significantly affected by elevated Ca in S. patens community. A negative correlation between salinity and precipitation observed in the field indicated that precipitation affected ET through altered salinity and interacted with growth Ca. This proposed mechanism was supported by a greenhouse study that showed a greater Ca effect on ET in controlled low salinity conditions compared with high salinity. In spite of the differences between the two communities in their responses to elevated Ca, EWUE was increased about 83% by elevated Ca in both the S. olneyi and S. patens communities. These findings suggest that rising Ca could have significant impacts on the hydrologic cycles of coastal wetlands.  相似文献   
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