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Loss-of-function mutations in parkin are the major cause of early-onset familial Parkinson's disease. To investigate the pathogenic mechanism by which loss of parkin function causes Parkinson's disease, we generated a mouse model bearing a germline disruption in parkin. Parkin-/- mice are viable and exhibit grossly normal brain morphology. Quantitative in vivo microdialysis revealed an increase in extracellular dopamine concentration in the striatum of parkin-/- mice. Intracellular recordings of medium-sized striatal spiny neurons showed that greater currents are required to induce synaptic responses, suggesting a reduction in synaptic excitability in the absence of parkin. Furthermore, parkin-/- mice exhibit deficits in behavioral paradigms sensitive to dysfunction of the nigrostriatal pathway. The number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of parkin-/- mice, however, is normal up to the age of 24 months, in contrast to the substantial loss of nigral neurons characteristic of Parkinson's disease. Steady-state levels of CDCrel-1, synphilin-1, and alpha-synuclein, which were identified previously as substrates of the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of parkin, are unaltered in parkin-/- brains. Together these findings provide the first evidence for a novel role of parkin in dopamine regulation and nigrostriatal function, and a non-essential role of parkin in the survival of nigral neurons in mice.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Nuevo León is a state in northeastern Mexico, near the border of Texas. Mean mortality rate from 1996-98 due to anencephaly cases was 0.6/1,000. In 1999 a surveillance program for the registry and prevention of neural tube defects (NTD) cases was initiated. METHODS: Cases were obtained from hospitals and OB-GYN clinics by immediate notification, death certificates, or fetal death registries. Only isolated cases of NTD were included. In August 1999 a folic acid campaign was initiated with the free distribution of the vitamin to low-income women with a recommendation to take a 5.0-mg pill once a week. Number of cases and rates from 1999 to 2001 were compared (chi(2) test). RESULTS: After 2 years there has been a significant reduction in the number of cases and rates. In 1999 there were 95 NTD cases and in the years 2000 and 2001 there were only 59 and 55 respectively (P < 0.001). NTD rate decreased from 1.04/1,000 in 1999 to 0.58/1,000 in 2001. Anencephaly and spina bifida rates decreased from 0.55/1,000 to 0.29/1,000 and from 0.47/1,000 to 0.22/1,000 respectively, from 1999-2001. Decrease of female cases was higher than male cases for both phenotypes. CONCLUSION: After 2 years there was a 50% decrease in the incidence of anencephaly and spina bifida cases with a significant reduction of infant mortality and disability. These results encourage us to propose the use of a single tablet of 5.0-mg of folic acid per week as an alternative to supplementation on a daily basis.  相似文献   
A confirmatory method for the analysis of ethinylestradiol extracted from cattle hair was developed. After the extraction of the xenobiotic from the hair, by using alkaline digestion, the purification of the extract was carried out by employing diphasic dialysis. For the optimization of the technique several parameters was evaluated such as pH, extraction solvents, temperatures, times and agitation speeds. The detection and confirmation of the steroid was accomplished by using a GC-MS2 ion trap system after trimethylsilylation. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 4-20 ng/g. The detection and quantification limit were 0.52 and 0.80 ng/g respectively; with recoveries up to 94%.  相似文献   
The aim of this study has been to determine the prevalence of oral candidiasis and oral Candida carriers in an AIDS population under highly active antiretroviral therapy. Eighty-six AIDS patients treated with an antiretroviral combination (indinavir o ritonavir o saquinavir + zidovudine [AZT] + lamivudine [3TC]). Patients were grouped attending the predisposing factors for HIV infection in: intravenous drug users (IDU), heterosexuals, homosexuals, patients using hematological products or having unknown factors. Oral cavity was examined and an oral specimen was inoculated in a chromogenic culture medium (Albicans ID, bioMérieux, France). The prevalence of oral Candida lesions was 30.2% and Candida was isolated from 54.7% of patients. The predominant species was C. albicans serotype A in all the groups with the exception of homosexual patients, were C. albicans serotype B was the predominant. The IDU group showed the higher prevalence of Candida lesions and oral yeasts colonization, followed by the group of heterosexuals and homosexuals. An association was found between the presence of lesions and/or Candida spp. and the clinical stage or the viral concentration. The species Candida dubliniensis was isolated in the oral samples of two patients with candidosis and in two individuals without oral candidosis. The finding of this species in Spanish patients can be added to the data obtained in epidemiological studies in other countries.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are secreted endopeptidases that play an essential role in remodeling the extracellular matrix (ECM). MMPs are primarily active during development, when the majority of ECM remodeling events occurs. In adults, elevated MMP activity has been observed in many pathological conditions such as cancer and osteoarthritis. The proteolytic activity of MMPs is controlled by their natural inhibitors - the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). In addition to blocking MMP-mediated proteolysis, TIMPs have a number of MMP-independent functions including binding to cell surface proteins thereby stimulating signaling cascades. TIMP-2, the most studied member of the family, can both inhibit and activate MMPs directly, as well as inhibit MMP activity indirectly by upregulating expression of RECK, a membrane anchored MMP regulator. While TIMP-2 has been shown to play important roles in breast cancer, we describe how the MMP-independent effects of TIMP-2 can modulate the invasiveness of MCF-7, T47D and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Using an ALA + TIMP-2 mutant which is devoid of MMP inhibition, but still capable of initiating specific cell signaling cascades, we show that TIMP-2 can differentially affect MMP activity and cellular invasiveness in both an MMP dependent and independent manner. More specifically, MMP activity and invasiveness is increased with the addition of exogenous TIMP-2 in poorly invasive cell lines whereas it is decreased in highly invasive cells lines (MDA-MB-231). Conversely, the addition of ALA + TIMP-2 resulted in decreased invasiveness regardless of cell line.  相似文献   
The discovery of the HD (Huntington’s disease) gene in 1993 led to the creation of genetic mouse models of the disease and opened the doors for mechanistic studies. In particular, the early changes and progression of the disease could be followed and examined systematically. The present review focuses on the contribution of these genetic mouse models to the understanding of functional changes in neurons as the HD phenotype progresses, and concentrates on two brain areas: the striatum, the site of most conspicuous pathology in HD, and the cortex, a site that is becoming increasingly important in understanding the widespread behavioural abnormalities. Mounting evidence points to synaptic abnormalities in communication between the cortex and striatum and cell–cell interactions as major determinants of HD symptoms, even in the absence of severe neuronal degeneration and death.  相似文献   
RFP2, a gene frequently lost in various malignancies, encodes a protein with RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domains that belongs to the RBCC/TRIM family of proteins. Here we demonstrate that Rfp2 is an unstable protein with auto-polyubiquitination activity in vivo and in vitro, implying that Rfp2 acts as a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase. Consequently, Rfp2 ubiquitin ligase activity is dependent on an intact RING domain, as RING deficient mutants fail to drive polyubiquitination in vitro and are stabilized in vivo. Immunopurification and tandem mass spectrometry enabled the identification of several putative Rfp2 interacting proteins localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), including valosin-containing protein (VCP), a protein indispensable for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Importantly, we also show that Rfp2 regulates the degradation of the known ER proteolytic substrate CD3-delta, but not the N-end rule substrate Ub-R-YFP (yellow fluorescent protein), establishing Rfp2 as a novel E3 ligase involved in ERAD. Finally, we show that Rfp2 contains a C-terminal transmembrane domain indispensable for its localization to the ER and that Rfp2 colocalizes with several ER-resident proteins as analyzed by high-resolution immunostaining. In summary, these data are all consistent with a function for Rfp2 as an ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase.  相似文献   
Membrane-type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a multifunctional protease that regulates ECM degradation, proMMP-2 activation, and varied cellular processes including migration and viability. MT1-MMP is believed to be a central mediator of tumourigenesis whose role is dictated by its functionally distinct protein domains. Both the localization and signal transduction capabilities of MT1-MMP are dependent on its cytoplasmic domain, exemplifying diverse regulatory functions. To further our understanding of the multifunctional contributions of MT1-MMP to cellular processes, we overexpressed cytoplasmic domain altered constructs in MCF-7 breast cancer cells and analyzed migration and viability in 2D culture conditions, morphology in 3D Matrigel culture, and tumorigenic ability in vivo. We found that the cytoplasmic domain was not needed for MT1-MMP mediated migration promotion, but was necessary to maintain viability during serum depravation in 2D culture. Similarly, during 3D Matrigel culture the cytoplasmic domain of MT1-MMP was not needed to initiate a protrusive phenotype, but was necessary to prevent colony blebbing when cells were serum deprived. We also tested in vivo tumorigenic potential to show that cells expressing cytoplasmic domain altered constructs demonstrated a reduced ability to vascularize tumours. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain regulates MT1-MMP function in a manner required for cell survival, but is dispensable for cell migration.  相似文献   
We have determined the cytotoxic properties of pentamidine isethionate (2) towards the promastigotes of the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum. The leishmanicidal activity of 2 was 60 times higher after 72 h of incubation than that of cisplatin (4). The pentamidine salt 2 induced a higher amount of programmed cell death (PCD) than cisplatin, which is associated with inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell-cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. Circular dichroism (CD) data indicate that binding of 2 to calf-thymus DNA (CT-DNA) induces conformational changes in the DNA double helix, consistent with a B-->A transition. Moreover, the interaction of 2 with ubiquitin led to a 6% increase in the beta-sheet content of the protein as observed by CD spectroscopy. Fluorescence-spectroscopy studies agreed with the CD data, showing that the pentamidine portion of 2 induces a significant decrease in the fluorescence of the Ub residues Phe4 and Phe45 located on the beta-cluster of the molecule, but not of Tyr59 on the alpha-cluster. These data indicate that pentamidine specifically modifies the beta-cluster, i.e., the 'basic face' of ubiquitin. Our results suggest that the biochemical mechanism of action of pentamidine may be a consequence of its dual binding to DNA and proteins.  相似文献   
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