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Summary Two female sibs are reported with a possibly new lethal malformation pattern, the major anomalies of which are: coarse face with small eyes and cloudy corneae, cleft soft palate, hypoplasia and absence of lobulation of both lungs, diaphragmatic defects, digitalisation of thumbs and distal limb deformities.  相似文献   
Pheromones are an important component of sexual communication in courting salamanders, but the number of species in which their use has been demonstrated with behavioral evidence remains limited. Here we developed a behavioral assay for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the aquatically courting Iberian ribbed newt Pleurodeles waltl. By performing an in-depth study of the courtship behavior, we show that females invariably open their cloaca (cloacal gaping) before engaging in pinwheel behavior, the circling movement that is the prelude to spermatophore uptake. In contrast, cloacal gaping was not observed in failed courtships, where females escaped or displayed thanatosis. Since gaping mainly occurred during male amplexus and cloacal imposition, which is the obvious period of pheromone transfer, we next investigated whether male courtship water (i.e., water holding courtship pheromones) alone was able to induce this reaction in females. These tests showed that courtship water induced cloacal gaping significantly more than water, even in the absence of a male. Cloacal gaping thus provides a simple and robust test for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the Iberian ribbed newt. Since opening the cloaca is an essential prerequisite for spermatophore pick-up in all internally fertilizing salamanders, we hypothesize that variations on this assay will also be useful in several other species.  相似文献   
Polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells based on low bandgap polymer:fullerene blends are promising for next generation low‐cost photovoltaics. While these solution‐processed solar cells are compatible with large‐scale roll‐to‐roll processing, active layers used for typical laboratory‐scale devices are too thin to ensure high manufacturing yields. Furthermore, due to the limited light absorption and optical interference within the thin active layer, the external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) of bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells are severely limited. In order to produce polymer solar cells with high yields, efficient solar cells with a thick active layer must be demonstrated. In this work, the performance of thick‐film solar cells employing the low‐bandgap polymer poly(dithienogermole‐thienopyrrolodione) (PDTG‐TPD) was demonstrated. Power conversion efficiencies over 8.0% were obtained for devices with an active layer thickness of 200 nm, illustrating the potential of this polymer for large‐scale manufacturing. Although an average EQE > 65% was obtained for devices with active layer thicknesses > 200 nm, the cell performance could not be maintained due to a reduction in fill factor. By comparing our results for PDTG‐TPD solar cells with similar P3HT‐based devices, we investigated the loss mechanisms associated with the limited device performance observed for thick‐film low‐bandgap polymer solar cells.  相似文献   
We propose random-effects models to summarize and quantify the accuracy of the diagnosis of multiple lesions on a single image without assuming independence between lesions. The number of false-positive lesions was assumed to be distributed as a Poisson mixture, and the proportion of true-positive lesions was assumed to be distributed as a binomial mixture. We considered univariate and bivariate, both parametric and nonparametric mixture models. We applied our tools to simulated data and data of a study assessing diagnostic accuracy of virtual colonography with computed tomography in 200 patients suspected of having one or more polyps.  相似文献   
Na/K-ATPase (NKA) activity is dynamically regulated by an inhibitory interaction with a small transmembrane protein, phospholemman (PLM). Inhibition is relieved upon PLM phosphorylation. Phosphorylation may alter how PLM interacts with NKA and/or itself, but details of these interactions are unknown. To address this, we quantified FRET between PLM and its regulatory target NKA in live cells. Phosphorylation of PLM was mimicked by mutation S63E (PKC site), S68E (PKA/PKC site), or S63E/S68E. The dependence of FRET on protein expression in live cells yielded information about the structure and binding affinity of the PLM-NKA regulatory complex. PLM phosphomimetic mutations altered the quaternary structure of the regulatory complex and reduced the apparent affinity of the PLM-NKA interaction. The latter effect was likely due to increased oligomerization of PLM phosphomimetic mutants, as suggested by PLM-PLM FRET measurements. Distance constraints obtained by FRET suggest that phosphomimetic mutations slightly alter the oligomer quaternary conformation. Photon-counting histogram measurements revealed that the major PLM oligomeric species is a tetramer. We conclude that phosphorylation of PLM increases its oligomerization into tetramers, decreases its binding to NKA, and alters the structures of both the tetramer and NKA regulatory complex.  相似文献   
Questions: What is the accuracy and reliability of the commonly used random soil sampling methodology for predicting seedling density, species richness and composition of the emerging seedling community? Location: Lake Kraenepoel, western Belgium. Methods: We compared density, species composition and observed and rarefactioned species richness of the seedling community emerging on a soft water lake bed exposed after drainage with the seedling community germinating in the laboratory from random soil samples in the same plots. Results: Seedling density did not differ between the two methods and there was a significant correlation between seedling density on the exposed lake bed and in the soil samples. This indicates that future seedling density can be reliably predicted based on soil sampling, in particular for the most abundant species. The most frequently occurring and abundant species among the seedlings in the soil samples were also the most frequent and abundant species germinating on the exposed lake bed. In contrast, species richness was much higher on the exposed lake bed than in the soil samples, and this difference was still significant for annual species after correction for differences in sampling intensity by rarefaction. We found no correlation between the number of species retrieved by the two methods. Although seedlings of rare and target species emerged on the lake bed, random soil sampling clearly failed to detect seeds of most of these species. Conclusions: Random soil sampling at a commonly used intensity and using the standard germination conditions can accurately predict future total seedling density and the density of the most abundant species. However, the method is not reliable for predicting the probability of establishment of populations of uncommon species. When executing a seed bank study, sampling intensity and germination conditions need to be adapted to the nature and the level of detail of the research question to be answered.  相似文献   
Dispersal can be regarded as a process operating both betweenand within patches of suitable habitat. For uncontrolled dispersalprocesses, the risk of crossing the borders of the habitat patchand arriving in the unsuitable landscape matrix will increasewith decreasing patch area, in particular when the distancebetween isolated habitat patches is larger than the species'average dispersal capacity. Ballooning dispersal in spiderscan be considered as a passive dispersal process, in which disperseddistances depend on the prevalent wind velocity. We executeda reaction norm analysis to analyze how dispersal propensityof the salt marsh wolf spider Pardosa purbeckensis dependedon population characteristics (patch size) and the environment(wind velocity). Dispersal propensity was affected by the interactionbetween wind velocity and maternal patch size. Ballooning propensitiesdecreased with decreasing salt marsh size. Interestingly, genotypesfrom large salt marshes show higher ballooning propensitiesunder higher wind velocities, whereas those from small habitatpatches show their highest dispersal propensity under low windvelocities. Crossing reaction norms and subsequently stronggenotype x environment interaction variation was observed inall populations but tended to be lower in genotypes from largesalt marshes. It is likely that this pattern results from differencesin wind velocity–related costs of within-habitat dispersalin salt marshes of different sizes.  相似文献   
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